Trying to Concieve



  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Katie, Glad to hear you got some personal time to yourself. Ive heard it can be draining always having your baby attached at the hip, and it can be overwhelming. One day at a time, dear <3 Hope you are getting loads of snuggles in with your babe, and loving motherhood. I cant wait to join you <3

    I got 2 shots today, on my left and right side. OPK positive last night (good thing I tested 2x per day or I would have missed it!) BD Monday and Tuesday night, so hoping the OPK was right and I O today which would give us O-2, O-1....maybe O? Will have to see how Im feeling with the spine shots!
    Fingers double crossed for this cycle (#5 of actively trying and I dont want to see #6 roll around), my birthday is next week, vacation the week after...I could find out at the beach! Also with my shots, timing them can be tricky with where I am in my cycle, this would give me the closest shot to getting pregnant :)

    Steennut, good luck with your follicles!
    Lizz and Sheila, you'll get the hang of temping, check to see if your thermometer saves your last temp that way you don't have to enter it in until you properly wake up (flashlight is too bright and entering the data wakes me up!) I go back to sleep, then take it to the bathroom and enter temp in my app when I get ready for the day. Dont stress too much about the time fluctuations, there isnt much you can do about it!

    Amanda, your weekend with your mom sounds great :) AC is a must in my house, lol
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    @Kirstie155 Sounds like you had an enjoyable weekend with your friend!

    Temping seems to be going pretty good, the biggest issues is that I don't ever sleep to my alarm, so I am usually waking up between 4:30-5:30 am naturally (my alarm is set to 6:05) so there is 30-45 minutes variability to the timing I wake up, but they've seemed pretty consistent between 96.8 and 97.1 for CD 2-7 so I'm not too concerned.

    I would recommend setting an alarm earlier. Say at 4:30am. Temp to that, and go back to sleep. I set mine for 5am, 7 days a week. I wake up at 5 for work, but like to sleep in on the weekends. The first month was a bit difficult while I adjusted, but now I have no trouble falling right back to sleep after temping, its almost like I dont really wake up when it goes off and I temp in my sleep!
  • steennut
    steennut Posts: 4 Member
    @kristie115 sending positive baby vibes your way!
  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    Kirstie155 wrote: »
    @Kirstie155 Sounds like you had an enjoyable weekend with your friend!

    Temping seems to be going pretty good, the biggest issues is that I don't ever sleep to my alarm, so I am usually waking up between 4:30-5:30 am naturally (my alarm is set to 6:05) so there is 30-45 minutes variability to the timing I wake up, but they've seemed pretty consistent between 96.8 and 97.1 for CD 2-7 so I'm not too concerned.

    I would recommend setting an alarm earlier. Say at 4:30am. Temp to that, and go back to sleep. I set mine for 5am, 7 days a week. I wake up at 5 for work, but like to sleep in on the weekends. The first month was a bit difficult while I adjusted, but now I have no trouble falling right back to sleep after temping, its almost like I dont really wake up when it goes off and I temp in my sleep!

    Yea, my brain will just wake me up at 3:30 for the 4:30 alarm. It's awesome. I can't sleep to an alarm unless totally exhausted. Oh well, I am not even sure I'll track on future cycles at this point.
  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    So, I let my doctor update my tetanus yesterday (I'm pretty sure I remember my last one being in about 2002, oops, been a while!) I am supposed to be into fertile week this week, I wonder if having just got the updated vaccination will have an impact on conception chances? I don't seem to be having any site reaction and maybe feel overly tired today as a result. Hopefully it won't make much of an impact.

    While I was happy with the visit to the doctor and she was much better than my previous, their office no longer offers prenatal/maternity care. So, I'll have to find another option if we get pregnant. The only real option in town besides the doctor group I refuse to use is a OBGYN office where you basically don't see the same doctor twice during appointments. That seems exceptionally stressful for me. No other options really, I guess I won't even worry about that right now. My current doctor said they'd be happy to do a confirmation blood test for me while waiting for an appointment elsewhere if it ever comes to that point.
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    Ugh typed a whole post yesterday and hit the wrong button on the app.

    @SheilAnneSmith Sorry to hear the new doctor can't provide prenatal care! I grew up in a small town with few options, but we were able to drive an hour for doctors. Is that an option where you are? Glad you got tetanus updated now!

