Trying to Concieve
Ahhhh, Lizz!!! I'm so frigging happy for you congratulations!! Sorry your husband went and told a coworker, but I'm sure he was just so excited!
Im out this month, we only tried once this feeling, and has some performance anxiety. Hubby did come at the end of my work trip and jump me before we went out to a romantic dinner though, so that was nice...but unless I oed 4 days late it won't help!0 -
@Kirstie155 haha well at least you got some sexy time and a romantic dinner! Sorry you're out this cycle, though0
@Alioth Congratulations!!0
@Kirstie155 Thank you!! Yeah, I've forgiven the big mush. Haha, welp, a romantic dinner sounds very nice. At least you're having fun.
@WifiresGettingFit Thank you!
Ok, so back to the funny TTC story from earlier this month:
The day before O, the hubs and I were trying to get all romantic middle of the day as I figured it was our best shot for this cycle. We also had a Halloween party to go to in a couple hours, so we were on a tight schedule, trying to cook food for it and get into costume and makeup. But right before we really got started, much to our horror, we hear this tapping on the front door. We tried to ignore it, hoping whoever it was would go away. But the tapping became a persistent banging. So finally, my husband jumps up naked and runs to the front door, opens and peeks around. It's MY DAD.Josh yells that out. I run and hide in the bathroom. Josh cracks open the door all sheepish to say hello to Dad. Dad is like "Is this not a good time?" and Josh says no, they did not come at a good time. My mother in the car gets embarrassed and yells for Dad to get out of there, apologizes, and they drive off. I was so embarrassed afterwards. We kinda flubbed the BD that day. I was super anxious that we'd missed our chance. But, thankfully, the next day we had more success and no parents showing up in the middle of things. The End.
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@Alioth You're welcome!
Also, really enjoyed the story. haha
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omg Aloith, that is too funny! After you announce, you can tell them they interrupted you guys while you were making their grandchild and it almost didnt happen, hahaha!
That could happen to me as my parents are the next neighborhood over...but they have the code to open the door! They use it to help us out when we need someone to let the dog out or something like that and have never just let themselves in0 -
I know, right! If they want a grandchild so bad, they gotta give us privacy! Lol. @Kirstie155 OMG. My parents must NEVER have a key to my house. They would have totes just let themselves in, if they did. The thing is, before they swung by on a whim, they texted to see if we were home, and we didn't answer. But they came anyway! We had to see them the next day at church. I'm pretty sure they knew what we were up to the day before.0
@Alioth that is so funny. Thanks for coming back and sharing!
I finally decided that I just haven't ovulated yet this cycle here at CD30. Ugh. I think it could be because I was sick earlier in the cycle but I'm super annoyed. I guess I will pee on things. I can't decide if I should use my new CB Advanced Digital OPK yet or just use my Wondfos and save the expensive thing for a "normal" cycle. I thought I was enjoying getting to know my body/cycle better but honestly all of this is just making me hate my body. I guess on the positive side we may still have a chance this cycle?0 -
Haha I'm wondering why on earth he would keep knocking!!!! Like. Give it up. Hahah0
@pezhed sorry that you havent ovulated yet
that must be so so frustrating. You are temping, right? I have zero hope for this cycle...but next cycle I would find out right before or on our 3 year wedding anniversary! Hoping thats the one, otherwise Im looking at January and thinking February is so close after that...and that marks a year of trying
I have to check my phone to see what cycle Im on now, 10? 11? I don't really remember anymore, believe it or not!
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@Kirstie155 thanks for the sympathy. This whole TTC thing is a roller coaster. I’m temping and I had stopped OPKs this cycle but am starting again due to irregularity. 3 year wedding anniversary sounds like a good time to find out! I can believe not being able to keep track. I’m on 5 and it feels like many more. Thank god for reddit flair to help me keep(ish) my head.
I’d been feeling pretty randy the past couple days and started taking OPKs. Stark white yesterday and pretty close to positive this morning! Expecting surge later today probably! Maybe I will ovulate at long last. We got one attempt in last night so we should be able to get one (maybe 2 if we’re extra ambitious, but we aren’t great at daily BD) more in before O. Happy Friday indeed!0 -
Haha, right.
Wow, @pezhed That's got to be driving you nuts, not knowing! Cycle 5 killed me. But I'm happy you're hitting your surge now and feeling good. I hope your weekend is super fun!
@Kirstie155 It would be so awesome to hear you got good news for your anniversary. Fingers crossed for you!0 -
@pezhed you're on Reddit? Are you in tfab or still trying? I was active in those subs awhile ago but no so much anymore0
@Kirstie155 I'm on TFAB. I'm mountain_mamma on there. I'm active off and on but read a lot of it.0
Period is due today, cycle 10. Blarg- what a Monday.
