

  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,420 Member
    edited December 2018
    The Goal: to get the most steps possible. We need each teams steppers to check in daily with your steps and your numbers will go toward helping your team. Team with the most steps wins!

    4 people have STEPPED up for the January step challenge. The challenge start January 6th and you will got to this thread: and check in with you team name date of steps and steps taken


    Who else will join us? We need 10 in total by the 5th. Let us know and we will add you to the spreadsheet!

    I am in!

  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @cyndiesstuff Put me down as a stepper. And yes the yoga challenge begins January 1st!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,420 Member
    Happy last day of 2018! I have been formulating plans for 2019 and I will try to get them into words:
    • Steps, steps and more steps daily
    • Try to do yoga daily
    • Continue not eating dairy
    • Next 100 days I am going to focus on eating low carb/whole 30.

    I really love the way my diet has evolved - it’s so healthy and want to just continue eating this way. Today I am going to work on a couple of recipes so I can start tomorrow fresh!

    And...welcome to all the newbies, this is my 2nd month here so I still feel like a newbie!
  • eyesopennow
    eyesopennow Posts: 352 Member
    The Goal: to get the most steps possible. We need each teams steppers to check in daily with your steps and your numbers will go toward helping your team. Team with the most steps wins!

    4 people have STEPPED up for the January step challenge. The challenge start January 6th and you will got to this thread: and check in with you team name date of steps and steps taken


    Who else will join us? We need 10 in total by the 5th. Let us know and we will add you to the spreadsheet!

    I'm in
  • Shirin_K
    Shirin_K Posts: 258 Member
    edited December 2018
    @Shirin_K I didn’t realize that we were so similar. We both started F2F in August I think...and our heights and weights r very close. It will be fun to get to our healthy weights together. Glad your doing yoga.
    @Mrsbell8well Yes, we really are similar! I started on the team September, but basically the same!

    @ihp2015 I would love to have some Fitbit friends and join you! My Username is Shirin K (I think). If anyone else would like to add me, please do!

    @nstephenson01 Thank you and love your goals too. I'm going to check out those JessicaSmithTV videos!

    @Shirin_K you are doing so well. that is 23 pounds gone forever!! ahhh... stress eating is a big down fall that I think many of us struggle with. we need to try and find replacements to stress eating. what will we do instead? you will be at goal weight in 2019. I have faith in your strength!
    @cyndiesstuff Yes, good question! I really do need to come up with a plan... Do you have any tips? I need to think about this.

    Welcome to all the new team members!!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member
    Welcome @coolchick207 , @lovemickeymouse , and @NuggetBrain!

    I also step up to be a stepper! So far we have

    Did we miss anyone? We need 2 more!

    @czvanut-let’s make 2019 our year! As far as your question, I think it is ok if it isn’t every day. Maybe you can add in a healthy snack if you are under a lot. I hate to say to eat if your satisfied but under 1000 is low.
    @pacsnc6-I think a maintain through the holiday season is great! I like your goals! You got this! Let’s kick some butt in 2019!
    @twyla77 That’s really not bad at all for the Holidays. You can do this!
    @navydaddjtc-keeping you in my prayers. You have had a rough end to 2018. I know you will crush all your 2019 goals!
    @mrsbell8well. Awesome progress in 2018 and awesome 2019 goals! I know you will accomplish them. I wish I could do yoga. I am thinking of finding poses I can do...
    @cassiegetsfit2013 we love you too! You are doing great! What an awesome end to 2018 for you! I hope you see how far you have come!
    @ihp2015. I think that is great progress! Slow and steady!
    @shirin_k you have been doing great! Congrats hitting your end of year weight. It’s easy as a young mom to put yourself on the back burner. Your health is so important so I am glad that you are fitting it in to your busy life!
    @nstephenson01 Love your goals! One of these days you need to posts some pics of your dogs!
    @ljdanny I like the idea of one month at a time. I also like your goals. My day would go so much easier if I exercised earlier. I may try to do that in January
    @phoebe112476 That soup looks delicious. Just what I need with this cold. I have to look into emeals. We are always looking for meal ideas. Hope you enjoyed your Yoga class.
    @lenka1 I am with you. I am so ready to get into my normal routine! Awesome 2019 goals!
    @amsandos-not bad at all! Maintaining is good!
    @cyndiesstuff-sounds like you are ready to start off 2019 on the right foot with your eating plan! You are going to have a great 2019!
    @carlssoda awesome loss! AND especially during the holidays!! Love your goals for 2019!
    @bmaison2014 great job losing during the holidays!

