WEIGHT NO MORE -- February 2019



  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,085 Member
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,450 Member
    Daily log in for: Monday
    Logged: Yes, under
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise: Leslie video 30 min, walking outside 30 min and PT 15 min. 11,527 steps

    Having a bad day. Ugh! Just stupid things. I may be losing my mind I will check in later and explain. Have to run to PT now. Also, I may disappear off fitbit and I may not...I will explain that too...Ugh!

    @phoebe112476 Are those peas or edemame? Hope today is better for you!
    @Lenka1 What beautiful pics! I am with you, I am ready for spring!
    @cyndiesstuff That hunger part is where I keep getting stuck in the book. I need to really get my head around it. I am doing better with the weekends but I need to have it ingrained in my head before the summer starts.
    @carlsoda I glad you are feeling better! Those are awful! Stay safe up there on those slippery roads
    @nstephenson01 I would normally say to quit the day drinking but I feel like you are on an extended holiday with your husband home...You are still doing great! Just don't stray too far off
    @ihp2015 You have really gotten back on track. Keep it going whatever the scale says!

  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Oh yeah count me in...I am feeling Wonder Woman for sure!!!

    Lovely sunny day here. Took my sneakers to work and did my run. I canceled my lunch date with Molly. She is feeling ill with scratchy throat and I really wanted to run. Tomorrow is my weigh in and I am on high alert today. Last night I didn't get dinner until 8 and probably, no definitely, ate more than I should. It's funny...I really have this whole thing figured out and then I overeat a bit. It's interesting to me. I am a slender person now with slender habits but there is a sobering kick in the butt from time to time that reminds me I am still and addict and will always need to be mindful. I really do have an awareness of how fast we can gain every bit of it back and then some. So today I am going nice and easy.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @cyndiesstuff I love everything you wrote. That is exactly how I have been losing weight and trying to live. It really becomes more "intuitive" eating. If your tummy had felt empty...it's such great freedom to know that yes you could have that snack. It's not off limits. We just wait until we are hungry and it even tastes better when we can appreciate it without being stuffed and continuing to eat.
  • Ashleigh1178
    Ashleigh1178 Posts: 29 Member
    Week 1
    PW 176.6
    CW 176.4

    Loss 0.2

    I ate a lot of carbs the day before weigh in, so I’m very surprised I didn’t have a gain this week! I’ve also gone way over calories today due to my time of the month (which has been twice a month for the last 4!!) I just crave sugar and salt! All of the things I try and avoid.

    I’m not upset about it as I’d told myself I was having a day off, guilt free! I’ve prepped all of my meals and snacks for the week so feeling positive and in control! I definitely feel like my body is adapting to my diet and my weight loss is slowing down.. I need to start excercising but I have hypothyroidism and hashimotos so my energy levels are non existent after being at work then coming home to look after my very energetic 3 year old.

    Is there a way to boost your metabolism? I’ve read something about re feeding your body for a week or so then getting back to your diet... I suppose that’s how I had big losses the two weeks after Christmas.. my body was in shock that I wasn’t eating as much!

    Hope you’re all well x
  • eminater
    eminater Posts: 2,477 Member
    Steps on Feb 5th - 12,225
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,450 Member
    edited February 2019
    Good day yesterday but so busy. I feel like I had something scheduled every hour! I got through it including a little going away dinner for William that we had ordered out. I had to leave early to get Mary Kate to the allergist and back to college so I didn’t finish my salad. I was so hungry. When I got home at 9, I ate the rest of my salad, then moved to cereal and other stuff. I know I did well all day and I would have been setting myself up for a loss on the scale. It’s almost like I sabotage myself. Today has been horrible. It’s like my head isn’t screwed on right. William was leaving around 9:15. I had to leave about the same time to get Daisy to the groomer. I helped Will as much as I could until 9:30 and told him I couldn’t wait any longer or Daisy would be late. I drove about 20 min and realized I was an hour ahead of myself! I left at 8:30 instead of 9:30. I turned around but by the time I got home, he already left. I actually ended up seeing him, we had to meet because he had my spare set of keys. Then I headed to the groomer, about 1/2 hr away, I get there and find out Daisy’s appointment is tomorrow. So I run around the rest of the morning/early afternoon getting my other errands done and get to my PT appointment at 4. Guess what? I am early, my PT appointment is at 5! I went home and spent the extra time filling out my calendars that I haven’t had a chance to do this month. Came home and took a walk with Shannon and the dogs and made dinner. I am exhausted and disgusted. I am actually having some prosecco now and hitting the hay. I have to have a better day tomorrow!

