

  • lenka1
    lenka1 Posts: 295 Member
    Team weight no more who wants to join the daily step challenge? I looked at the spreadsheet and we still have 2 spots free?

    Is it now 12 instead of 10? I see other teams seem to have more than 10?

  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    @carlsoda Congratulations on the grandbaby!!

    @cyndiesstuff My long term aim is to end up healthier in my 40s than I was in my 30s, but that means daily exercise and smart food choices. I feel like these have been the most consistent days of diet and exercise ever, and I'm super motivated to keep going! Short-term aim is to complete this 30 day yoga challenge without missing a day.

    Check in for Friday:

    logged and somehow under but I'm scared I forgot something.
    water 70-80 ounces
    exercise: 26 minutes of body jam and 25 minutes of yoga
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,456 Member
    We need 2 more steppers for Team Weight No More . Thanks to @lenka1 for being on top of things!
    @twyla77 didn't you want to join?

    My aim is to have a healthy lifestyle I can maintain and still lose weight. It is something I am never going to be done with. Hopefully the losing weight part will be done but I won't be stopping what I am doing. It is going to be a way of life. I have done too many diets that are restrictive and I do lose but regain it back when it is over. It seems to work for others but it doesn't work for me. I have actually changed my exercise habits and water intake though the years and am happy with that. I struggled to drink any water, now it is my main beverage and I have 16 ounces when I get up. I also am so much more active, I never thought I would get in a kayak, bike, hike or actually use our exercise machines. There is always room for improvement but I am proud with how far I have come. I do struggling with food but have come so far since the fall that I am happy with my progress even though I haven't lost much weight. I got through the holidays and logged a loss for the month of December. I am learning to plan my meals and outings. I think this time I am going to do this for good. I have a different mindset.

    @cyndiesstuff . How frustrating! I hope you find some relief.
    @DananaNanas That's not bad at all! Keep it going!
    @Mrsbell8well You have worked so hard and have been so successful! I know you are going to stick to this healthy way of life. I love MovieChairs Blog, I also love Rudenrocks blog. I recommend her too.
    @lenka1 Thanks for catching that! They had asked what we thought about increasing the teams but never said that we were doing it.
    @eyesopennow Nice loss!
    @czvanut Another great day!!

  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    @sleepymom5 yes please! may i join?
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,456 Member
    @twyla77 . Hooray!! Thank you!! I don't know if you have kept track of your steps for the month but you can go and enter what you have on the link. Put Team Weight No More on your post and then the dates and steps. If you look at the other posts you will see. Here is the link-

    We need one more stepper!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,456 Member
    edited January 2019
    @twyla77 You have really been doing well. You haven't missed with that 28 day challenge!
    @carlsoda Thank you! I am going to have to get some of that to have around. I see it everywhere now. Those are great goals! I have no doubt you will reach them!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,456 Member
    To finish off my steps for the day, I am watching the Tidying up with Marie Kondo on Netflix. Is she the cutest?! I didn't expect her to be so young. Hope I learn something ;)
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,456 Member
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Daily check in for: Friday
    Logged: Yes and under
    Water: 50 oz
    Exercise & Steps: 16245 steps
    12 day string on new plan

    Yesterday I just felt totally exhausted. I think my crazy chaotic week finally caught up with me. But I stayed the course inspite of it all. it seems to be getting easier to eat the right foods. I got the results of my blood work and all my numbers are in the normal range. My A1C (blood sugar) is finally in a normal rage! It has been borderline diabetic the last two times I had it checked. After the last blood check in March the doctor wanted to start me on medication for it. I told her to let me try and fix it thru diet and exercise first. I started paying closer attention to my macros and carbs. and now I am in the good range! Today I am getting my eyes checked for new glasses and then going to take my son grocery shopping. Then I am coming home and going to work on a few recipes i found that fit into my new food plan.

    @lenka1 thanks for catching that addition to the step challenge. they never said they were going to do it. all they ever said was do you think we should.

    @ljdanny what is IT syndrome? I am sorry your in pain. It certainly makes life more challenging.

    @eyesopennow yes! the scale went down. that is just awesome Mike. now lets keep going that way and build up your momentum.

    @czvanut what you have created is a positive forward momentum. all the things that you have been doing are pushing you forward. great job. 2019 is going to be our year.

    @sleepymom5 both you and i could not have missed them say they were going to add more steppers. they we think about it but never said they were going to do it. Its a free sight tho i guess so we can't really complain. after all we are all just a bunch of human beings. Pam you have come so far and learnt so much about what you need to be healthy. you are a rock star!!

    @twyla77 wowoo look at the string of days. your momentum is showing!!

    @carlsoda if you continue to eat and exercise it will become a habit you don't even think about. but it takes time. so don't give up, the time you spend creating these new health habits will save your life.

  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    edited January 2019
    Looking for one more stepper.

    Okay Team Weight No More, we need one more stepper for the step challenge. All you need to do is let us know and your in. Then once a day you will go to the thread below and check in with you steps for the day before like this

    Team Weight No More
    1/11/ - 16245 steps

    Thats it. Thats all you have to do. So if you track your steps, step up and volunteer for our one vacant spot.

    We need one more stepper!
  • phoebe112476
    phoebe112476 Posts: 269 Member
    Good morning team. I am feeling very thankful for this group this morning. Thanks to all who are part of the team; those who post often and those who stay more quietly in the sidelines.

    I am hoping my yoga class does not get cancelled with the snow storm we are getting in Indiana. Currently in my PJs getting ready to start a fire in the fireplace and catch up on some computer work for a while. Then off to start "Tidying." Have a great day team!

    @Cafelelia - I am spending much of my day working on the Marie Kondo method in my house too. My 3 girls did their rooms the last few days. So glad that is behind me! I get so much mental benefit from having less stuff around to deal with; especially stuff that we do not use/need.

    @carlsoda - Congrats on the new grand baby!!

    @sleepymom5 - I use the emeals quick and healthy meal plan for my dinner recipes. I love them! We eat breakfast and lunch less structured/more on our own. I usually eat leftovers and my kids eat more snack style lunches (crackers and cheese and fruit or the like). And I had the same reaction to the Tidying Up show on Netflix. She is so cute! We are working the method in our house this past week and into this weekend. I am hoping to get through my kitchen and bathrooms today. Maybe tackle the linen closet tomorrow.

    @cyndiesstuff - Awesome news about your A1C!

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