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  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Happy Thursday!

    I've continued this "re-feed" with low carb still, but unlimited calories... basically a lot of fat to try to get myself into full fat adapted mode before cutting fat again and forcing myself to rely on body fat instead. I've had some significant weight fluctuations and un-explainably high BG's. In addition to being very busy at work, high BG's have left me exhausted. I wonder if the additional weight fluctuations have brought back a sudden insulin resistance.

    I ran last Tues. and then not again until Sun. That low frequency isn't going to work when I'm training for a challenging trail run on 4/1. I planned to run yesterday after work. It was a very nice day here (upper 60's F) and I got away from work with enough daylight left to get outside even, but I was just so exhausted. My BG was over 400 - can't really explain it. I ended up going to bed around 5:30p after taking some insulin to correct the high BG. Got up around 7:30 and then went to bed again at my normal time. I feel a bit better, but still very tired.

    Tomorrow is my longest day of the year with inventory. Technically, the main person in charge changed starting last year, but I used to manage it and still co-manage it. I'm not sure yet what time I'll go in, but really need to be there no later than 6:30am. I expect to be there until 8p-9p at night no matter what, and then go back in again on Sat. morning to finish up. If we are done early enough on Sat., I can get a run in then. If not, then hopefully Sun. I'm thinking I really should try to get a run done tonight as well.

    I know running consistently and eating better consistently makes me feel better over-all, but it is tough to get my foot out the door in the first place when I'm this tired. The refeed will wrap up Mon. or Tues. in order to have full effect. My intent is that afterwards, I can convert to (practically) zero carb and eat at a calorie deficit.
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    Monday is back!
    My weekend was crazy!!
    Saturday was an all day training for work. It was fun, I enjoyed it. Lunch was provided... so I fasted.
    Sunday was the big day for my daughter she finally got a phone. Well I got a new phone, she got the one I had (it was a cheaper option! Lol). Why does going into the Verizon store always such a traumatic experience? Oh cause I'm my 4yo son with me. It's a boring store. And he was stuck in there for over an hour!! Of course I was stressed to the max! Trying to remember one of the million passwords I used for this and that account! By son literally climbing walls jumping off furniture. I could just feel the BP rising! And of course there was a problem with the phone when we got home... calling tech support. All day affair! At that point I realized it was dinner and bath time. Then bed. Oh? I forgot to eat all day again? I guess I fasted lol!
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    edited February 2017
    I hate Mondays. I'm exhausted, it was a long week last week, and it will be a long week this week.

    In another thread, I was talking about one of my cats being a diabetic. He is a large cat, not very active, but his BG's are well controlled with a low carb diet. Here is a recent (Fri. morning) photo of the guy:


    ETA: Yes, I have a replica Kennedy poster because I'm a dork like that... if I had an original, it would be framed well to preserve better.
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    It's the last Tuesday of February!

    @midwesterner85 That's one big cat!! I'm totally impressed with your selfie skills too! If I attempt a shot like that it would be a blur scene of me getting attacked by the cat! I know a few friends with cats that are diabetic and another one that's asthmatic!

    So the whole thing about ketogenic diet improving sleep? It's out of control for me! If I so much as get near my bed these days I'm out! Last night I was planning on doing a bunch of things after my son went to sleep. We both got on my bed to watch a bit of tv and I made the mistake of cuddling up... 6:30 pm? Out! Work up at 1:00 am WTF!!

    Oh! And seriously weight plateau for sure! I'm anchored at 200.4. Even when my hormones should have caused a normal increase? Nope still 200.4

    Changing my focus. It's not about weight. It's about health. How I'm feeling! What my glucose levels are. When I get my meter in the mail I'll finally be able to find out 100% if I'm in ketosis or not. Should be here by the end of this week.

    Have a great day!!
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    AWESOME TUXEDO BABY, midwesterner85!
    I think I am as excited about you getting your blood ketone meter in the mail as you are, @ProCoffeenator lol. Fill us in when you give it a spin.
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    Happy March!
    Well, the meter came in but the ketone strips are still in limbo. So I had to test it out comparing it to my old monitor. It read 97 last night compared to the 92 on my other. I opted for the Nova Max plus. Slightly cheaper than the other brand. I don't like the lancet, my other was ouchless (silicone dipped) this one is awkward to hold too. I can continue using the old one and just use my insurance to order new lancets etc.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Well that was quick, ProCoffeenator. So does this mean you are sticking with your old meter? Or switching over?
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    Jumping in here, but I just bought the Nova Max plus meter to check Ketones as well. I had a few issues with getting a valid reading - not enough blood on one and some other error. I have two valid readings so far. 0.5 and 0.9. Not very high, but some level of ketosis.

