3. Daily nutrition accountability



  • lungs59
    lungs59 Posts: 50 Member
    No breakfast today since I worked nights well maybe I Guess I did...I had some celery and carrots around midnight. I'm going to try a new chicken recipe today for dinner that I found on Facebook.... This night shift stuff screws me all up... Food and exercise. I don't even feel like folding the laundry.
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    I have stuck to my plan today, I find it is quite easy to stay on track all the time I eat stuff that does not excite me. So my food is all based on nutritional goals rather than yumminess. The moment I eat something that excites me I tend to lose plot and then do lots of damage before I get back on track. I have not been hungry so that helps. I don't mind my food being boring as long as I am not hungry. I hate being hungry all the time, If I have to stay hungry then I end up binge eating so I am just happy not to be hungry for a change.
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    lungs59 wrote: »
    No breakfast today since I worked nights well maybe I Guess I did...I had some celery and carrots around midnight. I'm going to try a new chicken recipe today for dinner that I found on Facebook.... This night shift stuff screws me all up... Food and exercise. I don't even feel like folding the laundry.

    You are doing so well and lost so much weight already. Focus on that. What you have achieved already is amazing. keep going :)
  • 1cand0it2
    1cand0it2 Posts: 169 Member
    I had a meh day. Under my calorie limit due to exercise, but need to cut down on the quantity. Quality was good.
  • animalrob37
    animalrob37 Posts: 92 Member
    1400 calories today. I was going to skip dinner but figured I would get protein since I'm really sore from chopping wood yesterday.
  • Klipsan
    Klipsan Posts: 107 Member
    I'm on plan and planning to stay that way. :)
  • katdanash
    katdanash Posts: 1,390 Member
    This has not been so great . the doctor put me on diabetes meds .. Stressed myself out worrying about aide effects , food in take under calorie goal buts fats higher than I like . salad for dinner !!
  • Jake1410
    Jake1410 Posts: 15 Member
    Today went well, kept on plan. A bit worried about the big family get together on Easter Sunday, though.
  • arlenestrohmaier
    arlenestrohmaier Posts: 67 Member
    I have been doing really good. Logging my food is HUGE for me. Not a new concept, been there done that before, but this time i'm doing it totally different. I've found if I log everything for the day the night before or first thing in the morning, it takes away the cravings and decision making when its time for food. If I need to make a change during the day, I just swap it out and so far it's working for me. Grilled shrimp skewers and roasted veggies tonight.
  • arlenestrohmaier
    arlenestrohmaier Posts: 67 Member
    Jake1410 wrote: »
    Today went well, kept on plan. A bit worried about the big family get together on Easter Sunday, though.

    I have 25 coming for Easter dinner. Hoping this year to make better choices but I'm a little worried with all the desserts that seem to show up :wink:
  • BigChangeNeeded
    BigChangeNeeded Posts: 671 Member
    I feel like I've eaten loads today, and yet I'm 400 calories under my daily target. I'm scratching that up as a win!
  • animalrob37
    animalrob37 Posts: 92 Member
    Stayed to plan but a little high on salt. I find soup unpalatable without extra salt but at least I used Himalayan salt. If I don't eat low salt tomorrow then Fridays weigh in will be high.
  • 4321start
    4321start Posts: 6 Member
    Some healthy food choices today, some crappy choices. Working on making healthy choices the rest of today.
  • anjewelz
    anjewelz Posts: 15 Member
    Both yesterday and today were of days for me it was difficult to be healthy in my food choices. I do feel good that MFP said I'd weigh less if I are that way for 5 weeks even with what I ate. So bright side thinking.
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    Well done everyone. I stayed on plan today also. I agree it helps me to log everything before I eat it too. I often copy previous days log then edit it as I go but before I eat. The best bit for me is waking up in the morning without feeling guilty about the previous days eating.
  • Tata0716
    Tata0716 Posts: 65 Member
    I was happy with what I ate today, but the afternoon was a struggle - couldn't get full. :/
  • 1cand0it2
    1cand0it2 Posts: 169 Member
    Under goal today, and stopped at 5:00! I'm trying IF (eight-hour eating window, 16 hours of fasting). I hope it will help me sleep better!
  • ClarissaCLD
    ClarissaCLD Posts: 212 Member
    Yesterday was so so. I was under my calories (just) but I did have a cadburys easter egg. I chose the smallest one in the shop though and it was just the egg no filling. I bought two and the other one is in my the boot of my car. I don't think I will have enough calories for it today, so it is staying there. So far today has gone really well. I am just trying to figure out my evening meals. I am at the dentist at 3.45pm for 2 fillings, so won't be able to eat until nearly 6pm. But aquafit is at 7pm. I need some food before aquafit as I keep going hypo, but cant have a lot so close before exercise. I will have to let you know how I solve that one.
  • lungs59
    lungs59 Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks O.W. I'm trying to stay focused on the positive things that I have accomplished so far. I think it's just the GOAL that is looming over my head :s. And the stull in my weight loss that has me at my wits end right now. You all are exactly what I need right now... To hear all of your stories .... they may differ slightly in the details but we all definitely understand the battles we each fight every day..... It's just nice to be part of a group that soooooo gets me and my struggles.
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    I stayed on plan today again today :)