Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @elise4270 - Hope you feel better! My dh is just getting over it and I am bound and determined not to get it.
    Favorite remedy is putting eucalyptus oil in boiling water and breathing the steam. My dad used to put a little on a handkerchief for us to breathe in when I was little to help me sleep when I had a cold. Dd got us some of the oil and recommended the steam.
    I also love having panera chicken noodle soup. It is as close as I have found to homemade.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,677 Member
    @hamsterwheel6 That lasagna looks delicious.

    @Elise4270 I hope you get to feeling better. Usually, when my sinuses are so bad that I can't bend over without my eyes watering and nose running, I just lay on the couch, blow my nose, and wish I had stock in Kleenex. LOL Soup, or anything warm, does often help clear out the sinuses and is something you can eat when not feeling the best. I really have no quick fixes.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Thanks @shanaber and @quilteryoyo .

    I need to look into that ip pan. The lasagne looks amazing!
  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    @quilteryoyo @Elise4270 Thanks, it really is - was good. I was skeptical myself, but it certainly proved to work out very well.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    Today I was able to ride w/cycling group. Shocked because weather reports all week stated RAIN all morning. It did rain briefly this afternoon but we ride from 7:30am-10 or 11.
    Anyway, it was 45 miles and I have been starving all afternoon.
    I'm making a "quinoa chili" in the crockpot but probably won't eat it tonight.
    I doubled it and used two cans of Rotel tomatoes which are very spicy so omitted all the spices. Will let you know.

    Probably won't run until Monday or Tuesday... but I guess after the streak, that's okay!

    @elise4270 - I hope you are feeling better! When do your classes start next semester? I go back Monday.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    I no longer see the little cogwheel to edit a post. Am I blind? Probably.

    Anyway, in non food or running info, two things.
    When I was in line at Ulta the other day I was behind these two young ladies (21ish) and they were talking to each other and one told a story about how she yelled at some lady in traffic "OKAY BOOMER". I thought it was rather rude to be saying this story loudly right in front of me. I felt like saying "why didn't you just say FU?" that's what I would have said". But of course, I was quiet.

    Also, I haven't had a printer at home in probably 5 years. I decided to get one. (Which I will regret when I need new ink for it), but I printed recipes! LOL. I know, who prints recipes except for boomers, lol. I was having trouble keeping track of so many online recipes. I found an app to keep track of them, but I just wanted to have a print copy for a few of them.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,677 Member
    @ddmom0811 I like having things printed too. Sometimes, it's just easier. Glad you chose to keep your mouth shut. I would have hated for you to have had to kick their heinies. :wink:
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited January 2020
    @ddmom0811 I find if you refresh the screen the cog appears, sometimes you have to hover to get it. Recipes. I have a folder with ones I’ve collected over the years. I decided that I’d like to get back to trying something new every week and resisted printing more to add to the book. They are saved in GoodNotes for now. I really want to print them. They are so much easier to cook from when you have a hard copy. Kids... just running their mouths. They know nothing. Haha! Just pretty and young, poor things. And hell ya BOOMERS! DUH. Have you had a history class? Do you own a computer, cell phone er SMART phone, like medical care? Boomers paved the way.

    Classes start the 14th for dd and I. I’m anxious but am slightly concerned over the difficulty of the material. Perhaps it’ll be easy to learn. I’ve had all A’s the last year, 27 hour worth. I’m already fretting over not an A. I have a surgeons visit next week, I wonder what the suggested fix will be this time. Doc 1 wants to re-do the rod/ rotation for an additional 20 degrees. I’m thinking I’ll put it off til summer. I can prehab / rehab some strength before taking another hit and give me a better chance to recover faster.

    Food dh cooked breakfast for lunch today. I ate half of my calories in gravy. I’m feeling a bit better. So happy. Now to resist any evening snacks.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @ddmom0811 - I 'print' my recipes to onenote and have them organized like a cook book. I can email them from there or print and they are all backed up so I have them on any device, even my phone.
    I think the whole 'Ok Boomer" thing is just dumb. I probably would have said something to those girls and not regretted it at all. So all the things @elise4270 mentioned, and also how about all the advances for women in general and in the workplace. Not enough but way more than where we started.
    What is interesting is that these 'groupings' by birth year are supposed to identify large groups with commonalities in experiences and therefore they can model and make assumptions about how they will behave. My dh and I are at different ends of the boomer group and our experiences are nothing alike. I just think there is influence yes but there is a lot more to trends than just they year you were born. I do agree though that the generations growing up with always having smartphones and instant internet access everywhere have a different perspective, different way of learning and communicating (or not doing either) than those of us who came into them as they were developed.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @ddmom0811 aren’t you technically too young to be a boomer? I was born in 68 which makes me Gen X. Are you older than I thought?

