Tiffany's Progress Tracking



  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday #235 - given that it was a special dinner out, it was a pretty good day...morning workout plus walking, but nothing in the evening because I was way too full...skipped lunch so that I would have plenty of calories for dinner, so I didn't go over on calories, even came in a little under because I could only eat so much food...and today I will have my leftover soup for lunch...the seafood canneloni was totally epically amazing...I will definitely return to that restaurant with family at some point, it was super delicious.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday #236 - Day was kind of awesome, and kind of off-track...exercise was good walking, plus the daughter decided to skip ballet so I did my yoga/pilates that I missed Wed and also did my normally scheduled ab work. Food was good except for devouring the leftover drive-in was soooo good, but it put me a bit over for both carbs and calories - still within my +/- 200cal and +/- 20g, but I don't like pushing the limits of that and it was totally right at the line.

    So...I'm tired of feeling hungry all the time, but I assume that with the new lower macros that's just going to be an adjustment period. I think I'm also going to cut back or cut off the artificial sweeteners because they may be making me more hungry...though, I kind of use them to keep my sweet tooth in check some days, so not sure what the best answer is there.

    Sunday is mother's day and a high calorie day, but that means I have to get up early and work out, plus I need to cook an appetizer and food...<sigh>...and I will want to drink...<sigh>...I can stick with a suitable wine or maybe whiskey/diet, we'll see...either way, the drinking will make Monday a hungry day and I'm kind of tired of having hungry days.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Friday #237 - blew the day on calories thanks to ukrops tarts now being available in food lion...that's my story and I'm sticking to it...not that I made bad choices, damn it, it's the bakery's fault!!!

    On the plus side I totally killed it in exercise...walking, plus weights, plus mobility work...

    You win some, you lose some, you learn.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Saturday #238 - crazy busy day...ran errands while the girl was in ballet...then after we got home I made the boy drive me to the grocery...then he voluntarily drove to pick up his sister's friend...then I did the makeup for both the girls and drove them to the dance...picked the up from the dance, then had a couple drinks while finishing up spider-man...I didn't eat much but also didn't track, so not really sure how it all ironed out.

    Sunday #239 - Happy Mother's Day! Got up early to cook and put in a solid hour and a half of working out - yay me!!!! Then I went to mom's and drank and ate way too much, but it's a holiday, so I'm not going to fret about it. I'm totally proud of myself for getting the workout done!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday #240 - day was good, lots of walking, food was at maintenance, not at loss goals, but it was kind of a special night out with my daughter, so I'm not that worried about it. I took some time to compare swimsuit photos, and I definitely have gained a bit of fluff...not a ton, just a couple pounds, but it's better to buckle down and get rid of that now rather than letting it get settled...probably because of all the drinking lately...on the plus side, I am much more muscular as well, so all the weights are paying off, and the overall look is still pretty nice...maybe I'll do some cropping and actually put side/side comparisons up.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday #241 - day was solid, ate a poverty macros even though it's a weight day...was super sore, so did all the weights at 5# and push-ups on knees...didn't overdo it, but did the whole workout...lower body was particularly sore, so I split that up into 2 separate workouts with no weights and did one before dinner and one right before far today I don't feel any worse than yesterday in the sore department, so that seems to be a successful strategy. Started working a puzzle in the evening to keep me away from the post-dinner snacking, and that was not only a successful strategy for me, but also noticed my husband didn't do any post-dinner snacking, so this is a GREAT plan!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday #242 - in theory the day was solid, but I feel like I had a lot of one bite things that I didn't log, so I was probably a bit over...on the plus side, I did my walking and my yoga/pilates in the evening...on the super plus side, the muscle soreness is starting to abate and I can move more freely now...I think the yoga really helps, I need to stay on top of that.

    I ate breakfast because I was planning to donate blood...but then my iron wasn't high enough, so that was such a waste, I forced myself to eat when I wasn't hungry and then I had to keep lunch and dinner light to accommodate the calories taken in...and I didn't get to donate...bummer...myabe that's why the whole day I just felt like a any case, tomorrow will be back to normal, and no fracking breakfast.

