2017--This Year is Our Year!!!



  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,601 Member
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,793 Member
    Maybe she's looking for her prince.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,601 Member
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,601 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    Maybe she's looking for her prince.

    Aren't we all? (Just kidding)
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,601 Member
    We're having the plumber back tomorrow for 3 or 4 hours in the laundry room. Tuffy and Indy had vet appointments today so I checked them into boarding until tomorrow. Two less to try to round up in the morning to sequester. I hope this is IT for awhile!

    Anyway I miss them already.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,601 Member
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,601 Member
    I started yesterday consciously trying to cut back on the calories. When I make this week's grocery list I've got to get back into good shopping habits. I've been doing way too much eating whatever I want for way too long. And whatever I want is heavily calorie laden. Next step? Back on the treadmill.

    The plumber is gone, thank goodness. But we still have at least one more project that needs done. I'm hoping that can be delayed as the cats have had enough. I picked Tuffy and Indy up at the vet and got home when the plumber was supposed to be done but he went over by TWO HOURS!

  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,793 Member
    We had hoped to have the plumber back this week but so far, no appointment. He was supposed to flush the system, put in fresh anti-freeze and change a couple of fittings. Of course we have medical appointments the next couple of days so that will complicate things if he even calls. I think we'll be ending up waiting until next spring if he doesn't call soon. Our departure date is coming quickly.
    I may be in sporadic contact for a bit. The battery on my laptop died and I have a replacement on order. I'm checking in at the library right now. The old battery died yesterday morning and I'm having withdrawal symptoms for no computer access at home. Oh, well.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,601 Member
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,601 Member
    I'm just running and running. Work has gotten crazy. I've spent time on the colonies. I need to work on the CROM accounts. I need to start on Christmas. I've gotten as far as putting together the (huge) spreadsheet of everything that needs done for Christmas. Today I actually went to Walmart and Home Depot looking for a sturdier substitute for the "feeder station" at the one colony. I know what I want but am not finding it so far. May be one thing that might work at Home Depot but I need to do a little more measuring next time I'm at the colony. I had measured but what I found looks too big even though it seems to almost fit the measurements.

    Tomorrow I get my hair done. That will be a few minutes when I'm forced to just sit. YEAH!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,601 Member
    Flock of flamingoes:

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,601 Member
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,793 Member
    I'm in cleaning and packing mode tight now. The plan i to leave Tuesday afternoon after DH' doctor's appointment. It's just a check up with hi primary care doc. The cardiologist wanted him to repeat the echo cardiogram to compare to the pre-rehab test. We're only going half way to NJ since we won't be getting an early start. I have a hotel reservation. On Wednesday, we'll have a 3 hour ride to BIL's house and the holiday dinner. We'll head south to FL from there rather than drive back home.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,601 Member
    Helene - I hope you have a smooth trip and a great Thanksgiving dinner!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,601 Member
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,793 Member
    edited November 2017
    That' what I'm hoping for. A smooth, safe trip with no big traffic jams. I wonder how Jean's trip is going. And wasn't Pam traveling as well? Are you at home for the holiday or will you be visiting your dad?
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,601 Member
    We'll be here Thursday as DH never wants to go anywhere. Probably going to York PA on Saturday to a restaurant (dad is making reservations). Probably just me, my dad, and youngest brother and his wife. Sister isn't coming east and other brother is working. On the way home I can stop at my favorite store and stock the freezer a little with things like chicken pot pie (the PA Dutch kind, not the kind in a crust).


    All the recipes online are just slightly different. I have fond memories of helping my grandmother make noodles. Of course when I make it I use pot pie (bott boi) noodles from the store. One of our local stores actually carries them although I have ordered from Amazon:


    I've got a turkey and all the extras. After the holiday I'll probably make and freeze turkey corn soup.

  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,793 Member
    That sounds good. My sister from SC is going on a cruise next Saturday. She told me she'd do a Thanksgiving dinner for us when she get home. And of course BIL is making dinner Thursday. We weren't sure he'd be up to it. He stepped on a nail while he was remodeling a closet and developed a serious infection. He ended up having surgery and IV antibiotics at the hospital. He came home with a port and had weeks of infusions of the antibiotic at home. It's about 6 weeks since the injury but he thinks he' up to hosting dinner. We'll all pitch in and help to make it easier for him.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,601 Member