LCD Chat...



  • Jan93L
    Jan93L Posts: 178 Member
    @canadjineh I hope all went well with the surgery. Do you have to stay off it for a while? I have foot surgery in my future , again, next year.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Agreeing with kmn118, WTG ProCoffeenator! Less stress is important for all of us. Let go of the small stuff. It can wait.
    @Jan93L I am to use it as much as possible... it is weight bearing fine for me and flexion/extension is not too shabby, but needs work on inversion/eversion (mainly due to pulling on the stitches, and the fact that the 'worksite' is underlying those muscles/tendons necessary for that kind of movement). Top of foot and outer ankle area are tender to touch though - the bruising in the photo shows where they 'clamped' me down to drill out the metal.
    I am lucky in that I do great with general anesthetic, quick recovery, no nausea/tummy upset, nothing.
    What's in the works for your foot?
  • Jan93L
    Jan93L Posts: 178 Member
    @canadjineh I have a foot deformity called tarsus varus. Big toe goes out sideways like a thumb. Also fallen arch, heel needs repair. Broke a bone in that foot at some point, too. Still functional but often painful. Just no time right now to get it fixed. Next summer maybe.
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    kmn118 wrote: »
    @ProCoffeenator You sound pretty stressed out right now... There are two rules that should be observed in the holiday season. 1- Don't sweat the small stuff!! 2- It's all small stuff. :wink:

    You have goals and this is a marathon, not a sprint... cut yourself some slack and make sure your loved ones (including YOURSELF) feel loved and appreciated. Look inside and try to appreciate how things will work out, even if your laundry basket overflows or whatever your pet peeve is.

    I am thankful that you are keeping up with this thread; You have done a fantastic job, and I appreciate your honesty, your enthusiasm in working for better health and the fact that you are raising a family and nurturing others' children. Brava!!

    Thanks guys!
    I had to leave work early for my son who woke up sick. When I left for work he was running a fever that wouldn't quit even with meds! My boss pulled some strings and got me out by 9 am to go take care of him and get him to the doctors!
    Being home for this extra day seemed to calm things down here as well. So, not sweating it! Going to keep calm and carry on... or and Keto on too!
  • Bonny132
    Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member
    Happy Tuesday all! Been a while since I checked in here now. Had a busy weekend, introduced my cat to my partners cat and apart from some growling and a small fight they got on well for a full three days which was just awesome. Such a relief.

    Been working from home the past few days which has been awesome, but a really busy day today, so have managed under 1K steps today! Yes it is true, pitiful I know, but I literally got the laptop out, sat down and zoned out. But I have bought my first Christmas present now!
  • idocdlw
    idocdlw Posts: 208 Member
    canadjineh wrote: »
    Congrats to everyone for muddling through this past week.... this is what I've been up to since Monday:

    That and a stupid head cold on top of things. I have not been Keto or even that low in carbs... keepin' it pretty well under 50 or so though. A couple of Hot Split Pea Soup meals, some popcorn, 3 bananas ( :o ), etc. So far no weight gain and the plus of no constipation - just normal pooping for a change, lol. Keto under 25 screws with my bowels, there is no way around it :(
    Sorry... TMI lol.

    Yep...TMI...OMG that ankle looks like OUCH! Hope you are healing up quickly.
  • idocdlw
    idocdlw Posts: 208 Member
    Good Tuesday Morning!
    All I can say is brrrrr! It got cold fast! I don't do cold. Nothing I can do about it other than layer, layer, layers! Funny that I still have some clothes that are too big for me since it makes it easier to layer up!
    I attempted to get my lunch break walk in and quickly said no way. So I'm not sure what to do! Luckily I did enough walking around on the playground with the kids that my Fitbit called it exercise! Thanks electronic bracelet for giving me an out!!
    It's even colder today so I know right now that walk just isn't happening! Worse is that our schedules are screwed up so I'm not getting out early this week or next! Bleh!
    Just going to keep going and do my best!

    I hate the cold too! Even tho today could not be considered cold by Kansan's standards, I guess I have officially become a true Floridian. I miss my winter home. I have been very good though about bundling up when necessary and getting our (mine and the pup's) walks in each day. The evening walk is always in the dark and of course colder, but I'm getting it done.

