Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited April 2019
    I’m actually studying today.. hoorah... my weight is up. Well. It was inevitable. Lay here all day only working out that struggling brain and it the rest of me is going to get jealous and store up, waiting for it’s turn. It doesn’t help that I just wanna wallowing pie and Cheetos. That’s just stress. I can resist.

    No idea what’s on the menu today. Dh went for a run. He has a half next weekend. He’s kinda beating himself up over it and thinks he’ll struggle. Eh, i doubt it. I think he’s just getting to where he understands the importance of training, he’ll be fine.

    What are you eating today?

    Our plum and pear tree has fruit on it already. So does this peach we have, but it’s ornamental so it’s not eat-able, (Johnny Depp’s- wonka).

    ETA so tired of spell correct second guessing me...
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,076 Member
    Thanks for your comments re diet supplements. I do take a Vitamin C every day and was prescribed to take Vitamin D. Nothing else at the moment though. Before I went through "the change" I got anemic all of the time. It was so bad that I have been known to fall asleep in a meeting with my boss when it was just he and I in the room!!! No hiding that! LOL
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,076 Member
    I made homemade chicken stir fry tonight. It was pretty good. At least I got some vegetables in there and no potatoes today. ;)
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    @quilteryoyo - I take a 'few' supplements... I had some problems a while ago with having 0 energy, getting dizzy when I was running, etc. My daughter sent me to a nutritionist (friend of a friend) who ran some tests and found I was experiencing adrenal fatigue - my cortisol levels were extremely low, barely above 0). I am now eating more and better (more good carbs) but still taking my multi-vitamin, fish oil and turmeric in addition to the vitamin D my PCP has me taking. When I had the stress fracture diagnosed the nutritionist and the Orthopedist both wanted me back on calcium. I also take magnesium somewhat regularly for muscle cramps. I don't take vitamin C because I eat so much citrus and don't think I need to supplement it too. When I was traveling so much for work though I took it before and during a trip and it really seemed to help keep me from getting sick.

    Welcome @simcon1! We have a wrought iron fence that my beans and peas grow on and my daughter has a cedar and wire fence that the vines love and when they blossom - wow so beautiful. She had chickens too for a while until she move to So Seattle and started her residency - they were just too much work. The eggs were wonderful and the chickens were so funny. They all had names and would come when called.
    When I traveled for work I used to always plan to have things that I wanted to eat for breakfast or for snacks. I don't know why it is so hard for me for personal travel now. I should have just brought yogurt with me and my homemade granola. I did bring tangerines, almonds and crackers but not the cheese...

    I did better on food today and we are home late tomorrow so can get back to eating more normally. We had salads for dinner and I splurged and got onion rings - mmmmm!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @7lenny7 are you sailing soon? We sure miss you around here in the summer, such good company (and you have the best foods). Perhaps by time you come back, I’ll be on two feet again.

    My food yesterday was “needs improvement “. Homemade pre patty burgers (dh made it so obliged), and last night at 1059pm after mass we grabbed Arby’s. I had the cold turkey and Swiss sandwich, that thing is still 700 calories.

    I did manage to eat two big carrots yesterday. If you remember, we have 5 pounds of them and no one yet has opened the bag. So,I’m making a point to have a few each day.

    Doc next week. We’ll see if it’s work out or return to work on crutches. I hope not. I’ll be miserable. Just sitting at church these last few day is so painful. I can’t imaging sitting for 9 hours at work. I slouch terribly when I’m in pain, and that makes it worse. (Add that to,list of questions for him)... I think my psoas is tight and or weak. I don’t know how to “fix” it. Ideas?

    Better run. I’m being stalked by the monster
  • simcon1
    simcon1 Posts: 209 Member
    Yesterday I was going to have a nice healthy egg scramble with lots of veggies for breakfast, but then my little guy wanted pancakes, so I made some Kodiak cakes instead, and moved the scramble plan to lunch.

