
  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    My_Butt wrote: »
    I wasn't even an idea in 1975. My mom was only 10 years old.

    I completed the stair challenge already. The benefits of working in a warehouse where you run up and down 15ft step ladders all day.

    Geez, way to make me feel OLD!! LOL.
    My_Butt wrote: »
    I have some questions about challenge 3: no late night snacks.

    The cutoff is 10pm, but I workout at 10pm, and then I usually have an after workout snack.
    Now, I can skip my post workout snack for 5 days, so that's not too big of a deal.

    But I usually have sleepy time tea right before bed which is around 12am-1am.

    .... I just noticed I did not ask a single question in that whole spiel.

    Well, I would think the tea wouldn't be considered a snack, quite the opposite in my opinion.
  • KatKat1209
    KatKat1209 Posts: 229 Member
    Meowler wrote: »

    On a side note, I am absolutely chuffed with myself today. I managed to fit back in to my sports bra, which I haven't been able to wear since last year due to weight gain. I couldn't get the first row of clasps fastened and at the time I was really disappointed in myself. It's really nice when you can see that your efforts are paying off! Has anyone had an experience like that recently? What positive changes have you noticed?

    I recently bought a new one a size smaller in circumference.. doesn't make it easier in finding one since the cup size gets one step bigger with every circumference step getting smaller :sweat_smile:

    The challenges:
    - I started with the stair challenge this morning but will probably finish it either Wednesday or Friday - will take the stairs up to my apartment on 11th floor (not today - no time and I go to a fitness boot camp tonight so def. not before that :wink:)
    - Videos I do usually on weekends - but if I finish the stair challenge tomorrow I might do them on Friday already
    - Late night snacking challenge should be ok for me. I don't have much to eat at home since I usually eat out though Thursday might not be possible since I only get home from sports at around 9.45/10pm

    Where have I been in 1975? Maybe still in Heaven, the cycle of reincarnation, on the other side of the Styx or a tiny little grain of dust in the universe - who knows. My parents were 18 and 17 at that time. So my sister (1978) and I (1987) were not even in planning :smiley:

    Welcome to Team Five aka Fab Fives @biketheworld
  • jackiep248
    jackiep248 Posts: 37 Member
    @2016summerfun I had trouble with the spreadsheet this morning and never recorded my weight loss until after work. I lost 1.2 lbs this week. :-)
  • jackiep248
    jackiep248 Posts: 37 Member
    I am so excited about the videos this week. I did the Calling All Monsters and the Monster Mash videos with my grade 3 class this morning. I'm going to have them do the Transylvania Twist and the Thriller video tomorrow...So much fun.

    Welcome @biketheworld It's great having you on our team.
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    My_Butt wrote: »
    I have some questions about challenge 3: no late night snacks.

    The cutoff is 10pm, but I workout at 10pm, and then I usually have an after workout snack.
    Now, I can skip my post workout snack for 5 days, so that's not too big of a deal.

    But I usually have sleepy time tea right before bed which is around 12am-1am.

    .... I just noticed I did not ask a single question in that whole spiel.

    I understood the "snacking" to be unhealthy, kind of mindless eating that people are apt to do in the evening. I am pretty sure they wouldn't count your tea as such. You may ask about the post workout... I wouldn't want you to feel depleted after a workout. They may be willing to define some parameters on what "snacking" entails.
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    Monday Night Progress:

    Watch videos for 10 bonus exercise minutes: completed this morning

    Challenge 1 for 10 points: 5 videos x 2
    Completed the first 2 videos. My youngest son (4 years old) thought the Thriller video was hilarious and was trying to kill a zombie (me) the whole time. Then I put him on my back and finished the video so I'd quit tripping over him. Lol

    Challenge 2 for 10 points: 770 stairs up
    Did 240 / 770 (530 left)

    Challenge 3 for 5 points: No late night snacking for 5 days
    Day 1 of 5 complete

    130 (40 strength, 10 bonus, 22 cardio, 58 flex)
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    I started doing my stairs today. Everyone I had to go up, is go back down and do it a few times :smiley:

    In 1975, I was only 1
  • 2016summerfun
    2016summerfun Posts: 284 Member
    jackiep248 wrote: »
    @2016summerfun I had trouble with the spreadsheet this morning and never recorded my weight loss until after work. I lost 1.2 lbs this week. :-)

