Tiffany's Progress Tracking



  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday #215 - another so-so up early for some combat, walking done, ran to costo for food while my daughter was at ballet - actually got rejected leaving costco for the first time ever because they didn't ring up the items on the bottom of the cart, and since I had extra stuff for the con, I didn't even notice...eating a bit over but mostly keto.

    So excited about the convention!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Friday #216 - I feel super sick today, so I'm eating some food and having an extra shot of espresso...shark week arrived, so hopefully it's just raging hormones and nothing serious...I have a CONVENTION this weekend ain't nobody got time to get sick!!!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    I hope you have fun at the convention and that you aren't getting sick!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Friday #216 'cont - felt mostly terrible all day, the cramping was crazy intense and the trip to the convention didn't have much traffic, but it was a bit of agony. I did manage to alter my costume, I ended up taking about 4" off the sides, closer to 8" off the waist, but it looked perfect once I was done with it. Got to the convention and thank goodness alcohol is a muscle relaxer, so I felt much better after a few drinks. Dinner was just a sandwich. Ran into friends, and had a good time at the after con parties.

    Saturday #217 - Up around 8:30 for panels and shopping and just generally having a ball...donned the Lt. Uhura costume and it looked amazing! I did drop my ear communicator piece and break it before I ever managed to use it, but the rest of the costume held up well. My daughter competed in the official costume contest, and she got a prize for Best Presentation which is the costume itself plus how they move and what they say while they are on stage, and how well they stay in character. Lunch was half a sandwich, but after the costume contest we went out to dinner at an Italian place which was amazing and I had lasagna. Then, the drinking started (wine and jello shots) and I was dancing and having a great time until about 5am.

    Sunday #218 - up around 9am to pack, plus there were a couple panels I wanted to see. Lunch was Italian, but dinner was just cold cuts. We hit more traffic on the way home and I kept trying to stay awake, but dozing off, so it's good that my husband was driving. Took a nap once we got home and no workout and no drinking, just watched The Dark Tower in the evening. Loved the movie, but I'm not sure how much anyone who didn't read the series would understand.

    All in all it was an amazing convention...saw old friends, made new friends, and had a fantastic time!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Love the new profile picture!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday #219 - I was planning to go straight from Ravencon back to the crash calories I was doing before the con...I guess I shouldn't call them "crash calories" because it's still plenty of calories for solid nutrition, but I like to eat, and cutting back the calories, even a little, always makes me feel like it's a 300 cal diet, even when it's way higher allowance than that...anyway...with the post-drinking starving tummy, that didn't I decided to just track and stay keto, but not worry about the, I ended up Monday about 800 over, which is only 400 over my normal amount and won't hurt for one day. I did my walking, but ran errands instead of doing the extra walking, so just the usual 5 miles.

    Tuesday will be a lifting day, so I get more calories even at my lower levels, so I will definitely be planning and mindful of keeping within goal for the day. And I will definitely do my lifting and lift hard because I missed both Fri and Sun lifting due to the con.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday #220 - good day, walking, plus husband even worked out with me, which was super cool...I was lazy and had pizza for dinner since I didn't feel like cooking...plenty of sleep and all in all a spot on target kind of day.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday #221 - walking done...happy hour was awesome...I drank and ate more than planned, but I didn't eat anything once I got home, so that was evening workout either, but it was awesome hanging out with friends and catching up on everyone's life!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Planned my May workouts - cut back on the ballet days, I never get my longer workouts in that day anyway, so I'm going to cut it down to just abs...also, ramping up a bit for summer body bliss (I hope)...more leg work, my glutes are shrinking and not in a good way, I would like to round those out a bit!!! T workouts are mine, hubby is M:

  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday #222 - solid day, walking, food was on point, nothing spectacular going on in the universe.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Friday #223 - gloriously epic, some morning combat, plus walking, plus weights in the was on point, if I had more days like this I could be rid of the mommy belly thing I still have going youngest is 14, this is kind of silly...

    Saturday #224 - lots of walking in the morning during 2 I went to starbucks and while I was tempted to get something with real calories, I didn't...I stuck to just a plain americano...then we had freddy's for lunch (tripple, no fries) and I did not order a shake...another win for me, diet soda only...then we headed to the beach where I spent the evening sanding and painting the walls with primer...dinner was chicken and shells and cheese...I did have 2 glasses of wine (8oz), but I didn't get done until midnight, so it was many many hours of manual labor.

    Sunday #225 - this was a HUNGRY day for me...I actually had breakfast...cheese and pepperoni...and lunch was jersey mike's italian while we were traveling home...I did my weights before dinner, it was all glute work which I have been trying to increase lately, so I even did some extra sets...dinner was a chicken caesar salad...I did a second coat of primer before we left the beach, and pulled some weeds...I think for this summer we are just going to leave it and pick up the painting and trim in the's almost Memorial day, so it's time to have that room ready to do something with it.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday #226 - carbs were a bit over today, calories were in line, so protein was too low...<sigh>...I just got home from ballet late and didn't feel like cooking, so I ate what hubs made, which was not really exactly on plan...but I did control quantity, so it's all in just over 2 hours of walking, so that was kind of epic...and I cut back on the afternoon/evening caffeine, so I was a bit tired, but I would like to get off the late in the day caffeine because I am sometimes having trouble falling asleep at night and that might be a contributing factor.