    My healthy veggie-filled scramble has things like chard in it, but I decided to put some Canadian bacon in it, so did more of a peppers/onions/tomatoes, so not quite as healthy, but it was my long run day, so I wasn’t too concerned about calories. And cheddar/Colby jack instead of feta, which is my norm for the bigger veggie one. And some potatoes. Mmm.

    Then post-run, I’m generally not too hungry and was a bit lazy, so ordered in chicken shawarma, and ate less than half of it. The rest of my family was out at a Seder, so takeout for 1 is much cheaper that takeout for 4! But I also had this chocolate peanut butter brownie mug thing that I could only try on a long run day given its calorificness, so I ate that too. Yum, but I think I’d prefer a chunk of a good chocolate bar next time. Still under my calorie goal by a couple hundred.

    I had a mandarin too, but overall it was a bit of a low fruit & veggie day. The Easter bunny came today and didn’t seem to bring any chocolate, so that will reduce the temptations around here. No idea why or how the 10 y.o. still believes in the Easter bunny (and Santa), but we’re going with it until he indicates otherwise! Luckily he seems happy with stuffed animals, putty, bath bombs and fruit..
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @simcon1 Seder... Oh that reminds me of challah. Mmm.

    Since you set such a good example, I was encouraged to do better today:
    Thin sliced ribeye sauteed with asparagus and salt and pepper blend. (Green, white, black).
    An apple - need to bake some... Mmmm
    And a carrot as I watch dh in the garden and baby monster taunt the dogs.

    Any excuse to not study, I make make some challah. Family will love me forever if I make it.
  • simcon1
    simcon1 Posts: 209 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    I made challah. I experimented and shoved apple in one, because I’ve been wanting baked apple. Homemade carbs don’t count, right?

    That looks amazing—mmm! Was it tasty?! The ribeye sounds fab too..

    I spent a good chunk of the day cleaning and organizing, so had a fairly boring breakfast and lunch—pineapple, a bagel & cream cheese for breakfast and some cottage cheese with avocado and cherry tomatoes for lunch, along with half a slice of pita.

    I cleaned out the fridge and got the kitchen very tidy so was inspired to cook a better dinner: Sri Lankan egg curry, sautéed Sri Lankan greens (mallun), and coconut sambol (a kind of condiment). And I also made some egg salad and roasted some root vegetables—yams, ube, beets & parsnips—for the week (did I mention that I cleaned out the fridge?!) I was very pleased that I used about 15 eggs—the chickens have been busy! And made some refrigerator oats for the morning, for a good Monday start.

    Now if I can just motivate to get up at 6 to run tomorrow, I’d feel very successful! I have a short work trip to Wisconsin later this week, and the half marathon in two weeks in Vancouver, so I’m dealing with a bit of anticipation stress of how to fit everything in.

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Oh wow @Elise4270 - that looks delicious!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,076 Member
    @simcon1 All of that sounds great, but I haven't ever heard of most of it. I'm just a Tennessee farm girl. LOL I do love farm fresh eggs. Hope you managed to get out for your run this morning.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Yes! The Challah was exceptional, as always. My challah is the best I’ve ever had... brag! So good! The apple one was good too. Think next time I’m going to load it up and call it apple challah!
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @7lenny7 are you sailing soon? We sure miss you around here in the summer, such good company (and you have the best foods). Perhaps by time you come back, I’ll be on two feet again.

    My food yesterday was “needs improvement “. Homemade pre patty burgers (dh made it so obliged), and last night at 1059pm after mass we grabbed Arby’s. I had the cold turkey and Swiss sandwich, that thing is still 700 calories.

    I did manage to eat two big carrots yesterday. If you remember, we have 5 pounds of them and no one yet has opened the bag. So,I’m making a point to have a few each day.

    Doc next week. We’ll see if it’s work out or return to work on crutches. I hope not. I’ll be miserable. Just sitting at church these last few day is so painful. I can’t imaging sitting for 9 hours at work. I slouch terribly when I’m in pain, and that makes it worse. (Add that to,list of questions for him)... I think my psoas is tight and or weak. I don’t know how to “fix” it. Ideas?

