Jim's Progress Thread



  • mittenswillet
    mittenswillet Posts: 697 Member
    awesome! thanks for the heads up, really interested!!
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    Jim_fbr wrote: »
    I'll do an update on Sunday which will mark a full month on the no plants diet.

    I admire your willpower! I personally think we should eat plants though, especially the vegetables. Be careful!
  • Jim_fbr
    Jim_fbr Posts: 251 Member
    blambo61 wrote: »
    Jim_fbr wrote: »
    I'll do an update on Sunday which will mark a full month on the no plants diet.

    I admire your willpower! I personally think we should eat plants though, especially the vegetables. Be careful!

    this is the default position, what we're all trained to believe.
    But what is it about eating plants that is so important?
    I've looked into it and can't really come up with a strong case.
    Why not eat the animals who eat plants and actually have stomachs designed to digest them?
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    edited October 2017
    Jim_fbr wrote: »
    blambo61 wrote: »
    Jim_fbr wrote: »
    I'll do an update on Sunday which will mark a full month on the no plants diet.

    I admire your willpower! I personally think we should eat plants though, especially the vegetables. Be careful!

    this is the default position, what we're all trained to believe.
    But what is it about eating plants that is so important?
    I've looked into it and can't really come up with a strong case.
    Why not eat the animals who eat plants and actually have stomachs designed to digest them?

    Our digestive system, and teeth, are not like a carnivore's and not like a herbivore's. They are designed like an omnivore's. Wild monkeys eat a plants and meat and were not trained to eat the plant part. They probably eat more plants than meat (chimpanzees). I think our digestive system is closest to theirs than other critters.

    Carnivores' will even eat a little bit of grass. My doberman did all the time and he absolutely loved apples and grapes (would eat them off the vine).

    I also don't think meat contains all the nutrients we need (maybe if you ate all the organ meats you could get what you need but --yuuuuck!). Plus, for me, I really like a lot of plants for food!
  • mittenswillet
    mittenswillet Posts: 697 Member
    Jim_fbr wrote: »
    blambo61 wrote: »
    Jim_fbr wrote: »
    I'll do an update on Sunday which will mark a full month on the no plants diet.

    I admire your willpower! I personally think we should eat plants though, especially the vegetables. Be careful!

    this is the default position, what we're all trained to believe.
    But what is it about eating plants that is so important?
    I've looked into it and can't really come up with a strong case.
    Why not eat the animals who eat plants and actually have stomachs designed to digest them?

    I think as long as it works for you Jim, and that your happy with how its going is all that matters....

    i know for a fact im just a carb person, i cant live without rice or bread...i tried a few times and nearly drove myself up the wall....or maybe I did lol........ i love meat too much to go vegetarian, and i love veges too,,...but never seem to eat enough of them............either way, we can only try our best i think!! =)
  • Jim_fbr
    Jim_fbr Posts: 251 Member
    Month Weight

    I'm just reporting the average weight for the final week of each month, that way it smooths out some of the noise.
    I'm happy to see the weight drift down slightly because it's really not my focus at the moment.
    My plan is still to not make any changes in November. I'm still going to stick with the same diet (no plants) and prepare for my half marathon race at the end of the month. In recent weeks I've even taken a light lunch to work on a few occasions, so I'm slowing moving away from a strict OMAD approach.
    My plan is still to take a break in the winter for a couple of months, and go back into weight loss mode,, reduce exercise and watch my portion size. I want to be in the mid 160's in the early part of 2018. Once I've reached that stage I'm done with weight loss for good hopefully, and I will begin to ramp up again on fitness, food and just maintain for the long haul. I'm thinking of it like a bear going into hibernation for a couple of winter months.

    I'm feeling great on this diet, it gets more and more comfortable as I go on with it. I feel strong, full of energy, and notice that my running has improved and also added some muscle mass. I mentioned before I think that one thing I was really interested in was to see what effect "no plants" would have on my rosacea. After one month I'm happy to say that I estimate a 50% improvement. It's definitely receding, we'll see how it goes this month.

    I'm basically healthy as the proverbial horse. :D
    I had some blood work done just to see where things stand. Lipids (total and LDL) were marked as high (probably related to this diet), but totals are not significant of much. The key ratio's like TRI/HDL I'm well within the safe zone at 1.9
    I have no markers for metabolic syndrome or insulin resistance.
    My blood pressure runs at 95/100 systolic, 55/60 diastolic, with a resting pulse around 50.
    Had some low values on certain vitamins, even below normal on D. I've started to supplement D right now, and also starting to eat more. It's a gray area at to what the RDA should be for someone like me who is basically nearly always in ketosis due to my near zero carb diet. The RDA,s are based on the standard diet assumption of roughly 50% carb's in the diet. But the carb metabolism is not the same as a fat burning metabolism. Metabolizing carb's actually requires a certain amount of many vitamins, whereas fat metabolizes rather cleanly, so who knows what the RDA should really be for me? I don't know. I'll check again next year once in maintenance mode and see where things stand after eating more vigorously. For now I'm happy with where I'm at and how I feel.

