Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Having taught elementary school I can't imagine keeping the little kids focused for more than a few minutes especially once the novelty wears off. The older kids I don't think will have any issue since they have been dealing with technology all their lives.

    On the masks - I think that is awesome! What about using shoe laces for the ties? You could get the really long ones pretty inexpensively and cut them to an appropriate length and they would be pretty easy to attach. The piping would work but it is time consuming to make and turn.
    I don't quilt but maybe I could make some for my daughter and the other doctors and nurses she works with...

    We made a donut run this morning to dh's favorite donut shop down near the beach. They had it set up with order online and I had made a list of what I thought we should get for us and Hilde. Well he got a request from his brother too and then ordered 4 for Hilde... When I went to pick up the order it was 2 huge boxes!! The flavors are all awesome though - themed to GS cookies this month. I take little pieces of several flavors so I can try them all w/o eating a gazillion donuts. After getting the donuts we drove along the coast a bit and then headed home. Hobbes was not happy to see the ocean and people running on the boardwalk with their pups and not be able to go too. It is essentially closed unless you live nearby and can walk, run or bike there. You are no longer allowed to park.

    So long and short - the food didn't start out great but I had a decent lunch with a piece of cheese, a few crackers, carrots and hummus. Dinner we are having Panera salads.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited March 2020
    First online zoom class and it went well. We just basically checked in and got the update “everything will be alright”, figuring out assignments and labs.

    Coffee cream
    Noosa lime, dang it. Hungry already this am.

    Dh is off to okc to catch the virus and see a new allergist/asthma specialist. He said he’ll bring home burgers. Yay! Mmmm!

    Rainy here, no walk. Exam in a bit and another 2 zoom classes, then homework... back to the grind, time to put the zombies away. I might have to fix my hair for the next classes... or just turn the camera off. Oh boy, announcement: the exam is up... honestly I haven’t studied. Eek.

    ETA I got on the scale. It’s ugly. Highest weight since I stared on mfp 8 years running. 5lbs over the do something weight. 9 over where I should be. Ugh. Don’t mind me as I waddle away, waiting on a 1200 calorie burger... and fries with mayo.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I had noosa & sausage for breakfast. Lunch will probably be a sandwich, fruit and crunch (carrots). Dinner is pork chops and probably a frozen veg or mashed potatoes from a pouch.

    Costco order being delivered tomorrow (with ever important vodka) and grocery store scheduled for pick up on Thursday by DH. We decided that since its free it's best to use rather than send him to the stores.

    I may have ordered some starburst jelly beans because it's one Easter treat I must have.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Day 2.

    Tired. Have 3.5 hour online class in 10 minutes. Wondering if I can just turn off the camera and go back to bed. Labs are done by video now. We record ourselves doing the tasks and send it in.

    @ddmom0811 how has it gone on your end?

    too tired to think about food plans... maybe that soup i haven't made yet. Yesterday I only had a noosa while waiting all day for dh to bring me that burger. So proof that i can not eat everything all day long if i choose. Maybe today right? No scale today because I have a 3.5 hour class in a sec... i ain't moving.

    good luck today. choose wisely.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @elise4270 How interesting about the labs. I hope you and all your classmates are good at recording yourself!

    Today will be a repeat of yesterday foodwise except steak instead of pork chops for dinner. Been trying to log food. Went over yesterday with my night time treat. But I was under the day before.

    Also two day workout streak! Woo! Going for 3 today even though my garmin says I'm "overreaching".

    Oh and my governor has put a stay safe in order for today at 5pm through 4/30. It's the same as it was before and people are already talking which loophole they can exploit. So if you must golf, get your hair or nails done just come to Phoenix. Those are all essential. All. Essential. (Some salons including the one I go to have voluntarily closed). We even made The Guardian for our lack of action.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,586 Member
    edited March 2020
    @RunsOnEspresso It sounds like your governor doesn't realize that Shelter-in-place is to prevent things from getting bad, not a response to things already being bad. Crazy. Stay safe and healthy.

    Tennessee isn't much better. He did finally put in place a "Safer-at-home" order yesterday. Not to the point of shelter-in-place, as it probably should be. It did shut down the salons, however.