    @VeryKatie ahhh having a baby attached sounds soo exhausting. I hope Chris gives you more breaks from having Keith on top of you!

    @Kirstie155 I have everything crossed that this is your cycle! I so hope you get you positive test while you're at the beach! Glad you got your shots for pain relief and hope you were able to get one more attempt in.

    I'm so relieved that it's Friday! I decided not to drink for the rest of the this cycle since it messes with my temperature so much. I drank most of last week with my mom visiting and my temps were significantly higher, even the morning after I have only 2 drinks. The weekend is going to be tough being around my husband and roommate while they drink, but I think I will be able to convince myself it's worth it to be able to confirm ovulation this month when temptation sets in. It's going to start early though since Kris and I are kicking off the weekend at a concert, and roomie wants to go for a float down the river tomorrow. Ahh, I think temptation set in as I typed that. This is going to be challenging, but I guess it's good practice anyway. Last night I was sitting between them on the couch as they sipped my favorite beer and I managed that fine, but it's harder when taking in live music.

    As far as the home upgrades go, we are pretty sure we're going to move forward with the two-vent AC option, but it's going to pretty much drain our savings. Money comes and money goes, I guess. We aren't 100% set on the solar panels yet because we still need to understand the cost of a new roof. Too many variables and too much money to wrap my head around.
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    @pezhed You can do it! Josh and I haven't had a single drink since July 3rd. I'm right with you on this. :D

    @SheilAnneSmith Glad you like your new doctor, even if they don't do prenatal.

    @Kirstie155 Yay for you! Birthday and beach!! Yes, I found out my thermometer does save the temp. My bbt chart is starting to fill out now.

    So, my gym routine crashed when I picked up a 48 hour stomach bug. I hoped it was early pregnancy symptoms, but then TOM came with a vengeance. :( I turned 35 on Friday. (Hello, middle age!) But had to cancel all birthday plans partly because I didn't get any days off this week, (the joy of being a boss) and partly because I wasn't up to eating if it wasn't in my pj's.

    The good news is that we found a used/returned professional gas powered pressure washer at Sam's Club marked down $100. Then reward points knocked another $170 off the price. It's $50 a day to rent one. So this is quite a windfall for us. We've been trying unsuccessfully to strip several layers of lead and oil based paint off the outside of the house. Scraping and chemicals haven't worked. Josh wanted to sand it off, but I was worried about us breathing in lead dust or getting it on our skin. Not a single painter in town will touch the stuff because it requires full hazmat suits and loads of EPA paperwork.

    So I'm really relieved. A pressure washer is a much safer way to remove the paint, and easier to clean up. I won't have to worry about lead poison risks to pregnancy. At the rate we're going, we'll be done before I ever get preggers. Ha ha.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    @Alioth I work at a remodeling company, and sometimes we have to deal with lead paint. It is a super serious toxin that can kill children, lower IQs and cause lots of nasty health problems. If I were you, I wouldn't touch it at all. There is a reason that the painters are required to use the hazmat sits and the EPA is involved. Using a pressure washer can blast the paint back at you, break up the paint and release it into the air, and it will leech into the ground soil, which can cause issues for the environment, effect you have pets, will your kids play outside around the house? Once the visible paint is gone, any particles in the ground will remain and can cause a "lead zone" that can effect children and animals. I strongly urge you to find another way to deal with the lead paint!

    Lead paint is no joke, and I really hope that you dont try to abate it yourself! If you must remove it yourself due to financial reasons or you just cant find anyone to do it, here are some suggestions on how to remove it (no powerwasher!)

    I really didnt want this to come off as rude, I am really just concerned for your health and safety! :)o:)

    Oh, and Happy Birthday! I turn 34 this week :/

    @pezhed How did the weekend go?
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    Happy birthday @Alioth and @Kirstie155!!

    Liz, so sorry about your stomach bug and TOM. I hope you can work out the lead paint issue!

    Not drinking went ok..I did end up having 2 beers on Saturday, but Kris had about 11 beers over the weekend, most of which were with me, and I would usually keep up with him. We went to 4 different bars on Friday, a brewery and a bar on Saturday, and 3 bars yesterday, haha. So I'm proud of myself for resisting so much. Interestingly, the 2 beers I had were at home when the roommate wanted to taste test a few different pale ales and I decided to then have a wheat beer to wash the hoppy taste away. I made up for the lack of beer in not-so-good food choices, but I'm sure it will eventually normalize.

