2. Daily Activity Accountability



  • Klipsan
    Klipsan Posts: 107 Member
    March 23 Exercise: 45 minutes - Jodi Stolove’s "Chair Dancing Through The Decades" exercise video.
  • arlenestrohmaier
    arlenestrohmaier Posts: 67 Member
    45 min of zumba. Now cleaning house, vacuum, mop and dusting with the music turned up :smiley: more dancing
  • ck1257
    ck1257 Posts: 5 Member
    Yesterday I did 2 walks with the dog. A short one while I waited for my fiance to come home (~10 minutes) and then we went for a longer one together (~30 minutes). Today we will go for another walk, as long as the rain holds out!
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    Today I did 30 min gentle walk, would have done more but my bad knee was hurting too much. I still feel good for having gone out and moved a bit though. Rob I don't know how you managed to go up a hill all that time. I felt exhausted just reading that. well done. How you prevent blisters ?
  • animalrob37
    animalrob37 Posts: 92 Member
    Well the portion that is uphill was only 20 minutes of the total. The rest is getting from my place to where bogus hill Rd begins. It is very steep from that point though. And my heart rate goes really high. I wear size 15 wide snow boots with moisture wicking 86% wool carhartt socks. They are very thick and cushion well. The boots fit me like a glove and my feet don't slide around at all. Once the outdoor temp goes above 50 I might have to wear thinner socks so my
    feet might slide but I do have a pair of hiking boots which might work ok. I like boots because I like the ankle support. I have a sensitive right ankle that can give out occasionally.
  • katdanash
    katdanash Posts: 1,390 Member
    You all are doing great!

    I'm doing 20 mins walking in place and hopefully more
  • Jake1410
    Jake1410 Posts: 15 Member
    March 23 - one short walk with the dog today. Also did a big Easter house clean, so that worked up a sweat!
  • BigChangeNeeded
    BigChangeNeeded Posts: 671 Member
    Only a gentle 20 minute walk today, 'female' reasons prevented me from doing much more than that today (sorry if that's TMI, ha ha).
  • animalrob37
    animalrob37 Posts: 92 Member
    102 minutes walking today. My calves are now very very sore so I'm probably staying in bed tomorrow. The weather in Minnesota has been really great lately. Sunny everyday this week. Not typical March weather around here. A bit chilly for some being in the 30 but I can't get enough.
  • anjewelz
    anjewelz Posts: 15 Member
    Yesterday went to the mall and walked around doing. Got 8k steps. Today was lacking...had to get up 2 hours earlier for a breakfast meeting for work....just woke up from passing out when I got home. Too tired to do much else so not great activity today. Only 2500 steps so far.
  • Tata0716
    Tata0716 Posts: 65 Member
    I really lack this motivation, housework and arm workout was all I got in for today. You are all very inspiring and are a great motivation, keep up the great work! :)
  • 1cand0it2
    1cand0it2 Posts: 169 Member
    missed today, still on target for the week. I have a good plan for tomorrow...
  • ClarissaCLD
    ClarissaCLD Posts: 212 Member
    I have been going to aquafit twice a week, Tuesday and Thursday evening. I still find it really hard, but it is not as hard as when I started back in February. A couple more weeks and I am thinking of going into the gym part and doing some weights. Lose skin is something I really worry about and resistance training is better for that than cardio. I will have to see how it goes.
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    I like the sound of aquafit, that sounds like fun Clarissa.
    A few weeks ago I went to look at my local fitness studio and gym , I did a free trial class at the studio and decided it was way too advanced for me then I ran away or walked briskly away. Today I went back and joined the gym part. I was way bigger than anyone there but the staff were nice and people were minding their own business. I did 40 min on bike on moderate setting, 10 min on treadmill brisk walking pace on 10% incline. I also used a weight machine one of staff suggested would help my mangled knee. My heart rate was staying between 150 and 165 which according to charts they had means I was in endurance training mode. Last time I went to a gym around this time last year my heart rate went up to 190 which was off the chart and I wondered if meant I was in about to drop dead mode. I hate gyms but I am sure it is good for me. I need to strengthen my knee so I can get back to doing what I really like doing which would be long scenic country walks.
  • BigChangeNeeded
    BigChangeNeeded Posts: 671 Member
    I can totally understand the feeling of hating gyms. I joined just over a month ago, and I currently only go at around 6.30am on a Saturday and Sunday because its next to empty (its a 24 hour gym).
    I go on Monday evenings to attend a weight loss group there, and that's really hard for me. Not only do I have to walk through the weightlifting part of the gym, where some people laughed at me two weeks ago, but the women in my weightloss group all look so slender! Two of them look as though they're actually underweight, I'd be surprised if they were even in the 'healthy' range. They both turn up in full make-up, manicured nails, looking so pretty, and I'm there in a massive t-shirt and leggings, feeling like a bloody elephant!

    Aquafit sounds awesome. I'm too scared to go swimming right now, because I'm afraid people will be too harsh about how I look, but I'm desperate to start swimming again. Its something I totally loved when I was younger, and I used to be quite a strong swimmer. I would probably go sooner if I knew I could wear something that would cover me up a bit, leggings and something to cover my arms would be a good start.

    Only 20 minutes walking for me so far today, but I'm about to do some heavy-duty housework - tidying, hoovering, moving some furniture from one room to another, so I imagine I'll work up a bit of a sweat before turning in for the night.

    I'm doing a 10k walk for charity in July, so I really need to up my game when it comes to exercise. I'm walking with some work mates, and I don't want to let them down.
  • Jake1410
    Jake1410 Posts: 15 Member
    Busy day, so didn't get much time to get some exercise in.
  • katdanash
    katdanash Posts: 1,390 Member
    Yes !!! I made to 20 mins of low impact aerobics!!! Love it !!
  • 1cand0it2
    1cand0it2 Posts: 169 Member
    2 miles walking this morning, and Jazzercise class this evening. Good day! And I feel great.
  • animalrob37
    animalrob37 Posts: 92 Member
    I was sore but my brother convinced me to load half a pickup full of wood from down the road then a 2 hour sauna which I just found out burns a fair number of calories even without moving around.
  • Klipsan
    Klipsan Posts: 107 Member
    March 24 Exercise: 45 minutes - Jodi Stolove’s "Chair Dancing Through The Decades" exercise video.