

  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 5,011 Member

    WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER! Let's Post our minutes and challenge points!

  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Just spent the entire day (aside from my run) doing lesson plans and paperwork. I'm exhausted. Hopefully this week will be more manageable.
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Well, that was a day. I went to my office and got a little work done, then set out for my long run on campus. Lots of stairs on campus so I decided to combine the run and finishing the challenge. I ran all over the place in a crazy pattern and ran up and down over 600 stairs total, which brought me to over 1950 steps. I stopped counting but there were a few more. I was intending to run for 90 minutes, but with the all the steps I was worn out and had to call it a day at 75 minutes. Not a great pace, unsurprisingly, but covered just over 6 miles. The Inca Trail is done!

    My legs felt like jello, so I also did "yoga for tired legs" a little while ago. Nice stretching for my poor quads and hammies.

    This week was a tough one! I'm looking forward to seeing what's coming for the last week. Can't believe it's been 7 weeks already, I've enjoyed this challenge so much! I hope there are no more stairs though. :)

    I see a lot of squares getting filled in and some awesome total times for the week. You guys are all doing so great! I am always so in awe of those of you getting 1000+ minutes a week. Thank you all for pushing me to do more than I thought I could.

  • leti126
    leti126 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi all, just updated my stuff. Sorry for being MIA. It's the end of the semester and I barely have time to breathe. Got some workouts in though and got my challenges done :-)
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    Week 8 destination is posted. The spreadsheet will be available about 6am Pacific time.
  • MissionEnforcer
    MissionEnforcer Posts: 411 Member
    The Spreadsheet is up and running!
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Good morning team one! Looks like Team 5 came out on top for week 7, they turned in a great performance. Great job staying close and still being number one overall! I know this team can pull off an amazing last week.

    Vancouver! This is somewhere I've actually been, and it was fantastic. Looking at all the gorgeous pictures in the challenge thread though, I feel like I didn't see it at all. I was there for a conference and I really should go back. The holiday lights are amazing. I remember having the best sushi of my life there!

    This weeks challenges are so doable! We should all be able to knock those out and pour on the minutes this week. Have a great day!
  • CKS0806
    CKS0806 Posts: 460 Member
    @hawkins410, @MissionEnforcer

    Here are my 8 reasons along with the 9th choice

    1) Challenges are fun & have been fun
    2) Great Support
    3) Feeling good about yourself
    4) Staying Healthy
    5) Had a goal to reach 90 mins of workout which I have accomplished from the challenges
    6) Watch calorie intake
    7) Made new friends
    8) Workout calms me down
    9) Will continue to drink enough water which I have accomplished from the challenges
  • CKS0806
    CKS0806 Posts: 460 Member
    @Missionenforcer, @hawkins410

    I chose the challenge Transylvania Romania because it was fun and my daughter will do it with me..Yay!!!!
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    Challenge #3:
    1. Continue to drink my water, especially on weekends
    2. Keep taking my walks during break time at work
    3. Exercise first thing in the morning before my brain wakes up!
    4. Do some sort of exercise every day
    5. Hike w/ Tara more!
    6. Eat more vegetables, less sugar, and more protein
    7. Track ALL my calories
    8. Don't beat up on myself if I gain a pound
    9. Something new: I'd really like to try a kickboxing class, if I'm not too short! :D
  • CKS0806
    CKS0806 Posts: 460 Member
    mts7471 wrote: »
    @hawkins410, @MissionEnforcer

    Here are my 8 reasons along with the 9th choice

    1) Challenges are fun & have been fun
    2) Great Support from team mates
    3) Feeling good about yourself
    4) Staying Healthy
    5) Accomplished 90 mins workout and stay consistent
    6) Watch calorie intake
    7) Make new friends
    8) Keep work out for calming
    9) Will continue to drink enough water which I have accomplished from the challenges
    10) join more challenges
  • CKS0806
    CKS0806 Posts: 460 Member
    @Missionenforcer, @hawkins410

    I chose the challenge Transylvania Romania because it was fun that made me act like crazy and my daughter will do it with me..Yay!!!!