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2018--Striving to Make This Year Our Best Possible



  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,975 Member
    That is an interesting caveat. I suppose a case could be made that it might limit the size of vehicle the delivery company could use, thus increasing the cost in some way. Very odd.

    I can’t remember if I’ve posted anything since our trip down to Houston to meet our new great niece. She’s adorable and so far, very easygoing. I really enjoyed getting to hold and feed her several times. As long as she’s not hungry, wet, or dirty, she’s pretty laidback. I like to think I am, too, but DH might disagree, lol!

    DH and I went over to Dallas on Thursday and toured the Presidential Library of George W. Bush. They were celebrating the 5th anniversary of its opening by offering free admission for a week, so we took the opportunity to visit. It was interesting and I’m glad we went, but doubt I’d ever go back. Admission was free, but parking was not, which I thought was interesting.

    It’s been a quiet week around here, so I have nothing new to report. On the diet front, I’m still down 5 pounds, and just about to start my month on NS. Not a stellar result. I have had quite a few off-plan days, but even on those days I didn’t go completely crazy. I know exercise would have helped, but I just couldn’t motivate myself to get started.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,873 Member
    Our winter home is on an island. The only access is a toll bridge. Plus it's about a 30 minute trip from the main Ft Myers business district. And that's without tourist traffic. Delivery trucks could easily spend and hour or more in traffic to make deliveries to the island. We've had some businesses charge us a surcharge to delivery items to us. If the business regularly comes to the island, they'll group a bunch of deliveries into a single trip. It' a little annoying to have to pay extra unless it's a nominal amount but the convenience of having things delivered make it okay.
    Pam, the visit with the new baby sounds delightful.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,693 Member
    Interesting about the island delivery thing. Sometimes I'm amazed at what all there is out there that I've never encountered.

    Pam - good job on the diet front!

    Jean - I'm trying to get back into the treadmill. I have all 6 seasons of My 600-lb life on my tablet. I'm currently on season 4. I also d/l The Good Fight (season 1; apparently you can't (yet anyway) buy season 2 for d/l) and Bosch. I can't say I have nothing to watch on the treadmill!

    My good news is I didn't gain any weight in April. The bad news is I didn't lose any.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,693 Member
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,873 Member
    I love the back pack. DH could have used that with the cats. We tart the drive home tomorrow. I visited the chiropractor today to have him adjust my joints so I can be in the bet shape possible for the drive. My patella was a bit out of line and he put it back where it should be, He iced it before I left the office. I'm walking much better and have only minimal pain now. I was able to go upstairs with that leg leading which I haven't been able to do since the fall. I'd been using the other leg n stairs and then bringing the bad leg up straight to the same step like young children do. That was the only way I could do stairs until today. I could have gone sooner but we were waiting until just before we leave. We have to bring luggage up and down stairs to the car. We figured that would put things out of alignment so we might a well wait until most of it was done.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,693 Member
    Helene - glad to hear you're walking better. Have a good trip up north!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,693 Member
    So far this week I'm sticking to my daily treadmill plan! Gotta keep at it if I'm going to feel better/stronger.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,693 Member
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,873 Member
    I was glad Donathan took care of himself, especially when Jenna revealed she'd vote him out in a heartbeat. I was thinking he was too nice for his own good They only have a few weeks left so the double elimination was probably about getting the numbers down.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,693 Member
    Helene - I wonder what Donathan thought when he watched that episode and saw her conniving. Of course maybe someone clued him in somewhere along the way.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,693 Member
    edited May 2018
    About two weeks ago I had my annual "physical" and labwork. Results came today. I was really afraid I'd be diabetic and almost held my breath when I opened the envelope. I've been kicking myself waiting for the results - knowing I'd wasted a whole year when I could have been fighting the "pre-diabetes". I'd concluded that what I was going to do was try to lose 20 pounds in the next 6 months and hit 150 minutes a week on the treadmill (I'd like to get into strength training at some point but let's not get carried away. LOL!) and retest. Anyway, my A1C is down .1 so I guess technically I'm not still "pre" diabetic but I'm hoping I can carry out that plan anyway. Medicare probably won't pay for a 6-month lab test but it may be worth me paying. Motivation to help keep me on the straight and narrow over the holidays.

