

  • NuggetBrain
    NuggetBrain Posts: 526 Member
    Please welcome @coolchick207 , @lovemickeymouse , and @NuggetBrain to the team. I am cyndie one of the team captains and we are so happy you are here with us. we weigh in weekly, please come in and introduce yourself. if you have any questions please ask. read thru the posts. there is some really good stuff in here and do your first challenge with your reflection.

    @NuggetBrain what day will you use as your weigh in day?

    I'll be weighing in Mondays.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @nstephenson01 your pups are sooo cute. Wow look at that snow. Its been raining all day here in Michigan.

    @ihp2015 happy new year!!

    @NuggetBrain thanks!!
  • eminater
    eminater Posts: 2,477 Member
    Username: eminater
    WI day: Tuesday
    Week :01
    Previous weight: 205.8
    Current Weight: 206.6

    GAIN 0.8 lbs! Well, starting the new year on a bump I see!!

    Week 00: 205.8
    Week 01: 206.6 (+0.8 lbs)
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    I LOVE diet food!!!
  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    @cyndiesstuff @ihp2015 may i join the step challenge please? let me know if i’m too late!
  • Shirin_K
    Shirin_K Posts: 258 Member
    edited January 2019
    czvanut wrote: »
    It's amazing how much food you can eat when you're not eating junk.
    @czvanut So true!! Great reminder! Sounds like you had a great day!

    @Mrsbell8well and @cyndiesstuff Those meals look delicious! And thanks for the stress eating strategies, Cyndie!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @czvanut I say that all the time. I eat and eat and eat...and still my clothes get baggier every day. Both my size 12 pants and medium sweater are being retired after today. Too baggie. I love your meals espythe avocado toast w honey and bacon. Yum! I don’t eat bacon or toast...but yum
    @cyndiesstuff lovely dinner! You inspired me to go all out tonight with an awesome New Year’s Eve feast.
    I am a firm believer in always having yummy food close by. Being hungry makes us vulnerable to temptation. Having easy fruits, raw nuts, and “real” food handy keeps us satisfied.
    I quit logging calories. My guess is between 800-1600 depending on how hungry I am. Some nights I only want fruit. I’m trying to pay more attention to my bodies needs.
    Happy New Year everyone!!!
  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 584 Member
    @Mrsbell8well I think it's amazing that you're losing weight still without counting calories and just by listening to your body and eating so clean. I can't wait to one day not count calories, because I get obsessive with it, but know that right now it helps me to have it as a guide, but will be nice to one day not need it like I do now. Happy New Year!
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Happy New Year’s 2019 team!!
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Daily check in for: Monday
    Logged: No
    Water: 68 oz
    Exercise & Steps: 15877 steps

    Good Morning and happy new year Team! I had to work yesterday. Well really I just sat around and did nothing most of the day. I was the only one in town that was open besides the laundromat. did a lot of research on recipes for this new food plan. I found some that i think will be good. I need to get variety in my diet or i am going to fail. last nites dinner was really good. i had also made brown rice with mushrooms and garlic but the rice never really cooked up and it was steaming for an hour. oh well i like crunchy rice. The first day was good. I was a little hungry starting at 4 oclock. but you are suppose to be hungry for dinner. at least that what i kept telling myself. "its ok to be hungry Cyndie" "it's not a crisis". I had LOTS of vegetables. I was journaling last nite and i think i am going to log it in mfp. this way i know for sure that i am getting enough of the right kinds of veggies. Like i said... learning curve baby!

    @eminater good thing the holidays are over. that is just a small bump in the road. steer back over to the right side of the road today. it is the new year. you are going to be in onederland shortly! did you do the reflection exercise at the beginning of this thread? it really helps put into perspective the journey!

    @Mrsbell8well when you showed me that food, i could not believe those are purple carrots. do they taste the same as orange carrots?

