Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I'll be looking forward to those updates @7lenny7 ! You may have others/myself follow suit.
  • sarahthes
    sarahthes Posts: 3,252 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    I'll be looking forward to those updates @7lenny7 ! You may have others/myself follow suit.


    I think I'll also include my average protein intake since that's something I'm keeping an eye on.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,399 Member
    @7lenny7 - I wish it were that easy for everyone. I can lower my intake drastically (1200 calories or even less) and lose nothing despite how much I work out/run. I managed though to increase my calories (per the nutritionist) when I was running and did not gain. However when I had to stop running (pretty much every damn time) I have gained ~10lbs despite lowering calories into the 12-1400 range. When I started running agin I lost nothing even if I kept my calories low... I am hoping to not gain any additional for this 6 weeks out and then we will see how it goes when I am able to start running again.

    Today was a mess eating wise. I had a doctor's appointment and knew she would want me fasting for blood work so I didn't eat. She had an emergency in the office and I wasn't seen until 1.5 hours after my appointment time. Then another 45min wait in the lab for the blood draw and I was ready to gnaw on someone's arm. I had to stop at Target so I got a box of Kind Breakfast bars and was tempted to eat one in the store but held off until I got in the car. (BTW they are just ok, will probably never buy them again) I ate breakfast (yogurt, granola) when I got home and am still hungry.

    Now off to Strength Training. I think we are having Panera salads for dinner because I have nothing else we want to eat...
  • sarahthes
    sarahthes Posts: 3,252 Member
    Not sure if I will have supper. I'm still full from the potluck at lunch.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber I have to drop mine to 900 calories per day to lose anything, while trying to stay active. So that’s miserable because you have no energy. I think I’m fairly happy with my bf. I’d, of course like to be leaner, but I’m not sweating it. Guess I’m lucky there. I’ve had a few older women tell me menopause is going to pack it on. So I’m terrified.

    Once I get over the injury hump, I’m hoping that i can just bully my physique with all the running, biking and hopefully lifting i can manage. Tomorrow is my 1year follow up from surgery numero dos.
    Today’s foods.


    Salad from Chick-fil-A
    Lemonade diet

    Halo strawberry
    And aged cheese-now I have a twinge if a headache.. dumdum

    I’m short on calories today, but I ate double yesterday and I’m not hungry so we’ll call it good.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    edited January 2019
    shanaber wrote: »
    @7lenny7 - I wish it were that easy for everyone. I can lower my intake drastically (1200 calories or even less) and lose nothing despite how much I work out/run. I managed though to increase my calories (per the nutritionist) when I was running and did not gain. However when I had to stop running (pretty much every damn time) I have gained ~10lbs despite lowering calories into the 12-1400 range. When I started running agin I lost nothing even if I kept my calories low... I am hoping to not gain any additional for this 6 weeks out and then we will see how it goes when I am able to start running again.

    @shanaber you're right, of course. I should have said that this is what seems to work for me, though even that isn't the total answer for me. My first streak of weight loss was a seemingly effortless journey from 258 to 213 in just 7 months. I was losing weight so fast that my family was concerned for my health and wanted me to see a doctor*. That was over three years ago and I've struggled to keep it in that ball park, never mind getting to my 200 goal. I did get it down to 203 about a year ago, but it's been as high as 222 just 9 days ago, yet today the scale registered 214.6 and the only thing I've done differently in that time is run and maybe control my late night snacking a little better.

    I do know from experience that once I get back to long runs in the upper teens and higher mileage weeks, the runger will kick in with a vengeance and keeping the downward trend will be a challenge again.

    * My doctor's response to their concerns was, "If you're able to run 20 miles at a time, you do not have a problem with eating too little"

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Whats for lunch?

    I'm in Dallas. I'll probably stop at Panera Bread. I'm excited about the prospect of being cut loose from the surgeon's services, but afraid to be on my own. Anyone else experience this? I do this with the PT's too. "No, i still need you to hold my hand!"
    Hmm, i think I may have abandonment issues... Wow. Crap. Ok. I'm good on my own. Ya?
  • sarahthes
    sarahthes Posts: 3,252 Member
    We have peanut butter and jam sandwiches today, LOL. Yummy. Plus veggies, fruit, yogurt, cheese.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,399 Member
    @7lenny7 - wow that was fast. I lost my 60lbs at a pretty slow but steady pace over 2 years. My doctor was thrilled every time I came in. I love the response from yours! I did see my bloodwork results last night but haven't spoken to my doctor yet - she will call when all the results are in but I did see that my TSH (thyroid measure) has been going up steadily and is almost double where it was a year ago. I suspect that is having and impact on my inability to lose any weight and she will likely change my medication dosage.

