Over here !!!



  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    • Chisel Balance
    • Hammeer Plyometrics - Tonight after work
    • Iso chisel - Thursday after work
    • Iso speed hammer - Friday after work
    • Random cardio - Saturday morning
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
  • Jamie6636
    Jamie6636 Posts: 107 Member
    Week 1 of 2018 is over. I wasn't able to stick to my original plan because life got in the way. Even though I was away from home much of the week, I got a great start to the new year. I will post my plan for this week a little later. I plan to take Monday off.

    Monday-Chisel Balance
    Tuesday-p90x Yoga
    Wednesday-Hammer Plyometrics/ A little obsessed (Total Body Core)
    Thursday- off
    Friday- P90x Arms and Shoulders/ A little obsessed (Booty)
    Saturday-Chisel Endurance
    Sunday-P90x Yoga

    I hope everyone had a great weekend. I can't wait to see your plans for the week!

  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    This week’s plan :smile:
    • Chisel Endurance
    • Total body Hammer
    • Chisel cardio
    • Max Hammer strength
    • Random workout

    I pulled something in my lower back/upper right butt cheek while doing my bonus workout yesterday, which was PiYo - Drench. I did it in the warmup... went too hard too fast and now I’m in pain.
    Lesson here ? Use the warmup to warmup, not to hit it into beast mode. Ok. Lesson learned.
    I am taking back pain pills and focusing on the fact that pain is temporary and time will fix me.
    I am still going to do all my workouts, just maybe slower, more mindful of posture, and in perfect form.
    Y’a, that’s the plan.

    Have a great week guys !

    What’s you plan ?
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,436 Member
    edited January 2018
    Piyo - Core

    Yes, I finally found the time to complete Core, yessss.

    My plan is to get at least a couple more sessions in. I can’t promise which days, :) It depends on when my sons business meetings are, :)@KrystinaMTL good idea about posting in our team thread.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,436 Member
    Jamie6636 wrote: »
    Week 1 of 2018 is over. I wasn't able to stick to my original plan because life got in the way. Even though I was away from home much of the week, I got a great start to the new year. I will post my plan for this week a little later. I plan to take Monday off.

    Monday-Chisel Balance
    Tuesday-p90x Yoga
    Wednesday-Hammer Plyometrics/ A little obsessed (Total Body Core)
    Thursday- off
    Friday- P90x Arms and Shoulders/ A little obsessed (Booty)
    Saturday-Chisel Endurance
    Sunday-P90x Yoga

    I hope everyone had a great weekend. I can't wait to see your plans for the week!

    Wow, outstanding workouts....Jamie
  • bianca616
    bianca616 Posts: 295 Member

    Yay! Let's see if we get any bites...
  • bianca616
    bianca616 Posts: 295 Member
    My plan for the week (mostly the same as @KrystinaMTL) -
    • Chisel Endurance
    • Total body Hammer
    • Chisel cardio
    • Max Hammer strength

    I am inspired by @Jamie6636's killer schedule last week and @KrystinaMTL 's 5th workout day of a random cardio this week. I hope to have the motivation to get in an additional cardio workout this weekend when temptation to slack off will be at its greatest.

    Let's keep the New Years momentum going!

  • ScottyTheGent
    ScottyTheGent Posts: 48 Member
    Howdy y'all decided to join the group, started back with p90x this past week
  • bianca616
    bianca616 Posts: 295 Member
    Howdy y'all decided to join the group, started back with p90x this past week

    Awesome Scotty! Welcome!

    Tell us how P90x is!
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    • Chisel Endurance
    • Total body Hammer
    • Chisel cardio
    • Max Hammer strength
    • Random workout

    One down !

    Welcome aboard @scottythedon !
    P90X happens to be on my list.... Is it your first time doing it ? Do you follow the calendar ?
  • ScottyTheGent
    ScottyTheGent Posts: 48 Member
    • Chisel Endurance
    • Total body Hammer
    • Chisel cardio
    • Max Hammer strength
    • Random workout

    One down !