    @czvanut what great exercise... toddler chasing. that is my favorite age. i wish i could go back and be there again. mmmmm your diet food sounds yummy too. lol love your champange toast story. lol. your such a human being!!

    @twyla77 sorry they only let us have 10 members and we have them all. but if someone needs to drop out we will let you know. you can still do the yoga challenge, it starts today. and did you do the reflection exercise at the beginning of this thread?

    @Shirin_K we all struggle with stress eating i think. and if those techniques don't work, i always try to have healthly snack material around. so if i binge, i binge on broccoli not cookies. also, i find, a cup of spearmint or peppermint tea helps take away some munchies. Try different hot teas. (no sugar, no caffeine ones) it takes about 30 minutes to drink and then the craving sometimes goes away.

    @lennoncpa happy new year to you too.

    @coolchick207 Welcome to our group. any eating plan that you can stick with is a good plan. a lot of people have great luck with LCHF. You know this whole weight loss thing is a learning process. we need to learn how to live our lives and be healthy. every step you take in that direction is a positive one. and when you fall, and you will, learn why you have fallen and when you will do next time so it don't happen again. write it down and commit it to memory. it is going to be a long journey but it will be one that is so worth all the hard work.

    @lovemickeymouse Welcome to the group. omg and that happens sometimes. sometimes i will just copy my work before i go to save it. it has happened to me sooo many times. and you are doing great, you already how found some of your no no's. these are foods that either don't fit into your diet or will start cravings. bread is my downfall. and maybe it is not carbs that is your problem. maybe it's complex carbs, like bread and pasta. there are simple carbs like fruits and veggies that can really help you with your diet. maybe do some research on good carbs and bad carbs. and ugghhhh. on the restless leg. i have had that before. that is tough. have you tried yoga before bed? that helped me sometimes.

  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member

    oh sorry, I mean weigh in Tuesday.

    Late Weigh-In

    Tuesday Weigh-Ins

    Wednesday Weigh-Ins
  • Ashleigh1178
    Ashleigh1178 Posts: 29 Member
    WEEK 4

    PW 185
    CW 189

    Gained 4lbs

    So I let myself go massively this week. I decided to eat whatever I wanted over Christmas and I don’t feel bad at all. I’ve eaten roast dinners, chocolate and mince pies and I’ve loved it! But I’m so ready to get back to eating clean!
    I have an important appointment at the end of March and I need to get down to roughly 12stone (I don’t even know if that’s possible) I’m going to try and have some big losses for January (2-3lbs per week, 8lbs by the end of the month would be nice!)
    Let’s do this!!

    Happy new year everyone! I hope 2019 brings you all you deserve xx
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    Happy New year. I have shown up to do the tracking for yesterday although it is not pretty we had a Chinese take away and I went over 1000 cals over.

    I got up early and went for a swim which was awesome but in the afternoon I had a massive crash and felt really peculiar. I am back on it today. Although I did eat the last of the cheese crackers I have tracked them all.

    @DananaNanas I am doing a programme called LDNMuscle It was recommended to me by a friend who is doing really well on it. I haven't been on it long enough to say whether it is any good or not. So I share this a bit reticently. It cost £79 which I think is a bit dear for an initial outlay. Although that is a one off payment so if it works it is really good value because you can do it again and again. There is no subscription. I have done strength and conditioning exercises but never a programme. So I tend to get bored as I find weight training really repetitive and because it is uncomfortable I tend not to push myself. I find I only stick to a programme if I am working towards something that gives me the fear - something which I am not entirely convinced I can do. this is why I took up to triathlon. At the moment this has pushed me to stick with cardio but I have got as far as I can without getting stronger. There are so many exciting events out there so slowly but surely I am working towards being able to do them. My laziness is greater than my vanity so I would never be motivated by looking good but being able to run 13.1 miles or swim a distance in a time. That is what makes me work harder.

    If you need more info on the programme drop me a line. I can explain more how it works etc.

    I hope you find a programme that excites you and gets you going.
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