Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    @elise4270 - my intent with that muffin recipe that I forgot to add was that you could replace the pumpkin with shredded carrots... I guess that would have helped to explain 😁

    I have had a couple of pretty terrible eating days on the road. Not bad choices just not enough protein and too much carbs. DH keeps telling me it is ok because we are on 'vacation' but I don't want to come home having erased all the hard work I have done and the downward trends I have been seeing. I did get a short run in this morning, lots of steps and moving besides the 4 hours in the car. Tomorrow should be lots of walking too with not as much driving.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Rant away @shanaber! Sounds frustrating. I hope you can scout some healthier places to eat. Im lucky there, dh is a good restaurant picker and like the same stuff I do.

    If it makes you feel any better, I've been stress eating. I had an entire bag of terra chips today and nothing else. 1050 calories all vegetables.. fried. Guess they are fried... Probably fried.

    I'm making some egg things again tonight or tomorrow. Dh is bringing home 3 doz guinea eggs. So I better get crackin'! Haha!

    Tomorrow will be better with food.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,067 Member
    @shanaber I'm impressed that you try to eat healthy on the road. I usually just give up and eat whatever. Maybe that's why my weight is like a yo-yo.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    I don't try to eat healthy on trips but I do try to minimize the damage.

    I'm planning on plenty of beer, wine and food in Oregon next week.

    Tonight I scrambled a couple of eggs with onions and peppers, steamed a pound of asparagus and am about to have some avocado toast. I may have to eat a tin of tuna as well for protein
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber YUM!!!!!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,067 Member
    @shanaber That sounds like a great evening. Hope you enjoy your trail runs.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Dh is tilliing a spot for a garden today. Ideas to put in it?

    I said easy crap I don't have to tend. I'm still behind on the flower beds.

    Okra (no one wants it, bit it'll grow all summer long and never complain).
    Corn gets wormy
    Squash gets buggie
    Tomatoes- just a pain
    Carrots? Oh ya, easy
    Radishes- perhaps
    Peppers? Think those can be left to be?

    We're shopping later for plants... I have no time... I need to study. *Sigh*.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,067 Member
    @Elise4270 Sounds like you have good weather today. It's raining here all day. Supposed to tomorrow too. Anyway, tomatoes may be a pain, but they are so much better out of your garden than they are from the store. I like to plant zucchini too. I don't think mine ever get buggie. Peppers are good. Lettuce and spinach maybe. Onions don't need much tending.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Dh is tilliing a spot for a garden today. Ideas to put in it?

    I said easy crap I don't have to tend. I'm still behind on the flower beds.

    Okra (no one wants it, bit it'll grow all summer long and never complain).
    Corn gets wormy
    Squash gets buggie
    Tomatoes- just a pain
    Carrots? Oh ya, easy
    Radishes- perhaps
    Peppers? Think those can be left to be?

    We're shopping later for plants... I have no time... I need to study. *Sigh*.

    I’ll take your okra! Love it roasted with a minimum of oil, salt and seasoning - it crisps right up and makes a good snack. Also, gumbo! Can you do corn where you are?

    Every year I keep intending to garden, then every year I remember I have no sunlight and sandy soil, plus I hate gardening. I do have roses, though, I planted them the year we got married, when I didn’t know anything about roses, and they are seemingly unkillable despite being in almost full shade at the roots of juniper trees, in low lying ground which frequently has standing water. Last fall the tree trimmers for the utility company came by and literally mowed them to the ground for no good reason, and they are back again this year. I was worried it would be just the wild grafted stock, but no, they are still the same roses. Covered in aphids though, which I need to do something about.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    I don't try to eat healthy on trips but I do try to minimize the damage.

    I'm planning on plenty of beer, wine and food in Oregon next week.

