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  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    @beerfoamy I looked at a whole host of things for my sleep, I think some of the side effects put me off Valerian Root.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    Happy Hump Day folks!

  • beerfoamy
    beerfoamy Posts: 1,520 Member
    finally!! Wednesday has been a long time coming this week!

    How're you?
    I am buzzing a bit after swim circuits :)
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    beerfoamy wrote: »
    finally!! Wednesday has been a long time coming this week!

    How're you?
    I am buzzing a bit after swim circuits :)

    Yeah I am good after yesterday's jogger's NSV :smiley: and some payday shopping.

    Out for my lunchtime run again today, last couple have been a bit blah! But I think I can put that down to my diet being a bit low on protein back end of last week, so going to try a repeat of Week 6 Day 3 on C25K before I move on to Week 7.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Bleurgh! Still trying to fully wake up. Sleeping better. The creatine seems to help. Feeling tired though and still sniffly from some cold type virus doing the rounds. Otherwise alive and plodding along.

    This week is a four day weight training week as missed Saturday due to training partner gym fail. He cut his eyebrow open on unbalanced barbell that tipped and whacked him in the face. He is thankfully okay, disappointingly not much if a shiner, a sort of semi goth make up effect on left eye socket region.

    So upper and lower being worked twice. I am feeling it already ha! Looking forward to next Thurs. Cut time!
  • beerfoamy
    beerfoamy Posts: 1,520 Member
    @nexangelus - bleh yeah that cold/flu thing is sauntering around office here as well! hope it vacates asap for you

    gods! that was a bit lucky - eye injuries are freaky :/

    What do you do on your cut/bulk cycles? is it a big diff in calories or more like 100/200? :) interested :)
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    beerfoamy wrote: »
    What do you do on your cut/bulk cycles? is it a big diff in calories or more like 100/200? :) interested :)

    This is my first ever bulk/surplus. I have been eating between 250 - 500 cals above maintenance. 12 weeks ends next Thurs. It has gone quickly. The hypertrophy training is getting tough. After a spurt of strength in the last three weeks and huge elation at lifting big weights for reps, I am feeling rather fatigued. I might lower to maintenance for a couple of weeks before I go back down 250 from maintenance to cut.

    Oh I have put on 7 lbs so far.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    nexangelus wrote: »
    beerfoamy wrote: »
    What do you do on your cut/bulk cycles? is it a big diff in calories or more like 100/200? :) interested :)

    This is my first ever bulk/surplus. I have been eating between 250 - 500 cals above maintenance. 12 weeks ends next Thurs. It has gone quickly. The hypertrophy training is getting tough. After a spurt of strength in the last three weeks and huge elation at lifting big weights for reps, I am feeling rather fatigued. I might lower to maintenance for a couple of weeks before I go back down 250 from maintenance to cut.

    Oh I have put on 7 lbs so far.

    Sounds like a good plan if you're already feeling wiped out on a surplus.
  • beerfoamy
    beerfoamy Posts: 1,520 Member
    nexangelus wrote: »
    beerfoamy wrote: »
    What do you do on your cut/bulk cycles? is it a big diff in calories or more like 100/200? :) interested :)

    This is my first ever bulk/surplus. I have been eating between 250 - 500 cals above maintenance. 12 weeks ends next Thurs. It has gone quickly. The hypertrophy training is getting tough. After a spurt of strength in the last three weeks and huge elation at lifting big weights for reps, I am feeling rather fatigued. I might lower to maintenance for a couple of weeks before I go back down 250 from maintenance to cut.

    Oh I have put on 7 lbs so far.

    that is ace, thanks :) googled hypertrophy training, am I right in thinking that is v.heavy weights for 1-2 reps?

    the idea of trying to gain weight is still a bit alien to me. You seem so calm when you say you have put on 7lbs! must be a whole new mental feat to accept that and know that when you cut it will disappear and you will be left with the lovely muscle :D

    and yeah, agree on the maintenance if tired. :)
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Yeah sorry hypertrophy is to gain muscle so all muscles are targeted for 8 - 12 reps. I do upper, lower splits with power lifts included so it is a PHUL programme. Power, hypertrophy, upper, lower.

    The weight gain is not bothersome apart from feeling slightly fluffy now. It seems my mindset has changed doing this and with all the science backing flexible dieting, diet breaks and carb refeeds I feel in control and very content.

