

  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,420 Member
    czvanut wrote: »
    So I had 100+ calories at the end of the day and was "saving" them for the champagne toast at midnight.
    Then I realized: midnight is a new day!! So I had another drink, lol!

    You are too smart (and funny!) 😁
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,420 Member
    Happy New Year!

    Yesterday was a great day, stayed home and did some baking, yoga and got some steps in.

    I made some low carb tortillas for my lunches - almond flour, coconut flour, apple cider vinegar, salt and water, they taste really good! I also made some low carb cookies for treats and dessert today. My FIL with diabetes is coming for dinner, I suspect he will be surprised on how good they are. He doesn’t think anything low carb is good. Ha! He will be surprised! He hasn’t stopped eating regular treats yet - shame on him!

    I am in for the water challenge too. I “think” I drink lots of water everyday but let’s see if I am right!

    Have a wonder first day of 2019!
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    edited January 2019
    Tuesday check in
    Happy New Year
    Yesterday was a good day. I increased water, got in over 6100 steps, and did OK with calories. Made a pie for dessert and had a piece which put me over a little bit. My exercise was grocery shopping for the final time in 2018 and working a jig saw puzzle off and on all day. This one is 1000 pieces and seems to be taking forever! I started it last Wednesday and it took me two days to find all the edge pieces. I walk around the table the whole time I work on it so lots of standing! This morning I challenged myself to drink a sip of water every time I added a piece.
    We did our usual new years eve - watch (TV) the ball drop in Times Square and go to bed by 12:02. I was awake by 6:30 but didn't feel like getting up yet so read for about an hour.
  • jedaschultz
    jedaschultz Posts: 1,010 Member
    User ID: Jedaschultz
    Week Number: Week 1
    Previous weight: 206.2
    Current weight: 207.6
    Steps: 22,639

    Sorry for the late weigh in. We just got back yesterday from holiday travel. Ready to start the new year!!!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member
    edited January 2019
    Daily check in for: Monday
    Logged: Yes and on target
    Water: Way over, I lost track between water and herbal tea.
    Exercise & Steps: I did 30 min of Leslie Sansone and finally back on track with steps 10,121

    I ended up feeling much better yesterday so we decided to go to the shore. I didn't want to go back to a germy house so I cleaned the 1st floor and our bedroom and bathroom. I also decided I felt well enough to get in a walking video. I knew where we were going to dinner so I planned my food but when I got there I decided to go even lighter and went from a pork chop to ahi tuna. I also was good with drinking, I did my one before, one during and one after dinner drink but had an additional one for New Years. Today was nice earlier but the wind is kicking up now. I am still going to go for a walk on the beach, even if it is for a little bit. I will walk on the promenade which is 3 miles round trip (best I can do for my virtual "hike" with MrsB!) . Not sure when I am going home, I need to clean here too and I want to exercise. I am not sure if I am going to stay the night or just do it and go home some time today. Hope everyone enjoyed their holidays and celebrations! Happy New Year everyone!

    The water challenge sounds good to me. I actually won't be able to drink more than I did yesterday or in the past few days lol! I will start from my usual 64oz.

    I need to get on here more than once a day! I miss a lot Lol!

