Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,390 Member
    @rheddmobile - mmm onion rings!
    @MegaMooseEsq -I am glad you are feeling a bit better about things and that your DH is understanding and helping. Taking it day by day is a good approach.

    I managed to eat a decent breakfast while making more calls this morning (still no one has called back after 3 days <sigh>) and before heading to the gym for strength training. Had a protein bar on the way home and wasn't hungry when I got home and should have eaten some real food. Then I was exhausted, have no idea why but I crashed for about 1.5 hours sound asleep. We did manage to get to Costco so at least there are few more food choices in the house and I will hit the grocery store tomorrow after visiting my friend. Mostly just need lots of different veggies. Makes me wish I had planted a garden.
    I did sample something I have always wanted to taste at Costco and had avoided buying because of the quantity and what if I didn't like them... They are called Chocorooms, shaped like tiny dark chocolate mushrooms with a little cookie stem. It was better when I hadn't tasted them, they are SO good! I did buy the box and I think they will be fine for a once in a while, I need chocolate, treat.

    @Elise4270 - Did the vet think Beary's eye was hit by the snake when it bit him? I hope he recovers well. He doesn't actually look like he feels too bad and I am sure he is enjoying the extra attention.

    I discovered injuries on Hobbes tonight that we have no idea how they happened unless he hurt himself at agility last night. At one point he did slip/stumble on the a-frame but he wasn't limping or anything. He has three pretty good cuts/scratches (leg, flank and belly) and some scrapes in others. If I didn't know better I would think he had been hit by a car. Or in a fight with another critter. Really strange.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 5,972 Member
    @shanaber I hope you can get in touch with someone soon. Three days and no call back is ridiculous! Good luck with eating the Chocorooms in moderation! I hope Hobbes is okay. It's strange how dogs can get hurt and not let us know.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited June 2019
    Oh @shanaber that so odd about Hobbes! I hope it's all superficial.

    Yogi Beary's eye continues to improve. But I really don't like how there's blood in it, looks like it is in the posterior cavity of his eye. I just hope it's not active bleeding or that he could lose it. The vet didn't think he was necessarily bit in the eye. The eye was obviously damaged and I suggested it as a possibility. They just listened.
    j3lhw6ls60rc.jpg He's feeling fine. I took him outside, checked everything he wanted to chase and checked under each bush. A grasshopper, a cricket, a frog and an earth snake.

    I had a burger and onion rings today. Of all the FF burger places in town, this little gas station 2 miles away is the best! Mmmm!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 5,972 Member
    @Elise4270 If the vet wasn't concerned, his eye is probably okay. My dad got hit in the eye with a rock once. The white of his eye was so full of blood that it was swollen above his iris. They did nothing for it and it finally all just absorbed back into his body. I was sure his eyeball was going to burst. So, hopefully it is something similar to that....just from trauma of being hit and not being bitten.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Thanks @quilteryoyo that give me some reassurance!

    And ouch! That much have been horrible!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,390 Member
    @quilteryoyo - that sounds horrible for your dad but so glad it just healed on its own!
    @Elise4270 - Beary's eye actually looks much better in that picture. I hope he continues to heal just fine.

    We still aren't sure what is going on with Hobbes. He has 2 really yucky, oozy scrapes on his belly and leg. The cuts on his back and paw seem to be healing well but he is just acting weird. even DH commented on it. He is very clingy or just stands in the middle of the room looking forlorn and then goes and hides on the bed in our bedroom rather than sit in the family room with us. I'm not sure if he is afraid of something or not feeling well. Sure wish he could tell us what is going on in that head of his. I will say he was excited to go out for a run today, even doing his stretches with me so there is that...

    I had a really good day eating wise today. DH wanted salad for dinner so I got veggies and made us each a big salad and added chicken to mine for some protein. I probably could have had a few more calories (almost made it to 1800) but I am pretty pleased with the day overall.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 5,972 Member
    @shanaber Poor Hobbes. It sounds to me like he isn't feeling good. My advice, for what it is worth, would be to take him to the vet, just to be safe, if it keeps oozing. It could be infected.