    My mom is too old to qualify as a Boomer and she needs OK Boomered more than anyone I know. Today’s thing was that she couldn’t talk on the phone until her show was over - a show she was watching on Netflix. We’re having this conversation and I can hear the show running in the background because it would never occur to her to pause it. Not to mention, talking on the phone in the first place!

    It is a pretty rude thing to say to someone’s face. But in private it is a great way of blowing off steam!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,677 Member
    I'm way before the Boomers. I guess I'm an old geezer. BTW, while in the Air Force, I helped develop and launch those GPS satellites these young ones take for granted. If not for the generations that came before, we wouldn't have the things we have. I think we all tend to forget that sometimes.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited January 2020
    @quilteryoyo Thank you for your service! And are you sure you are way before? Google said ‘46-‘64.

    Food today
    I am going to try once my tummy settles. I don’t know why, perhaps sinus drainage or the menthol flavored med dh got me, but my tummy is unpredictable and I skipped church today. Food sounds like a terrible choice.

    What are we eating today? How’s the new year goal coming?
    I was watching my 600 lb life last night. I am conflicted on that show. Do they really need to show these folks naked? I love seeing people overcome and better their health, but I hate the exploitation of others for TV ratings. I’m sure this show inspires others, it did me when I wanted to eat a large can of hormel tamales before bed, not hungry. I just think it could be done with more dignity. How do you convince anyone to get on national tv naked? We’ll pay for the weight loss surgery? I’m taking the inspiration and trying to do better. If they can do it, I can too. Just not naked.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,677 Member
    @Elise4270 I guess I am a Boomer. I was thinking they were the later generation. I must be thinking of the millennials of genx. I was born in '59, so a Boomer I am! And darn proud of it! And your welcome.

    I have watched that show before, but didn't really like it either. The ones I saw they either didn't do the work to get the surgery or never kept the weight off. It was depressing to me. And, I agree, don't show them naked. Good grief!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    It used to be that Boomers were only those born thru 55 or 56 or so, then they changed it to go out to 64 and split it into 'early' and 'late' boomers... I am technically at the end of the early group (born in 1955)
    Thank you for your service and developing those GPS satellites! @quilteryoyo!
    There are so many contributions that those younger don't consider. I was the only woman out of 5 in my advanced math classes in college, the only woman in multiple scientific groups at UnoCal (UnionOil) and led a team of women (and one man) in a very influential IT group at one of So Ca's largest banks. Now it is just assumed to be the norm. We were able to develop into and be strong women leaders because our generation fought to be respected for the knowledge we could bring to the table along with our leadership skills. I get peeved with 'kids', male or female, who don't think they need education, but think they can just smile and get the job or do what is needed and if they don't it is someone else's fault. I do love that my company, before I left, was realizing that millennials who they hoped to hire had expectations. Most would not put up with an old PC or laptop or heaven forbid a blackberry! They expected the latest technology, after all we were a technology company. Many were hired as bright young recruits only to leave in disappointment. Ok - off my soap box...😁
    @rheddmobile - we have a friend born in '33 (silent generation) who is so tech savvy. She does the books for the Senior Center in Quickbooks and keeps spreadsheets of all kinds of things. We got her an iPhone and she texts with us all the time. I guess it just depends on how open you are to learn new things.
    Note to all of us - learn new things! It keeps you young!

    Food - Today was a pretty good day. I need to run earlier in the day or it gets in the way of breakfast and/or lunch. I really didn't eat enough today but I feel good. Dinner was leftover pasta with minestrone soup and a big salad.

    DH leaves tomorrow to take dd's pup back to Seattle so I will be on my own for meals. I have lots of leftovers and will be making my split pea soup.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,677 Member
    @shanaber Your welcome and I have the same soapbox I get on all the time. At one of the companies I frequented, they only had Women's restrooms on every other floor of the building and I was often the only female in meetings. It sounds like you had a very illustrious career! Thanks for all you did too.

    I do try to learn new things...sometimes not actively, but I am always open to new ideas and ways of doing things.

    Food toady - up in the air. I'm working at the daycare and that always makes for odd food choices. Breakfast will be my normal half egg and cheese sandwich. Lunch will probably be meager leftovers of whatever the kids have for lunch. Dinner - either cereal with a banana or soup probably.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Wow ladies! I am just barely old enough to appreciate the previous generations who fought and forged the way! Something to appreciate everyday.

