2017--This Year is Our Year!!!



  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,597 Member
    It sort of sounds like today might have been the next to last flea market at this location. All kinds of stories going around. Getting out at the end of the day was strange. We were right next to TWO bay doors and they wouldn't let us drive in either one.

    Yes, most flea markets have tables set up.

    I'm exhausted but it's over.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    In recognition of our recent discussion of exercise, I offer the following:

  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    I'm watching "Facing the Fat," a documentary about an obese man who underwent a fast to conquer his problem. The beginning of it has some very interesting statistics about the financial costs of obesity. I found it on Amazon and am streaming it free since I'm a Prime member
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Jean - LOVE that block! Went to Gettysburg today and had a late lunch with my Dad, two brothers and a SIL. I had a salad with FF dressing and a single crab cake ("Maryland" style ha ha). The waitress kept trying to force me to order a second side. Why do they get so belligerent about that?

    My dad says he goes to Walmart and walks up and down every aisle. 20 minutes of walking. At age 92. He should be an example to me!!!!
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Maryanne--I couldn't resist posting the block. It sounds as if you had a great outing with your father and family, and did well with the eating. I could do well walking in WalMart also as it is so big, but it is so far away. I keep looking (or is it avoiding) the right exercise. I enjoy walking but not in the heat, bugs, etc. so a big store or mall is great but not available. I guess that leaves "Walk at Home."
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,597 Member
    My dad was an athlete when younger and a coach at my school. My sister and my two brothers were athletes. I was the odd man out. I learned to read early and it really stuck I guess (I was not only the first child but I was the first grandchild on BOTH sides so I got a lot of early attention). There were brief forays into activity. I wanted to take ballet lessons and my grandmother was going to pay but they pronounced me as "too tall". I also enjoyed volleyball in school. I'll never forget how shocked my sister the athlete was when the gym teacher told her that if she'd needed one more person for the volleyball team she'd have asked me. I played in the marching band. But mostly I lived in my mind.

    I'd love to take ballroom dancing lessons some day. I also wouldn't mind getting back to a gym for strength training. But there's not enough hours in the day at this point in my life. Have to settle for the treadmill. I shouldn't say it like that. I'm lucky to have it.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,597 Member
    DH's primary computer died. He spent all weekend trying various things. He thinks it's the motherboard. (Do I have that right?) He doesn't seem too broken up about having to buy a new computer. LOL! Unlike me he doesn't have a lot of files. He mostly uses the internet. But he does hate being without right now. Not sure why he hasn't pulled out his lap top. Instead he's using this machine. Of course I can always go use my work laptop. (WAY too many computers in this house. That's not even all of them)

    It did give me pause to realize how much older than these computers my work lap top is. Luckily I keep it pretty well backed up but need to make that very well backed up!

  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Maryanne--Those memes are hilarious and very much needed on a rainy Monday.

    I've been going through things and trying to determine what should go. Obvioiusly, the things I discovered that I had forgotten I had should go...but I might use it?
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,790 Member
    Loved the Monday memes. I especially love #1. Just dropped my friend off at her Bridge game. She went to a Registry hearing last week with her lawyer. They don't tell you how the hearing went. You have to wait for a letter in the mail. For her sake and mine, I hope they tell her she can re-take the driving test. Losing her license has really one a number on her confidence. She took the test once and her friends told her beforehand that the examiner fails a lot of people and wasn't very nice. Of course she was a nervous wreck before the test started and went into it with a failure mindset.

    I'm at the library returning items after dropping her off. There's a blood drive at the church next door and I'm thinking about donating. If I have the right date, I'll stop and do it. I've got laundry to do at home but that can wait. There's nothing pressing on my schedule.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Helene--Your friend must be in agony. Waiting for results in the mail just makes the whole process more stressful. It is good that you can donate blood. I was ruled out years ago.