    Day 2 of shark week...tolerable...bleah.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday #243 - day was pretty good...didn't eat anything until almost dinner time...then just had a snack, then dinner, so ended up like 500 calories under...and did a harder ab routine since I didn't take the girl to ballet and didn't get me extra walking in - storms and such, the buses were late from school and I didn't really want to fight the bad weather for the long drive.

    I think I'm going to keep trying OMAD for my non-lifting days. I think that will help me keep the calories in line, because I like to eat, and I like to feel full after I eat and eating less often just means that I can eat more when I do eat.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Friday #244 - I was so on point, kicked *kitten* in the workouts...the day was a train wreck at work, so I wasn't even tempted to eat extra food because I just didn't have time...this is how every day needs to be for food/exercise.

    Saturday #245 - didn't track today, but I'm sure it was over...did the whole run errand while the girl is in ballet, got all the grocery shopping done, and didn't eat anything...then we had D&D where I did snack a bit on strawberries and some cookies...then had a bit of mac & cheese before hitting the road and heading to Williamsburg...then there was lots of whiskey and some meat/cheese, probably over on food, but who cares, it was a live it up kind of night!

    Sunday #246 - hangover day...not too much eating, but didn't track, and no working out besides tons and tons of sex. Mostly just a lay around the house and do nothing kind of day.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    May into June

    It's that time of month again...we are past the 20th so it's time to evaluate how the month is going and plan for next month...I have a friend and her family coming to visit at the end of June and we are hoping to escape to the beach, so I'm not sure how on-plan I will be in terms of exercise around the end of the month...with that in mind I want to plan to be very aggressive for the rest of the month, so at least the workouts will be intense if I do them.

    May retrospective - I am very happy with the way my booty is rounding out and looking less flat and's not done yet, but I'm making good legs are looking thick and muscular, which is totally cool with me...slender is good and all, but I'll take muscular over skinny and if that gives them a bit thicker look, then so be it. In reviewing the plan vs actual for the month I have done more glute/leg days than originally planned since I was focusing on that area and adding in extra whenever I have the energy...I have also done good getting my cardio done as an extra workout even though it was not as frequent on the official schedule...most of the workouts I missed were abs, and while those are scheduled on my busy days because they are short, I really need to make more of an effort to make those happen...even on a busy day I can set aside 15 min for exercise, that's just not too much to ask.

    June planning - I'm going to take cardio off the schedule entirely, since I'm pretty sure I will fit it in without having designated days set aside. I am all about keeping the focus on glutes, and I'm getting a bit soft in the middle, so I'm going to focus on abs and really be more consistent with those. With that in mind I will add in an extra yoga/pilates day, and I'm going to focus on Ab RipperX for all the ab routines since that's probably the most intense short routine I have.

  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday #247 - A pretty solid day, not epic, but morning workout, and no evening abs, but I did do my walking and I was alone, so I did the full 3.1 miles at was on plan, no lunch since it's a low cal day...had some turkey/cheese for a snack...then very little sushi for a second snack...and an enormous steak for yum...and watched The Fellows Hip movie, which was very funny and very spoofy!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday #248 - solid would be an epic one but I was trying to have some spare calories and didn't manage that since I was SO HUNGRY and wasn't able to skip a snack. Of course, the whole point of calorie/carb cycling is to have the ups and downs, so I'm not disappointed or upset, I was just hoping to trim a bit by being under goal and that didn't happen. On the plus side, I wasn't over goal either, and I got almost all my protein in, which is super important to me. Morning workout was skipped, walking was all done, evening workout was done - chest, shoulders, triceps, and glutes...I increased my weights and totally felt like an amazon when I was done - BOOYAH!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday #249 - today is already hard...supposed to be skipping lunch, but I am SOOOO HUNGRY...and I'm not good at being hungry...had a bit of cheese, and some spiced tea...I already planned skipping lunch and just eating snack/dinner...I don't want to change the plan...but I can't be hungry, I'm terrible at this...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday #249 'cont - the day got better...the tea and my lunch timewalking tamed the hunger a got bad again in the late afternoon and I opted for some iced coffee and veggies to tame the beast...I did good and had my planned snack when I got home and not any more than my planned snack.