    @shanaber and @Elise4270 I'll try to find the picture I took of my dad's eye and post so you can see. If was awful! Scared the bejeebers out of us.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited June 2019
    Ya I agree, @shanaber. Sounds like Hobbes could use an antibiotic. Can you use neosporin on dogs? I use it on my cats, it helps. Sounds like Hobbes wanted you to go lay down with him. We can buy penicillin and syringes here at the “farm” store. I’ll grab it for 15$ if I have a sick or injured cat and dose them myself if needed. Our older dumb male needs it a few times a year because he fights. He is neutered. Yesterday we took him out to pp, he dug with his back feet before peeing like a dog. Dd and I were perplexed since we’ve never seen him do that. Only reinforces the thought that he’s a dog in a cats body. Maybe there’s a Hindu version for animals.

    I ate too much yesterday. The burger and onion ring would have been enough, but dh brought home taco casa and terra chips. I couldn’t resist.

    My steroid shot has officially worn off... *sigh* just as well. I see doc 2 next week. His work is healing fine I think. The leg does hurt where the bones healing if I do too much. I’ll get clarification if that’s muscle or bone pain, baby it or push through.

    Bear is starting to want outside more and more, so dd and I went out with him in the evening. I have 50 chigger bites. I suppose I could douse myself in DEET and go out this morning. I still haven’t gotten his tree. I asked dh to help as I don’t think hauling a 6 foot tree up here is going to help my leg... he’s ambivalent. Bear is an inside cat in an outside cats body. Or perhaps he’s just a young soul. Haha!

    Dh went to Sams, I requested nothing and have yet to inventory past chips and kombucha. Probably all junk in there.
    Ravioli sounds good for some reason.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,390 Member
    I made granola today. It needed to be done and I haven't wanted to turn on the oven but I needed granola. Hobbes decided to taste it when it was cooling and I was outside. DH caught him and cleaned up his 'spill over'. For whatever reason this incident made him (DH) interested in trying if for the first time in all the years I have been making it! He liked it so I may need to be sharing it with him now.
    Dinner was a repeat of last night because we enjoyed it so much. Salads again tonight and we will grill some chicken tomorrow night. We also have Ben and Jerry's in the house. Thinking I may have to have a spoonful.

    Hobbes is feeling a bit better. He pulled out some toys, ran around with them squeeking and 'singing' along and is sleeping next to me right now. The wounds look the same so we will be taking him in to see the vet tomorrow afternoon. We can't buy any medications like penicillin without a prescription. I have put Neosporin on him before but I don't want him licking it and getting sick from it.

    What are you all's plans for the 4th? We don't have a working BBQ so I am thinking something smoked, maybe ribs...
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 5,972 Member
    Glad Hobbes seems to be feeling better, @shanaber. Also glad that you are going to take him to the vet to have him checked out. As for the 4th, I'm going to my nephew's for a cookout and to play with my brand new baby grand-nephew. I'm sure there will be way too much food consumed. But, it's only one day and it's family. It's worth it to me.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    No holiday plans here. There's a run dh usually does, he may be planning to do it, but I haven't heard. I might be able to persuade dh for a walk and BBQ. Although, I think my last walk I decided to rethink the walks. I might think to try once more before the next visit.

    @shanaber Glad Hobbes is feeling better!

    Everytime be take BoogBear out, he goes directly to the bushes, looking for that snake. I swear, ding dong cat.

    Today's food?
    There's Swiss cheese in there, and it a good one. So, I may have a grilled cheese with it. I did the mayo last time... It was good, I don't think I could tell the difference. But it definitely a good option when the bitter is cold.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 5,972 Member
    @Elise4270 Maybe Bear is trying to find the snake so he can get even with it. You would think he would have learned his lesson though. Hope he doesn't get bitten again.