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @quilteryoyo My state is in complete denial. We aren't processing tests that have been done unless its a healthcare employee or hospitalization. Um what? We can claim we are only just over a thousand cases statewide but thats only because they aren't getting test results and aren't testing people who aren't bad enough to be hospitalized.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso & @quilteryoyo. Florida was behind too, and we have some scary projections coming up. Our salons, dentists, eye doctors, not sure what else, are all shut down. I'm so worried about all these people. And of course, in Orlando, the tourism industry is completely shut down.

    @elise4270 - 3.5 hour online class?! That's too long! They need to break it up or something.
    The first day was much better than the prep for it was. We use an online program called Schoology (it's like Canvas or Google classroom). Well, it went down many times yesterday. Kept crashing nationwide. Canvas did too. IDK about Google classroom. It seems cisco webex was fine, as was zoom.
    EdPuzzle is another one that we use that also crashed. The servers were overloaded I guess. Today it is much better. But, the kids all checked in! We aren't doing anything live at the moment, it's all recorded and set up for them to watch on their own.

    It is good to see a lot of people walking when I'm on my morning runs. When I used to run before school at 4:30am, I would see 1 person many days. But now that I can run later (yay virtual schooL!), I see quite a few and we all stay far apart! Run streak continues - day 10 today.

    I have been enjoying a piece of my angel food cake with chocolate icing after both lunch and dinner! Comfort food. Angel food is the cake my mom always made for birthdays. But other than that, not snacking due to Invisalign.
    Last night I couldn't even have wine with dinner because I needed to finish writing a program for school and I didn't want to lose any logic skills. But every other night I've had a glass of wine with a huge pour. ;)

    I need to run to a small local grocery store for local honey. I'm going to buy at least 3 of them so I have tons on hand. Not to eat all at once, but just so I don't have to go out.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,586 Member
    @ddmom0811 I was wondering how the servers were going to handle the extra traffic. I hope it's better as time goes on. I think it is great that your's are recorded so the kids can tune in on their own time. That makes it so much better than having to be up and ready for a 3.5 hour class at 8 am...right @Elise4270 ?

    I hope everyone gets their stuff together and starts staying home as much as possible so this will be over with soon. Hugs.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    This is how I had to work yesterday afternoon. Someone would not settle until she was in my office chair. The chair isn't really meant for a human and dog.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited March 2020
    Haha @RunsOnEspresso ! Cute!

    DH went to get coffee cream today and this is what he came back with.
    I've had an English muffin w cream cheese and jelly.
    And cauliflower pizza .... With spam. DH has promised me a walk... He's still in an IT work call... Might just play zombies game... And queue up Netflix...cuz I probably shaved my legs for nothing.

    ETA I shouldn't complain about the classes. We do get a 5 minute break at 1 hour and 2... It's all just getting everything sorted and understanding where I can find all the info I need. My violin teacher decided I can step it up, and tackle assignments since I have more time... Yes I can. So trying to pin down my new routine. It's kept me out of the fridge so far.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @elise4270 - hope you made it through that class! I agree that 3.5 hours is too long. How did your exam go?
    @RunsOnEspresso - I just love that! Hobbes used to sit behind me, lean against me and hang his head over my shoulder or under my arm. I typically sit up really straight and a bit forward in my chair so there was room for him there. Every once in a while now he will want to be there again when I am at the PC. I also have a box under my desk to put my feet on so they don't dangle and as a puppy he would sit on it between and sometimes on my feet. When he is stressed now he will still go there and try to sit, hunched over on that little box under my desk. Silly pups!

