

  • azsundancer
    azsundancer Posts: 1,140 Member
    For fun! Who wants to join me? (You don't have to repeat 2x) Do it once and see how you feel! :smiley:


    I would be doing alot of wall sits.. :)
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,374 Member
    edited February 2017
    Wow, @BeLLe_60 love your format!

    I just finished the second day of the balance video, wowwww! I thought the second day would be easier, :'(:/:'( . My balance isn't the best so I'm going to try doing this a couple more times this week, :)

    I ended up taking a walk this after with all the snow we had, it was a good burn actually! I forgot how hard it is to walk in the snow!
  • azsundancer
    azsundancer Posts: 1,140 Member
    Todays workout

    ARWB step challenge done.. 31 mins, 1x the Fitness Blender balance video done 15 mins, Dog walk around our place 12 mins. 58 total.

    @GrandmaJackie Good job! Yes .. that FB balancing video was harder than it looked. One side seems stronger than my other.

  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,374 Member
    J - 15 crunches
    A - 50 jumping jacks
    C - 30 squats
    K - 10 push ups
    I - 30 jumping jacks
    E - 1 min wall sit-up

    Thanks Vicki, I'm going to save this for tomorrow, yay!!!!!!!
  • TrkyVic0327
    TrkyVic0327 Posts: 1,995 Member
    Oh my goodness, Belle! You would just be siting on the wall almost the whole time! Lol! :lol:
  • TrkyVic0327
    TrkyVic0327 Posts: 1,995 Member
    588/1332 steps
  • Marlymama
    Marlymama Posts: 43 Member
    Six pack
  • Tiffany7711
    Tiffany7711 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi team Sixpack! Got my steps done today. Tomorrow I will do the balance videos. Stayed in calories the last 2 days, too. I love how everyone is doing so well this week! Go Team Sixpack!!!
  • Rigibann
    Rigibann Posts: 3,663 Member
    Well sixpackers I can officially say my balance is awful - that balance video is hard!

    Steps so far - 620/1332
  • SweatsOnSunday
    SweatsOnSunday Posts: 514 Member
    BeLLe_60, love the format. Especially because I forget what the 3 challenges are.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    Good morning Six pack! I love seeing all you wonderful people in here supporting each other and telling us how well you are doing. You guys are doing great working on your challenges and minutes.

    Thank you to those of you who sent me a message letting me know of your upcoming absences. It is much appreciated and will relieve a little stress.

    Yesterday was a yucky day for me. I was having severe stomach pains. I have been having issues with this for almost a year now, and the doctors aren't really able to do much about it. They can prescribe some medication to ease the pain/cause of it, but the potential side effects are way worse. I would rather suffer from stomach pain than kidney failure, heart attack, or strokes. So, I didn't get much physical activity in, just a short walk, was way over my calories. I tend to comfort eat. I tried really hard not too, but failed miserably at it.

    Today, I seem to be feeling better. So, hopefully I can rock it like I did Monday. Happy hump day!
  • azsundancer
    azsundancer Posts: 1,140 Member
    Oh my goodness, Belle! You would just be siting on the wall almost the whole time! Lol! :lol:

  • azsundancer
    azsundancer Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited February 2017
    Week 3

    Challenge 1 1350 /1332 steps

    Challenge 2 FB video 1/2

    Challenge 3 Under cals 2/5 days

    Total mins/ miles

    Monday 106

    Tuesday 58






    * Did I log in my mins/ points for M x T x W_, T_, F_, S_, S_

  • azsundancer
    azsundancer Posts: 1,140 Member
    Nice job on the steps Team!

    @SweatsOnSunday Glad it was helpful.

    @jdelaroy I hope your having a better day! I have a question on the mins/miles Does washing/ drying and vacuuming my truck count? Ive been waiting .. and we are in the late 70's tomorrow. :)

  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @belle_60 I honestly don't know. @hawkins410 Can you answer Belle's question she wants to know if washing, drying and vacuuming her truck can count towards minutes.
  • TrkyVic0327
    TrkyVic0327 Posts: 1,995 Member
    Happy Hump Day, Sixpackers!

    Did more stairs yesterday, and I plan to do the balance video today. Here's to making our calories scream!

  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,374 Member
    You guys are rocking this challenge. I went to the gym this morning finding they lost power, >:):'(>:) Plus it's raining outside. So I guess I might have to find other ways to get my mins in! Bring on YouTube lol
  • Tiffany7711
    Tiffany7711 Posts: 27 Member
    Done with videos! I agree that they were not my favorite. Guess I need to work on balance more! Happy Hump Day. @TrkyVic0327 That is hilarious. I DO wish they would scream!
  • azsundancer
    azsundancer Posts: 1,140 Member
    jdelaroy wrote: »
    @belle_60 I honestly don't know. @hawkins410 Can you answer Belle's question she wants to know if washing, drying and vacuuming her truck can count towards minutes.

    @jdelaroy.. I can PM her and I will let you know.. thanks!
  • TrkyVic0327
    TrkyVic0327 Posts: 1,995 Member
    Personally, I would count it and here's why. I count anything that I don't normally do on a daily basis (would not count daily cooking, cleaning, and chores), and if it brings my heart rate up and I'm in a sweat from doing it. So, when I do heavy duty cleaning, like moving around furniture or cleaning out/washing my car that is only once in awhile and is a workout for me, then I count it. I go into the task with the intent on making it a workout too though. So, it is also still purposeful. Like, I want to do this task, but I also want to sweat and burn calories so I do it with some vigor.

    For example, I needed to go to the mall to buy a few things, but my family is also strengthening our stamina to be able to walk around Disney/Universal later this year, so we are walking with the purpose and intent to workout on the straight ways of the mall, and the stores and stuff we're buying is just an added bonus. I do pause my watch tracker when I go into a store and I pause when we start really walking again. So, I wasn't counting the shopping part essentially. Plus, we made sure to do extra laps around the less crowded areas to really get some speed. that to me is countable because it gets me sweating, is a workout, and is purposeful. It's not just strolling along looking through the windows.

    Some people don't agree with this mindset, but I believe it is within the rules. I am curious as to the answer that you get from Hawkins. Please share if you feel comfortable. :smile: