Sandy's OMAD Journal



  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    I'm glad you're not leaving :) 16:8 is also a good plan and its still a form of intermittent fasting just like OMAD is :)

    Thanks for your support sweet lady! You're right, it's still a form of iIF.
  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    blambo61 wrote: »
    barbheart wrote: »
    Sandy have you tried potato starch? Red Mill´s I am finding it awesome as appetite supressant besides its benefits as prebiotic... I have it after I finish my omad 2 tea spons filled up in a glass of water..

    raw oatmeal in a smoothie is supposed to be good resistant starch also.

    Oops, I missed Barb's question, no I haven't tried start but I do make smoothies with oatmeal sometimes. :)
  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    brittdee88 wrote: »
    So happy for you, Sandy! And I am happy that you're sticking around and will continue to update regularly. We would miss you too much otherwise!

    Aww, thank you, Britt!! I would miss you guys as well!!

  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    wsandy8512 wrote: »
    Though I made some honest efforts, I haven't been able to get back to straight OMAD, and I blame OMAD for it! Losing all that weight and the subsequent health benefits have given me energy that I haven't had in decades. I can't just sit still, I crave being up and about and exercising, daily. I have upped my calories to 1800+, and find it too hard to squeeze in that many calories in one sitting or even four hours. I've been doing IF, 16:8, and my body is thanking me for it. I will still post my weekly stats because OMAD is what got me to where I am at now in my journey and I have nothing but praises for it. I may end up doing full OMAD again, but it's not in the cards at this time.

    OMAD has positively changed my life in ways no other way of eating has and I will be forever grateful to Joe and others in this group. OMAD forced me to really be mindful of what I'm eating and make healthier choices. I've grown attached to you gals and guys and will still be keeping up with your personal journeys. Too addicted to this group to even contemplate leaving. Lol :)

    I'm so glad you aren't going anywhere! I'm attached to you at this point so I think I'd throw a slight hissy fit if you went anywhere LOL
  • x3nomorph
    x3nomorph Posts: 174 Member
    edited July 2017
    why are you eating 1800 cals? you are eating like 200 cals more than me :D . maintenance for most women is around 1900 cals regardless of activity, come down to 1400 for 1 lb loss per week maybe a little more

    embrace the enlightenment ;) page 26 on this link

  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member

    I'm so glad you aren't going anywhere! I'm attached to you at this point so I think I'd throw a slight hissy fit if you went anywhere LOL

    Lol, well I certainly wouldn't want to be responsible for having you throw a hissy fit. I'm attached to you and others as well. You guys are like extended family to me. :)

  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    x3nomorph wrote: »
    why are you eating 1800 cals? you are eating like 200 cals more than me :D . maintenance for most women is around 1900 cals regardless of activity, come down to 1400 for 1 lb loss per week maybe a little more

    embrace the enlightenment ;) page 26 on this link

    My TDEE is between 2100-2200, daily, and that coincides with the exact amount of calories shown that I burn with my monitor and phone's health app. I'm very active and I am not going to purposely do a vlcd to shed weight super fast and lose muscle in the process, that's why. A 300-400 calorie deficit will result in a slower weight loss, but steady and that's what matters most to me most right now. I'm already down over a pound since Friday, btw. ;)
  • x3nomorph
    x3nomorph Posts: 174 Member
    edited July 2017
    @wsandy8512 read the article please, new research coming out has proven all those calorie formulas are complete bull$hit, 1900 cals for women and 2600 cals for men per day ..the end
  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    x3nomorph wrote: »
    @wsandy8512 read the article please, new research coming out has proven all those calorie formulas are complete bull$hit, 1900 cals for women and 2600 cals for men per day ..the end

    ??? I'm not sure I believe in ANYthing that says everyone burns the same amount regardless of size, age, hormone issues, etc. Blanket statements are rarely accurate IMO
  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited July 2017
    x3nomorph wrote: »
    @wsandy8512 read the article please, new research coming out has proven all those calorie formulas are complete bull$hit, 1900 cals for women and 2600 cals for men per day ..the end

    How old are you, may I ask? I'm asking because I'm really trying hard to be kind and patient with you, but you have a very antagonistic, holier than thou, know it all attitude that doesn't just come off in your posts to me, but to others as well--even though they may not say anything. Just your, "You are eating more than me" comes off as you being a major *kitten*.

    I did read the article and I understand it. However, 1900 doesn't take into account height and age so it isn't one-size fits all. Based on my height and age and being a female, when I reach my goal of 135 pounds, my TDEE will be around 1535--if I were sedentary. I reset my TDEE, regularly. The calorie difference is minimal though it keeps going down. Being active and eating too little makes for a grumpy, binge-y, me. I'm not talking a planned binge, I'm talking off the chart binging. Binging is often your body's way of saying, "you're missing some things I need, in the way of nutrients."

    I'm doing what's best for me, and I'd appreciate it if you'd lay off with the snarky comments.

  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member

    ??? I'm not sure I believe in ANYthing that says everyone burns the same amount regardless of size, age, hormone issues, etc. Blanket statements are rarely accurate IMO

    ^^Exactly my problem with the whole "1900 cals for women", as well.