    Comfort foods... donuts are gone thank goodness! I had a Picky bar, Moroccan Your World, my favorite with turmeric and ginger, as my pre and post run snack. Half before and half after. Then donut leftover bits for breakfast. I was going to have a tuna sandwich for lunch but it is too late. Having spaghetti and a salad for dinner of course with a glass of wine, or two.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @shanaber She eventually ended up behind me. She sits in my lap, then tries to lay down and slowly works her way around. 🤣

    Our costco order is only short bananas. We haven't been able to get bananas since this thing started. Apparently a popular pandemic snack. We also had to swap our apples and cheese for different kinds. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I am glad you got an order... I can't even get a delivery time slot anywhere. There is product available and I can add it to my cart but the you go to get the delivery date/time - nada for as far out as they will go and let you select.
    We are ok for now. There are a few things dh would like and we will need milk by the end of the week so I may just have to make a grocery run at some point.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Our Costco delivery was next day. Grocery store (Frys a Kroger brand) was 4 days out. We can't pick up until Thursday afternoon.

    That stinks you can't get a delivery date. Can you do a pickup? Thats what we have at Frys.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I have been trying at all hours and nada. tonight just before coming here and then bed, I was able to get a Von's order submitted for late Thursday evening. I will believe it once it is delivered. So other question since I have never done this before, do you give the delivery person a tip? I am assuming yes?
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Instacart gave us the option so we added the suggested 5%. I don't think we did that with Frys since we are picking it up.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    pick up orders
    We do the walmart pick up, I've never tipped them. I was under the impression that walmart discouraged that, but i could be wrong. I don't usually have cash either. We live too far to get it delivered. I saw the schwans truck yesterday, bet business is booming for them.

    I am up again today. I am overeating. I know it. I am up 6+ lbs (7.5 by scale assume some fluid changes), since spring break apocalypse began, March 16th. That's not good. Works out to an extra 1400+ calories per day. Sounds reasonable. I am having an intestinal flare so maybe some is inflammation. I haven't had soy or NSAID's that usually cause this, so I am a little concerned its IBD. I talked to DD this AM about it and that was the first thing she suggested too along with go have a digital exam (not said nicely). Nooo, think I'll but myself on gut rest and see if i can figure this out then, when the apocalypse is over, I'll make appointment.

    So any IBDer's I need advice, how to manage for now. I'm going to make that soup I never did and just not eat like an abandoned fat kid.
    Eliminate gluten, increase fluids, balance electrolytes, and cut back the excess calories, AKA smaller portions.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,586 Member
    I went to the local small grocery store today for me, mom & dad, and an elderly neighbor. Trying to keep the orders separate in the cart was interesting. Anyway, they were out of some odd things: yeast, bread flour (had plenty of actual bread), and kale. The produce lady said they usually have kale, but can't get any in. Really. Of all things! Anyway, I won't be making any of the new recipes I was going to try, since they didn't have the ingredients I needed. I
    I'll try again when I go to a larger store...maybe next week.

    Food for today so far has been my normal half an egg and cheese sandwich and lunch was plain yogurt with honey granola. Dinner may be spaghetti and meatballs again, as I still have a serving of meatballs left.

    @Elise4270 Hope you figure out your bowl issues. I don't have it, so can't help.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    What is IBD? I was thinking IBS which is usually low fodmap and/or elimination diet.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    What is IBD? I was thinking IBS which is usually low fodmap and/or elimination diet.

    Irritable bowel disease, includes celiac, crohns, and ulcerative colitis.

    I’ve been eating some horrible food, so think back to the elimination diet I go.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Well with celiac I would advise to get blood test and endoscopy to rule that in or out THEN give up gluten.

    I know very little about uc or chrohns.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited April 2020
    Well with celiac I would advise to get blood test and endoscopy to rule that in or out THEN give up gluten.

    I know very little about uc or chrohns.
    I’ve done the immunoglobulin tests, but was asymptomatic and had done an elimination diet prior, severely limiting my gluten. So.. then this dumb dna test said I’m more likely to develop it. But I have no idea if that reliable. I just do not want to have to go to the doc with ANOTHER health complaint. Really hoping to conclude an intolerance, eliminate it and move on. Celiac seem to be more small intestine. I can feel this is large... so, I’m jus gonna have to see doc and be ok with the exam/testing *kitten*-pect of it. I’ve only had to go 5 to 7 times today. So, getting better. ETA oh the tests were elevated but not high enough to say “yep gluten”.