    Tonight I scrambled a couple of eggs with onions and peppers, steamed a pound of asparagus and am about to have some avocado toast. I may have to eat a tin of tuna as well for protein

    Ooh, I need to get some asparagus for Easter. Our traditional Easter breakfast is strawberrry sandwiches (goat cheese with sliced strawberries on dark pumpernickel) and poached eggs with asparagus.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited April 2019
    @rheddmobile that breakfast sounds so good! I like okra. Just seems everyone else is not keen on it. I like the idea of roasting it! We can definitely do corn, we’ve just never had any luck with it. It gets wormy and I leave it to the crows. Which I love my crows and asked dh to pant it just for them... maybe I’ll just pant some away from the garden where I throw them left overs. Everything that grows in my yard needs little care or it’ll die. I just can’t seem to baby anything alive. The cold seemed to have gotten a few of our maple trees this year. My roses do get sprayed in spring for black spots, neem oil (until the sun get to scorching). They aren’t special.

    @quilteryoyo about half way through the growing season, squash bugs take over. Of course this’ll be the first garden since we’ve moved. Perhaps it’ll be better. We have some little snakes and salamanders, and lady bugs hopefully they’ll help out

    I think he got:
    Couldn’t find okra, but will get
    Probably other stuff as I don’t really listen and was more interested in if he brought home a quick lunch. Nope.

    Still no studying done...

    ETA I like the lettuce idea too!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    I was going to suggest banana peppers! I grew and pickled them in the fridge one year and they are so good! I also grew jalapeños and they were delicious too!
    I like to grow beans and peas (sugar snap) too, if you have something for them to wind around and climb up. They don't seem to get bugs and require very little care other than water and something to climb up.

    @rheddmobile - I get a container or two of lady bugs for my roses and sprinkle them around on them. No more issues with aphids or the little flies.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,067 Member
    I'm wondering, do you take a vitamin to supplement your diet? I haven't in a couple of years because I was diagnosed with hypercalcemia and my doctor told me to stop taking a calcium supplement. My multivitamin contained calcium, so I just stopped. Now that I'm exercising more, I feel it is more important now than ever to get all of the vitamins and minerals my body needs. I tend to not eat a balanced diet (I'm a meat and potatoes kind of gal), so that is something I need to work on. Any ideas would be appreciated.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited April 2019
    I'm wondering, do you take a vitamin to supplement your diet? I haven't in a couple of years because I was diagnosed with hypercalcemia and my doctor told me to stop taking a calcium supplement. My multivitamin contained calcium, so I just stopped. Now that I'm exercising more, I feel it is more important now than ever to get all of the vitamins and minerals my body needs. I tend to not eat a balanced diet (I'm a meat and potatoes kind of gal), so that is something I need to work on. Any ideas would be appreciated.

    That is one of those topics that recient opinion has swayed. When I was a kid, we took them and it was the norm. Today “it’s just expensive urine”, if you eat right and have no health reasons to supplement, there’s no need.

    I still take vitamins because I can tell a difference. I’ve also done some DNA testing and it supports me taking them because I have a diminished ability to methlyate (active form of some compound critter),vitamin b (in particular). I’d still be taking them even if I didn’t know my gentics had betrayed be a bit. I can tell a difference.

    I had one doc check my D level because he felt it could be cause for chronic pain. I think he also had then known I’d need bone surgery. I supplement that too. It’s not low, but needs to be higher. Since I had nerve surgery (2016), I supplement methylated B 12, fish oil, and acetyl-l-carnitine and alpha lipoic acid. When I am running, my body appreciates the magnesium supplement. And of course, being female I watch my iron and supplement it if needed. 3-5 periods a year and you can just about toss that iron. I’m a huge fan of vitamin C. Huge! I do not take them daily, probably 2-3 days a weeks, maybe 5 but then I forget the next week.

