May you never miss a deadlift and drop it on the floor - daily checkin for may.



  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    lwhayes820 wrote: »
    kimiuzzell wrote: »
    Bit of a hit and miss session for me today but I really feel as though I worked hard, so I'll take that and run with it:

    SQ 5/5/4/5/4 @ 67.5kgs I tried for that last rep on each set but it wasn't going to happen. Next time!!

    BP 5/4/3 @42.5kg then back to 40 kgs for 2 x 5 - felt scrappy on these. Need to focus more as I really really want to push through and head towards 50kgs by the end of the year.

    Row - 5x5 45kgs. I deloaded slightly from last session (47.5kgs) as I want to work on my arms not sticking out so much. I want them to go back rather than out.

    So, then did some work from "strong"

    Goblet squats - 2x 12 @ 26kgs

    Single arm rows - 2x 12 @ 10kgs - really concentrating on getting the elbows back and up rather than flailing out.

    step ups - 2 x 12 each side with 10kgs in each hand. Hard on my hips so will be interesting to see if it aches later today.

    Press ups - 2 x 12 full press ups. Pleased with these.

    plank 60s then 45s

    bird dog 4 x 15secs each side. After the first one when I nearly fell flat on my face, I got the hang of these.

    Finished off with a mile of intervals on the cross trainer.

    I really really felt like I worked. Just need to squeeze out those last reps and concentrate on holding form.

    How do you like the Strong program?

    I've only done the first 2 sessions. So early days yet. I've previously done Nrol4w so knew the format behind it. I just need something structured that I can do when the squat rack is taken up, because I was finding that I was getting frustrated if I couldn't do my planned SL.

    I figure that even if I end up doubling up and doing SL and Strong, as long as I am sensible, it shouldn't overload my body. This is what I did with SL and Nrol4w originally and it was fine.

    So, so far, so good. I'm liking the core and balance work more this time and can really feel myself working. Too early to get results but I'm optimistic!!
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    My gym had a lot of equipment under maintenance today so I couldn't bench. I switched to workout B instead.

    What a disaster.

    Squat at 75 lbs - 5/5/5/5/4 - it is definitely getting harder and I need to rest properly.

    OHP at 50 lbs - 1/3/4/0/0 - the last two sets I de-loaded down to 45 lbs and did those.

    Deadlift at 105 lbs - goose egg. I did 95 lbs at 1x3 so I'm definitely struggling. I need to go down further so I changed the weight. I am gonna try 65 lbs next week. Watch the form videos over and over again and get some help.

    Saturday is a rest day. Back to it on Sunday!
  • SuperMelinator
    SuperMelinator Posts: 80 Member
    @samanthaluangphixay This video by Strength Camp helped me understand deadlift form better than anything I've previously seen.
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    @SuperMelinator thanks so much!!!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited May 2016
    t day. idk where my numbers and his numbers for ohp got themselves out of sync, but his were a little bit up from where my spreadsheet says. i think he rounded my training weight up to 70lbs whereas my sheet has it at the literal value of 67.5. anyway, on my sheet the weights were 44, 51, 57.5, but on his board they were 45/52.5/60. given the 2.5 pound extra, i don't feel too bad about missing my 5 on the last set. anyway i went back 30 seconds later and did another 3 just for so-there purposes, so i feel like i covered that base and i'm good for 3's week.

    i was also watching the lower trap on my left super-carefully, so didn't have very demanding expectations given the subtle way that this shifted my form. he did say he was going to invent a new leaderboard just for me. 'closest ohp bar path to nose' because i'm not just close but super-consistently close. still, somehow on the final rep of the last set, i just lost the 'shelf' and could not get it back, so that was the cause of the final-rep fail.

    deadlifts were 100/115/130. i got 6 of those and then another 3 after i took a short rest. following that i did 3x5 rows at . . . i guess it was 75, which wasn't bad at all considering. again, hyper-attention on setting my left shoulderblade without letting the rhomboid/lat/serratus take over from the lower trap, so i'm happy with all of this session really.

    mr squats was on 'vacation' - he said - so instead of the usual lifts he just did 500 reps whamming a huge tire with a huge hammer. super-impressive consistency in his force and timing - he took 18 minutes to do it and it was like working in the same room with a giant steam train.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    I lifted today. The gym was nice and quiet.