  • ihp2015
    ihp2015 Posts: 221 Member
    Shirin_K wrote: »

    @ihp2015 I would love to have some Fitbit friends and join you! My Username is Shirin K (I think). If anyone else would like to add me, please do!

    Your username should be a numbers and letters ;)

    If you click on the link below, you can invite me, and I'll make sure you're invited to our challenge B)
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member
    Daily check in for: Sunday
    Logged: No
    Water: a ton-lost count
    Exercise & Steps: None and a little over 2K

    Finally feeling a little better! I still have cold symptoms but have a little more energy. Not sure what my plan is for today. I want to clean and air out my room and where I have been hanging out. I am not sure if we are going to head to the shore or not. Hoping tomorrow I will be back to normal.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member

    Monday's Weigh in's still due

    Tuesday's weigh In's (Happy New Year!)

    Wednesday weigh ins
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    The Goal: to get the most steps possible. We need each teams steppers to check in daily with your steps and your numbers will go toward helping your team. Team with the most steps wins!

    8 people have STEPPED up for the January step challenge. The challenge start January 6th and you will got to this thread: and check in with you team name date of steps and steps taken


    Who else will join us? We need 10 in total by the 5th. Let us know and we will add you to the spreadsheet!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member
    @DananaNanas Actually my posts yesterday made me realize that I actually do feel better today! :p
    @ihp2015 Sounds like a nice way to spend New Year's eve! Happy New Year!
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @carlsoda you can be a newbie if it makes you feel good! lol

    @phoebe112476 I am so proud of you. now remember. start where you are at. don't be discouraged if you are not where others are at. you will get there it is your practice. awesome!!

    @DananaNanas we will be tying the knot late spring this year. maybe I should start planning. maybe an actual date might be in order! lol.

    @ihp2015 you new year sounds like fun. I am not sure what we will do tonite.
  • Shirin_K
    Shirin_K Posts: 258 Member
    ihp2015 wrote: »
    Shirin_K wrote: »

    @ihp2015 I would love to have some Fitbit friends and join you! My Username is Shirin K (I think). If anyone else would like to add me, please do!

    Your username should be a numbers and letters ;)

    If you click on the link below, you can invite me, and I'll make sure you're invited to our challenge B)

    Oops! :blush: I invited you! Thanks!

    I think my username might be this then....

  • ihp2015
    ihp2015 Posts: 221 Member
    @ihp2015 when you said you were married to a Great Dane I was picturing the dog :lol: thinking you were single but making a joke... I got it now ;) Apparently I don't read the intros very well because you've been in this group longer than I have and probably have similar intros every month... Have you been to Florida before? What city are you going to be in?

    LOL, I figured I'd change my intro a little! ;)

    Yes, I've been to Florida lots of times. We'll be in Orlando, but we'll start of with two weeks in Palm Desert (just me and my hubby). I don't see my family that often. My parents live in Malta and my brother and sister both live in the Netherlands. It will be great to spend two weeks with everyone in Orlando. My sister has two girls (they'll be 15 and 18 next year) and it'll be the first time they go to Florida (or the US for that matter). Really looking forward to hitting the outlets with them. Hopefully I'll need a whole new wardrobe by then B)

    I see that you live in Ohio? Where in Ohio? I've lived in Dayton, Ohio twice (Centerville to be more precise) in 1986 and 1993-1995 and finished high school there before moving back to the Netherlands again!
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