  • x3nomorph
    x3nomorph Posts: 174 Member
    @mistymeadows2005 those are not absolute numbers , there's a 200 calorie leeway between totally sedentary and moderately active, the more you increase the activity the less the return for your effort

    @wsandy8512 don't shoot the messenger please, it is a hard pill to swallow when you realize most of the weigh loss/fitness industry have been saying for years is wrong, just the way the cookie crumbles. I'm not trying to be hollier than thou or anything like that, just sharing some info that may help people reach their goals
  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited July 2017
    x3nomorph wrote: »
    @mistymeadows2005 those are not absolute numbers , there's a 200 calorie leeway between totally sedentary and moderately active, the more you increase the activity the less the return for your effort

    @wsandy8512 don't shoot the messenger please, it is a hard pill to swallow when you realize most of the weigh loss/fitness industry have been saying for years is wrong, just the way the cookie crumbles. I'm not trying to be hollier than thou or anything like that, just sharing some info that may help people reach their goals

    Using a laugh emoji along with a comment that I eat more than you isn't delivering a message, it's being a jerk. I wasn't "shooting the messenger" I was addressing your snarky comment about my caloric intake.

    Share all the info you want, sans your attempt at humor because you come off very mean-spirited, which authors of that article do not do.

  • x3nomorph
    x3nomorph Posts: 174 Member
    edited July 2017
    wsandy8512 wrote: »

    Using a laugh emoji along with a comment that I eat more than you isn't delivering a message, it's being a jerk. I wasn't "shooting the messenger" I was addressing your snarky comment about my caloric intake.

    Share all the info you want, sans your attempt at humor because you come off very mean-spirited, which authors of that article do not do.

    actually the joke was on me, I'm eating as little as teenage girl, so that was the point

    see lost in translation, don't take things I say/emojies personal, I bet that was an interesting read uh?(the article) peace

  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    x3nomorph wrote: »
    wsandy8512 wrote: »

    Using a laugh emoji along with a comment that I eat more than you isn't delivering a message, it's being a jerk. I wasn't "shooting the messenger" I was addressing your snarky comment about my caloric intake.

    Share all the info you want, sans your attempt at humor because you come off very mean-spirited, which authors of that article do not do.

    actually the joke was on me, I'm eating as little as teenage girl, so that was the point

    see lost in translation, don't take things I say/emojies personal, I bet that was an interesting read uh?(the article) peace

    Okay. And, yes, the article was interesting. I did laugh at the part where it read they aren't saying don't exercise, because exercising has been proven to be very good for overall health, they mentioned that while saying, "This is not an excuse to get out of gym class." Lol
  • x3nomorph
    x3nomorph Posts: 174 Member
    yes, exercise decreases inflammation since the body is transferring energy from the immune system to use those calories to keep the total calorie output constant when you are being active, crazy
  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    x3nomorph wrote: »
    @mistymeadows2005 those are not absolute numbers , there's a 200 calorie leeway between totally sedentary and moderately active, the more you increase the activity the less the return for your effort

    @wsandy8512 don't shoot the messenger please, it is a hard pill to swallow when you realize most of the weigh loss/fitness industry have been saying for years is wrong, just the way the cookie crumbles. I'm not trying to be hollier than thou or anything like that, just sharing some info that may help people reach their goals

    I agree with Sandy above, intentionally or not, you come across very much like your statements (which tend to be very FINITE on a topic that is anything but) are absolute truth as opposed to opinion. That being said, with all due respect, I could have a 200 calorie difference in my TDEE a day by SNEEZING (exaggerating for dramatic effect but you know what I mean) - a 200 calorie difference is NOTHING in the way of "leeway" for such a study...and I'm saying this falling very close to that range (mine averages about 2050 give or take).

    Furthermore, you might be the messenger but its the messenger of not particularly accurate, science based, or even LOGICAL information. A 5 foot nothin 100 pound girl might have a TDEE of 1300 where a 400 pound man that's 6 foot 5 might have one of 3000. There is absolutely NO way that any one TDEE will be one size fits all.

    Now THAT, my friend, is science.
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    Sandy I think that you should continue to do what you're doing because it seems to be working, especially since you've already lost over a pound this week :)
  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    Sandy I think that you should continue to do what you're doing because it seems to be working, especially since you've already lost over a pound this week :)

  • x3nomorph
    x3nomorph Posts: 174 Member
    edited July 2017

    I agree with Sandy above, intentionally or not, you come across very much like your statements (which tend to be very FINITE on a topic that is anything but) are absolute truth as opposed to opinion. That being said, with all due respect, I could have a 200 calorie difference in my TDEE a day by SNEEZING (exaggerating for dramatic effect but you know what I mean) - a 200 calorie difference is NOTHING in the way of "leeway" for such a study...and I'm saying this falling very close to that range (mine averages about 2050 give or take).

    Furthermore, you might be the messenger but its the messenger of not particularly accurate, science based, or even LOGICAL information. A 5 foot nothin 100 pound girl might have a TDEE of 1300 where a 400 pound man that's 6 foot 5 might have one of 3000. There is absolutely NO way that any one TDEE will be one size fits all.

    Now THAT, my friend, is science.

    so you think those published researchers are wrong?is not only one study but multiple studies both in humans and animals, maybe you should try exercising 1000 calories and then eat those extra 1000 calories back in food , see how that works for you, my fitness swimming watch says I burn around 1100 cals in a 4k swim per session, I should be losing double what I do but that is not happening, I wish it would, it would be awesome but that's not reality