    Then I decided to do some gardening instead of working out...trekked over to Lowes to pick up some landscaping stones, mulch, and compost. Decided to treat my daughter to Wendy's and got a small frosty for me as a little reward. Then it kind of fell apart. I was like craving snacky foods all evening. Had my planned dinner, plus and apple, plus some yogurt...<sigh>

    On further reflection - I should have just skipped the frosty. I know that sugar makes my crave more sweets. I know that I was on plan up until that point. I wasn't even hungry, though I was thirsty, I should have just gotten a diet soda and made that work for me.

    On the plus side, my calories were actually ok - I cut my dinner down to half of what I planned and I reached for the healthier options for snacking. My protein was lower than goal, and my carbs were higher than goal, but I didn't totally blow the day, so I got that going for me.

    It was just such a struggle of a day.

    I keep expecting this to just be easy. And some days it is. But no matter how long I keep at this, some days are still work and still totally test my willpower and commitment.

    Like any other relationship, you can't cheat on it and expect it to work.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday #250 - got my walking done, plus a little abs...but stuck to food goals...still did some snacking, I was just SO HUNGRY in the evening, I swear my body thinks it's being starved to death, but I can assure you, it's not...I stuck to my macro limits, so that's a bonus!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited May 2018
    My body does the same thing, I'll be a bottomless pit even though i'm definitely not anywhere near being starved - plenty of fat stores available. haha

    Hope you're having a great weekend!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Friday #251 - I did good today, work was a train wreck so I didn't get in as much walking as I would have liked...lunch was subway (6" double meat to keep it on goal)...dinner was gooch dogs at home...then we went to the drive in...I had lots of soda (diet) and a gooch dog, and some popcorn, and a BBQ sandwich...being up late makes me crazy hungry and we didn't get home until 2am since both movies were long...Solo was great, Infinity War was also fun and it was a second watch for me.

    Saturday #252 - Morning was all errands and such...went to Charlottesville for new trainers for the boy, did some other summer shopping while there...had lunch at Jason's deli where I just had the salad bar which was tasty...dinner was game night, we had grilled chicken which was super delicious, plus veggies, and a fruit and cheese tray...all pretty on plan foods until the chips came out, but I managed to minimize how many of those I ate.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Sunday #253 - Took the child running early in the day, then went back to bed until about 11...lake party all day, paddleboarding and swimming, fun times...minimal snacking, a few corn chips and veggies with spinach dip...dinner was gooch dog and baked beans and spaghetti salad...there was some kind of vodka raspberry lemonade drink that I probably had one too many of...also had a few Mike's lemonade...was home and in bed early...but was awake with a hangover at 1:30am...hydrated and had emergen-C and went back to bed...felt much better later.

    Monday #254 - day was a pretty laid back one...ate some leftovers...dinner was breakfast, stuffed waffles and an omelette (ham & cheese)...did an hour of weights, an hour of walking, and some extra glute stuff that I didn't remember to time...spent the day cleaning and sorting and shampooing carpets and such...we now have yet another huge pile of stuff to go to Goodwill...I feel like this is a never ending process where we sort and get rid of stuff and then it magically accumulates all over again.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday #255 - good solid day...calories/carbs in line, not under, but in line...walking, a bit of yoga and pilates done, plus some foam rolling...very sore from doing weights yesterday...also did some cube weights today since I was stuck in meetings most of the day...did my wrist exercises and some bicep curls and presses. No eating until I got home in the afternoon and that was a huge help for keeping calories in line...this alternate OMAD is working out pretty well!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday #256 - today was was good, protein was awesome, carbs a bit over, but within the +/-20 that I allow for wiggle room...calories were way under...of course, lunch was mostly estimated, so it's quite possible that the actual calories were more than the estimated calories, so I'm not going to sweat it...I feel satisfied and well fed...morning was combat, walking at lunch, upper body weights and glutes in the evening...I even went to bed early and slept like a champ.

    If I could make all my days like this I would be rid of the fluff in no time!!!