    I also did not like the lancet at all, so bought a different one at the drug store. The keto testing strips are so expensive, and I only bought 20 to start with, that I will only be testing once or twice a week - now that I know the meter works!

    Good luck to you!
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Now you guys got me interested in the numbers.... I just sent for a FreeStyle Precision Neo from Abbot Diabetes Care Canada, no charge. $25.99 CAD for 10 strips from with free shipping over $35. Sheesh, not cheap but it should be interesting, I'll wait to get the strips when I actually receive the meter.
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    Happy Thursday!
    Well my strips came in! Tested right away cause it's shiny and new!
    My first reading was 0.4 now this was at 7pm so from everything I've read and what I understood this is just below nutritional ketosis. At first I was super upset about it cause I've been doing this 7 months... that just didn't seem right.
    Second reading just now and it read 0.3 okay so now I'm really questioning this meter. I am taking the advise from podcasts with Fung Maly and Moore they all say time and time again that your morning fasted reading is going to be your lowest and that by evening your levels would be twice that.
    Mixed reviews on this meter now that I'm digging in deeper.. various complaints mostly about packaging and then I found a few about the glucose readings being off but no info on if they used the solution to check for accuracy. Once I started finding the reviews about ketones I think that there may be an issue. About half of them report it being an accurate tester but it reads lower than others.

    In the end? I'm going with what I got. Knowing this reads low I'm content to say that I'm in fact in NK. Looking at my picture as a whole. I'm all good.

    If you plan on ordering a meter go with the Precision Ultra. It's more expensive but if you can afford it it looks to be the best option. If you go with Nova know that it's flawed but gives you a general idea for ketones at least.
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    Monday morning....
    I'm up! I survived the weekend! Now it's back to work I go!

    I'm holding on, no cheats even though for some reason my brain was tempted by my kids eating over the weekend. I also tried out a new type of yoga. Buti yoga. I picked up the beginners video and it kicked my *kitten*!! I couldn't finish it but managed more than half! I'm going to rotate it with regular yoga. It was way too much fun!
  • Bonny132
    Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member
    I hate Mondays. I'm exhausted, it was a long week last week, and it will be a long week this week.

    In another thread, I was talking about one of my cats being a diabetic. He is a large cat, not very active, but his BG's are well controlled with a low carb diet. Here is a recent (Fri. morning) photo of the guy:


    ETA: Yes, I have a replica Kennedy poster because I'm a dork like that... if I had an original, it would be framed well to preserve better.

    He is adorable! Such a cutie :smiley:
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Bonny132 wrote: »
    I hate Mondays. I'm exhausted, it was a long week last week, and it will be a long week this week.

    In another thread, I was talking about one of my cats being a diabetic. He is a large cat, not very active, but his BG's are well controlled with a low carb diet. Here is a recent (Fri. morning) photo of the guy:


    ETA: Yes, I have a replica Kennedy poster because I'm a dork like that... if I had an original, it would be framed well to preserve better.

    He is adorable! Such a cutie :smiley:

    Aww, thank you! So is the cat. ;)
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    Monday so soon...last week I was sick literally all week. Turned out to be strep throat. I'm still not feeling that great but I've exhausted my sick leave. I'm hoping to get back into the workout routine this week.

    @midwesterner85 thanks for sharing the cat pic. :)
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Bonny132 wrote: »
    I hate Mondays. I'm exhausted, it was a long week last week, and it will be a long week this week.

    In another thread, I was talking about one of my cats being a diabetic. He is a large cat, not very active, but his BG's are well controlled with a low carb diet. Here is a recent (Fri. morning) photo of the guy:


    ETA: Yes, I have a replica Kennedy poster because I'm a dork like that... if I had an original, it would be framed well to preserve better.