    SQ 5/4/5/5/4 @ 67.5kgs. Guess I will be staying with this weight for a while! Had to keep watching my knees too ad they wanted to cave inwards.

    OHP 5/5/5/5/4 @30 kgs. Still using my knees to push although not as much as last time. Damn that last rep, though!!

    DL 3+2 @ 80kgs. A new best for me. Had to pause part way through the set as I have stupidly bruised my little finger when I tried (and failed) to catch some plates I was dropping when I emptied the dishwasher!! You don't realise how much wise your little forger until you try and Deadlift!!!!

    Also did 5 front squats with the bar just for form, plus 5x5 goblet squats @28kg dumbell. Also single Arm rows @12 kgs, trying to get my elbows back as when I use the bar I am sure they stick out too much.

    Core work on the swissball and some assisted pullups before 2 miles on the crosstrainer

    Then rewarded myself with a new skirt for summer. Just need the tan to go with it!!
  • ninenines
    ninenines Posts: 197 Member
    SQ: 3x5 at 45kg. Got there, but a bit shaky so I think I'll deload and work on form some more.
    OHP: 3,5,4 at 24.5kg. I don't even know what happened in the first set, was just really hard. Might have been able to squeeze out a fifth in the third set, but having already missed I didn't have the mental strength.
    DL: 1x5 at 60kg and 72.5kg. I love how easy 60kg feels these days. I also think I've figured out / developed enough strength to actually engage my lats properly, yay!
    HT: 3x8 at 55kg, with 5 second hold on last reps. Will build to 10 second hold before moving up weights.

    @kimiuzzell I hope your finger heals up quick so you can keep crushing that deadlift!
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    Workout A today!

    Much better than the previous day's workout.

    Squat @ 75lbs for 5x5 with two warm up sets at 45 lbs and one warm up at 55 lbs.

    Bench @ 55 lbs for 5x5 with one warm up set at 45 lbs.

    Barbell row @ 55 lbs for 5x5 with one warm up set at 45 lbs.

    Contemplating doing warm ups with lower weight fixed barbells for some of the exercises because I'm still at a low weight for the lifts.

    Finished up with some sets of calf raises, and assisted chin ups/dips.

    All in all, a good Sunday workout. Enjoy your day!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Rest day for me today. As lazy as lazy can be.

    Gym in the morning, though!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    turned out to be accessory day. i went in to test my mobility more than anything else and then play it by ear depending on whether or not i could get my form slotted in and how well my muscles ended up able to move. so what i ended up doing was 3x15 at 50% training max for deadlifts and squats, plus 4x5 serious rows at 75 with manic lower-trap attention . . . and not a whole lot of anything else. some short ohp sets at 30 and 45 lb, lots of broomstick dislocations and scapular fixing from the pulldown bar . . . and some one-sided y's.

    worked fine for me. 75lb deadlifts and 50lb squats seem like nothing, of course. and kind of in theory they are. but 15 individual reps in a row, with only enough pause to make sure i was taking in a new breath and doing the whole setup again from the top . . . that is a workout as well. i actually liked the way it lets you get into such a machine-like groove that i was actually noticing the tiny deviations and breakdowns in form when they began to show up by rep 10. with single-digit sets i tend to miss stuff like that.

    ate two apples before even leaving the grocery store. came home and ate half a cantaloupe, now killing off mostly-rice leftovers from last night's stir fry. sucking down water and planning a protein shake soon, but i expect to be sore tomorrow.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Schedule has been off lately. I did a 20 minute jog this morning along with some walking. Then stopped by work to drop something off and got asked if I would mind clocking in early. So, instead of working 2-close, I started work at 11:30 am. Didn't even have my work shirt with me. Stayed until 9:30, which made for a long day. Ended up skipping the gym and I'll have to figure out lifting tomorrow maybe or something. Need to pack too. Have a close shift, then an open shift before my days off, but will get there.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Bank holiday here, so hubby and I got a good amount of gym time in this morning.