    Tonight I'm going to a Science on Tap event at a bar called "pregnancy myths", so I'll pass on anything I learn!

    We met with one of my friends who reps a smaller solar company on Saturday after we got a quote from a huge solar company last week. Her quote was way higher just because it's a smaller company, but she offered a 98% usage offset when the larger company offered only a 74% usage offset. Even the higher quote the larger company (SolarCity/Tesla) provided only accounted for 93% usage offset. We can't decide what to do. Well, Kris definitely wants to go with the cheaper option, but I want to go with the smaller company and the higher usage offset. I can't imagine our energy usage is going to go anywhere but up from here with AC and hopefully eventually another family member or two which require tons of laundry. It's such a huge purchase and tough decision to make. We are getting moving on the AC today though!! Maybe we'll have it in time for FW :smile:
  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    Hope you get the AC in ASAP @pezhed! We are supposed to be close to a 100 this week, we just have a tiny window unit it our kitchen and it'll keep us around 75 if we manage it well, but we have to close off 1/2 the house and use fans to push the cool air around. But, hey, it's better than nothing. We'd like a bigger unit but all the windows are pretty narrow.

    Our weekend was pretty good, I spent Saturday on the road to go watch a steer I sold show, then Sunday did a whole lot of nothing so it was nice after a fairly stressful week last week.

    I am still temping and haven't seen a rise or change yet in temperature yet. We were thinking ovulation would be on Saturday, but nope. I've been using wondofo OPKs as well and finally got one almost as dark as the control line this morning, so I think I'm ovulating later than I expected, more like CD 15-16, rather than CD 12-13 as with my usual 26-27 day cycle. I swear the 5-6 cycles before we started to TTC were dead on 27 days, every time. As soon as we started trying its been 30, 26, 25 and maybe 30 again this month.

    I've got some cow work this weekend that I need to do that involves handling a product called Lutalyse. It essentially causes rapid regression of her Corpus Luteum to stimulate her to restart her cycle and ovulate within 4 days so I can AI her. It's readily absorbed through the skin and will cause abortion, so I have thankfully been able to find a neighbor who is willing to come over and help me administer the drug so I don't have to risk getting any on me while handling the vial or administering the shot since I'll be in our 2ww at that point.

  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Good news! We retested all the paint inside and outside the house. NONE of it is lead based. It's the wood trim itself that's showing traces of lead. So at some point there was lead based paint, but someone removed it and repainted before us. ...Unfortunately, the pressure washer is busted. Internal pump problem and no pressure. Sam's Club won't take it back or trade out. We're trying to get a warranty claim going. *Sigh*

    @Kirstie155 Thank you for all the advice and concern. I really appreciate it!

    @pezhed Mmm...tasty beer. I mean, pregnancy myths sound interesting. o:)

    @SheilAnneSmith Sounds like a very sophisticated operation you have going there with your cow breeding program. Cool to hear about. Good luck nailing down your O dates!
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    @Alioth glad to hear the paint isn't lead-based after all! Sorry about the pressure washer. That is disappointing!
    @SheilAnneSmith glad you get a helper for the cow procedure! That stuff sounds scary! During basic googling it does seem like TTC kinda messes with cycles--guess we're paying too much attention to what's going on so it wants to evade our efforts, haha. My cycle length range has been 10 days so I feel you on the frustration there.

    Most interesting thing I learned last night was that after 20 weeks pregnant, the foods a woman eats can influence the baby's tastes because the baby ingests amniotic fluid at that point, which is flavored by the woman's diet! So, get your veggies!

    I'm not feeling stressed this month overall regarding TTC but am trying to figure out if/when I ovulate. I'm confused about opk and CM at the moment. It looks like my LH must have surged overnight but my CM hasn't really gotten to where it should be to support fertilization. I guess temps will tell starting tomorrow if I O'ed? Anyway, trying not to stress and just BD at least every other day for a couple weeks.
  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    @pezhed - No doubt, I'm convinced our bodies screw with us intentionally.

    That's super cool about influencing the babies tastes after 20 weeks.