    I'm also going to fax the results to my endocrinologist. She asked me to (even though what I see her for is thyroid nodules) but I'm guessing she probably won't respond. She already gave me her tips (simplistic though they seemed to me).

    My stress level right now with work is at an all time high so carrying this out won't be easy. E.g next week is our client seminar and we have another all day meeting Friday so I have three work days. And just in today's emails I probably got 2 weeks work and they all want it ASAP. I was going to take this weekend off. Geesh.

    I'm going to spend some time while I'm sitting here at the computer researching for tips. Get back into logging my food.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,975 Member
    Maryanne, congrats on the lower A1C reading. You must be doing something right if it’s going down. I’m sorry your stress level is so high right now. Maybe it’s not the best week to embark on a new diet and exercise regimen, but you could just try to work on adopting one good habit this week and add more as the stress level improves.

    I’m now down a little over 6 pounds and starting my last month of new NS foods. I got my last frozen shipment today. Realistically, due to trips and/or meals I’ve eaten away from home, I probably have almost 2 months of food at this point. My last shelf stable order should be here tomorrow or Monday. I have to say the frozen foods are for the most part pretty good. I didn’t care for a few of the breakfast items I tried, but the lunches, dinners, and snacks are very good in most cases. Overpriced compared to WW or Healthy Choice frozen entrees, but you do pay for the convenience, I suppose.

    Safe travels Helene!

    Jean, I hope you’re ok. I know you are usually too tired to post during the week if you’re working.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Good morning, everyone! The beautiful sunny and warm days have been replaced by dreary and chilly rainy weather. Have you ever noticed that when you have time to do things outside that it rains?

    Pam--Good job on losing the 6 pounds, If you want a good protein supplement drink, Premier Protein provides 30g of protein in its shake for only 160 calories, 1 gm of sugar and 3 g of fat.

    Helene--Have a safe trip home. I had never considered the delivery problems associated with traffic dense areas near islands.

    Maryanne--Congrats upon the test results. You are definitely doing something right. Having something to watch while on the treadmill is a good idea.

    Anyone see t his week's new 600 Lb Life? It focused upon 3 siblings who together weighed one ton. The goal was for them to work together to lose. I can only say that Dr. Now has well built furniture.

    I haven't weighed myself lately. Eating is decent but doubt that it is in the weight loss range.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,693 Member
    Jean - in my usual OCD fashion I'm wading through the 600-lb life series in order. I'm on season 4, currently watching Lupe. Next I'll watch the Ashley/Lupe update. Nothing out of order for me. LOL!!!!!!

    Only thing I did out of order is accidentally stumble on a Lupe update online looking for something else. Doesn't sound good to me.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,693 Member
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    edited May 2018

    Sorry about the "gif" imprint but I did a quick screen print of something I thought was cute.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,693 Member
    Jean - that's too cute!!
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    I was channel surfing the other day when I landed on HSN when Andrew Lessman was doing a pitch for some chocolate squares that have some additive to fight high cholesterol. It was basically almost half price as it is nearing the time he will not ship chocolate because of the heat.

    I listened and in a moment of weakness bought the big 300 piece supply. To my surprise, these things are good. It is recommended to have one with each meal or minimum of two a day. Choconuvo is the name and his site still has it available in all sizes. It is like having a treat with the meal.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,873 Member
    My problem would be I'd eat more than 2 squares a day. I tend to over indulge in chocolate if I Have any in the house.

    We arrived at my brother's house in SC last night. The drive aggravated my knee and my other foot. I was hobbling when I got out of the car. Ibuprofen and a hot shower helped. We're here a week so I hope the aches and pains go away before we start north again.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,693 Member
    Helene - glad you completed that leg of the trip safely but sorry you're in pain (and yes, that was an iffy pun). Here's hoping a week is long enough.