    Did good so far today with the soup. I added some chicken to it and mmmm! Wow! Why did I eat all that other stuff? Simple chicken veggie soup is dern good.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I did well today too. Got workouts in (strength and a walk) both with the Peloton app. I need to watch them first (for strength workouts) so I know what I am supposed to be doing. Otherwise I can't get the right weights and get going with the right moves in time. Especially when it is only a 30 minute workout and it moves so fast. I also listened to one of the 'fun' run workouts and yes it sounded fun but brutal - I am pretty sure I couldn't keep up and it wouldn't be 'fun'. I will have to check out some of the other runs though. I have to say the app is pretty nice with so many options and things to try.

    Food was good. Toast with honey for breakfast, tuna sandwich with cheese crunchies (TJs) and a couple of tangerines from my tree. The tangerines are almost gone and I am going to be so sad I don't have them for snacks any longer. Dinner was simple chicken and veggies. I also made (finally) the split pea and ham soup. Taste tested it and it is so good - will be dinner tomorrow night.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Celiac is the villi of the small intestines which is why an endoscopy while eating gluten is the only way to confirm. The blood test is only the first step. They can't rule it out or in without the endoscopy.

    Celiac has over 300 other symptoms. I had all kinds of digestive track stuff, depending on the day. I was originally diagnosed with IBS in my early 20s. I can't recall the exact stat but like 70% of women are misdiagnosed with IBS for about 10 years before they figure out it's celiac.

    Sorry, I'm very much about getting the endo to rule it in or out before just giving up gluten. It's a hill I will die on LOL Advocacy and education is part of my jam since being diagnosed.

    I did ok with food yesterday except for dinner we ordered Oregano's and I ate ALLLLLLL my pasta. Didn't get my run in. Was going to go at lunch but I had to actually eat at lunch. No time before that because *kitten* got crazy with work.

    So today I may try again at lunch to run.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @shanaber - lol on the "not fun run". I don't do the pace they say. I totally ignore the speeds they say and do what's right for me. That part doesn't matter! I just find Robin Arzon very motivating! And she always says whatever your speed is, is fine! I have not tried the strength workouts but I use FitBod app for that, and I wouldn't be able to coordinate the two.

    Online classes going well. We usually have off Thursday-Monday for Easter. They suddenly announced we only have off Good Friday. So that means our lesson plans are not long enough. Sigh. But at least I have a job and am getting paid, so no complaining!

    Because our trip to Amsterdam in April was cancelled (it was a trip earned by DH at work), they are giving us a cash out option, which we are taking. We could take a trip for later, but he already earned another trip and we don't even know if that 2nd one will happen! So I suggested let's use the money for a Peloton bike! I think we may do it! Still deciding.

    Other than too much chocolate (both my angel food cake and plain M&Ms I stayed on track yesterday for healthy eating! Day 12 of my runstreak and it was 55 this morning!!! This is unheard of in April in Orlando! It felt so nice. It makes such a difference on pace.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited April 2020
    @RunsOnEspresso Thanks for the info. I do appreciate the view of someone who's been through it, Its definitely why I asked. Today everything seems calmer. I haven't had any wheat/gluten, but this kind of flare usually lasts 5-7 days and may be coincidental. I'll just add it to my list of stuff to bring up to my PCP and let him decide what to do with me.

    @ddmom0811 Wow! how nice! It seemed like the peloton bike has a trial period from what @bearly63 mentioned in the running challenge. so, maybe see if it's what you want? I don't think I'm in good enough shape (to tolerate it) to justify pitching it to DH just yet. I did find the opportunity to pitch the pool. It's a planted seed.

    food today
    left over soup -ETA no soup. someone ate it
    maybe a cauliflower pizza. (I have so much school work to do, no cooking)

    DH bought (yes, hes a store addict) more chips, triscuits and squirt cheese, and spam and chocolate chips in case anyone wanted to make cookies... no. not me. *sigh* least with my gut tore up, its easy to resist all this not food.

    ok. must study (11 chapter exam tuesday), do videos, watch videos, write paper, read chapters, finish lab objectives (13pages), start next weeks assignments which is all this again... and again....and again.

