

  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @cyndiesstuff Great job Cyndie!!! Really proud of you and all the recent changes you have made. Your very inspiring! It's fun trying out new recipes. So glad your dinner was yummy. we LOVE diet food! Lol
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Daily Check in for Wednesday
    Food - Logged & on target
    Water 800 ml
    Exercise- Physio & 7865 steps

    Finally, my family is recovering from that horrible cold. I remain healthy, which I attribute to my healthy eating! ;)

    @Mrsbell8well - great insights & yes, the mental part of this journey is really significant!

    @cyndiesstuff - impressive loss!!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @sleepymom5 great job at dinner. When do you leave to help ur mom?
    @Cafelelia so glad u r staying healthy. Food really is medicine
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    MMMMM! That was a delicious lunch. On with my day!

    @sleepymom5 it is really hard to deal with ageing parents. this is a very stressfull time for not only you mom but you and your entire family. Which stresses us moms out even more. I am really proud of how you have preplanned your trip. This is truly becoming a part of who you are. You hang in there and remember you have to take care of you first. your the glue that holds it together. and no, I am following a doctor and her plan is called the "wahl's protocol". she developed it when she was diagnosed with ms. she was wheel chair bound and changed the way she ate and now is almost better. out of a chair and riding bikes and being active again. So I have had to come up with recipes on my own that follow this protocol. it has been tough but so far so good. my pcp is very optimistic. What movie are you going to see?

    @Lyssysho26 how have you been feeling girl? what is going on with you? you havn't been checking in. were worried about you. and don't fret about that small gain. read my post about slipping.

    @nstephenson01 have you looked at your measurements? remember last time, it didn't show on the scale but your measurements were decreasing. and ok, I have crossed my fingers and toes but I honestly don't know how you expect me to work now. lol I totally get being annoyed. that is just a very small gain probably your cycle. Remember the scale is a fickle b****. and is not a true predictor of your accomplishments. keep doing what your doing and it will move.


    @ljdanny ohhhh yes. I am so happy that bag is getting removed. what a constant reminder that you are not well. and it was your boots. those babys are heavy.

    @ihp2015 I am glad that you checked in. I was getting worried about you. sounds like you have your work cut out for you. can you do it while pacing? I think you lowered your calories once before and it was a disaster. I am glad you found your comfort zone at 1500. yup... your right maintains are good. you keep working at it. I am glad you have not given up. summer is coming!!

    @Cafelelia great job on your daily check in. see the picture above. some of those are luck for you too!! and the reason your still healthy is because I have walked around all day with my fingers and toes crossed. lol

    @eyesopennow lolololol. your a funny guy!! now get on that scale!

    @czvanut ohhhh garlic bread. hot chewy crunchy. STOPPPPPP.... lol. I can't have bread on my new plan!! I am a confirmed bread a holic.

    @phoebe112476 oh I hate it when my sleep is interrupted. I have had a rough few nites too. good job on commiting to your yoga! and that is awesome that you found a class that is so close to you. I hope you enjoy it.

    @twyla77 I have made the same promise as well. less than 10k, NO WAY. like you said unless is it out of my control. great nsv. just doing it because. look at the new you go!!

    @amsandos yup cheese is my nemesis. it will get ya. you think how can something so small have soooo many calories. bammmmm! got ya.

    @bbcbw that is just a small gain. refocus and recommit. this is a new week and you can do it!

    @gottagetthisdown instead of jumping do squats. it is a jump only in reverse. you did great yesterday. keep it up my friend.

    @Shirin_K wooooo whooo girl. you are in the 160's. that is wonderful. soooo proud of you. great check in too. you are doing awesome. before you know it these new activities will all be habit and they won't be hard anymore. keep it up. you will get there for sure.

    @Mrsbell8well you dressed up your dog and did sent us a picture? It was to cold this morning in Michigan. the windchill factor was 8 degrees. you soup sounds yummooo. I am a lover of the cinnamon rolls too. if you find a recipe that works let me know. and just so you know I am a brownie addict. even good for you ones are on my no no list. I would binge on them for sure. lol. if no one has told you, you are doing great Angelina. I love your tenacity. your ability to change and to not give up is a true testament to who you are. so put the scale away. and remember you are the most important person in your life. so smile!!!


    @carlsoda see above with the fingers and toes. good luck with that pie. great job at keeping up with your yoga. sorry about the painful sleep. hopefully the stressed muscles will relax soon.
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    Having a good week so far increasing my steps anyway
    Mon - 5547, Tues - 9403, Wed - 7179
    add to Monday all the steps doing water aerobics and it was a great day.
    As far as calories - the amount I was over yesterday was not even half of the amount I was under on Monday and Tuesday so that should balance out!
    Doing good on water too increasing my intake by a small amount each day.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Lula Mae. She doesn’t look it but she was quite joyful once we got going.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @pacsnc6 that is awesome. you are doing great! Are you enjoying your water aerobics? I loved my class. cant wait till I have the time to do it again.

    @Mrsbell8well ohhhhh myyyyy she is such a cutie! look at her in her pretty coat. all dressed up ready to go for a walk with mumma. she is creating new habits too. lol
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @ljdanny we'll call that a maintain. Not a big deal. This is hard work. Keep it up. You'll get there.
  • Shirin_K
    Shirin_K Posts: 258 Member
    @cyndiesstuff Great string, awesome steps, and an amazing loss! I’m happy you’ve found a plan that’s working for you. It’s nice a doctor was finally able to determine the cause of some of your pain. Hopefully that information can help you!
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