

  • ihp2015
    ihp2015 Posts: 221 Member

    According to webmd:

    When it comes to healthy stress management, what can you do instead of eating? Try these ten healthy ways to manage stress without using food:

    1. Spend time in nature. Sun exposure and natural light have been found to increase your mood. Take a break during the day and be sure to step outside or go near a window to get your dose of mood-enhancing light. Pay attention to the colors in nature when you’re outdoors. What sounds do you hear? Looking around your environment with a fresh pair of eyes can be a very relaxing experience.

    2. Move your body. The current recommendations for physical activity call for sixty minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise daily. Sound daunting? Make it fun! Go for a walk as a family, turn on the radio and dance, or practice yoga balance poses. Movement activities positively affect health by reducing blood pressure, enhancing mood, and strengthening bones.

    3. Laugh. Laughter really is the best medicine. Take a moment to remember a situation that you found humorous. As you vividly recall the details, you’ll probably find that a smile spontaneously develops. Tell jokes, make funny faces or start laughing and see who laughs with you. It can be contagious!

    4. Express yourself creatively. Expressive art therapy enables you to share inner thoughts or feelings when they are difficult to articulate verbally. Engaging in art activities such as finger painting, drawing, coloring, etc. may relieve feelings of anxiety.

    5. Listen to music. There are many benefits to listening to music, from relaxation to enhancing sleep.

    6. Take a warm bath. There are many historical references to the healing properties of water. Ancient spas originated near mineral springs and seas and were used by natural healers to support health. Establishing a bedtime routine that includes a warm bath in a quiet room can help to promote sleep and feelings of calm after a long day. Run a warm bath, light a few candles, and close the door to spend some quality time with you.

    7. Aromatherapy. This refers to the use of essential oils to improve health and wellbeing. Oils are delivered to the body through inhalation, or direct application to the skin. Lavender, lemon balm and sandalwood are the two most common oils used to promote relaxation and reduce anxiety. Add a few drops to bath water or on a pillowcase. Rub the oils between the palms of your hands and cup your hands to inhale a few deep breaths of the scent. Use with caution if you have asthma or a skin condition associated with allergies. Consult a physician before use.

    8. Gratitude journal. When we’re faced with life’s challenges, we often see only the stressful situation and lose sight of all that we have to be thankful for in our lives. The next time life seems to hand you lemons, try making lemonade by writing down ten things you appreciate in your life. It won’t eliminate the stress but you may find that it helps to improve your mood and shift your perspective, allowing you to see new possibilities to resolve stressful situations.

    9. Gentle massage. Human touch is very powerful and can be quite nurturing. Use a lotion or light massage oil to rub the feet and/or hands. There are numerous “points” on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet that may influence various systems within the body. A gentle massage can be both relaxing and stimulating. Use this technique to help quell stress when it appears.

    10. Mindful Breathing. The mind has a tendency to wander. Our thoughts pull us into the past, replaying moments that we can’t recover, or push us into the future as we worry about what has yet to come. The body is always in the present moment. Noticing your breathing on purpose without feeling the need to change it brings us back to the present moment. It serves as an anchor. Take a “time-out” to notice your breathing when you feel stressed or worried and pay attention to how your body feels.

    Thanks for posting this, Cyndie! I think I'll print this out and put it at a strategic location!
  • ihp2015
    ihp2015 Posts: 221 Member
    sleepymom5 wrote: »
    Wishing you all a Happy New Year! Blessings to all of you and your families. May 2019 be our best year yet!

    Not sure if I am getting back on the computer so wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year! I wanted to post an inspirational New Year's Meme but this made me Lol! It may be a little true for me too :#


    LOVE this!!
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Hello everyone and happy New Year’s Eve! I hope everyone has a safe and happy time tonight- whatever you are doing 😀
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    @czvanut welcome to our group. You sound like you have a wonderful family and I think it’s a shame to hide in pictures but I totally get it!! This group has given me awesome support so I hope we all can do the same for you.
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    @sleepymom5 I would join the step challenge but I’m going into my tax season so I know I’ll be sitting a lot for the next few months!! I do wear a Fitbit and I will report it weekly but I doubt if I’d be any help to the team!!
  • DananaNanas
    DananaNanas Posts: 665 Member
    @sleepymom5 I'll join the step challenge!
  • ihp2015
    ihp2015 Posts: 221 Member
    edited December 2018
  • DananaNanas
    DananaNanas Posts: 665 Member
    edited December 2018
    @ihp2015 ahhhh I thought I did already... sorry, doing so now!