    The muscle gain will hopefully be the 3lb predicted for my age group and lifting level.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Oops power lifts are heavy for 3 - 5 reps...
  • beerfoamy
    beerfoamy Posts: 1,520 Member
    very cool!! PHUL looks interesting indeed :)
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    @nexangelus are your cuts the same length of time or do you cut until you get to a set lower weight?
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    edited January 2018
    @nexangelus are your cuts the same length of time or do you cut until you get to a set lower weight?

    I tried to reply on my phone and it went poof, sorry for the delay in answering...

    Yes, I cut for 12 weeks or 3 months and then diet break for 2 weeks/14 days. This year my diet break will be early at the 8 week deficit mark at the end of March as going away on holiday then. Two weeks, then back to the grind until June. I think my goal might have to be moved to August or so, was hoping by end of July I would be at goal, but taking things slowly at the end and the diet breaks are going to make the process longer.

    Last year I was in deficit for 3 months, diet break then deficit for 3 months before the refeed/maintenance/surplus for 3 months.

    You seem to be less regimental about your flexibility (well d'oh) @tinkerbellang83 and when you need to (shark week) or go away, etc, that is when you take it easy...that is why you are so successful, you have this down and down good! Most of us learn about this and go hey, yeah it works and then go for it...but to a schedule of sorts...
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    nexangelus wrote: »
    @nexangelus are your cuts the same length of time or do you cut until you get to a set lower weight?

    I tried to reply on my phone and it went poof, sorry for the delay in answering...

    Yes, I cut for 12 weeks or 3 months and then diet break for 2 weeks/14 days. This year my diet break will be early at the 8 week deficit mark at the end of March as going away on holiday then. Two weeks, then back to the grind until June. I think my goal might have to be moved to August or so, was hoping by end of July I would be at goal, but taking things slowly at the end and the diet breaks are going to make the process longer.

    Last year I was in deficit for 3 months, diet break then deficit for 3 months before the refeed/maintenance/surplus for 3 months.

    You seem to be less regimental about your flexibility (well d'oh) @tinkerbellang83 and when you need to (shark week) or go away, etc, that is when you take it easy...that is why you are so successful, you have this down and down good! Most of us learn about this and go hey, yeah it works and then go for it...but to a schedule of sorts...

    Yeah I think my fitness goals have become more important to me than the actual weight loss itself, I know if I stick roughly to some sort of deficit that it will come off but I am not as worried about an end date as I was when I got started.

    Was just looking at my trend chart this morning, you can see all my travel to the UK easily, so it's official, the UK causes weight gain!
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    See - proof :lol:
  • beerfoamy
    beerfoamy Posts: 1,520 Member
    yes, the UK has lots to answer for!! :p
  • beerfoamy
    beerfoamy Posts: 1,520 Member
    edited January 2018
    happy Friday!!!! woohoo weekend!! :D:D

    what's everyone up to?

    I am hoping to get some clothes bargains and a jumble sale type thing tomorrow, then off to see a mate's mate read some poetry (and drink beer). Sunday, weights, Pilates and then to mum's for mega spag bol and garlic bread and pudding feast! :D
  • amc2509
    amc2509 Posts: 219 Member
    edited January 2018
    Yayyy... happy Friday AT LAST!!! This has been a long week... I'm finished in about an hour and just can't focus on work anymore!!

    I heard yesterday that Aldi have a low calorie wine in so I'm off to grab a bottle to do some market research!! Probably will be muck, but I'll give it a go!!

    The troublesome younger child is going on a play date after school today, so I'm taking the older 2 bowling!!

    Busy weekend again with football, first match at 9:15 tomorrow morning! The coaches just have no consideration for the working wine drinking mammies!!

    But the big news this weekend is that my 12 yr old daughter has gotten herself a boyfriend and he has invited her to come watch him play a match at 12:30 tomorrow! So sweet, but scary too!! I'll have to take her along so that I can check him out :wink:

    And on Sunday hubbie is taking all 3 to watch a seniors game, so I'm just going to chillax and enjoy the 2 hrs peace :blush:
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    Happy Friday,

    We're having fish & chip Friday at work to make up for some folk not getting to our Christmas do. Out for a run tonight, starting Week 7 of C25K.

    Tomorrow night it's a friends menu development night for his vegan food truck that he is planning on starting in April, Sunday I'm organising a social mixer of Pizza & Craft Beer for my rugby meetup so new members can meet existing members before we get busy for the 6 nations.