Jim's Progress Thread



  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    I still weigh every day and not sure yet when I will be able to stop :# You are maintaining very well!!!

    I like weighing and have no desire to stop! I weighed daily when I was a senior in high school running track and weighed 155-lbs! I'm not sure why people don't like to weigh?
  • Jim_fbr
    Jim_fbr Posts: 251 Member
    For me it's weigh every day, always. I'll never go back to what I call the "head in the sand mentality".

    I cooked a great ribeye last night. Seasoned with pepper and kosher salt, then baked for 1.5 hours at 250, then transfer to a hot pan for a 2-3 minute sear on each side. I used lard for the first time, man does that get hot and gives a nice tasty sear. Steak was hot and a little crispy on the outside while still tender and juicy on the inside. I hope I didn't just get lucky because man that was good.

    Did 8 miles yesterday on the dreadmill and 6 miles outside this morning. With less than 3 weeks to go I'm not doing any more long runs. Instead just up tempo runs in the 3 to 6 mile range.
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    Jim_fbr wrote: »
    For me it's weigh every day, always. I'll never go back to what I call the "head in the sand mentality".

    I cooked a great ribeye last night. Seasoned with pepper and kosher salt, then baked for 1.5 hours at 250, then transfer to a hot pan for a 2-3 minute sear on each side. I used lard for the first time, man does that get hot and gives a nice tasty sear. Steak was hot and a little crispy on the outside while still tender and juicy on the inside. I hope I didn't just get lucky because man that was good.

    Did 8 miles yesterday on the dreadmill and 6 miles outside this morning. With less than 3 weeks to go I'm not doing any more long runs. Instead just up tempo runs in the 3 to 6 mile range.

    The dreadmill! That is great! I like to sear a steak on each side and then turn on low heat and put a lid on it and cook that way but what you described sounded great! Good luck with the running.
  • Jim_fbr
    Jim_fbr Posts: 251 Member
    I've also used that method, it works well especially if you like the steak a little red or pink in the center. What I like about the slow oven cook is that I can get a nice even cook throughout before putting on the sear.
  • minigrrll
    minigrrll Posts: 1,590 Member
    I can see that weighing the same every day might get boring. I’ve even forgotten a few times lately which is weird because in the past when I’ve been losing weight I’ve always been super excited to see if the weight has gone down. This time it’s almost like I know I’m going to get there eventually and my weight has likely inched down a tiny bit from yesterday but it’s not super exciting any more. Weird.
  • NicolenyaCaltmanAuthor
    I am healing from lyme. I am looking for people who have lyme or are on their haling path now back to wellness.
  • Jim_fbr
    Jim_fbr Posts: 251 Member
    I am healing from lyme. I am looking for people who have lyme or are on their haling path now back to wellness.

    Sorry about that. I've not had it myself, nor do I know anyone who has.
  • Jim_fbr
    Jim_fbr Posts: 251 Member
    Weighed in early Wednesday morning before heading out for a one day business trip. Away from home for the first time on my carnivore diet, Wednesday nights dinner I relaxed and had vegetables and a few appetizers in addition to the biggest steak they had on the menu. Didn't have a chance to weigh in Thursday morning but this morning I expected maybe a little bump up from the mini splurge dinner. Nope, nearly a 2 pound loss since Wednesday which is a huge change for me these days. It's funny how I always expect that any kind of travel is going to be a setback, but in every instance it turns out to be otherwise.
  • minigrrll
    minigrrll Posts: 1,590 Member
    Jim_fbr wrote: »
    Weighed in early Wednesday morning before heading out for a one day business trip. Away from home for the first time on my carnivore diet, Wednesday nights dinner I relaxed and had vegetables and a few appetizers in addition to the biggest steak they had on the menu. Didn't have a chance to weigh in Thursday morning but this morning I expected maybe a little bump up from the mini splurge dinner. Nope, nearly a 2 pound loss since Wednesday which is a huge change for me these days. It's funny how I always expect that any kind of travel is going to be a setback, but in every instance it turns out to be otherwise.