    Alex is flying in sunday. Sure there is no way he won't be exposed then i get to sit in the car with him for3 hours and bring it back. I think DH isn't going with me. I asked DD, but realize that maybe irresponsible potentially exposing her even if she wants to see him, and it'll make the ride less stressful, since I've be harping about his drinking alcoholism. ok school...
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Hey all - saw my named tagged so thought I'd pop in and say yo!

    @shanaber mentioned this your conversations here....way more fun and less stressful. I have enough stress in my life and don't need it from MFP, unless its logging the 8 mini heath bars. That's on me.

    @ddmom0811 Sounds like you have friends with a Peloton but yes....they give you a 30 day money back trial. No questions asked - they'll come pick it up. So far I am liking it and college daughter is using it too which makes me happy. She manages to wear my shoes though we are a size apart. The classes are awesome - love the core classes too. I quit my yoga studio so I am using that monthly cash flow for the Peloton. Looking forward to being able to do more intense classes out of the saddle once the stupid hip issue is over.

    Latest stressors besides heath bar addiction?

    1. Daughter's MCAT is cancelled. Nothing available until fall. She has spent hours studying. Hope they add more classes in May and June.

    2. Son in NYC is coming home for a several weeks as they finally put his project on hold. He is a project manager and was assigned to the Marriot Marquis Times Square construction job. They finally stopped construction (probably how he got the virus) - and are going to use rooms for the medical personnel coming to help NYC. He needs a break from the death and destruction that is NYC right now. I am worried because he was sick and we are assuming Covid19 but no tests so we will never know. I made him do a Telemed consult with Mt. Sinai hospital to confirm our understanding of when he can travel. They said the same as the WHO - 14 days from onset of symptoms and no fever for 3 days without Tylenol. He has felt fine since last Thursday. Temperature is 97. Texas will meet him at the airport and make him sign a document that he will be quarantined to our house for 14 days. No leaving at all or a big fine. So one more person in our smallish house and me with my lysol can always in hand. Uggghhhhh! I am going to need more vodka.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,586 Member
    @bearly63 I have been wondering how your son was doing. Glad he is feeling better.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited April 2020
    bearly63 wrote: »
    Hey all - saw my named tagged so thought I'd pop in and say yo!

    @shanaber mentioned this your conversations here....way more fun and less stressful. I have enough stress in my life and don't need it from MFP, unless its logging the 8 mini heath bars. That's on me.

    @ddmom0811 Sounds like you have friends with a Peloton but yes....they give you a 30 day money back trial. No questions asked - they'll come pick it up. So far I am liking it and college daughter is using it too which makes me happy. She manages to wear my shoes though we are a size apart. The classes are awesome - love the core classes too. I quit my yoga studio so I am using that monthly cash flow for the Peloton. Looking forward to being able to do more intense classes out of the saddle once the stupid hip issue is over.

    Latest stressors besides heath bar addiction?

    1. Daughter's MCAT is cancelled. Nothing available until fall. She has spent hours studying. Hope they add more classes in May and June.

    2. Son in NYC is coming home for a several weeks as they finally put his project on hold. He is a project manager and was assigned to the Marriot Marquis Times Square construction job. They finally stopped construction (probably how he got the virus) - and are going to use rooms for the medical personnel coming to help NYC. He needs a break from the death and destruction that is NYC right now. I am worried because he was sick and we are assuming Covid19 but no tests so we will never know. I made him do a Telemed consult with Mt. Sinai hospital to confirm our understanding of when he can travel. They said the same as the WHO - 14 days from onset of symptoms and no fever for 3 days without Tylenol. He has felt fine since last Thursday. Temperature is 97. Texas will meet him at the airport and make him sign a document that he will be quarantined to our house for 14 days. No leaving at all or a big fine. So one more person in our smallish house and me with my lysol can always in hand. Uggghhhhh! I am going to need more vodka.

    I got an email from UNT health science and the pharmacy program is waiving the PCAT or what ever it is they take... so maybe she'll get lucky and not have to sit for it. Just a GPA requirement in math and science now.

    My son is coming in from Georgia Sunday. Suppose he is suppose to quarantine too. I'm dropping him at his dads. But guess me coming in contact with him, I should too. And everyone in our home.