TEAM: Flab u Less (April)



  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,186 Member
    I'm turning 50 in a year and a half, and I got an idea that I'd like to to be able to wear a bikini by the time I'm 50. I weigh 164 lbs. now and want to be in the 140s by then. Not a string bikini for me, but a tasteful two piece classy bathing suit.

    I recently saw a picture of me from eight years ago, when I weighed in the 180s (for me that was my heaviest weight ever), and I felt sad for myself. I looked sad. Weight is relative as you know. So, for me that weight was just unhealthy, because it represented a bad time emotionally in my life.

    Not only because I looked unhappy and unhealthy, I just felt that I was working so hard at being the perfect mom and teacher, that I lost who I was. I lost my identity pleasing others. As I stared at that picture, but I knew that I was in a bad state of mind numbing myself with alcohol and snacks. I remember watching The Bachelor each week chowing down on a big bag of Doritoes.

    I am so happy I found MFP a few years, and since November, I found these challenges to be so helpful and motivating. I want to end this decade on a positive healthy, happy note. I am looking forward to my 50s. I'm getting over this people pleasing disease and living for others' approval. Many of you have evolved beyond that , but I'm a little bit slow in my evolution.

    Anyway, that's who I have been and where I want to be in the next year. Thanks for letting me share. I had no plan on revealing all this on this post, but the words just poured out.
    Happy Easter! And I'm looking forward to April- spring, rebirth, and renewal. Xo
  • koirakoira
    koirakoira Posts: 166 Member
    Happy to see you again @JulieAL1969 . Thanks for sharing your journey. April will be the the perfect month for us all to being active, stick to our plans, or have a new start.

    Happy Easter!
  • Djou11
    Djou11 Posts: 167 Member
    @JulieAL1969 thank you so much for sharing your journey with us. I know that you're will rock that bikini
  • Djou11
    Djou11 Posts: 167 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Hope everybody is well. I just wanted to take the time to wish you Happy Easter (for those who don't celebrate it, Happy long weekend lol)
    Hope we all get to spend some good times with our family and loved ones. I also know how tempted we'll all be by all that chocolate and decadent food, but before overindulging remember that you're on this journey because you love your body more than anything else, therefore you will do everything in your power to keep it healthy longer. We're all at different stages of our journeys but we all share the same struggles, so pls msg us in moments of temptation, we're here to support each other.

    Happy Easter and my You all have a blessed weekend xoxo
  • ToadstoolBetty
    ToadstoolBetty Posts: 292 Member
    edited March 2018
    Hi everyone.
    I tried to do the biggest loser in January and was put into this group but I wasn't in the right mind and kind of failed.
    I turn 40 in October and seriously want to be as close to 10st as I can be.
    I've spent the last 2 years trying to get back to this weight but I lose a stone to stone and a half to gain back 12lbs the first year and 10 this winter just gone.
    So starting over and really want to get closer this time. I'm a stone lighter than I was when I started last year so hopefully I'll get there this time.
  • lar25473
    lar25473 Posts: 183 Member
    Hi!!! Do we weigh in today? Or is that next Sunday?
  • ToadstoolBetty
    ToadstoolBetty Posts: 292 Member
    lar25473 wrote: »
    Hi!!! Do we weigh in today? Or is that next Sunday?

    Next Sunday if your weigh in day is Sunday for week 1 as they already have your start weight.
  • MiltonBuddy
    MiltonBuddy Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Everyone! Still trying to figure out how this community and challenge works but glad I found you! I need the motivation and accountability! Didn’t even realize it existed until last night! I’m 48, work in Safety, Quality and Regulatory, have two kids, 19 and 17 and live in Milton, Ontario (pretty darn close to London, Ontario and @Djou11
  • MiltonBuddy
    MiltonBuddy Posts: 17 Member
    Half my post was lost so I’ll try again!
  • ToadstoolBetty
    ToadstoolBetty Posts: 292 Member
    Starting on Easter Sunday and while kids are on holiday isn't the best start. Seriously over food wise. Then I did that thing of using that as an excuse to finish the kids food off.
    I know better. Starting properly tomorrow and now need to make up for today.
  • Djou11
    Djou11 Posts: 167 Member
    lar25473 wrote: »
    Hi!!! Do we weigh in today? Or is that next Sunday?
    Hi @lar25473 if you're weigh in are Sunday, yes you start week 1 today
  • Djou11
    Djou11 Posts: 167 Member
    Hi y'all just to clarify April week 1 is from Sunday April 1st to Saturday April 7th.

    Keep on resisting that chocolate
  • Djou11
    Djou11 Posts: 167 Member
    Hi @MiltonBuddy welcome aboard neighbor and feel free to ask all/any questions you might have:)
  • Djou11
    Djou11 Posts: 167 Member
    Username: Djou11
    Weigh in day: Sunday morning
    Starting weight (Mar 25):197.5
    Week 1 (April 01): 195.9 (-1.6)
    Week 2 (April 08):
    Week 3 (April 15):
    Week 4 (April 22):
  • Djou11
    Djou11 Posts: 167 Member
    @ToadstoolBetty welcome back and please let us know how we can help support you better to achieve your weight goals:)

    I totally understand that it's really difficult to resist that urge to finish the kids plate, I was guilty of that too. Remember that this excess weight didn't come overnight and that it needs to be addressed one day, one bad habit at a time. Tomorrow is another day
  • MiltonBuddy
    MiltonBuddy Posts: 17 Member
    Good luck everyone! Going to start tracking and meeting my suggested macros and hoping this is going to help with the last 20lbs! Does anyone else track macros? And have you had any success? I’m surprised how off I am in my suggested % for each although today’s probably not the best day to start!
  • Djou11
    Djou11 Posts: 167 Member
    Good luck everyone! Going to start tracking and meeting my suggested macros and hoping this is going to help with the last 20lbs! Does anyone else track macros? And have you had any success? I’m surprised how off I am in my suggested % for each although today’s probably not the best day to start!

    @MiltonBuddy I track macros cause I started Keto and it's a real challenge to stay on track with macros ... meal planning helps me a lot
  • kafsha25
    kafsha25 Posts: 27 Member
    Hey everyone, i am super excited for this challenge! I'm 26, i have three boys 7,3, and 4 months old. Since starting my journey in January as soon as i got the ok from my doctor to start working out again, I've lost 19lbs and 29 inches from all over my body. My ultimate goal is to lose 40 more pounds. My biggest weakness is sweets. i workout atleast 3 times a week and eat clean for the most part. My biggest problem is chocolate and cookies. I'll be good for a few days and then go on an eating spree and feel guilty afterwards. I'm really hoping this group will keep me motivated to stay focused one meal at a time. Let's get it everyone! My usual weigh in day is Wednesday but i did weigh myself today.

    April 1: 205
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    Welcome to April team Flab-u-less.

    Captain for April is Julie (@Djou11.) Please contact her, myself (Craig @craigo3154.) or Ashley (@AB0215.) if you have any issues.

    Competitors for Flab-u-less for April are:

    April spreadsheet is at:

    Information for March (for any who rolled over).

    March week 4 results: WEEK 4 ~ MARCH RESULTS

    March final results: GRAND FINALE ~ MARCH'S BIGGEST LOSER...

    Wishing you all the best success in April.
  • leni1us
    leni1us Posts: 836 Member
    I'm excited to continue this journey with everyone. I, like many of you, have struggled with weight most of my life. At 58 years old and 5'2, carrying 170 lbs around is just not healthy. I hope to continue to be inspired by you all and thank you, @Djou11, for stepping up and captaining this crew. Let's do this!
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