    Food for the day - again, it isn't going to be the best. I've had that a lot lately. I had an egg scramble with mushrooms, onions, bell peppers, and cheese this morning. Not sure what I am going to eat later, but do know that I am going to a baby shower this evening, so that will probably mean not so healthy choices. I really am not a sweet addict, but I just can't seem to resist cake when I am at a party. Go figure.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I had another burger and onion rings. I should go walk. Dh just left to go run, and i wasn’t even invited. I mentioned that perhaps I’d just go walk at the park here and he said “I thought you weren’t going anymore”. Ya well, I can’t just sit here all day, every week for months... now can I? He does have a point. I slept poorly, woke often in pain and oddly, I was hungry. Tylenol might make a walk less lumbersum.

    No ones gotten snake bit since Monday.

    I could practice the violin some, least toughen up my fingers. But all the cats (poo-Bear) are sleeping and I don’t want anyone (monkey-Bear) to wake and want out.

    @shanaber How’s Hobbes? Has he had his vet appointment yet?

    I’m going to go walk... Heck wit it. 😏
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 5,972 Member
    @Elise4270 Glad no one has gotten bitten since Monday. Hope your walk went well.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Today’s food plans?

    None here. I’m tired, a bit grumpy (pms), and itchy from baby bear sitting outside.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,390 Member
    Food plans... None other than sipping on the post run smoothy I made. Nothing sounds good this morning and even the smoothy isn't hitting the spot. DH was going to BBQ tonight, thought he would have it all installed and working but the gas connector to our gas valve doesn't fit - different sizes so he may need someone to come out and change our valve out or see if he can get a different size connector at the hardware store. So no idea for dinner. I am going back to the grocery store to get more veggies. Maybe I will fix something in the IP...

    @elise4270 - our vet wasn't available on Friday and his leg is looking much better. Not weepy, seepy any more so unless it gets worse I probably won't take him in. How is Beary recovering?

    Found out the training place we go to for agility class closed its doors yesterday. I feel bad for our trainer, she quit her job to do training there full time and now she is out of a job. I am hoping she will find a place for us to train in the interim until something more permanent is found. I know Hobbes and I will miss it, we've been going to class there for 6 years now and there really isn't anyplace else that is close.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited June 2019
    I think I let bear do too much yesterday, or his eye is just going through those color changes @quilteryoyo mentioned happed with her dads eye. It just seems more red today. Dh said I can take him to the vet tomorrow. I’ll feel better if I hear it’s normal, but don’t want to spend the time or money and listen to him fuss there and back, least when he was snake bit, he was “whatever” and car rides were calm.

    @shanaber wow, that’s awful about the training place closing... maybe someone else will step in and reopen it.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Man, i am not off to a good start and I don’t even care today.

    2 jalapeño cheese dogs
    And a can of Coke Zero.

    Yesterday was worse. I ate all the Cheetos and dogs and fried chicken... I’m blaming hormones that are just trying to kill me from the inside out.

    Can you do better today?
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,390 Member
    I did ok today. Didn't eat enough before my run then had stomach problems off and on the entire run. Haven't felt great all day so DH got Panera for dinner. Chicken noodle soup and half a grilled cheese and bacon sandwich for me. I don't remember the last time I had anything like that and I blame it on all of you and the grilled cheese conversation. The bacon is on me because, well, why not. It didn't make my stomach worse so I guess that is a win. I also have a sinus headache so it could all be related to that too. Summer weather changes do that too me and likely too much running in the heat that I am not used to didn't help.

    @elise4270 - have you tried not drinking sodas (zero calorie or otherwise)? I found that it really helped with my sugar/junk cravings and I lost weight even though all I drank was diet. DD says it is because the fake sugars mess with your body's ability to regulate sugar...
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,390 Member
    Oh also @elise4270 - did yo take Beary to have his eye checked? What did the vet say?