    Jean - I was trying to explain to the trainee who was assisting my "primary care provider" what the items were on my meds list (although my overall urge was to say "go google everything and learn something"). She had no idea what CoQ10 is, e.g. And trying to explain Andrew Lessman's A.M. activator was fruitless without the list of ingredients in front of me. I wonder what the additive is in the chocolate. My cholesterol is pretty good as long as I stay on the zocor but I hate it because I hate anyone having power over me (i.e. someone has to write the prescription).

    I flatly refused to do the little Medicare mental test which included things like reading a clock. I told her to write down "patient declined". I know they get a few more dollars by billing Medicare for their little physical thingie. I'm willing to not dispute their right to do so. But I refuse to call it a physical and I don't have to be complicit. Just bill Medicare and let me alone.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,693 Member
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    The active ingredient in Lessman's chocolate squares?

    The active ingredient in our CholestaCare dietary supplement is called a Plant Sterol. It is an ingredient naturally found in plants and healthy vegetables and it powerfully lowers cholesterol. In fact, it has been approved by the US FDA to lower Total and LDL cholesterol and to actually reduce the risk of heart disease.

    It exists in a powdered form which we deliver in our CholestaCare capsules, but what many folks forget is that Plant Sterols also exist in another form called a Plant Sterol Ester, which, interestingly enough, has the texture of fat. I suspect you are now anticipating where this is going. In developing this extra-heart healthy chocolate idea, we had the “silly” notion that perhaps the naturally occurring fat found in cocoa beans would mix nicely with Plant Sterol Esters, since the latter looks and behaves like fat. And Lo and Behold! The marriage of our rich Dark Chocolate with our Plant Sterol Esters created the best tasting, best texture Dark Chocolate possible!

    Our Dark Chocolate has the rich taste of the world’s finest Dark Chocolate with the creamy texture of Milk Chocolate. Most remarkably, this superior texture results from its powerful cholesterol-lowering power! So, we start with the best Dark Chocolate and all its inherent benefits for heart, brain and circulatory health; and then we made it taste better and also reduce Cholesterol and heart disease risk. Dark Chocolate has been shown in numerous studies to reduce cardiovascular risk, blood pressure, etc., but our Dark Chocolate is in a class by itself when it comes to cholesterol reduction. Now you probably understand why I am so excited. It is the most delicious “vitamin” in the world.


  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,693 Member
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Maryanne--You have a knack for finding the best cat memes. The hamster one is great also.

    I went to the city today for a TSA Pre-Approved interview and then went grocery shopping. No bad stuff came home.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,693 Member
    Jean - too funny! No bad stuff coming home from the grocery store is an accomplishment!!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,693 Member
    edited May 2018
    This is one of the cats I rescued from the colonies I'm now feeding. I really wanted him but he was adoptable so he was put up for adoption. He was adopted by NY Times best selling author Mary Jo Putney (she has several other CROM cats). Her cats show up in her books. Here's Spook (I called him Pretty Boy) holding an advance copy of the cover of her next book: (He's a ship's cat in the book; mostly spending his time lounging on beds. LOL.) Don't you love those crossed blue eyes? There is Siamese in that cat.


  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Maryanne--Spook is such a beautiful cat and a lucky one. You must get many rewards from working with cats.

    Today is a sunny day. I'm not working so I am trying to get motivated to do something either inside house or outside. I think the inside might win. I also made a car appointment. Truly an exciting day!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,693 Member
    edited May 2018
    Someone has listed Jenny craig frozen food on ebay. As I always do, I emailed to ask how she planned to ship. Her answer? "I really hadn't thought about that". Really? Usually folks have at least thought about it and I can assess their plan to determine if it will work. She offered to sell me the shelf stable part of the listed items which I took to mean she didn't even WANT to think about how she would ship the frozen food. But she's still got the listing open. People are strange.

    I've got plenty of JC shelf stable entrees here so didn't even respond to that part of her answer.
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