2019: We Are Making a Difference!



  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,684 Member
    I failed to get Tuffy this morning so I took Jack to the vet instead. Also took Lola so they can work on getting her antibiotics in her. The bacteria found in her urine looks scary enough to me that I wanted to make sure she gets the pills. The only two ways I could do that are (1) cage her (I'm a wuss and don't want to do that) and (2) give her all kinds of extra attention and I've just been running out of time to do that.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,858 Member
    I finally got part one of Shringrex. I gave up on CVS. If they got any doses, it was very limited and all gone the same day. I got it at Stop and Shop which is related to your Giant supermarket. I saw a friend while I was waiting for the shot, a friend told me it hurt more than most vaccines (true). Her arm was sore for a few days and she felt achy all over. I just got the sore arm. But it beats getting Shingles.

    We never had success giving the cats pills. I sympathize with trying to medicate your cats.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,961 Member
    I got a very sore arm that lasted for 3 weeks with my first Shingrix shot. No other side effects though. I also had a hard time finding a pharmacy that had the vaccine, but finally got lucky at Target, whose pharmacy is now operated by CVS. I plan to get the second shot the next time I’m there.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,858 Member
    I was glad my friend warned me about the soreness so I wasn’t taken unaware. DH got his first shot at CVS in September. They had one dose in the store so I insisted he take it. He has a heart condition and was higher risk than me.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,684 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    I finally got part one of Shringrex. I gave up on CVS. If they got any doses, it was very limited and all gone the same day. I got it at Stop and Shop which is related to your Giant supermarket. I saw a friend while I was waiting for the shot, a friend told me it hurt more than most vaccines (true). Her arm was sore for a few days and she felt achy all over. I just got the sore arm. But it beats getting Shingles.

    We never had success giving the cats pills. I sympathize with trying to medicate your cats.

    My Jack is SO easy to pill (he gets many each day) that I've been spoiled lately. Not that I don't remember the struggle.

    Giant seems to have a never ending supply of Shingrix. Interesting that the supply is so variable even in the some locale.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,684 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    I got a very sore arm that lasted for 3 weeks with my first Shingrix shot. No other side effects though. I also had a hard time finding a pharmacy that had the vaccine, but finally got lucky at Target, whose pharmacy is now operated by CVS. I plan to get the second shot the next time I’m there.

    My arm is still a little sore but nothing major.

    Of course my bout with shingles was also nothing major, luckily, but DH and I are convinced that's because I had the first shingles vaccination years ago.

    The flu has hit Maryland. The paper had an article. I was shocked we'd had over 3,000 flu hospitalizations last year and over 80 deaths. And I have a friend, not in good health, that I can't convince to get a flu shot. I think some people just don't realize how bad the flu can get.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,858 Member
    Two of my siblings have never gotten a flu shot. You can’t convince them the vaccine doesn’t give you the flu. My other 2 sisters and I get a flu shot every year. I got my shot 2 weeks ago when I had a physical. She asked if I wanted it, I said yes and the nurse gave it to me. Last year, I got the new stronger shot recommended for seniors. I forgot about that so I’m sure I was given the regular vaccine. DH still needs to get his shot. I also try to stay out of big crowds during flu season.

    I started doing Noom 3 weeks ago. It’s psychology based and it’s helped to get my motivation back. They offered a 2 week free trial and after that, I’m signed up for8 months at $21.12 a month. So far, I’ve lost 5 pounds. I was already working on my own. I’m down 17 pounds since my highest weight in FL last April.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,684 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    Two of my siblings have never gotten a flu shot. You can’t convince them the vaccine doesn’t give you the flu. My other 2 sisters and I get a flu shot every year. I got my shot 2 weeks ago when I had a physical. She asked if I wanted it, I said yes and the nurse gave it to me. Last year, I got the new stronger shot recommended for seniors. I forgot about that so I’m sure I was given the regular vaccine. DH still needs to get his shot. I also try to stay out of big crowds during flu season.

    I forgot all about the higher dose flu shot but luckily the grocery store pharmacist reminded me and said that's what she'd give me unless I objected.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,684 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    I started doing Noom 3 weeks ago. It’s psychology based and it’s helped to get my motivation back. They offered a 2 week free trial and after that, I’m signed up for8 months at $21.12 a month. So far, I’ve lost 5 pounds. I was already working on my own. I’m down 17 pounds since my highest weight in FL last April.

    Cool! Let us know if it keeps motivating you! I'm working on getting ready to re-commit. Finishing up and pitching the "bad food". Laid out 4 days worth of meals for next week with the idea of starting Tuesday. I'll weigh myself Monday or Tuesday morning to know my starting point. I know where the cardiologist wants me by the next recheck.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,684 Member
    I grew up in a small town. An actual small town not the "small towns" of 20,000 people my college friends talked about. It had 500 people then; has "grown" now to about 900. My one brother and my dad (now that he's widowed a second time) live in the family home. Anyway, my grandparent's home is up for sale again so we've been trading photos. Whoever bought it when grandma had to go in the nursing home jerry-rigged it into 3 apartments and has totally let it go. In the process of all these familial emails, my brother sent me one of the town's "inn". Which is now orange.


  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,684 Member
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,684 Member
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,961 Member
    I also forgot to ask for the high dose flu shot recommended for seniors and since the pharmacist who administered it didn’t say anything about it, I’m assuming I got the regular dose. Hopefully it will be sufficient.

