May you never miss a deadlift and drop it on the floor - daily checkin for may.



  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Yes. I agree! It's tempting when you are seeing other people posting accessories or extra workouts as you think "ooh, I could just add that in", but that time will come soon enough! Form is everything at this stage. Nail that and you'll see results so much quicker, even with just SL as written. Try and move on too quickly and you're in danger of having to take a step back through injury or stalling.

    Stick with it!!
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    Thanks everybody for the suggestions. I will definitely stick with the program!

    Yesterday I had a cardio kickboxing class and today was workout B.

    Squat @ 80lbs for 5x5 with a warm up of 1x8 @ 45lbs and 1x5 @ 55lbs.

    OHP @ 50 lbs for 3/5/3/1/1 with a warm up of 1x5 @ 45lbs. - This is my second fail. My upper body strength is lacking big time.

    Deadlift @ 65lbs for 1x5 and then 85lbs for 1x5. - I was struggling with the 95lbs the program originally gave me so I lowered the weight and am working my way back up.

    I am trying to rest for longer because the weight is getting heavier. But sometimes I feel self-conscious about resting for the full three minutes because I always think there are other people waiting to use the equipment. Of course, I'd allow someone to work in if they asked but maybe it's just in my head. I don't want to be taking over one of the racks for too long if I'm only lifting lighter weights.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    ^^^ probably every gym develops its own subculture, but fwiw where i do my public workouts everyone seems to expect the long rests because everyone takes them themselves. if i really feel selfish and selfconscious, i'll spend the time doing non-demanding things like stretching or minor accessory work just to keep up a sort of general 'busy-ness' vibe.

    tbh, i don't like working in. i always agree when someone does ask me outright, and i think i collaborate with them fairly graciously . . . take one side of the plate-switching work, try to leave the bar on the pins that they're working from, etc etc. but i'm not sociable in the gym and it really shows up in working-in situations. and lifting in direct interaction with anyone else also makes me feel very selfconscious, even defensive, a lot of the time. if someone seems pressured for time and is otherwise pleasant, i'd much rather offer to let them go 'ahead' of me and go back to my own workout once they're done. kind of like in the grocery store when you've got a huge cart of stuff and someone shows up with a single item.

    in two years i've actually had a lot more acceptance from making that offer than i ever got by telling people they can work in. idk if it's my body language telling them how i really feel while my mouth is saying 'would you like to work in', or what ;) but they do respond well to the 'i'm happy to switch if you're in a rush', once you convince them it's fine. and i've always had very appreciative thanks when they give the space back to me.

    while secretly, it's all because i'd rather be super polite than have to lockstep my workout timing with theirs :D
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member

    It usually isn't a big deal...I'm usually one of the first ones at the gym so I am usually there first at the rack (my gym has 2). I think I just felt weird today because I was taking longer than the 90 seconds rest and I saw someone walk towards the racks upon arrival (both were taken by this time) and then turn around and walk away.

    I guess it is also a pain for them to work in when they are taller and lifting more as well. But if they asked, I would say yes.

    Letting them go first wasn't an option today since I was limited on time but oh well. We'll see what happens next time. *shrug*

    Ps. Really enjoying the program so far!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    So....I'm flirting with both SL and Strong at the mo. SL is my preferred, but increasingly I'm finding it difficult to get on the squat rack, so I've decided that rather than get stressed about it, I will be armed with "plan B", or Strong, which generally is using the other kit in the gym.

    So, its looking like I will manage to do SL twice a week, and Strong twice a week. I think that will work out reasonably well - although I will jump in that squat rack if I see it free regardless of when I am there - my aim is still to lift "the big 3" as heavy as I can.

    Today, though, I needed a day off from lifting, so did a 20 min HIIT session using battleropes and kettlebells, followed by 15 mins on the cross trainer. I'm really pleased with my strength progress, but my weight remains way over my comfort zone, and my BF% is still at something like 36% leaving plenty of room for improvement, so I am hoping that doing the HIIT will strip away at some of that, letting my newly defined muscles shine through a bit more!

    Worth a try, at least!!
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    Did some cardio today with some calisthenics.

    I am trying to take the advice of the posters here by sticking to the Stronglifts program as laid out, because I don't want to put too much strain on myself. But mentally, I feel like I need to be doing something so I got on the elliptical at the gym this morning.

    I don't know how people do it. It is so boring. I used to like the elliptical but now I am preferring to lift more and I just want to get off after ten minutes on the damn thing. I'm not trying to put down cardio, it does have its benefits, but maybe I need to look into doing HIIT cardio which might be more interesting.

    Rest day tomorrow and then workout A on Saturday. Happy Thursday!
  • ninenines
    ninenines Posts: 197 Member
    I find stationary equipment like the elliptical deathly boring too. I usually end up doing intervals on them to help the boredom.

    I really needed a workout this morning, but was strapped for time so skipped hip thrusts. Probably a good thing as I had some dry needling done on my piriformis on Tuesday.

    Front Squats: 1x5 at 20kg, 25kg, 27.5kg, 30kg
    OHP: 3x5 at 24.5kg
    DL: 1x5 at 60kg and 75kg
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    There's nothing wrong with doing a bit of cardio or HIIT on your non-lifting days - the key is to keep it at such a level that doesn't fatigue your muscles so much that your lifting progress suffers. I know that when I was running every day (even though it was only 2 miles a day), my lifting progress stalled. Doing the occasional spin class or an extra 20 mins on the rowing machine, however was fine.

    I'm probably not the best one to talk, because I am the most impatient person ever, and I frequently try and add in accessories or get frustrated because I feel I am not doing enough or not seeing quick enough results, but I do have to admit that when I focus on one programme or another, whether that's a NR based one, SL or ICF, I do seem to make more noticeable progress with weights and form.

    My main problem now is that trying to get on the squat rack is increasingly difficult due to the restricted times that I can go, which also happen to be the restricted times other people can go, so I do have to enter the gym with Plan A (SL) or Plan B (HIIT, Strong, or a spin class) should the rack be busy.

    No gym for me today - and we've got a wedding reception to go to this evening, so my morning walk to work will have to do. I'm planning on dancing off all food and drink calories from the wedding reception as the night goes on!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    I lifted today, on a hangover... Not a good move!!

    Managed 3 sets of Squats at 67.5kg but could not get further.

    OHP 5X5 @25kgs

    DL 3+2 @82.5 kgs. Better here, as this was a new best, but still had to split the set due to my broken finger. Pleased with it, though, and it made up for the failed squats.

    Lesson learned.....don't drink and lift a few hours later!