Abstinence Check in



  • SenchaJill
    SenchaJill Posts: 633 Member
    Committing to my recovery today - just for today.
  • SenchaJill
    SenchaJill Posts: 633 Member
    Just for today ✔️
  • SenchaJill
    SenchaJill Posts: 633 Member
    Pledging my commitment to my abstinence, and plan of eating, for today.
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    Here today for another day commited to abstinence.
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    I'm back on track for abstinence after a birthday celebration on the first of November. There was a little bit of fallout, extra hunger for a couple of days, I also felt bloated and like I was retaining water weight. Today first day to feel really over it. I notice even a few raisens are problematic now that I have given up eating sugar. Anyone else find that?
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Raisins are pretty high in sugar...being dehydrated, they're concentrated. I find that sugar free things - or things that specifically say "25% lower sugar" still tend to be way too sweet for me. I can still hit an unplanned binge with higher sugar items, but regular choices have me wanting far less of a sweet taste. A banana feels and tastes like a full dessert practically.
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    Thanks for sharing on sweet foods! I can also say the sugar free things have gotten me into a LOT of trouble from time to time. A few years ago I found some boxed sugar free cookies on sale. Bought one, seemed to be ok, bought two on my next trip to the store. Somehow a few months later and many boxes of cookies eaten, I'd completely gone from a sugar abstinant life to eating half to one whole package of ordinary sugared cookies daily. I'd gained probably 15 to 20 pounds too. It was good in one way, it brought me back to OA and thankfully a healthier way of eating since then. Its amazing how mindless the craving for these things is, then its like waking up out of a dream one day and back to reality. Its still very odd to me how that can happen to my mind and this total loss of will power. Recently this is part of how I define the powerlessness and unmanageablility of my life in Step One of the OA program. I admit I'm really powerless and I need help with this. Compulsive eating is a cunning and baffeling problem. I really do believe only a Power Greater than me can get me recovered.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    It isn't about willpower AT ALL. The industry uses our brain chemicals against us. It's hard to avoid in this day and age, but all we can do is the best we can - the rest is above our heads...

    I wish you continued success on your ongoing recovery!
  • SenchaJill
    SenchaJill Posts: 633 Member
    I'm checking in here and pledging my commitment to my abstinence today. I'm grateful that my cravings, and my urges to compulsively overeat have been lifted. I know this is not me. I'm again admitting my powerlessness, believing in, and asking for help from my higher power.
    Wishing all my fellow OAers a good day.
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    Checking in at the end of the day. Over on my maintenance calories but abstinant from grains and sugar. I did have a couple of figs, more sweet fruit than usual and it did give me more appetite, combined with some walking up hills, which makes me hungrier.
    Grateful for abstinence today though, thanks to the fellow oaers and that Greater Power.
  • MarilynSoper
    MarilynSoper Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, this is my first post here, just got the premium... I have been in and out of OA for several years, but I have been back for almost two months, have an awesome sponsor and have lost over 15 LB's and have been clean abstinence for more than a month. Joined the Gym and have been working out ever since, feeling pretty good right now and I am on the pink cloud!!
  • SenchaJill
    SenchaJill Posts: 633 Member
    Good evening, OAers - I'm checking in at the end of my day, grateful for another day of abstinence. I'm relieved that the urges to compulsively eat have been lifted for me - for today.
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    Hi Everyone, pledging today to be free from sugar, wheat, baked goods. Remembering my complete powerlessness over food and so asking for help from the Power Greater than myself. Grateful for OA and all you my fellowship here for the freedom and support in abstaining and encouragement in recovery from coe with the 12 steps as a lifestyle. Have a great day everyone, be guided by good today!
  • SenchaJill
    SenchaJill Posts: 633 Member
    Good morning - I'm pledging my commitment to my OA recovery today.
  • SenchaJill
    SenchaJill Posts: 633 Member
    Pledging my commitment to my program of recovery today. Powerless, I do believe, and I turn my food over today.
  • SenchaJill
    SenchaJill Posts: 633 Member
    Grateful at the close of another day of abstinence.
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    Turning food over today and grateful for OA people!.
  • SenchaJill
    SenchaJill Posts: 633 Member
    Checking in at the end of the day - grateful for my abstinence. I'm appealing to my hp for guidance, and relief from obsession, in these coming days while I will be out of my routine with extended family - all focused around food. Grateful for my fellow OAers, and wishing you all food sober days on this Thanksgiving holiday.
  • brettbabs
    brettbabs Posts: 1 Member
    I am going to be joining my local OA soon. I've finally realized that my overeating is out of my control and I need to treat it as what it is -- an addiction. I am glad to see this group on MyFitnessPal and hope to be a regular participant.
  • SenchaJill
    SenchaJill Posts: 633 Member
    Welcome, Brettbabs! Many people who came before me posted lots of useful information on this MFP group. It has helped me enormously to bring an OA perspective to using this MFP app.
    And, I consider this app to be a useful tool in keeping me honest about my food.
    My recovery comes through OA, and I am so grateful for a program of recovery.