    Going to Happy Hour with my friends in a few minutes. I missed the last First Friday one and will miss the next as well. Quite a few of the “regulars” were out of town last week, so we are doing a make up session today, lol!
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,858 Member
    I’m sure my flu shot was regular because high dose didn’t come up in conversation. I got the high dose last year but forgot all about it this time. It will probably be fine. Every shot I’ve had except last year were regular and I haven’t had the flu since 1990.
    Have fun at happy hour.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,684 Member
    We'll see if I remember "high dose" next year. Have to write it on my calendar.

    To the best of my knowledge, I've never had the flu.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,684 Member
    President Donald Trump’s oldest son tried to make fun of Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), saying her jokes don’t land.

    He wondered in a tweet (with a typo) why the Democratic presidential candidate is the only one who laughs at her jokes. He called her the “most disingenuous person in politics ... after Hillary.”

    She shot back at Junior: “You wouldn’t recognize a joke if one raised you.”

    {My note: Jr: you have no personality - don't try to make jokes.}
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,858 Member
    Wow, good for Harris. She really hit the mark with her comeback. The rain is slowly clearing out. Yesterday was pretty wild. The ferries weren’t running to the island so people who planned to spend the holiday on the Vineyard or Nantucket lost at least a day of their vacation. They probably were able to go today even bough it’s been drizzling and cool.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,684 Member
    We've basically got a drought here in Maryland. It spritzed a little this week but not even enough to make the ferals bowls muddy.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    I got the Shingrix thing last year and got my flu shot as soon as Walgreen's (Rite Aid) got them in. We are in a drought and the governor has declared an emergency. We did have some rain over the weeken but not enough in my area to make mud.

    The cardioversion appears to have worked. I go back for a checkup on Friday. I've basically quit "dieting."
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,858 Member
    We finally have sunshine after six days of gloom and rain. It’s about time. I mentioned I’m doing Noom. Part of it is daily weigh ins. It’s such a difference than NS recommending weighing weekly. Either way is fine by me but I was surprised about doing it daily. I expect the scale to stay on the weight for many days before moving. Some people may find lack of movement depressing but for me it’s my norm. Well, my scale wasn’t so happy. I think it gave up the ghost this morning. It looks like it’s showing an error message so I changed the battery. Same message displayed so it must be the scale. DH wants to look at it but I think I will be scale shopping.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,961 Member
    Helene, I’ve been a daily weigher for many years. I find that it motivates me. If my weight is up from the previous day’s reading, I’m more conscious about my choices that day. My weight does tend to fluctuate quite a bit, but overall I do find weighing daily helpful. When I’m traveling I find it a bit frustrating to not be able to track my weight, and I think it is part of the reason I always gain weight while traveling.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,858 Member
    I can go either way (daily or weekly) and I’m fine. My weight fluctuates so little that I usually stay a the same weight for a week or more and then drop a pound. I’m used to the pattern so seeing the same weight for so long is what I expect. I think DH managed to fix my scale. I’ll know when I weigh in tomorrow.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    One of the characteristics of those who lost weight and maintained it was that most weighed in daily after losing weight.

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,684 Member
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,684 Member
    I think I'm way too hyper to weigh every day. Not that I've ever tried.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,858 Member
    Daily weigh in wouldn’t be my choice but I’m trying to follow the program as it’s designed. Yesterday’s lesson was to expose yourself to trigger foods. The premise is if you avoid trigger foods, it gains more power over you. When finally exposed to it, people tend to overeat it because they’ve denied themselves for so long. The instructions were to put the trigger food on the kitchen counter where you can see it but not eat it. I have a small bag of Lays classic chips on my counter. So far, they survived a day without being opened. I think they will have us eat the trigger but who knows for sure
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,858 Member
    Today’s Noom lesson was on quitting the clean plate club.I was instructed to leave 5 bites n my plate.That’s a hard lesson for me to follow because it seems so wasteful. They described a couple of strategies I could use to make it easier to follow. I chose to cut a quarter piece of my sandwich, wrap it up and save it for another time.

    I thought these last two lessons were interesting and that they were something anyone could try whether or not they were doing the Noom program.

    They also encourage more physical activity, primarily walking. They start you off slowly and increase the daily steps day by day. Today was 1700 steps and I exceeded it a bit. I’m expecting tomorrow’s goal to be 2000 steps. I’m on my third session of PT for my knee. It’s making slow progress but at least it’s moving in the right direction. The knee limits my desire to walk for exercise but I have to say the knee feels less stiff when I push myself to walk.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,684 Member
    Helene - that's very interesting. Lay's classic eh? I'm thinking about someone checking their Noom every day to see if they get to eat the trigger. LOL! I'd be hard put to have rocky road ice cream on my kitchen counter. Well, I guess I could, but it wouldn't be very attractive to anyone.

    I've definitely got to get back on the treadmill. The tablet is all charged up and I have several shows ready to attempt to capture my attention! And one more season of 600-lb life since I last watched any of it.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,961 Member
    Helene, I know what you mean about feeling reluctant to walk when your knee is hurting. I’m having similar issues with my hip and have been slacking off on walking as a result. My physical therapist reminded me that in their business, they always say that “Motion is lotion”, meaning that the more you move a joint the better as it helps to keep it more mobile. It’s easy to forget that though when you’re in pain.

    One of my nieces tried NOOM for a free 3 month period and had some success with it. She was unable to continue it due to financial issues, but she really liked the program.

    I learned today that my cousin who had the brain tumor removed last year at Christmas has had a recurrence of symptoms. He is having a PET scan on Friday to see what may be causing these symptoms, but we are all very concerned for him.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,684 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    I learned today that my cousin who had the brain tumor removed last year at Christmas has had a recurrence of symptoms. He is having a PET scan on Friday to see what may be causing these symptoms, but we are all very concerned for him.

    That's terrible!! Good thoughts headed out.
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