    Keep doing your best!
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    Happy Wednesday everyone!
    It's a tad bit warmer today would be perfect Walking weather... just with rain forecast for the entire day :disappointed:
    So I have one sick kid who's suffering from the worst creeping crud. He's a trooper that's for sure!
    I'm slowly getting myself motivated for work today. The kids have their Thanksgiving feast at work. And I'm there late tonight. At least the numbers are going to be lower today!
  • Jan93L
    Jan93L Posts: 178 Member
    I need to get out for a walk today. Walked about 4 city blocks on Sunday. 1/2 mile? Twice. Paid for it with painful feet and swollen legs till today. (Wed) Will prep veggies, squash, onions and bake bread ( for the non low carb people) for stuffing. Last minute groc shop for the things that I forgot Monday. Have a great Thanksgiving giving, folks!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,760 Member
    This is how I am getting my fruit into Thanksgiving this year:

  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving!!! (To those American members)
    Happy Thursday (To the non Americans)

    People are up early and getting their Turkeys dressed and in the oven... it's that day of the year when friends and family are gathering for the day and eating "all the food!"
    I want to eat all the food too! But I'm not going to. I'm going to eat the Keto friendly foods and avoid the rest. That's my plan!! Now it's just a matter of sticking to it.

    Here's to hoping for a stress free, tension free day!
  • sherryrichie
    sherryrichie Posts: 114 Member
    Happy, happy to all!! I'm making all the traditional dishes, but going to stay keto, except for a few bites of roasted sweet potatoes. Turkey, veggies, and deviled eggs will fill me up, and then I'll have a mini cheesecake for dessert. Yum!! Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  • kmn118
    kmn118 Posts: 313 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I am thankful for this group of people, who are working toward better health and are respectful of each others' differences.

    I made the Pumpkin Cream Cheese muffins for my feast dessert and they are hands down the BEST holiday dessert treat of ANY WOE... whoever posted that link for the recipe... BLESS you. I will re-post it here so that anyone who wants to try it can find it :smile:
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving (or regular Thursday)!!! I'm the cook this year, and I'm making/have made 13 things I can't eat, lol! No worries, I like to cook and it keeps me busy so the guys can watch their football. I'll be in the kitchen snacking on bacon, shrimp, devilled eggs and a steak I smuggled in, bwahaha!
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Here's to smuggled steak! We had BarBQ'd Mediterranean burgers (cinnamon, chili powder, oregano, basil) with homemade cucumber raita and a mixed leaf lettuce salad, and big stuffed mushroom caps (filled with baba ghanouj). Dessert was a spoonful taste of my hubby's lemon yogourt.
    Too hard to log.... I will worry about logging maybe tomorrow (or not, I get my ankle staples out :o )
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    Happy Friday!!
    It's the last day of the work week! Yay!
    Many of us have today off. Not me, I'm making up for leaving work early the other day. Thankfully today will just be a half day..
    Yesterday went pretty smoothly. I only stress picked one finger! Lol. Nervous habits! Gotta love em! My son has ADHD, Thanksgiving is always held at my sisters house which we joke about being a museum. I'm on high alert making sure he isn't touching things or getting into trouble! This year she's gotten a kitten which she's super protective of so on top of it all I'm making sure my son isn't scaring the kitten. *sigh*
    So glad this part of the holidays is over!!

    Food was fine for me! No cheats and no temptation really. I ate turkey and Brussels sprouts with butter. Fasted over breakfast and only drank coffee so my stomach would only handle a smaller meal dinner was leftover turkey and bacon with pickles! Better yet? The scale gave me a slight victory loss as a congratulatory bonus!!

    How'd the rest of you do?
  • RowdysLady
    RowdysLady Posts: 1,370 Member
    Happy Friday. I did ok yesterday. I ate a couple Hershey Kisses, a half slice of garlic toast and a chocolate pie that was keto but I put in a graham crust. I have no idea what I ate macro wise but considering what I would have eaten this time last year I have NO complaints. I don't feel bad today but woke up ravenous! I wanted to dig into the pie but opted for BPC with mint and unsweet chocolate added. Filled me up and gave me the sweet I needed. I also woke up at 4:30 this morning which means I will probably be ravenous all day. That seems to happen when I wake up extra early.

    On Wednesday night we went to his Mom's and saw family there for a while. Then I went and did a little shopping at a pre Black Friday sale with my oldest daughter - that was crazy - and now I know why I don't Black Friday shop.

    Yesterday my oldest son, daughter in law and grandson came for the afternoon. We watched the Cowboys win their 10th in a row, shot guns, decorated the tree and ate dinner. My grandson is 2 and he fell in love with this little handmade oranament that looked like a bird feeder with real seed in it. Of all the shiny, sparkly oranments that's what he was too cute! We had a great time. Rowdy got a deer yesterday morning so that was a nice addition to the day. We also smoked the tenderloin from the boar my son in law shot the other day. It tasted pretty good overall. Today I'm going to pop it in the crock pot so it's not quite so tough.

    Today my oldest daughter and her husband come over in the afternoon where we will eat left overs and have another great time. Until then, I'm working today but off the weekend.

    All in all a great few days!
  • supergal3
    supergal3 Posts: 523 Member
    Well I planned for a few cheats on Thanksgiving day and happily it went as planned. Two spoons of chocolate mousse and a fork full of chocolate layer cake. Everything else was LC. So happy I did not binge on sweets! That is totally something to be thankful for!