    SQ... Having failed at 67.5kgs the last couple of times, I went back to 65 kgs. Did 4x5 then did 1x5 @70kgs. Felt really good doing this.

    Also 2x12 goblet squats @28kgs

    rows.... 5x5 @ 45 kgs. Plus 2x12 single Arm rows @ 14kgs

    BP finally got 5x5. @42.5kgs. Hubby was impressed. On a weight to bodyweight ratio, I'm lifting as much if not more as he is :o

    Did some planks, Press ups etc and cardio on the crosstrainer and bike.

    Yummy lunch of smoked haddock and spinach omelette followed and now we have collapsed!!
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    I took a day off the program today since I did workout A yesterday.

    I did some exercises today, focusing on my upper body.

    Tricep extensions, bench dips, one-arm rows, side bends, back extension, shoulder shrugs, incline dumbbell chest press, and bench press.

    The program advises only three workouts per this what you guys do? And then accessory work the other days of the week?

    Also, I am to increase my weight on the bench press next time I do workout it detrimental for me to 'practice' by trying the weight beforehand on another day?

    Sorry for all the questions - only my second week working the program.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    samanthalua - back when I did stronglifts, I didn't really do any accessories except the occasional leg press because it was one I knew and kind of liked. For the most part, the 12 weeks I did SL, I stuck to the main movements along with some cardio on the side. I haven't done the program since though. Did NROLFW (though didn't always follow exactly, then ended up doing PHUL for a while, which is an upper/lower split. Still deciding on what I'll do coming over summer but the main focus will be the main lifts with just a few accessories along the way.

    As for today, so tired. After the rough day yesterday (which included struggles like having a bottle of wine break that I then had to clean up), I was tired but when I tried to sleep, nothing. No sleep last yet. Was at the gym before 5 am. Did the natural thing after no sleep and deciding to lift weights after having a long day that included 25,000 steps. I decided to try a squat challenge. I'd seen it from Alan Thrall and a couple others with the intention of doing it some time later on but randomly decided since it's Memorial day and I was in the gym, why not? So, I filmed equating my body weight (135) for 22 reps and will post on youtube with links to the Lift for the 22 that the challenge wants to bring awareness towards.


    Squats 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 95, 1x22 @ 135 and 1x8 @ 135
    - filmed the 22 set, did the 8 extra for fun afterwards in a different set

    Deadlift 1x6 @ 135, 1x5 @ 185 and with belt 2x3 @ 215

    cable bicep curl 3x10 @ 60
    tricep pushdown 3x10 @ 70

    30 minutes on elliptical

    Then I walked outside at the park cause the places I wanted to try breakfast fast food from weren't quite open yet with the holiday and all. Sadly, since I hadn't gotten stuff from their breakfast in like 10 years Burger King no longer had the item I enjoyed. No more cimi-minis. Struck out at Taco Bell too as had to pick something other than the waffle taco I'd heard about. Got dollar items and they were eh. Donuts are better.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    Starting over.. Again. Since evenings don't seem to be working out for me, I decided to try morning workouts. I am so not a morning person. I won't be able to do mornings every week, since night shift and 6-2 shifts make that tricky, but those days I'll be home early enough to do it before making dinner.

    Squats 3x5 at 95 lbs
    Bench 3x5 at 65
    Row 3x5 at 65
    Shrugs 3x8 at 65
    Skull crushers 3x8 at 30 lbs
    Dumbbell curls 3x8 at 15 lbs
    Good mornings 3x10 at 65
    Hanging leg raises 3x10

    Forgot pull ups. Oops. Wasn't horrible over all. I felt weak, but I don't know if that has to do with the change to mornings, the fact that it was t first time working out fasted, or just from a too long break from lifting.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    today's 3's week workout brought to you by . . . hiccups and cantaloupe. and maybe madness.