    ETA DONE! And disappointing... so sorry!! It should be more because I haven't been putting it on as soon as I wake up but still >_< but that's why I wanted to join again... to redeem myself!
  • lenka1
    lenka1 Posts: 295 Member
    Count me in for step challenge of course.

    I may not be hitting 20k steps a day in cold months but I’ll make sure to be over 10k everyday.

    So many new comments! I’ll read tonight when everyone is gone!
    For now off cooking/ baking for dinner party! Everyone have a great New Year’s Eve and happy new year!!!!
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member

    Okay steppers. Thanks for stepping up. I need to make a correction. the challenge runs from DEC30TH-FEB 2ND. So go to the new thread to record your steps for yesterday and every day going forward.

    Thanks Team!!!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @nstephen01 r u joining the step challenge Nancy? We could use all those steps hiking
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member

    @nstephenson01 personal question... did you ever want kids? I turned 30 last year and I LOVE kids but I still don't really want any of my own.... My husband and I have one dog so far, and I don't really feel like I'm missing out at this point. It's mainly the guilt of not giving my parents a grandchild that gets to me :/ but that would be a terrible reason to have a child, right?

    @DananaNanas We did... we went through some fertility testing and meds but it wasn't in the cards for us. I didn't want kids enough to adopt though. Went through a rough patch mentally for a bit but I'm over it now. I believe everything happens for a reason. And I do feel bad for not giving my parents any grandchildren. I'm an only child so I was their only shot LOL But my mom passed away a few years ago and my dad spends his time doing what he enjoys so I don't think he regrets not having grandchildren. But who will take care of me in my golden years?!?! Hey, I need to add that to my list of reasons to be healthy, right :wink: Just do what feels right for you and no one else.

  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily check in for: Sunday
    Logged: No, likely over
    Water: lots, lost count
    Exercise & Steps: 30 minutes strength training, 15 minute dog walk; 7,215 steps

    Somewhat of a rest day because of crappy weather. Tonight is the third and last neighborhood holiday party. Hooray!! Planning to eat a snack before I go... that worked well with the other two parties. Hubby's from the south so tomorrow is black-eyed peas, cornbread, etc. Its tradition.. gotta do it! Fortunately they don't sell turnip greens here in Montana.... I'm not a fan LOL. Wednesday will be life back to normal! Glad the step challenge is filled. January and February are our worst months for walking. My steps will likely be low. There's already too much snow to hike but I hope to be able to snowshoe.

    Happy New Year everyone!!

  • phoebe112476
    phoebe112476 Posts: 269 Member
    Yoga was awesome. I am hoping to be able to go back again tomorrow. Thanks to this group for encouraging me.

    Looking back on 2018 and forward into 2019 reminded me of a list of goals / accomplishments I have been keeping on this weight loss journey. I am sure I will be able to fill the rest of it in during 2019. Looking forward to it!

    8/4/18 - Starting weight of 228.5 pounds / BMI 37.45
    8/11/18 - down 8 pounds / the same as a human head (less than 220.6 pounds)
    9/6/18 - BMI from “severe obesity” to “obesity” / BMI less than 35 (less than 213.5 pounds)
    10/3/18 - quarter way there / lost 25% of planned total loss (less than 208.9 pounds)
    10/13/18 - 10% down (less than 205.7 pounds)
    11/6/18 - down 27.5 pounds / the same as a bag of dog food (less than 201.1 pounds)
    11/12/18 - ONEderland (less than 200 pounds)
    12/13/18 - down 34.4 pounds / the same as 4 gallons of milk (less than 194.2 pounds)
    - half way there / lost 50% of planned total loss (less than 189.3 pounds)
    - down 41 pounds / the same as a male coyote (less than 187.6 pounds)
    - BMI from “obesity” to “overweight” / BMI less than 30 (less than 183.0 pounds)
    - 20% down (less than 182.8 pounds)
    - down 53 pounds / the same as 21 horseshoes (less than 175.6 pounds)
    - three quarters way there / lost 75% of planned total loss (less than 169.6 pounds)
    - 30% down (less than 160 pounds)
    - down 71 pounds / the same as 11 roosters (less than 155.6 pounds)
    - BMI from “overweight” to “NORMAL” / BMI less than 25 (less than 152.5 pounds)
    ?? - Goal weight of 150 pounds / BMI 24.58 (Total loss of 78.5 pounds)
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @nstephenson01 how do you like your new machine? have you gotten good at it? whats it like?

    @gottagetthisdown woooo whooo girl. nice loss. were going screamin into 2019! nice!

    @phoebe112476 I am so glad you enjoyed the yoga class. it is sooooo good for your body. wow and I really like your look back and look forward! this is going to be our year!!
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