    Awesome! I have the same problem though - I wonder how long it will be until we start to just accept it... It’s just so foreign to the old days where travel inevitably resulted in a setback...
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    I did good this last travel, but I don't think I'm as confident as you two about it. I do know it is possible to still do good, but there better be a plan in place or it can bad quickly! Congrats Jim!
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    I love getting on the scale and see a nice drop when I was not expecting it...You are doing great!!!
  • Jim_fbr
    Jim_fbr Posts: 251 Member
    174.4 this morning, a new low weight. Seems like my body is settled in to acceptance with this carnivore diet.
  • Jim_fbr
    Jim_fbr Posts: 251 Member
    172.8 this morning but that was after 6 miles on a treadmill, probably 2-3 pounds low.
    One week from now I'll be around mile 5 of 13.1 half marathon. Looking forward to it even though it probably going to be Temps in mid twenties which I really don't like to run in. But I'm doing it to put an exclamation mark on this year of big personal improvement and transformation.
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    Wow Jim you are doing so good and good luck in your marathon :)
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    Way to go Jim! I might try one of those next year. I don't do as many miles as you I think and I want to build up to some longer stuff before I try. I ran 6.5 today in the foothills with lots of hills. Didn't eat anything and bonked bad after about 5-miles. I have to have something before I run if I've been fasting or I can't make it. What will be you pre-race meals or strategy?

    This may sound weird but I swear it works. Eat some corn starch before your runs. It will fuel you even if you've fasted 19-hrs and it will not upset your stomach (doesn't me anyways). They use that stuff to treat people with glycogen storage disorder. It is a slow release carb that will allow people with that disorder to go to sleep at night and not get so low of a blood sugar that they die. They have improved regular cornstarch to make it even slower release and that is sold medically as glucocaid and you can buy a sports version called UCAN superstarch. A lot of marathoners use it. The UCAN doesn't spike insulin very much at all. I found that the regular stuff works well for me for the little running I do and it is much cheaper but it sin't flavored but that is ok for me. You might try running fasted and before the run eating some of that. Take about 2-heaping tablespoons of the stuff in some water or follow the directions if you try the UCAN stuff. If you have a scoop for protein powder that is about 25-grams/scoop, use that and take two scoops. Don't try this before you 1/2 marathon unless you've experimented with it some!
  • Jim_fbr
    Jim_fbr Posts: 251 Member
    I've not been taking anything before a long run, typically I run long in the early morning so 12 or so hours after eating. I usually just drink a cup of water before heading out. All my long runs have been like this including 3 that were 13 miles. Once I tried this MCT powder stuff, and although I did feel some energy from it it bothered me overall so I won't do that again. I think I've done so much low carb eating and fasted running that I'm able to run on fat for the most part.
    I am planning to have a coffee with cream and sugar before the race, I haven't trained like that but from past experience it worked pretty well, kind of a boost, and coffee is something I drink daily so not expecting any trouble from that.
    I'm going to eat well the last two days before the race, sort of topping off the tanks so to speak.
  • Jim_fbr
    Jim_fbr Posts: 251 Member
    Finished the half marathon and while my time didn't improve as much as I'd hoped for, I did meet my objectives which were to push myself, never stop and take no water during the race.
    Time was 2:20, was shooting for 2:10 or better. The race did kind of kick my butt, was so sore afterwards until I had a meal.
    Been splurging a bit last few days with family in town for the holiday weekend. Will start getting back in regular eating mode today. Seems from the race and or the splurge I'm up 1.5 pounds.
  • tlblanksfit
    tlblanksfit Posts: 1,573 Member
    Way to go Jim!
  • brittdee88
    brittdee88 Posts: 1,873 Member
    Congrats, Jim! I have such respect for runners. Awesome job!
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    That's AWESOME Jim and you're smiling while running, you should be so proud!!!