    Sum of my advice is if you want to take them, find one that is balanced and not over the RDA. Follow up with your doc if need be.
  • simcon1
    simcon1 Posts: 209 Member
    edited April 2019
    I have been lurking away on this thread and appreciating all of the conversations! But the gardening one sucked me right in :) Probably because I’ve been absolutely neglecting mine.. my favorite things to plant are the low-care high productivity things. So kale & chard, cherry tomatoes, green beans (bush have worked better for me than runners), and cucumbers. And jalapeños. Basil for pesto. In other climates (ones where the summer is actually hot), zucchini and regular tomatoes have worked well. Lettuce I go hot & cold on because while I like to have it growing because it spoils in the fridge faster than other things, I get annoyed when it gets bitter, and tend not to replant regularly enough... We also have parsley, perennial rosemary, raspberries, and plum trees that produce 100+ lbs of plums a year in good years. I keep trying to start rhubarb and failing at it for some reason. Our house is on a little city plot and we rent from a (good) friend.

    Mostly my goal is to be able to go outside and find some edible vegetables about 4-6 months of the year without thinking too hard about it or needing to go to the store. We also have 4 chickens who are now producing just under 2 dozen eggs/week, and get “Imperfect Produce” and milk delivered weekly. It’s a very odd take on laziness! (Particularly when we have 4-5 lovely grocery stores within a mile, including one perfectly fine one 4 blocks away where I can send my kids running to pick things up) That said, we lived in an intentional community before moving here into the city and had a huge garden, so some of my habits were formed there.
  • simcon1
    simcon1 Posts: 209 Member
    edited April 2019
    I'm wondering, do you take a vitamin to supplement your diet? I haven't in a couple of years because I was diagnosed with hypercalcemia and my doctor told me to stop taking a calcium supplement. My multivitamin contained calcium, so I just stopped. Now that I'm exercising more, I feel it is more important now than ever to get all of the vitamins and minerals my body needs. I tend to not eat a balanced diet (I'm a meat and potatoes kind of gal), so that is something I need to work on. Any ideas would be appreciated.

    I’m curious about all of the answers to this question too—I’ve been occasionally supplementing, but MFP logging has really made me aware that I am generally not near the goal for iron (I don’t eat much meat or fortified things), so I have been rotating between some multivitamins that have iron and straight up iron supplements (Garden of Life Healthy Blood), and that has seemed to make me feel more energetic. I’ve been off and on anemic for a long time—no wonder, given what I’ve been eating!
  • simcon1
    simcon1 Posts: 209 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    I hate eating on vacation (love being on vacation), it just stresses me out. In a moment of extreme hunger last night I even got angry with dh. He likes the free breakfasts at the hotel but I rarely find anything I want to eat. Yesterday they didn't even have yogurt. Then he didn't want to stop for lunch so I ate tangerines (yes I brought from home),

    Sorry for the rant - I just needed to vent!

    @shanaber Yes, vent away! I travel a lot for work and we like vacations too, and I bring quite a bit from home, and make lots of use of grocery stores. My little roller suitcase often has avocados, fruit, espresso, my small stovetop espresso machine, canned tuna, a knife, fork, and spoon, rolled oats & a mason jar for overnight oats, dehydrated cinnamon apples, walnuts, Luna bars, zip lock bags and salad dressing. It takes very little room for the ease it provides! And I pick up the little bins of lettuce or spinach, single veggies, milk, and Siggi’s at grocery stores. I also like eating out, and my work often involves social eating, but I really like not having to hunt for healthy things when we are either busy having fun or I am busy with my work (or trying to fit a run in!)
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited April 2019
    Haha! @simcon1 I’m glad you got sucked in!

    We had chickens at our old house. Here the uh.. agreement (I can’t remember what it’s called) said no chickens so we gave them away. I love having fresh eggs. Dh has a coworker that gives us Guinea egg and sometimes chicken eggs.

    Dh planted ghost peppers, a sweet pepper, a kiwi (no idea that was a thing), and broccoli too. I love pesto so I hope the basil does well.

    ETA @shanaber I had no idea you could buy lady bugs. We mostly have the Japanese ones here that are aggressive towards the native ones. We get an influx of them in the fall and find them all winter in the house. Maybe next year I’ll collect them, instead of throwing them out, and release them in spring. I found the fattest aphid on my sand cherry yesterday.

    @simcon1 your travel foods sound so good!