Luckily I'm off early tomorrow and off for the rest of the week- yay! I'm already over being at work today and I've only been here an hour and a half!0 -
According to FF, i have no clear ovulation detected and I had a meltdown about it yesterday. "Regular til youre not." Ahhhhhhhh!!!! Next cycle Im buying more opks....temping data has never steered me wrong before though1
@Kirstie155 when is the last time you used OPKs? I don’t think I could make it without them.
CD 56 here. No ovulation or end in sight. Feeling really sad about it today. Thinking of calling a new clinic I may want to try in January. I’m due for a well woman exam in January anyway so it may be an opportune time to switch.0 -
Got my opks in the mail yesterday. So so very negative! Looking like AF is on the way though with the cramps and pink cm I have today. On to cycle 111
So do you think you had an anovulatory cycle? Have you had one before?0
Yes I think it was anovulatory and it's the first that I can say for sure. All other charted cycles seem normal.0
Did anyone start taking Folic Acid while you were still on birth control? Is that okay?0
Kirstie155 wrote: »Got my opks in the mail yesterday. So so very negative! Looking like AF is on the way though with the cramps and pink cm I have today. On to cycle 11
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@Kirstie155 so sorry for the anovulatory cycle but I’m glad it was short lived!
@girlalmighty08 I didn’t take folic acid on BC but since it’s in prenatal vitamins, which I think you can take while still on BC, I wouldn’t worry about it.0 -
@Ifthoughts I saw and RE last week and so far we are looking unexplained. I had an HSG this week and blood drawn today to check a few other things that haven't been done yet like vitamin D level.0
I have a question... how far in advance of TTC did you ladies start taking folic acid? And did anyone take it while they were still on birth control pills?0
@girlalmighty08 My doctor recommended to start a prenatal at least a month before TTC. I've seen recommendations for 3 months as well. She also recommended that I have at least one cycle before trying as well.
Just some insight (obviously it may be different for you) but I went off birth control March 2017 and it took 8 months for my cycle to get back to what it was pre-birth control.
As for taking folic acid while taking birth control pills, it's a little beyond my scope of knowledge. I will say that I was actively taking both a birth control and multi with folic acid without any issues. From some reading I've done, I do know that some birth control now contains folic acid as a pre-existing folic acid deficiency can be exaggerated when taking oral contraception which can make it dangerous to get pregnant shortly after stopping birth control.
This is probably something to run by your doctor.
(EDIT: fix wording)0 -
Hi ladies.
I'm sorry to read about your frustrations with ovulation and your length of cycles! @pezhed any answers from a new clinic? I realize you might have said something in another thread while I've been missing everything.
@girlalmighty08 I feel like it would be fine to take folic acid while on bc. Folic acid is a naturally occurring vitamin. If you can eat asparagus on bc, taking it in pill form shouldn't be an issue. I've also heard the first month off bc you are usually advised not to ttc. This is for a few reasons. 1 being it makes it hard to date the pregnancy. 2 being some women release multiple eggs the first cycle and and up with a pregnancy of multiples.
I have some catching up to do as usual... But here is an update from me...
I can't believe I'm saying this... But I've started to try tracking my bbt again. You know what's impossible? Tracking bbt while you have a kiddo going through a sleep regression and who still doesn't sleep through the night and wakes up at comepletely random times. It is ALL. Over. The. Place.
I think Chris and I are going to start trying again on my cycle after May 11. That way... hopefully... I can be at work the bare minimum amount of time between babies. But sometimes I second guess this plan. I am not sure I will handle two small kids at the same time well plus even medically it's better to wait 18 months... now of course my cycle is still all over the place so I have no idea what's going on. But just going to try to keep myself not thinking about that part.0 -
@VeryKatie You're still getting in the habit of doing your BBT so that's something right? I know it's frustrating but hopefully the sleep regression will be over soon! I think it'll all work out in the end, May is still a month away and things may become clearer in that time!0
Has anyone used the Ovia app? How long do you have to enter data for before it starts showing you some predictions... all I have is question marks! lol.0
@girlalmighty08 I didn't try that one. But my other apps took about 3 months to start being calibrated. Folic acid...was already in my regular women's multi so I didn't think to take it. I took prenatals in advance, but no idea if it helped or not.
@VeryKatie I know what you mean. I haven't even gotten through this pregnancy yet, and as rotten as I've felt, I'm already planning for the next one. I know it's crazy. But I feel so much pressure due to my age to try again soon. 40 feels just around the corner, and who knows how long it'll take to get pregnant again. I'm not going to track at first though, just not prevent and see how it goes with breastfeeding. So good luck with temping and good luck with getting your little guy to stay asleep!0
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