

  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @cyndiesstuff Wifey made buttered popcorn last night as well. Lol. I just do my best not to think about it.

    Seemed to be doing good yesterday till late afternoon. I ended up with another headache. Caused me nausea so I had to skip dinner. I got home and dreaded the thought of doing yoga...and it was a particularly difficult session. I did it anyway and tried to focus on my breathing. And I still had another 3k steps to do. Went downstairs to visit my mom and did figure 8's around her living/dining room. Got both yoga and 10k steps in. And it actually seemed to help my headache.
    Molly and I have been teased by slight sore throats. But the last few nights we have sucked on zinc lozengers. They are little miracles. It is shocking to me how great they are at preventing illness. I would normally be down with a severe cold by now and being miserable at work or stuck in bed. But not this time! I feel just fine as I continue to take care of myself. It's more important to me than ever before, that I stay healthy. I have not taken any medication since October 15th and I am hoping to keep it that way as long as possible. I am happy to have options but I really prefer to take a holistic route.

    Now I know how important it is for me to read labels. But for some reason certain items keep slipping into the cracks. I decided I would include fermented products daily into my diet. Today I was thoroughly enjoying a pink lady Kombucha. 1/2 way through the bottle I turned it to the ingredients list as I was smacking my lips in delight. Sure enough made with black and green tea and evaporated cane sugar. Well no wonder it was so tasty. Oh well...I just keep doing my best. Both caffeine and sugar on my no no list. But wisdom in all things...right? I stopped and will save the rest for tomorrow. And probably wont by it again. so sad.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @lenka1 I got my planner in the mail yesterday. The same one as yours. It is exquisite! Thanks for sharing yours. I am loving flipping through the gorgeous pictures.
  • DananaNanas
    DananaNanas Posts: 665 Member
    edited January 2019
    Things that suck:
    - I'm back at the studio today and I'm not prepared and I hate that.
    - My blood pressure isn't going down.
    - My annoying coworker is being useless and annoying.

    Things that don't suck:
    - the sun's out
    - I finally was able to make an appointment with my therapist
    - I cleaned for like 10 hours on Sunday. No joke. You could eat off of my ceiling fans.
    - Second number in my weight was back to a 3 today. Barely. But it's back.
    - As I was typing this my boss walked in and said I'm getting a dollar an hour raise starting this week. And I'm sure my face was so ungrateful. I am grateful. But the list of things that suck I think are coming across in my attitude today.

    Part of my background on my work computer...
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @NuggetBrain wooo whoo.... nice loss. how are you doing? what are you working on?

    @Mrsbell8well I didn't have any. I went to the exercise room and read some of my book. and you are right about the labels. for a snack I thought, mmmm smoked salmon sounds good. I read the label and they put sugar in it. omg. are you kidding smoked fish does not need sugar. I am going to get Jim a smoke for his birthday. then we can have smoked meats the way we want them.

    @DananaNanas hey girl. your good list way out numbers your bad list. and a dollar raise? what a great way to start the new year. and the sun is out. mmmmmm you are a lucky girl for sure.
  • DananaNanas
    DananaNanas Posts: 665 Member
    @cyndiesstuff It's hailing now. What a weird day lol
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    It's trying to tell you that no matter what is going on in your world, Dana still needs to be Dana. Live your life inspite of the world around you. lol. hang in there friend.
  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 586 Member
    czvanut wrote: »
    Logged food and was on target
    Exercise: yoga
    Water 80+ oz

    Logged food and was on target
    Exercise: yoga
    Water: 50 oz so far

    Weighing in tomorrow. All fingers and toes crossed.

    Crossing my fingers & toes for your weigh in tomorrow. Good luck!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Daily Check In - Monday
    Food - Logged & on target
    Water - not enough
    Exercise - physio & 6088 steps

    Omg, am the last healthy person standing in my house & it is exhausting! Great post on strategies after a fall off the wagon @cyndiesstuff!!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,420 Member
    Finally checking in - work was so busy today I barely made it up to breathe.

    But I can check in for two days 😂

    Monday and Tuesday were both good days. Lots of water, healthy food, steps and yoga! Yesterday’s yoga was hard (core) and my back was pretty twingy today but the today’s yoga helped it. I am sure it’s just some muscles are loose and some are tight and pull funny on my lower back, usually some forward folds fixes it.

    Time for sleep now but hopefully tomorrow during the day I can check in,

    Have a wonderful restful evening!
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