  • minigrrll
    minigrrll Posts: 1,590 Member
    Great news Jim!
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    edited October 2017
    Great numbers, my vitamin D levels are in the normal range but always on the low end...Soon you'll be hibernating like me :):):)
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    Those are some good numbers! Your blood pressure is way low! Good luck. Look forwards to hearing about your 1/2 marathon.
  • Jim_fbr
    Jim_fbr Posts: 251 Member
    Thanks everyone. I'm specially happy with the BP, and I check it now a few times a week to be sure I'm not seeing an anomaly, but it's always on the low side of normal. I think for my age and how much I've tended to let myself go in the past that I'm very fortunate to be where I'm at now.

    I don't think I've mentioned this before but about 4 months before I started my weight loss campaign I drove myself to the emergency room because I thought that I might be having a heart event of some kind. I hate going to the doctor so for me to do that believe me was a first, but I was feeling things that I had never felt before, and since I was in such bad shape, morbidly obese with some history in my family of heart disease, essentially I thought my days were numbered anyway.
    So they kept me under observation for 24 hours, continuous EKG monitoring, performed a stress test, ultra-sound of the heart and a CT heart scan which looks for blockages. The verdict after all this? "You passed all tests, we cannot find anything wrong with your heart. You have not had a heart attack and there are no arterial blockages that we can find." Consulting with a doctor he was sure that it was a gastrointestinal issue aggravated by an extreme amount of hi carb food that I had been consuming too late in the day. He said that it could cause symptoms that you might confuse with a heart attack.
    Frankly I had been living under a cloud for quite some time, thinking that I was doomed to have heart issues, so this event really gave me a lift. Of course I didn't take any measures to improve my health for another four months, but once I did I really made up for lost time. I was just talking to my sister over the weekend, she had called to ask how I was doing, and I told her that honestly I hadn't felt this good in more than 20 years.
    So although it took me way too long to get things together with respect to my health, I'm hoping that maintaining this lifestyle going forward will at least give me a better quality of life (and hopefully some added years) than I would have faced had I remained defeated and resigned like I was up until that day fourteen month ago when I asked myself "I wonder if I could go a whole day and not eat any food?". lol
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    edited October 2017
    You certainly proved that you could go a day without food!!! Heartburn/gasterointestinal issues can definitely mimic a heart attack :( You should be so proud of yourself and your <3 is thanking you the most :)
  • tlblanksfit
    tlblanksfit Posts: 1,573 Member
    You story is very inspiring and encouraging. Thank you for sharing.
  • minigrrll
    minigrrll Posts: 1,590 Member
    Amazing how quickly you turned your health around, you must feel so good having taken control... So cool!
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    Your quality of life has to be way better. Your story is very inspirational! I've been inspired by it. I remember wondering if I could fast for more than a day at a time also. That's seems so funny now!
  • mittenswillet
    mittenswillet Posts: 697 Member
    I'm sorry I'm late to the party Jim, but Im really happy to see that those numbers are a good sign! (I have no idea what those numbers mean......so your comments guided me to know they were good!) I think your story was a scary one.....but it had such a good ending, at least you had the strength to realise you did have a chance to change and did so.........just even taking the first step is really the hardest, litterally!!
  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    Gosh I wish...my BP levels have been crazy high...but then again, it's amazing what stress will do to your body and I haven't had a comfortable (stress level wise) month in ages...hopefully it'll fix itself because traditionally mine run low like yours :)
  • Jim_fbr
    Jim_fbr Posts: 251 Member
    My BP has never been terribly high, more like upper normal range. But the distance running seems to bring it way down. Sometimes my pulse is in the 40's.
  • Jim_fbr
    Jim_fbr Posts: 251 Member
    Daily weigh ins are boring now, sometimes I almost forget to do them. When I was in weight loss mode it was like I bounded out of bed in the morning to check the scale for progress. Now my weight has stayed within a 1.5 pound range for 3 weeks. Not a complaint just miss that thrill of seeing the numbers go down.
    In a month I'm going to make one final weight loss push, so there's that.
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    Jim_fbr wrote: »
    My BP has never been terribly high, more like upper normal range. But the distance running seems to bring it way down. Sometimes my pulse is in the 40's.

    Mine is often in the low 40s (was 41-45 this morning) and I've measured it in the high 30's a few times. Crazy!
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    edited November 2017
    I still weigh every day and not sure yet when I will be able to stop :# You are maintaining very well!!!