    Welcome aboard @scottythedon !
    P90X happens to be on my list.... Is it your first time doing it ? Do you follow the calendar ?

    I completed the first month before Christmas took a break and switched programs to an athlean x program, but y'all inspire me so I decided to switch back and complete the last 60 days before I move back to athlean x inferno max shred....youre gonna be sore every workout if you do it. I went from doing 8 pull ups to 20 and have gotten stronger I was just slacking on my diet so I ended up gaining weight, but I have that in check now. Eating more to weigh less. I tried dieting and IF but I just ended up binging, so I'm going an out things differently this year, and have lost weight so far. I weigh in again tomorrow
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,436 Member
    Howdy y'all decided to join the group, started back with p90x this past week

    Yes, welcome!
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member

    • Chisel Endurance
    • Total body Hammer
    • Chisel cardio
    • Max Hammer strength
    • Random workout

    One down !

    Welcome aboard @scottythedon !
    P90X happens to be on my list.... Is it your first time doing it ? Do you follow the calendar ?

    I completed the first month before Christmas took a break and switched programs to an athlean x program, but y'all inspire me so I decided to switch back and complete the last 60 days before I move back to athlean x inferno max shred....youre gonna be sore every workout if you do it. I went from doing 8 pull ups to 20 and have gotten stronger I was just slacking on my diet so I ended up gaining weight, but I have that in check now. Eating more to weigh less. I tried dieting and IF but I just ended up binging, so I'm going an out things differently this year, and have lost weight so far. I weigh in again tomorrow

    That sounds great Scotty !
    I personally do much better when following a set schedule. I also find it very motivating and rewarding when you actually complete one.
    There is Body Beast also in my future. Don't know when. Right now I have my hands full with Hammer and Chisel and really am loving what it's doing to me.

    Have a great week everyone !
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
  • ScottyTheGent
    ScottyTheGent Posts: 48 Member
    • Chisel Endurance
    • Total body Hammer
    • Chisel cardio
    • Max Hammer strength
    • Random workout

    One down !

    Welcome aboard @scottythedon !
    P90X happens to be on my list.... Is it your first time doing it ? Do you follow the calendar ?

    I completed the first month before Christmas took a break and switched programs to an athlean x program, but y'all inspire me so I decided to switch back and complete the last 60 days before I move back to athlean x inferno max shred....youre gonna be sore every workout if you do it. I went from doing 8 pull ups to 20 and have gotten stronger I was just slacking on my diet so I ended up gaining weight, but I have that in check now. Eating more to weigh less. I tried dieting and IF but I just ended up binging, so I'm going an out things differently this year, and have lost weight so far. I weigh in again tomorrow

    That sounds great Scotty !
    I personally do much better when following a set schedule. I also find it very motivating and rewarding when you actually complete one.
    There is Body Beast also in my future. Don't know when. Right now I have my hands full with Hammer and Chisel and really am loving what it's doing to me.

    Have a great week everyone !

    P90x is better than body beast, body beast is for bulking I have those DVDs too lol
  • Jamie6636
    Jamie6636 Posts: 107 Member
    Yes! We got another one guys! Welcome Scotty! I love P90x and Tony Horton. I don't follow the program but use some of the workouts often.

    Monday- off
    Tuesday- Total Body Hammer So Good!
    Wednesday- Chisel Cardio
    Thursday - Max Hammer Strength
    Friday- P90x Yoga
    Sunday-Chisel Agility
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,436 Member
    edited January 2018
    I did Piyo Core again, :) At least it’s two for the week, I’m going to try and get a couple more workouts this week.....

    Mon - Core
    Tues - Core

    Wed - Upper
    Thurs - Lower
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    • Chisel Endurance
    • Total body Hammer
    • Chisel cardio - Tonight after work
    • Max Hammer strength - Thursday after work
    • Random workout - Meh, we'll see. Either fri, sat or sun. ;)

    Awesome plan @Jamie6636 !!
    You inspire me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • ScottyTheGent
    ScottyTheGent Posts: 48 Member
    I know y'all love it, but I'm dreading doing p90x yoga today, it's harder than lifting weights to me lol