    i'm trying out this 3x15-accessory idea for the main lifts, and just did that for my deadlifts and squats yesterday. felt like i woke up still pumped - and i might actually be since i'm 5- 10 pounds heavier today. so there's been all kinds of fiddling going on in my head to make this work with and around my main-workout lifts. i didn't intend to deadlift at all, but . . . well, you know. i did press as well and somehow it turned into both the work sets and the light sets, so after that i was feeling top heavy and deadlifting seemed to fit in. i tried doing my light bench press instead, but not sorry i let that one go as i can't even find the shoulderblade that i'm trying to control when i'm down on the bench.

    ohp: 30x3x15, 45x3, 55x3, 60x3. accessory/warmup went great form-wise, but little disappointed that i only got 3 on the final work set. serves me right for being greedy, i think. on the other hand, win for the little lower-trap muscle that's never been really called up to work press before.

    deadlift 3x115, 3x125, 5x140. WAY better than i thought they would be. way way WAY better. i'm going to credit a couple of things: lower-trap consciousness, and chris duffin. i watched this last night and his five 'steps' just felt like they dialed me right in, much better than rippetoe's do. by rep 5 though i was starting to get lazy and sloppy with the breath/brace and the lat/back engagement, so i quit at that point.

    i also had hiccups most of this workout. i was wondering how that would work in mid-rep, but seems like lifting suppresses them . . . for just that long. but then when they come back in between, whoa nelly. a charged up core can REALLY make a hiccup a liftoff event.
  • scrittrice
    scrittrice Posts: 345 Member
    I took a day off the program today since I did workout A yesterday.

    I did some exercises today, focusing on my upper body.

    Tricep extensions, bench dips, one-arm rows, side bends, back extension, shoulder shrugs, incline dumbbell chest press, and bench press.

    The program advises only three workouts per this what you guys do? And then accessory work the other days of the week?

    Also, I am to increase my weight on the bench press next time I do workout it detrimental for me to 'practice' by trying the weight beforehand on another day?

    Sorry for all the questions - only my second week working the program.

    No expert, but my advice would be to stick to the program as written for the first few months. It seems easy in the beginning, but it will get challenging and time-consuming very quickly.
  • ninenines
    ninenines Posts: 197 Member
    I did Stronglifts A this morning.
    SQ: 3x5 at 40kg. Good form feels elusive, trying to nailing things down.
    BP: 3x5 at 33kg.
    BR: 4,5,5,5,5 at 38kg.
    The program advises only three workouts per this what you guys do? And then accessory work the other days of the week?

    Also, I am to increase my weight on the bench press next time I do workout it detrimental for me to 'practice' by trying the weight beforehand on another day?

    Sorry for all the questions - only my second week working the program.

    When I started out I just followed the program, three workouts a week. After a few months I added in some other stuff (kettlebell workouts) and I also play sport 2x a week. I agree with @scrittrice that you should stick to the program for at least a couple of months if you have not had lifting experience before. On your off days you could look at doing some mobility/flexibility work or light cardio depending on your goals.
  • 5minty
    5minty Posts: 85 Member
    I took a day off the program today since I did workout A yesterday.

    I did some exercises today, focusing on my upper body.

    Tricep extensions, bench dips, one-arm rows, side bends, back extension, shoulder shrugs, incline dumbbell chest press, and bench press.

    The program advises only three workouts per this what you guys do? And then accessory work the other days of the week?

    Also, I am to increase my weight on the bench press next time I do workout it detrimental for me to 'practice' by trying the weight beforehand on another day?

    Sorry for all the questions - only my second week working the program.

    I agree with @ninenines, stick to the three per week, when I first started I felt like I wasn't doing enough either, but it gets to be more then enough real fast and you honestly won't be able to do more ;-)

    SL's B workout today

    Squat: 45lbs 2x5, 80lbs 5x5
    OHP: 45lbs 5x5
    DL: 45lbs 1x5, 95lbs 1x5, 135lbs 1x5
    BB Curls: 30lbs 3x8

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    another vote for just-the-programme. i was totally in love with lifting when i started out, but everything people are saying is true.

    if the weight's light for you now, this is a golden opportunity to get comfortable with your form. believe me, it gets much harder to do that once the weight's challenging you. try to see this early phase as a movement-pattern project if it doesn't feel like you're lifting Real Weights yet.