    I don't know about lunch yet. Just got back from the dentist (got my retainers today - YAY!) and am just now having breakfast. We are going to the beach to meet up with BIL and SIL for lunch 'somewhere'. Hopefully somewhere with salads.

    @Elise4270 - I have the same issue, especially when I had my hand surgery. I was not ready to leave my doctor, his staff or my PT.

    I did get a call from the PT office about the co-pay for my sessions. Apparently Aetna treats them like a specialist and the copay is super high. I haven't even seen anyone there yet and they already think I can 'do it on my own'. I guess I will know more on Monday when I actually get to talk to the therapist.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    Breakfast: 3 half-assed scrambled eggs* with sauteed portabello mushrooms, onions, baby "power greens" (chard, kale, spinach), crumbled feta and Greek seasoning (from Spice House in Milwaukee & Chicago).

    Lunch: 2 hard boiled eggs, 1 large spicy parmesean & spinach chicken sausage link with "Iguana Deuces" habenero sauce. Maybe a honeycrisp apple before I leave work. If I'm weak, a spoonful of crunchy peanut butter from the jar in my desk.

    Supper: To be determined....maybe chicken curry in the IP. Probably a beer after my run.

    * half-assed means I toss the eggs in the pan over the sauteed veggies, *then* kind of scramble them up. It saves a dirty dish.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,399 Member
    @7lenny7 - Crunchy peanut butter with the honey crisp apple, mmmm the best!
    We call cooking eggs that way 'pan scrambled'
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Whats for lunch?

    I'm in Dallas. I'll probably stop at Panera Bread. I'm excited about the prospect of being cut loose from the surgeon's services, but afraid to be on my own. Anyone else experience this? I do this with the PT's too. "No, i still need you to hold my hand!"
    Hmm, i think I may have abandonment issues... Wow. Crap. Ok. I'm good on my own. Ya?

    I was very reluctant to leave my trail running PT (with a record-setting ultra running husband) last year but she did give me her card and told me to email her with any questions, and to let her know how my races were going. I love that woman (in a purely platonic, patient-adoring-the-health-care-professional way).

    My foot surgeon...Great guy and I highly recommend him, but he doesn't know running and all he can offer me at this point is to tell me to take it slow and listen to my body, so no issues saying bye to him. He did tell me to feel free to call his office with any questions or to make an appointment if something came up.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber Maybe spring for one visit and do the rest at home? Or once a month? The pt I've had, they were all super accommodating. I'm super lucky to had 2 good insurances. (Fingers crossed that holds true this year).

    I'm at Panera. I didnt even think about cookies. I'm still processing. I have no idea how I'll tell dh. I mentioned the labrum to the doc, he said we'll get back to that after this one. So, maybe itll be a non-issue later. Love my doc, I've been so very lucky to have found him.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @7lenny7 @shanaber Thats how i cook my eggs too! Half-scrambled/ half over sloppy.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @7lenny7 - Crunchy peanut butter with the honey crisp apple, mmmm the best!
    We call cooking eggs that way 'pan scrambled'

    You know, I've had honeycrisp apples in my office nearly constantly since fall, and peanut butter is always a staple here, but I've never thought to put the two together! duh!

    I love pan scrambling. The less scrambled the better so I get both yolk and white textures, and I try to take them off the stove when they're still just a touch snotty. I love snotty runny fried eggs too.

    I forgot to mention, I sauteed the veggies in bacon grease. mmmmmmmm
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Pretty good so far since the new year. I'm 1/2 for work outing lunches in terms of keeping on track. Scale is sloowwwwwly releasing the lbs from December. Being able to exercise regularly again helps a ton. I'm comfortable enough now to start planning an actual race schedule for the year and feel like I can meet it. Not sure if a 50k will happen this year or next, but that's what I'm tracking to.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    edited January 2019
    I don't recall if I've posted this before, but here's a great site for Instant Pot and air fryer recipes, including keto, if that's your thing. You can easily filter on major ingredient, diet type, ease, style, or cuisine. And best of all, there's a "Jump to Recipe" button on the top so you go right to it.

    I highly recommend the her keto butter chicken recipe. I think I'm making that tonight.

  • sarahthes
    sarahthes Posts: 3,252 Member

    Dinner tonight! Black beans under the avocado.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,399 Member
    @sarahthes - mmm - looks yummy
    @7lenny7 - the butter chicken recipe looks wonderful but I don't have an immersion blender. May just have to get one of those :)
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    @shanaber I don't bother with the blender. I also don't save any sauce for later.

    I won't be making it tonight after all. Ahi tuna steaks were on sale so I'm going to try my hand at that