    -I am soaking beans. I’ve not been good at making beans. I think I’m impatient. Dd said I should cook them for 12 hours in the crock pot since I didn’t soak them. Eh... I just put them to soak. Maybe I’ll make them tomorrow? Or google how to beans, unless I find direction here. Help anyone? I may add chicken to the beans.
    - I’m determined to pre plan meals and cook ahead. Today I’m making chicken in the IP and will portion it in to 4-6 oz freezer portions.
    - I loved the sweet potato chicken taco. It all sounds weird, but surprisingly was excellent. Easy, filling and indulgent. So I’m going to make it a staple/ easy fix when I find I lacked planning
    - I found a recipe for sweet potato kale tots. I’ll make those today. If they are acceptable I’ll make a batch to freeze.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,677 Member
    @Elise4270 What kind of beans are you cooking?
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @elise4270 - try cooking the beans in your IP. I found it works great for split pea soup with no soaking the peas so I figure it would work great for any kind of dried bean.

    I made zucchini tots and they were a ton of work, made a huge mess and I would never make them again. Taste wis they were ok, not great and definitely not worth the effort or mess. I would kind of like to try making regular potato or even sweet potato tots. I wonder if they are any easier?
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited January 2020
    @quilteryoyo they are cranberry beans (I think pinto but red, not brown). I asked dh when he came home for lunch. He knows how to make good ol’ local food. The best at fried eggs and white gravy and his chili is derngood too. He said since the were already fat from soaking for 6 hours that I could put them in the crock pot on high and they’d be done for dinner. He said dd was right, if I wanted to cook them on low. I’m hoping chicken bean tacos.

    @shanaber I like the beans in the IP, just 50 minutes. But dh says they are extra gassy that way. No problem for me, but if it keeps his belly happier 👍. These tater tots weren’t hard. Grating the sweet potato without getting my knuckles was the only concern. I’ll let you know how they turn out. The recipe called for a sauce made with Greek yogurt, Walmart was “out” today when I did the online pick up. Think I can sub sour cream.

    I got the last of my books. Cacciatore in the IP, beans and chicken in the crock pot and sweet potato kale tots in the oven. Dh loves the idea of food at home and eating better. He is still working on a package of chocolate sugar wafers though. Haha! I’ll put portions in freezer bags so we have homemade food in a pinch. It was rather easy. Shame on me for not doing this before.

    ETA. I liked the kale tot things. Think they’ll escape the freezer. I think they’d be good with some black beans mixed in. And a shrimp on top.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Kale tots definitely eat-able. I might toy with it and add black beans and a shrimp on top.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    I’m born in 61 and I remember I used to not be a boomer, but then as @shanaber said, they changed it!
    Thanks for the tips on recipes. I use Notes for tons of stuff on my phone, iPad and MacBook, but haven’t put recipes in there yet.
    I think I mentioned the book “Code Girls” here which talks about these same types of things. It is a little hard to follow because it jumps around but such a great true story about women who basically helped us win WWII by breaking Japanese code.

    First day of school. It was very hectic (outside of my classes) — the admin part of the job. But I was so busy I didn’t snack much at all. I just ate the quinoa chili I made the other day. ehhh... I don’t like it that much. DH says he thinks it is good. IDK, it just isn’t my thing. Bummer. And I’ll eat it at least 2 more nights this week!

    My weight was up another pound this AM! WHAT? I did have Mexican last night so that explains it but still, the # is not good for me! Like I said before, being back at school should help. Oh, when I went in my office at school there was a box that the mailroom person had put on my desk and I opened it and it was a huge gift basket of Giardehli chocolate from a vendor I used for my new cyber security class I am teaching. Sigh. I didn’t open a single thing. I am going to give it away but not sure to whom yet. :smile:
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,677 Member
    @Elise4270 When I was growing up we had pinto beans A LOT. As I recall, mom would soak them all night and then they would cook up pretty quickly.

    You all have the best sounding food. I have Kashi cereal. Oh well.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @Elise4270 When I was growing up we had pinto beans A LOT. As I recall, mom would soak them all night and then they would cook up pretty quickly.

    You all have the best sounding food. I have Kashi cereal. Oh well.

    I love cereal. I think it could be a problem if I let myself buy it. I cheated today. Everything was a one pot meal and push a button or turn a knob.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I wasn't hungry before Agility class so I took half a Perfect bar with me in the car and made myself eat it. I also made a huge salad before I left so I would have it ready when I got home. I just had to add some chicken to it and voila - dinner! I have enough lettuce and other fixings I think to last me until dh gets home Saturday afternoon. Wednesday I am going out with a girl friend to the LA Arboretum to see a light show that is over this weekend. Kind of excited to see it even if it is a pain to get there. Will have to figure out how to fit in dinner that evening. We have tickets at 8 but it will take a good hour to get there and need to be there by 7:30...
  • Camaramandy648
    Camaramandy648 Posts: 711 Member
    You are all amazing. I appreciate all of your contributions - and your sacrifice and service. I realize I would not be where I am if it weren't for you all. I think about this often, especially in terms of my mother.

    I started out really well yesterday and then SNACKING AT WORK.