    Better run. I’m being stalked by the monster

    @Elise4270 We get our boat put in the water May 8th and will hopefully be ready for our first sail that weekend. We have to "move in" again, get the sails put on, and I have to finish the some other maintenance first though.

    I intend to stick around this summer. I haven't in the past because I didn't have time to keep up to date reading all the other posts and I felt bad posting if I wasn't going to have time to read other posts. I think I just need to give myself permission to post without being caught up with reading everything.

    With my son home and it being Easter weekend, we ate a lot and I didn't care. The highlight for me was cooking up a big batch of pheasant jalapeno poppers last night. I cooked up enough that we all got stuffed (except for my wife who is skittish about eating wild game) and had 20 left over for my son to take back to college. Jalapeno pepper, cream cheese, water chestnuts, marinated pheasant, a wrap of bacon, and drizzled with a brown sugar/butter/soy sauce/garlic salt glaze. Oh yeah....

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited April 2019
    Mmmm! Dang @7lenny7 those look amazing! I think it’s fine to update and not read too much or comment on the others... I know that seems a little selfish, but I have a hard time feeling like I’m just sticking my nose in someone’s business, or what if I come across wrong, I know that am “not right socially”. There of course are some here I’ve know for some time and feel more comfortable with-they tolerate me (neurotic ramble). And sometimes life’s gets busy and we do drive by posts... that’s cool too.

    We love any updates foods you wanna share, even if they are some pheasant jalapeño poppers... my address is 250... 😀
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    edited April 2019
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Mmmm! Dang @7lenny7 those look amazing! I think it’s fine to update and not read too much or comment on the others... I know that seems a little selfish, but I have a hard time feeling like I’m just sticking my nose in someone’s business, or what if I come across wrong, I know that am “not right socially”. There of course are some here I’ve know for some time and feel more comfortable with-they tolerate me (neurotic ramble). And sometimes life’s gets busy and we do drive by posts... that’s cool too.

    We love any updates foods you wanna share, even if they are some pheasant jalapeño poppers... my address is 250... 😀

    I don't know if they'd survive if I shipped them to you, but here's the recipe if you want to make your own:

    You can certainly use chicken instead of pheasant.

  • simcon1
    simcon1 Posts: 209 Member
    Those pheasant jalapeño poppers look super tasty. I don’t think I’ve ever had either pheasant or jalapeño poppers, so I’m also really curious!

    Somehow I ended up having ribeye today—hmmm, where could I have gottten that idea?

    And I’m baking some granola, so the house smells good. Mmm.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    @7lenny7 - I ate a lot of game as a kid including pheasant, venison, elk, etc... There was nothing that looked as good as those poppers!!
    I agree with @Elise4270 that drive by posts. I feel guilty sometimes too but I will read over the most recent posts and maybe comment on one or two or I cherry pick one or two items to comment on or I just post my update and leave it at that.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    simcon1 wrote: »
    Those pheasant jalapeño poppers look super tasty. I don’t think I’ve ever had either pheasant or jalapeño poppers, so I’m also really curious!

    Somehow I ended up having ribeye today—hmmm, where could I have gottten that idea?

    And I’m baking some granola, so the house smells good. Mmm.

    Haha! Well, we try to influence each other for good not evil. How have you missed jalapenos? So good, unless they are to hot. I'm a weinee with hot stuff. Dh can do ghost pepper and all things spicy.

    I asked dh what he ate yesterday. He asked what I ate.;
    "Just challah? "
    Ya, you told me no to spend any money"
    "You can eat".
    He felt bad and made tostadas again. I ate too much yesterday.

    If I give into Panera, it should be a salad.
    I'm off to Dallas today. Long car ride yesterday another today, I'm going to need a massage. The clocks ticking, so I better make a dent in this coffee so I can get ready. Coffee IV could be a thing for busy/tired folks on the go.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Waiting, waiting, waiting....

    What's on today's plates? I am still undecided. There's probably some great Thai around here. I may try to hunt it down..
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,076 Member
    I just had a Taco Bell taco salad after a tennis match.