    I'm really looking forward to a new month and a new workout schedule!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday #227 - totally badass day...good on food, good on exercise - no GREAT on exercise...I got my walking in and did P90X chest & Back plus BBL High & chest/back/glutes - get ready for this sexy beach body!!!

    I did my measurements very quickly in the morning, and I just kind of glanced at them once they were done. My arms were bigger, which is awesome, I gained like 1/2 in of muscle, I think...but the rest of me was bigger too, but I don't really know how much of that was actual fluff or how much was water because my chest was several inches up and that's usually a flag that I'm retaining a bunch of water...<sigh>...I know my belly fat is up a bit since all the drinking at the con, so I really need to reduce or eliminate all the alcohol...and I adjusted my training day calories up quite a bit, but I left the rest day ones pretty low, so hopefully that will help with burning some of the extra fluff away while still working on building some muscle. My goals are under what they were before my con cut, but not anywhere near as low as they were for that month.

    My arms look amazing, my legs look amazing, my back looks amazing, and my booty is starting to look nice (it could use a little more rounding out), and my belly totally needs to get wrecked, that is definitely my biggest problem area...<sigh>

    May is a new workout month, working on the glutes/legs more, which should help burn a bit more calories since those are bigger muscles...also, I always like a change, I get bored way too easily.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday #228 - today was wasn't terrible, but it wasn't amazing either...I did good on food and carbs during the day, but had a few too many beers at happy hour...I didn't do a full hour of yoga/pilates, but I did some, so better than nothing...combat and walking as, very mediocre.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday #229 - badass day again!!! Well, it's a low workout day, but it's as badass as it gets...combat in the morning, walking at lunch - I was alone, so I managed 3.1 miles, abs in the was a little carbier than it should have been, but calories were on point - and in a huge victory I went to starbucks after balled with the girl child, and I got a small sugar free frappe instead of a large regular one...not super crazy about their sugar free flavor, but it was yummy and making the better choice was definitely what kept calories in line, so I'm very proud of myself for making that, we didn't get home from shopping and such after ballet until like 9:30pm, and I STILL DID MY AB WORKOUT before I had dinner...and I kept dinner on plan, scrambled eggs with ham & cheese...even though I really WANTED a giant coffee cake muffin...costco muffins are amazing...but I was a good girl.

    Totally a win in the good choices arena!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I looked over my measurements again this was 2 months since my last measuring, and I'm up in my arms YAY, down in my legs YAY, and up in my booty YAY...I can definitely attest that my booty is rounder than before and looking super smokin hot, more tight and lifter than when it was flatter, and my legs and arms pretty much always look good, that's not where I tend to store fat anyway...on the negative side, my waist was slightly up , 1/2 inch, and my low belly was up a full inch...that's not good, and at least some of it is fluff from drinking at the convention, but I think a lot of it is just bloat and water - my chest was up 2 full inches, and that's pretty much always water weight...I couldn't even put my rings on the day I took measurements, and today is the first day I got them on, but they are still really tight...between the drinking last weekend and the new workout routine this week, I am just swelling up like a balloon!

    And this weekend is the seafood festival, so there will be lots of drinking and lots of fried salty foods...ah well, life is for living!!!

    I think I'm mostly over my "I've been working out half my life, what the hell am I doing" slump...I'm feeling more motivated to get my workouts in, and I totally want to have a super fit, uber badass body for the beach season this year!!!
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    Sounds like you're doing so well :)
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Friday #230 - Awesome day, food was on point in terms of calories, way over on carbs, but I did my weights before hitting the road with my parents, and the italian place we stopped at was delicious, so no regrets! Stayed up until 1 am playing games and drinking whiskey!

    Saturday #231 - up at 7am...not much in the way of exercise, though I did walk down to the dollar general to shop, and walking at the festival to get food/drinks was totally a thing, so at least there was a little exercise...the food was sooooooooo good, for the most part...fried oysters, steamed shrimp, hushpuppies, steamed clams, fried clams...they also had chicken which had way too much thyme, and clam chowder which was very bland and not worth eating more...I drank an entire costco sized bottle of white merlot, and then started on the whiskey...more games and drinking after the festival, plus watched Escape from Sobibor with dad, and I was impressed, the movie was cool.

    Sunday # 232 - travel back home...more road food and too much carbs...did my workout when I got home, so that's a bonus...then went to the drive-in and watched Infinity War...which was a solid B+ of a, ate 2 gooch-dogs which is always one of my favorite treats...and it was just me and hubby, so it was totally an adult date night!!!

    The plan for the week is to get it together and get back on track in terms of far no return of migraines, but want to get this train back on track!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday #233 - today was kinda way over...but it was only over by my offset, no over maintenance level, but way over what was supposed to be a poverty eating. And I didn't workout in the morning...I did get all my walking done...but I didn't do abs in the evening...such a slacker...I have to get back on track with this...pronto...May was going so perfectly until the seafood's time to put the crazy eating back in the box and get cracking on the workouts dang it!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday #234 - solid morning exercise since I overslept...walking at lunch...chest/back/glutes in the was some gardening done...and I'm pretty sure a couple of the guys at work were checking me out, so apparently I don't look terrible in my summer dress...I recently tried on my denim shorts and had to put them in the goodwill bag because the legs and booty are just too terribly small...made me a little sad since I've had those shorts I'm down to 2 pair of athletic shorts, and I guess that means it's time to go shopping...on the plus side, my swimsuit still fits and my booty is very lifted and tight, so that's kind of a good look.