    I have eaten so many mints and chocolates. I don't know what I'm even doing - also lots of buttered popcorn. I'm telling myself it will be okay because I am running tonight, but even if I don't gain weight, it's still not food that supports my actual health or recovery.... I am also really sensitive to dairy, gluten, sugar - I have endometriosis and what i eat hugely affects how I feel.

    I have to do better and COMMIT to doing better. This is ridiculous!

    For breakfast, I had a banana and a hard boiled egg. For lunch, I had quinoa, kale, sweet potatoes, onions, tofurky, bacon bits, a boiled egg, and some shredded cheese mixed in. It was delicious and hearty - but since then I've had all the popcorn and candy :o

    Here's to tomorrow. I don't know what to make or eat - maybe a boiled egg and banana for breakfast again - maybe overnight oats also. For lunch I could do mashed avacado on gf toast with a boiled egg and some almonds. I just have to limit the snacking. It's too much!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,677 Member
    @Camaramandy648 Snacks are one of my downfalls too. I try to keep the unhealthy things out of the house so I'm not tempted. If they have stuff at work though, I will overindulge. Not sure what the answer is there. Fortunately, I sub at a daycare, so days with snacks are few and far between. I will sometimes eat what the kids have for afternoon snack if I'm hungry, but it usually some form of cracker, so not horrible.

    I have two non scale victories today. First, when I was getting dressed this morning, I tried on a couple of things that have been too small for me and they FIT! One of them was actually a little big on me. Kind of bummed about that because I may not get to wear it for very long if I continue to lose weight.

    The other one occurred at my dentist appointment. My hygienist runs a couple of days a week and we have discussed running at previous appointments. Today, she asked me if I was still running and I told her yes. She said, "Well, keep it up. You're still SKINNY!" I don't think I've ever been described as skinny before.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @elise4270 - sweet potato kale tots - sounds good to me! I love cereal too! It's fun to have it for dinner sometimes!
    @shanaber - have fun tonight!
    @quilteryoyo - Love the NSVs!
    @Camaramandy648 - snacks... yep, we all know just what you mean! I try to remind myself of @MobyCarp's words of wisdom -- you can't out run your fork. (or our hands in the case of snacking).

    This is the 3rd day back at school and I am having amazing will power so far. (Who am I? the person disgusted with her weight!)
    I am down 3 pounds since my shock of Monday morning's high. But I'm still 5 over my ideal weight range. I tried on pants last night (I like to pick what I'm wearing the night before because I run so early) and hated how all of them looked on me. At least they all buttoned/zipped! I mainly wear dresses to school but it's a little cold in Orlando right now for that (don't look at temps or you will laugh, lol).

    Going to try to make the coconut air-fried tofu tonight. I am combining two recipes so not sure how it will turn out.
    Coconut Tofu:

    How to air fry tofu:

    Along with that will be air-fried sweet potato fries. Got to get some use out of this HUGE appliance sitting on my kitchen counter at the moment.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Congratulations skinny @quilteryoyo! It’s funny what we don’t see.

    Yesterday was okay. I ate too much. I think I finally had a deficit for a few days and you know how that gets you. I gave into lemon pudding. The whole box.
    Today I’m tired. Again I think its the diet change. My carbs have been real food controlled, except the pudding, and will prob take another week to adjust. Count down to classes and I’m already zapped. I think I may grab some steaks to go with my sweet potatoes. (If I muster the energy to get out). Blah.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,677 Member
    Thanks all. @ddmom0811 Great job at resisting the snacks. That 5 pounds will come off soon!

    @Elise4270 Sending hugs your way. You've got this!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Yesterday started out really well for me, I had my regular greek yogurt breakfast and headed to the gym for my strength training session. I had plans to go to IKEA afterwards and brought a tangerine off the tree for my snack. So far so good... After wandering around IKEA for an hour and buying things for my kitchen I didn't need (along with the pot I actually went there for), I was starving and decided to get one of their $1 frozen yogurt cones. As I waited in line I also picked up some Swedish cookies and then ended up getting a frozen yogurt sundae so it would be easier to carry. I had the sundae and a cookie in the car in the parking lot. The cookies were not what I expected and were a huge disappointment which means I probably won't eat too many of them. When I got home I was no longer hungry for lunch and it was already after 3 so I did all my housecleaning (vacuuming and washing floors) and fixed a snack with carrots and an artichoke jalapeño dip I got at Costco. It is so good but really should be illegal, it has so much fat in it, but I did have it with carrots and not chips! I also had a few almonds, and a few peanuts and a glass of wine and then had leftover pasta for dinner and another cookie or two (we still have Christmas cookies). So pretty much it was a carb day, all day... other than the Greek yogurt in the morning. Today will be better!

    @elise4270 - its always hard when you change up your diet cause your body craves what you were eating before. You just have to tell it to stop complaining and be happy with what you are feeding it! Hang in there!