

  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    edited January 2019
    @sleepymom5 thanks for the link and how to update - i will head to that link later today when i get home!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    edited January 2019
    Looking for one more stepper.

    Okay Team Weight No More, we need one more stepper for the step challenge. All you need to do is let us know and your in. Then once a day you will go to the thread below and check in with you steps for the day before like this

    Team Weight No More
    1/11/ - 16245 steps

    Thats it. Thats all you have to do. So if you track your steps, step up and volunteer for our one vacant spot.

    We need one more stepper!

    I thought it was full. Is it too late for me to be added?
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,981 Member
    @Zumba_Luvah you've got this! Keep reminding yourself that you're in control. You're awesome!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,446 Member
    Daily check in for: Friday
    Logged: Yes and on target (I think)
    Water: 80oz
    Exercise & Steps: 45 min, 5K Leslie Sansone video and 10,123 steps.

    I gave an update on the MFP newsfeed about my shoulder. In a nutshell, I need xrays and PT but nothing serious. I am a little bummed that I need to get PT, I guess I wanted them to say give it a little more time and it will be gone Lol! Oh well, sucks getting old. My days NEVER go as I plan anymore. I was planning to get my exercise in early afternoon and I ended up getting in to get my hair cut and got into the doctors so I didn't get to exercise until late. I made the sesame chicken in the crockpot which was good but I don't know why I just wasn't happy with it. First of all, the sauce was too good for the nutritional values to be accurate. It had to have more calories and carbs. I had to add cornstarch which was in the recipe but I just had a bad feeling about that Lol! Remember I am not much of a cook so it could just be in my head. Today I am going to get my exercise in first thing, then see if I have time to start my tidying. This evening we have to go to our annual dinner party at my sister in laws house. I have no idea what she is having. She doesn't like anyone to bring anything which is awkward. It always starts out with 2 drinks that I am not fond of that my brother in law makes. He is so sweet and cute that I could never refuse and all those years I faked that I liked it. Since I don't know what we are eating, I don't want to go there hungry. I think I will at least have a yogurt before I go. I also am going to drink a lot of water and sip my drinks slowly. I don't want to screw up my progress, especially with things I don't even like. I am hoping with a good workout before and not starving when I am going I will set myself up for success. Oh well...I better get going if I want to get anything done!

    *fun fact* Did you know the treadmill was initially used as a punishment for prisoners? I didn't . I was 1/2 listening to a show this am while I was on the computer and heard this. It was used to harness their power for things like milling and churning butter but it was also a punishment. Now people spend money to be able to use one! Pretty funny how things turn out!

    @cyndiesstuff That is awesome news about your lab work. Especially your A1C! What a great feeling that you were able to get it down without going on medication. Thanks for being such an inspiration! I am very lucky that I was put on your team. I learned so much and I think you even saw when that light bulb finally went on. It is hard to explain but I feel so different now. Good luck with the eye doctor. I got new glasses the other day. Shannon actually stopped in to help me pick and talked me into bigger frames. I feel like Chicken Little but am slowly getting used to them. I felt like Mrs Clause in the other ones I had for years so IDK which is better lol!
    @amsandos I love how you made a plan so you could still enjoy your pizza night. I don’t do as well with too many restrictions. You need to be able to still enjoy and occasional treat and have it fit in your plan. Glad you were able to stay away from the lemon cake too! Nice job!
    @lenka1. Fab loss! You are going to reach your goal! I know it! Great job! I was getting out of the car in an area that I have been going to for over 25 years and there was a little store I never noticed Lenka’s hairstyling. I wish I could say it was a new place but it’s not. Funny how you notice things. You are the first and only Lenka I know so guess it just never registered before yesterday. Lol!
    @phoebe112476 sounds like a nice snowy day for you. I saw the storm coming in on the news. I hope you can still get to yoga. Maybe if it is a snow day, you can try a video. I know you like the classes but maybe you can find a video you like for days you can’t get to class. I know how much you love it. So do you do the emeals recipes or do you actually do the whole thing? It sounds like a blue apron type of thing. If you do, do you like it? I keep going back and forth. You have posted so many yummy meals, it may be worth finally taking the plunge. Good luck with your tidying!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,446 Member
    edited January 2019
    @kirsten11872 I know once you get focused you will get that off. You have done it before! Remember to make time for yourself. You can do this! Good job getting a workout in today!
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Daily check in for: Saturday
    Logged: Yes and under
    Water: 50 oz
    Exercise & Steps: 10865 steps and 2 - 20 minute yoga
    13 day string on new plan

    Good day yesterday. Did my walk and yoga for 20 minutes in the morning. I did yoga that was targeted for the neck, shoulders and spine. Then got my eyes check. I picked out some really nice new glasses. I love them. Then I took my oldest son grocery shopping and to do his running around. We had a very tender moment on the way back to his apartment. I held his hand and told him that I will alway love him. Hes my favorite. He said i love you to mom. Your the best mom ever even tho you can be a little crazy! lol we laughed and i kiss his hand. awhhh. just thinking about it makes my heart sing. Then I came home and Jim (aka the ole boy) had been google searching. Not for the part for the stove. not for car parts but for a pizza place that has a gluten, sugar, and dairy free pizza. He found a place about a half hour from home and said do you want to go? Do I? heck yes. First of all how sweet can my day be? two of my most favorite men love me! second of all, pizza that fits my plan? i am in heaven. so we went to the restaraunt. They quit making that pizza last year. i asked if they could make me one and they said no, that chef is gone and it was his recipe. so i had a salad with no cheese and no bread and no dressing and the ole boy had pasta. thats ok tho. because if there was one place that does it there has to be more i just have to find it. maybe @Mrsbell8well and I should open up our own restaraunt where we use only fresh whole foods and we cater to people with food issues.

    @twyla77 uhhh ohhh! sounds like you have build up some momentum! going to the gym on a rest day? you go girl! oh yea and i added all your numbers into the spreadsheet. your all set there thanks for Stepping up.

    @Mrsbell8well and i know i already commented on your puppy pic but now i am on my desktop computer and i see her picture big instead of small on my phone. look at the way she is looking at you. i think she looks slightly annoyed you interrupted her nap. you know, it is hard being a cute black doggie. it takes alot of energy. she needs her beauty rest!!!!

    Lets have the best Sunday ever!!

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