    I went to town to get the mail and to take another lab test back to be processed. That does it until I see the urologist in July; he always checks AT that point, I think he will be establishing the date for another scope of the bladder. Other than that, I spent most of the morning working in the house. The Kindle is now calling for some relaxation; Alexa will pipe in some of my favorite music.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Helene - here's hoping that if your friend should be driving, she'll get her license back! I'm not sure what I'd do if I couldn't drive! It would be awful. My dad arrived by himself yesterday. I haven't driven with him in years. I'm hoping he's still safe behind the wheel!
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,790 Member
    The blood donation went smoothly but I found my pulse racing and felt a little odd later. They always tell you to take it easy for the rest of the day. It didn't feel like I did much but it was extremely humid. I decided to read and drink extra water after that. I'm feeling okay now so it must have been the humidity, I agree that not driving must be difficult.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,905 Member
    We are back from our quick trip to Houston. Our nephew and his wife who live in France were in town for a wedding of a friend, and my SIL had their 2 year old, so it was a bit chaotic. Our nephew and his wife were just returning from 3 weeks in the Far East and arranged their itinerary so they could attend the wedding on their way back to France. Their child had been in El Paso with her mom and extended family but last Tuesday one of them flew to Houston with him to hand him off to my SIL so she could have some grandma time with him. He's a cutie and for the most part pretty well-behaved, but he did throw a few very impressive temper tantrums. It definitely takes a lot of energy to keep up with a 2 year old! I'm glad I don't need to do it very often.

    Today I was busy doing laundry and baking and decorating cupcakes for a birthday at the place where I volunteer. One of the resident's sons has a birthday tomorrow, so I volunteered to make a cake for him. Tomorrow I will deliver it, then I think I will treat myself to a mani/pedi since my nails and toes are looking pretty bad. It will be nice to sit and relax after the last few very busy (for me) days.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Pam - that two year old gets around!

    Not much happening here today. Feeding the colonies (it rained HARD yesterday so I'm sure I'll be dealing with muddy bowls; at least it's exercise LOL!); going to the grocery store; and then working.

    Just had an ambulance go down our short, dead end street. Lights and sirens. I always feel bad for whomever had to call that ambulance.

  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,790 Member
    Is the little boy bi-lingual? Other than the tantrum, I hope it was a good trip. How old is the birthday boy? Is he still a child? I've recovered from my blood donation wooziness. I'm sure it was the humidity. I have the chiropractor today and I think I really need it. I hope to get a massage next week if the woman I go to has any free time. I haven't had one since I went to FL last December so I'm sure I have a lot of creaky joints and muscles that could use her help.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,597 Member
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,905 Member
    Yes, my littlest nephew does get around, lol! I'm sure he has more stamps in his passport than I will ever have.

    I'm not sure how old the birthday boy is. We aren't given much information about them, to protect their privacy. I was only informed that he loves basketball and chocolate cupcakes, so I made chocolate cupcakes decorated like basketballs. Pretty easy, really.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,790 Member
    Pam, I guess I confused with with the way I phrased my question. I was asking if your little nephew was bi-lingual (English and French). That's very nice that a group does something special for the families in the shelter. This boy probably hasn't had many birthdays where he was made to feel special. What a wonderful group to be involved with.

    I saw the chiropractor yesterday and boy, did I need him. My ankle, knee and hip on the right side were all out of line. I'd been having a problem walking when I'd get up after sitting for a while. I figured it was pressure on a nerve cause it. The doctor told me my knee was twisted. No wonder I was having having a hard time when I stood up. My joints were a little sore from being adjusted but I could see a difference in my walk right away. I guess the knee was throwing my gait off and affecting all the joints.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,905 Member
    My nephew isn't talking a lot yet, but he is picking up some French in his daycare where that is the only language that is spoken. His mother's family is Hispanic, so he is also learning some Spanish, along with English as his primary language. They will be in France for two more years, so by then he will likely be fluent in French, and (hopefully) English. After that, they have agreed to take another assignment somewhere in the Far East, so he may learn at least one more language there. His dad seems to have a real facility for languages and is already fairly fluent in French, but his mom is still struggling quite a bit. Exxon-Mobil pays for them to have a private language tutor once a week, which has been very helpful for her, but she definitely struggles more than he does with it. She's a very smart woman, and I think most academic subjects have been relatively easy for her, so having to struggle with this is a new experience for her, I think. Even though her family is Hispanic, she doesn't speak Spanish. She says she can understand it and read it, but has never had the confidence to try to speak it. I think, and she said the same thing, that she worries too much about making mistakes and feeling embarrassed when she does, while her husband doesn't care about making mistakes as he feels that's how you learn. Now that she's finished with the excessive training she was doing for the triathlon, maybe she will have more time to work on her language lessons, and more opportunities to interact with her neighbors.