Team WEIGHT NO MORE-December 2018 Team Chat



  • phoebe112476
    phoebe112476 Posts: 269 Member
    Week 3
    PW: 195.1
    CW: 193.6
    Starting Wt: 228.5 (8/4/18)
    Goal Wt: 150 ish
  • Shirin_K
    Shirin_K Posts: 258 Member
    Daily log in for: Monday
    Logged: Yes, over
    Water: 48 oz
    Exercise: 60 min cardio
    Steps: 10693

    Well, I did 2 of the 3 things for my Team Pledge yesterday: logged calories and got 10000 steps, but I was over a bit on calories. So I'm going to try again today! :smile:

    @lenka1 Those cookies are amazing! You are so talented.

    @sleepymom5 So happy for you and your success! Keep up the awesome work!

    Great job to all for working so hard to be healthier!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily log in for: Monday
    Logged: Yes, under
    Water: 72 oz
    Exercise & Steps: 6 mile dog hike; 17,188 steps

    Wasn't too cold yesterday so I snuck out for a longer hike. Weight is up a bit this morning but I've been pushing myself harder physically. Hope that's all it is. Dinners for the week are planned so its nice not to have to figure it out after a busy day.

    Wishing everyone a great day!

  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @phoebe112476 yes! nice loss. you are doing great. you have been working hard and the scale has been being nice to you!

    @Shirin_K may spend some time journaling about how important this is to you. It can provide you with some much needed motivation.

    @nstephenson01 good job getting that preplanning in. I know it seems like more work but it is ohhh so helpful. takes the guess work out of it!!
  • lenka1
    lenka1 Posts: 295 Member
    edited December 2018
    Thank you! :)

    @Lyssysho26 nice loss!

  • Lyssysho26
    Lyssysho26 Posts: 35 Member
    @lenka1 thank you so much for your support
  • ihp2015
    ihp2015 Posts: 221 Member
    Yay, Weight No More steppers! We got first place again with our stepping for week 2. That's two weeks in a row. Let's continue for week three B)

    Congrats to all our steppers! I'm proud to be a Weight No More team member! <3
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @Lyssysho26 yes!! that is a great loss. you keep that up. doing the happy dance.

    @ihp2015 your right! our team rocks! how are you doing?
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member


    Here is a new challenge. Lets try this out. Come here and tell me how you did.

  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,428 Member
    Good afternoon and finally checking in - work is beyond busy!

    Yesterday was a great day - food, water, steps and yoga! And today is right on track for another successful day.

    But not back at it. I'm trying to get ahead on all the stuff I need to get done before the holidays!

    Hope everyone is having a successful day!!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Great job everyone!

    Daily check in Monday
    exercise-Lula Mae and I did a 30 min walk in am
    Day 17 of yoga
    food-probably too low

    I woke up yesterday full of energy and enthusiasm. Unfortunately I had less than 6 hours sleep. I did my yoga, my walk and prepped lunches and breakfast for me and Molly. I had taken the "moon muesli" to work with me soaked in pumpkin seed milk with berries. After I ate it my tummy was not too happy. Not sure if it was a bit of a "bug" or a reaction to the richness of the muesli dish. I ended up eating a date for lunch and decided against the raw cabbage fennel salad with pinto beans that I had brought with me. I put my head down on the kitchen table and fell asleep. Was hesitant to eat dinner but...
    For dinner I made zoodles mixed with chickpea pasta, fresh pasta sauce with fresh spinach and basil and white cannellini beans. It was the first time in ages that we all sat around the dining room table eating the same meal. It was DELICIOUS! Made special for Skylynn's 9th birthday dinner. Had a really lovely evening celebrating her birthday.

    This morning I was so excited to check on my vegan cheese. Moldy. Ughhhh....So disappointing. Will try again this weekend.

    My biggest struggle right now seems oddly enough to find a way to eat enough food. My appetite isn't that hearty. I am hoping with the walking this week it will perk back up.

    On Saturday I went upstairs to do my yoga. I put on my little yoga pants and camisole. I was shocked at how skinny I looked. Later that day Molly was filming a video of her playing a prank on Skylynn. I was not aware of the running video and walked in front of it several times. Later when Molly showed it to me I was so surprised. I look overweight. It is so strange to see myself in pictures. What I see in the mirror doesn't seem to match up with what I see in photos. I am about 30 pounds overweight so it makes sense to me that I look like I am overweight. But when I see myself in the mirror I look so skinny...I have lost over 35 that too makes sense to me why I look so skinny.

    All this focus on our weight and food can be so time consuming and overwhelming. I jump off the deep end over and over looking for "my" answers. It's a journey for sure!

    On another note...I am so pleased with how flexible I have become with yoga. And strong. Today is 48 days in a row.

    Hang in there everyone! A bright new year is awaiting us in just a few short weeks! Everything we are doing now lays the foundation for a very successful and healthy New Year! Don't you just LOVE a fresh start and a new beginning?

    But there is still 2 weeks left to make the most of 2018. December is our month to Remember!

  • ihp2015
    ihp2015 Posts: 221 Member
    @Lyssysho26 yes!! that is a great loss. you keep that up. doing the happy dance.

    @ihp2015 your right! our team rocks! how are you doing?

    I'm doing good, Cyndie! Getting ready for some quality time with my hubby during the Christmas break. I've also been working part time as an office manager at the local Carlson Wagonlit Travel office. So nice to have a job to go to, even though it's only part time.

    What's not so nice is that my step daughter had a work accident last week and is now at the hospital! She works at a restaurant and she slipped on some frying oil, and then she got burning hot frying oil on her legs, arms and hands. It seems that they're only 2nd burns, but we'll know more on Thursday when we can go visit her at the hospital.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @ihp2015 that is awful to hear about your step daughter. How scary. Hope it goes well.
    @carlsoda you have such a great attitude! Glad things are going well.

    Crazy day at work. More later.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @Lyssysho26 Congrats on your weight loss! Your doing great! How are you feeling? I see that scale in the 220's quickly approaching.
    @lenka1 your posts are always so delightful! I love that you are checking up on people and their step counts lol. And your cookies are dazzling!
    @cyndiesstuff you are always on the go girl. Not sure how you find the time to captain this team on top of everything else. So glad for all your sweet support!
    @sleepymom5 you are doing all the hard work and seeing the results! I am so impressed and really proud of you. It is really ongoing trying to figure out all this stuff out. Your doing it!!!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @lennoncpa your team is very proud of you. We all are learning from each other! Your doing great and very inspiring.
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,118 Member
    @ihp2015 sorry to hear about your stepdaughter.

    I hate not having a Fitbit, I feel like every move I make doesn't count for anything. I was at my Zumba class tonight and kept looking at my naked wrist in the mirror while I was jumping around. Christmas can't come quick enough. I think I have also been eating a lot of crap over the last week. I have to change that and today I noticed I have not been drinking enough water. I start doing really well with logging and then I stop. I am going to have to focus and make sure I log every day, even if I start small with 5 days so I won't feel so bad if I miss any days.
  • Mandi5512
    Mandi5512 Posts: 61 Member
    Logged yes but wasnt under. My sweet tooth got
    the best of me today!
    Steps 10287
    Exercise no still on the mend.

    I had my sons class party today and as i said before my sweet tooth got the best of me! This next 2 weeks is going to be hard. I will be happy if i can maintain the next 2 weeks! Lol
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