    @cyndiesstuff thanks for posting! I have a huge problem with stress and emotional eating.
    I love how you are turning things around. You are not going to be defined by your pain, the doctors couldn’t help and you weren’t happy with that news. You evaluated where you are and where you want to be. You researched, made a plan and you are ready to start. It may not be perfect but no plans are, there is a lot of falling down, reevaluating and tweeking that comes with this. I think it is great that all the things that were getting you down, you pushed through and did something about it. It wasn’t easy but you picked yourself up and are moving on! You are truly an inspiration! (Also I was lol’ing at Taco Tuesday)
    @ihp2015 Love that Disney quote! I am with you!
    @lennoncpa Happy New Year! hope you had a nice New Year!
    @DananaNanas I put my fitbit on as soon as I get up Lol! God forbid I miss a step!
    @lenka1 hope your dinner party went well and you enjoyed New Year’s eve! Your so busy!
    @nstephenson01 OMG! I love them! They are so cute! Thanks for posting their pics! I also love how your neighbors get together! Hope you had fun! Dinner sounds yummy! Enjoy today!
    @gottagetthisdown Nice loss!
    @phoebe112576 Your progress is amazing! I love how you are just crushing those goals! I also like how you put in an object for the amount of pounds. I want to say it makes it more visual but that isn’t exactly the word. Lol! You should be proud of your progress! You are doing great! You got this!! Glad you enjoyed yoga! It makes it easier to go if it’s not a chore. Another nice loss this week! Amazing!
    @eminater That isn’t bad. Especially around the holidays. Just get right back at it. You have done it before! You got this!
    @czvanut-another great day! Loved your exercise! Lol! I also lol’d at your toasting in the New Year! Glad you enjoyed and had another drink!
    @twyla77. I wish we could have everyone who was interested in the step challenge join. It would just be too much for the people who are keeping track of the steps. I know Cyndie already told you that the challenge is full but we have had people drop out for injuries or broken devices. We may need you at some point!
    @mrsbell8well I will join you on your hike! If the beach is too windy, I will “hike” on the promenade. The promenade is 3 miles so it would be perfect. Your dinner looks yummy! I never knew there were purple carrots! I also agree with about having healthy choices near for when you are hungry. I usually am ok but when I am hungry if I don’t have something healthy, I will eat something I shouldn’t. You have come so far. I am looking forward to the day I can listen to my body and just eat what I need but I am not there yet!
    @cassiegetsfit2013 I am with you. I need to log my food too. If I don’t, I tend to go off track. I don’t know why. I guess whatever works for us, we should stick with. You are losing doing what you are doing so keep it up. However, in the future it would be nice not to have to log....
    @coolchick207. Welcome to our group. You have so much going on. I am glad you are taking some time for yourself to take care of you. That is so important when you are a caregiver to others. You have the move coming up so you need to stay on track for that too. Just take one day at a time and get through the day. Don’t beat yourself up if you go off track and get right back on track. You can do this! You are going to be a great addition to this team!
    @lovemickeymouse. Welcome! I love your goal! You can do it! You have done so well the past few years. Just get right back on track now and keep chipping away at that goal! Have you seen a doctor about the restless legs? You must be exhausted with only 4 hrs sleep. I know there are things that you can take to help. Sounds like yours is a pretty bad case, my daughter had a mild case and started to take iron and she hasn’t had a problem since. I also have a friend that had a bad case and takes medicine that helps. You may have already tried all of this but I hope there is something you can do. Hugs!
    @ashleigh1178 Happy New Year! the holidays are hard. I am glad you are not feeling guilty and you are getting right back on track!
    @amsandos Happy New Year! I am glad you enjoyed and got back on track today. Hope you are feeling better, sometimes you need to rest.
    @carlsoda-you have been doing great. I wish I liked to cook/bake. Your low carb treats sound yummy. Just reading your ingredients make me think it’s going to be hard lol! That’s how bad I am. My sister in law was telling me a recipe for asparagus and said “blanch” and that was the end for me. Maybe I need to go to a cooking class...
    @pacsnc6 Happy New Year! I wasn’t too far behind you with the New Years celebrations I was in an Uber home by 12:02 and in bed probably by 12:10 lol! Sounds like you have been doing great! 2019 is going to be a good year!
    @jedaschultz Happy New Year! Hope you had a good trip!
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    I'm up for the water challenge and I started yoga today! @sleepymom5 I'm glad you got well enough to go on your trip!
  • Lyssysho26
    Lyssysho26 Posts: 35 Member
    Week 1
    Pw: 226.6
    Cw: 226.6 probably more since i cheated


    Currently detoxing for the next few days to get rid of this extra calories
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member
    @Lyssysho26 No worries! Maintaining is good through the holidays.
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,080 Member
    Happy new year everyone. We went out for a little bit last night but we were home early. I only had 2 drinks. I have decided when I have a drink I will have no more than 3. Sometimes I go a little overboard and then we stay up late and feel like a bag of crap the next day. So no more of that. I am getting back to logging my food today. I also started putting a dollar in an envelope for every day I workout. I started Sunday so I'm at $3. Hoping this keeps me motivated. I went to Zumba today and when class ended we decided to keep going so we ended up with a 90 minute class. So much fun. It's nice out today but it's getting very windy so I think I'll just hang out. Today is the last day if my vacation, ugh!! Tomorrow I am going to start getting up at 4 am again. Wish me luck.
  • phoebe112476
    phoebe112476 Posts: 269 Member
    I went to another yoga class today. Was a “mixed level” class and I was surely the bottom of the levels. Lol. But I still enjoyed it. Found a Thursday “basics” class I can fit into my schedule weekly. So excited and hoping this continues. My calorie tracking and weight loss has been on track. I need some new found success in the work out category. Don’t want to lose lots of muscle on this journey- didn’t have much to start with!

    Anyone try the Curves membership for strength training? I am enjoying the yoga and know I can’t find 2 hours (class plus drive time) more than once a week most of the time. The Curves is 3 minute drive and 30 minute work out. I might be able to add this in twice more per week. Any thoughts?

    Hope you all are having a great New Year’s Day!
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    @phoebe112476 I did Curves a loooong time ago and liked it. You do a circuit with machines and some light stepping to keep your heart rate in the right area for the best calorie burn.

    I will say that in the first month I gained weight but lost inches. It might not be great if you get bored easily, though.
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    @nstephenson01 how do you like your new machine? have you gotten good at it? whats it like?

    @cyndiesstuff I do like it. I'm getting better accustomed to it. It seems to be a good cardio workout... I don't do much cardio. It definitely gets the heart pumping!

  • Ashleigh1178
    Ashleigh1178 Posts: 29 Member
    Well, I managed to make it through my first day back on track! I was under my calorie goal and I feel so great! There’s still so much temptation around at the moment (chocolates and biscuits everywhere!) but I’ve stayed strong and ignored the cravings!
    I need to pack as much fruit and veg as I can into my diet this week, I can definitely feel my body craving them! I’m also going to avoid bread, I’ve noticed my body seems to cling onto carbs!

    Hope you’re all well!x
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    I honestly did not think I had all that much to drink last night. Maybe it was mixing different drinks that got to me, but I felt wretched all day. (Or, I could have picked up whatever stomach bug my friend's kid had.... but that's doubtful).

    Despite that, I ate well and did yoga and hit my water goal for the day, so 2019 is off to a pretty okay start. First weigh-in tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

    Anyway Tuesday, Jan 1

    Logged and miraculously under (I think)
    Water 55 oz
    Exercise: 23 minutes of yoga

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