    I think we have pretty well pinned down O this month. I never got a 100% blazing obvious positive OPK but it was darn close on Sunday night/Monday before fading yesterday. I couldn't get an accurate BBT on Tuesday morning because I came down with some 24 hour bug on Monday evening and felt awful all night with headache, chills, nausea, ect. My BBT was elevated today and I feel good, so I recorded today's and will see what the next couple mornings show. I think we hit O-3, O-2 and O-1. I also don't think I ever spiked a fever while sick, so hopefully it won't have hindered chances too much.

  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    @SheilAnneSmith so glad you're feeling better! And your timing sounds great this month! Fingers crossed it worked!

    I got my FF crosshairs this morning! I was so worried I didn't ovulate for whatever reason. If it's accurate, we got attempts in at O-3 and -1. Wish we had tried one more time, but we'll see. Also it means my cycle this month should only be 29 or 30 days so it won't be so tortuous this time like my 38-day cycle last month. Yay! Happy Friday indeed!
  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    Baby dust your way @Pezhed! Our O dates must have been pretty close together this month. Good luck in the 2WW! Looks like your attempts were pretty well timed also.
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    Yeah! We'll wait it out together this month!
  • daneejela
    daneejela Posts: 461 Member
    Hello to all ladies that are trying to conceive :)
    I was thinking if I should join this group or not since we are not really planning a pregnancy more taking it casually and allowing it to happen.
    Honestly with a PCOS and one Fallopian tube missing I think any form of planning would be too stressful to deal with. I am taking it as it is - if it happens ok, if it doesn't happen I there is a reason for it, and I'll try to be ok with it too..

    What I am struggling with is how to keep up my fitness & weight loss goals while trying to conceive? How do you do it? I feel constantly stretched between two goals in my head.
    Every month I wander if I am pregnant, and if I am is it ok that I am in caloric deficit and what is safe what is not...
    Also, it's hard to have a long term goals when there is such a big thing potentially happening.

    How do you cope with it? Are you successful in your weight loss while trying to conceive? How do you keep your motivation stable?
  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    @daneejela I haven't quiet figured it out yet myself. We're on our 3rd month actually trying and I have stalled out on weight loss since we started trying. There is certainly a balance I haven't yet figured out. I feel like I'm starting to get there, a couple of unsuccessful TTC attempts helped me start thinking long term again. I am just trying to work towards some long term goals and figure I'll get as far as I can before we get pregnant. It seems a little easier for me to create goals based on nutrition versus just calories. If I'm eating in a deficit I want it to be highly nutritious at least. I have been adding high quality fats such as avacados, whole milk yogurt, ect and trying to do a better job about limiting junk food and sweets.

    For me it hasn't been easy, that's for sure. But, I keep trying and chipping away at it. I would be inclined to think that as long as you aren't in a extreme deficit during your 2WW it is probably okay, but I really don't know. No doubt moderate goals would be better than extreme goals.

  • daneejela
    daneejela Posts: 461 Member
    @SheilAnneSmith thank you for your response!
    I like what you said about making long term moderate goals focusing on nutrition more then calories! I think that is a great attitude, and it's a goal that you can keep throughout the pregnancy also.

    Today I had a clot in what I though was an implantation bleeding, so I am dismissing the chance of pregnancy. Even though I honestly said that I am taking it casual and as it comes, I feel weirdly sad about not being pregnant. :(
    I'll try to keep up a good attitude, it's really arrogant to expect to get pregnant at first month without protection after so many years of trying to do the opposite - staying non pregnant. So, I guess that now I'll put more focus to my weight loss goals and make the best of this time.
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    edited August 2017
    @daneejela I agree that it's so hard to stay motivated to lose weight while TTC. I was doing great leading up to this time and even got within my goal range in recent months. But then tracking AND thinking about TTC became too much to think about. It really shouldn't be, I guess, since I shouldn't be thinking about TTC for all of those hours, but tracking just seems like such a chore these days. I'm sorry you aren't pregnant this cycle. No matter how hard you're trying/not trying, it's hard to avoid being sad! Welcome to the group :)

    Edited to add, I should mention that my weight is creeping back up but I'm having a hard time doing anything about it. Being in this group is helpful to at least not go completely off the wheels, but it's SO hard!
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