    He is adorable! Such a cutie :smiley:

    Aww, thank you! So is the cat. ;)

  • Vaprep
    Vaprep Posts: 18 Member
    Hey all, just introducing myself... First, I wanted to say after lurking around this forum for a few days, that you all are very kind as well as impressive. I am a former thin person who for various reasons that don't matter, now has 185 pounds to lose. I have toyed with various diets with varied success, I have been a serious runner and fit-fanatic, just as I have toyed with being near, but never quite at my goal weight. My achilles heel has always been binging and sugar addiction (candy!) and stress-eating. I started my "new life" on Saturday with a hybridized LC diet that is working really well. I feel great and I have no desire for sweets. One thing I know is that this time, I am going all of the way to my goal. I am interested not just in how I look, but in an entire lifestyle upgrade--living well, living with grace/manners/elegance/beauty. Thanks for letting me join and share. :)
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,762 Member
    Welcome Vaprep, lovely horse in your profile pic. Be sure to check out the launchpad, tons of good info for new LCHF eaters there.
  • Bonny132
    Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member
    Welcome @Vaprep
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I have a large pork shoulder in the crock pot today. I won't eat it all today, but will have leftovers for days. That means I won't have to cook much at all this week. I hope weather is good this week because I'm still anxious about being ready for my trail run on 4/1. To be ready, I seriously need to run every single day. Fortunately, I have a gym membership where I can use the treadmill if there is rain / snow / or if I just can't get outside until after dark and don't want to run around in the dark.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Also, a massive tire fire started overnight at a tire recycling facility maybe 25-30 air miles away. It is a heavy wind day and we are under a "red flag alert" (i.e. high risk of fire spread due to heavy wind) this afternoon. The wind direction has also shifted so that smoke is getting blown in our direction. I might run inside on the treadmill tonight even if I can get out before dark... just to avoid inhaling much of that smoke. :(
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    Tuesday is here quicker than I planned. I fell asleep super early last night. I've got to stop doing that! I had a terrible headache after my dentist appointment and coming off that Novocain did me in. Probably best that I slept but I neglected some paperwork that I needed to finish.
    High wind warnings here too @midwesterner85 hopefully they got that fire under control over your way!!
    I realized this morning that I keep forgetting to log my yoga. I'm doing it but kinda bummed that it's not in my logs.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    So... I'm going to start a fast today. How long depends on how the rest of my week goes. I'm allowing coffee fat and broth water/Keto aide too.
    Why? My n=1 is a full out failure. Obviously my body could care less what sweetener I'm using. Stevia run started with a small drop that came right back. On to Splenda and no change from there either. Blood sugars have stayed consistent through it all. So I'm not going to worry about those sweeteners. Going to give my body a rest from food for a day or two and then start fresh.
    I guess I can put a NSV here as I'm looking at doing a fast to restart rather than me saying "cheat weekend"!
    Stay strong people!!
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    Happy Thursday!
    If you plan on ordering a meter go with the Precision Ultra. It's more expensive but if you can afford it it looks to be the best option.

    FYI, little known factoid! Some insurance policies quietly follow Medicare's lead by covering diabetic testing supplies with a doctor's statement of need.

    If you want to give it a whack, Liberty Medical will get forms to your doctor, send them to your insurance carrier, and send the supplies to you. This goes for blood ketone strips as well as glucose strips and meters. YMMV, of course.
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    Hello Thursday!
    Creeping into hour 33... I can do this!

    Today is my daughters birthday!! She's another whole year older... that makes me older too! Lol! No cake for me please!
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    @ProCoffeenator Happy Birthday to your daughter :)
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    Happy Friday!!
    Hour 55!! I'm totally doing this! And let me tell you I feel AMAZING.
    I've attempted this before and made it past 24 hours but in my head (I'm understanding this now) I mentally thought I wanted to eat, so I did.
    This round I decided that I'd stick to my guns and really see if I could do this. My fasting blood sugars this morning are at a beautiful 90. I've never seen that number first thing in the morning I'm used to more like 110! Blood testing is also putting me in a full blown Nutritional Ketosis!!

    I'm not sure what I'm going to do today. I'm thinking I'll break the fast this afternoon and then later enjoy my weekly wing night dinner. Crazy thing is I really think I could keep going! Lol.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    Way to go @ProCoffeenator!

    I actually got up early and did my workout this morning. We're getting some snow here today. Ridiculous. Yesterday it was 60 and I went on a trail run in capris and a light weight shirt.
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    Broke my fast at hour 70!!!

    Some results of this fast..
    Lowest blood sugars ever!
    Highest ketone reading ever!
    Scale finally shows a solid reading below 200!
    Physically felt better than I ever felt before....

    I'm pretty sure that this will become a monthly ritual.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,762 Member
    Welcome to Onederland. Sounds like this really gave your body a kickstart.

    You're a better woman than me, I do good to do 16 hr. fast.