    @Ashleigh1178 Nice loss. You did do great in January. The closer you get to your goal, the longer it takes. I am not sure of anything that I can say actually boosts your metabolism. It doesn't mean it is not out there but I can't recommend something I am not sure about.
    @eminater amazing steps! Hope you are feeling better!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,418 Member
    2/05 steps 10,402
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,450 Member
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,450 Member
    2/5 11,166 steps
  • ihp2015
    ihp2015 Posts: 221 Member
    Steps 2/5

  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Check in for: Tuesday
    Logged food: No but on track
    Water: 60 oz
    Steps or exercise: 15658 steps

    Good day yesterday. It actually feels good not to log all my food. But warning, I logged my food for a year and 9 months. So i have a real good idea about how much i should eat. Now i concentrate more on how it feels. As a child, I was told i have to clean my plate. If i wasn't hungry I was made to eat anyway. Learning when i was full never occured when i was a child. I always overate. I ate good yesterday and had no evening snack. I drank my water and exercise for 30 minutes and got my steps in. And at the end of the day yesterday, when lying in bed, I praised myself for all the good things i did for my body. I had at least 5 credit worthy acts.

    @nstephenson01 Is it really hunger or do you just want to eat? Is it a craving? Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference. And trust me when I tell you, being hungry is not an emergency. Your brain might tell you it is. Maybe work on being hungry and not giving in. Tell yourself No, I will eat again at Whatever oclock. me and the ole boy made an ipa beer from scratch. It tasted really good but it was a lot of work. I think i will just buy beer. lol hope you get excused from jury duty too. especially in the winter!

    @ihp2015 good job on rebuilding your string and nice loss for the first week back. What will you commit to? Just for today? what are your goals for the day?

    @sleepymom5 I am sorry you had a bad day yesterday. and hugs from michigan. i know first hand how hard it is to let one of your babies leave the nest. Especially so far away. my youngest when in the service when he was 18 and never moved back home. he now lives in florida. i am not going to say it gets easier, i still miss him everyday. But you do get used to it. hang in there, dont you give up on me. and you really should do the hunger part in the book so you can move on. there are some really great chapters after that. i am so sorry your day was so scattered. i can feel your frenzy just from the words you write. settle in today and find some time for some self care.

    @Mrsbell8well isn't it funny how your addictive behavior is right at the surface? From all my research, It eventually gets tucked away. so just stick to your plan. remember, NO CHOICE. What i was doing was not working. I had to find something i could live with and now i am working on changing ED's attitude.

    @Ashleigh1178 it still is going down. you keep working on it. When you crave sugar and salt when it is TOM, what can you do instead? We have to remember there is always a reason to eat poorly. What will you do next time? Be proactive. Make an escape plan!! good job at preplanning your week. that is half the battle. and as for increasing your metabolism, you can research it but I believe, it is what it is. Mine is really slow. The older i get the less i can eat. But it is just one of the challenges i face. I have tried many things, like coffee, hot peppers, exercise, refeed. none have mattered.

    @GingerPwr Yay you!!! that is 3 pounds. good job. you even lived a little and still lost weight. and weighing daily really does teach you a lesson. i did it for 3 months. it taught me a lot about how your weight can fluctuate for what seems like no reason at all.

  • Shirin_K
    Shirin_K Posts: 258 Member
    edited February 2019
    Daily log in for: Tuesday
    Logged: Yes, under
    Water: 40 oz
    Exercise: 15 minutes yoga

    I kept busy yesterday. Made a chicken wild rice soup in the morning, which would have been much easier had I prepped the night before. It turned out okay, but I would try another recipe next time. Took my daughter to swim lessons (she can backfloat yay!). In the afternoon, I watched a couple of the neighbor kids since their mom just had a baby…so 4 kids here ages 3 to 6 including mine. It was loud and wild but they had a blast and when they left, I already had over 9,000 steps and 21 floors of stairs without even trying lol. Then dinner, time with my hubby, and yoga! Productive, fun, busy day.

    I’ve been working my way through the Beck Diet Solution book. Today’s exercise is to evaluate hunger versus desire versus cravings by monitoring what you are feeling each hour. Hoping it’s insightful!

    @sleepymom Sorry you had such a bad day yesterday! :( Hugs and hope today is a lot better!!

    @cynddiesstuff I’m going to put together a weekend schedule today. Looks like you are set! And great job giving yourself credit yesterday!
  • Shirin_K
    Shirin_K Posts: 258 Member
    Steps 2/5: 14,493
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,450 Member
    I will check in later. The groomer called to see if I could bring Daisy in earlier-I had her there yesterday, how much earlier could I get :D I will be back to check in after that...
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