    HI caught you this morning on the spread sheet but you put in -1.3lb ?.
  • 2run2ski
    2run2ski Posts: 133 Member
    edited October 2016
    You're more kind, B3achy. I was thinking Old Fart Fivers unite! :) I was 7 in 1975 but Rocky Horror Picture Show was in full cult status during high school and college. In fact, our team spirit cheer/dance at cross-country ski meets was the Time Warp! Let me tell you...we got people's attention! lol Funny memory...hadn't thought of that for years. Wouldn't it figure I've been having the worst time with the eating the past two days. I honestly didn't clue in to the third challenge...thankfully you guys talked about it--- I'm on it now. I just need to stay true the next 5 days. I will, Teammates! I promise! I'll do the other Challenges tonight or tomorrow night. And, as long as it doesn't snow/ice, I'll continue biking to work for those cardio minutes! (I dressed like I was going cross -country skiing this morning --- brrrr!) *cross-country skiing is an old school term for nordic skiing.... ;)

    @biketheworld: Welcome!!

    @meowler: Great NSV! jumped off the FR bridge??

    @b3achy Great story!

    Whoever said biketheworld should be runtheworld --- loved it! lol

    @Rusgolden: 1980 hockey win!! Best Olympic moment ever IMHO (for those of us in the US)! Still brings chills! :) (for you young 'uns -- Russia was the Goliath and the US team was a bunch of amateurs. A very unlikely win. Sort of like Iceland beating England in soccer this year...lots of heart)
  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    Great job Fab Fives! Looks like you all are taking motivation from last weeks 2nd place finish and we are currently at 98% to our destination, so the next entry should push us over! Challenges are as important as ever, but this is a good week to push our minutes up for those bonus points!

    Keep it up!!
  • MissionEnforcer
    MissionEnforcer Posts: 411 Member
    edited October 2016

    Not for watching the 2 Romanian videos (which you may count as 10 minutes of exercise,
    if active while you watch).
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    No snacking last night, but I did have a VERY large supper. So, tonight I'll try to tone that down a bit too :smile:
  • My_Butt
    My_Butt Posts: 2,300 Member
    Monday: 32 minutes dance, 20 minutes yoga
  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    My_Butt wrote: »
    Monday: 32 minutes dance, 20 minutes yoga

    Okay, I entered 52 minutes for Monday... was the dance for the video challenge?
  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member


    CHALLENGE #1: “Twisting in Transylvania!” (10 points)
    FIVE VIDEOS TWO TIMES = 34 minutes
    Completed Tuesday, 10/25

    CHALLENGE #2: “Climb To Meet The Count” (10 points)
    ** 770 STAIRS UP = 10 POINTS **
    14 stairs @ home; I figure I'm up & down my stairs @ least five times a day; 14 x 5 = 70
    M = 70 (I forgot to count)
    T = 210 (I'm trying to triple each day); total = 280

    I should be done with this one no later than Friday.

    CHALLENGE #3: “Dracula Doesn’t Share!” (5 points)
    2/7 days complete

    24 Oct. 187 minutes (30 minute walk + 82 minute walk + 25 minutes day 3, level 1 30 Day Shred + 40 minutes day 21 of my other 30 day challenges + 10 minutes for the two videos, yay!)
    25 Oct. 191 minutes (30 minute walk + 40 minute walk + 45 minutes day 22 of my 30 day challenges + 25 minutes day 4, level 1 30 Day Shred + 34 minutes challenge dance videos + 17 minutes stretching)

    Good night!

  • KatKat1209
    KatKat1209 Posts: 229 Member
    Do you know these days - where everything is planned out and you're fully pumped.. and then baam - life get's in the way?
    So I was all set to go to my Bootcamp class yesterday evening. I reached home in time to change into sports clothes and go there right away.
    But then I couldn't even get into my apartment. My digital lock failed. Security came - and couldn't help. Well, guess who had the honor to call a locksmith to open the apartment and have the door lock replaced... and pay for the sh**
    By the time it was open and replaced it was well after eight and no classes done.. yay...
    I will make up for it today - will do the step challenge and some workout!