WEIGHT NO MORE -- February 2019



  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,418 Member
    View from my kitchen window


  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,418 Member
    2/03 - 10,326 steps
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,418 Member
    Good morning all!

    What a busy day so far! Dentist first thing, teeth are all nice and clean again (love that feeling!) but it was freezing rain this morning so had to drive in that. But no issues made it there and then to work.

    Yesterday was a pretty good day and today I have recommitted myself to being diary free (yes, yet again!) It's always a slow slippery slope that always goes downhill :) I always grab a cup of coffee after a medical appt, including the dentist, so I brought my nutpods with me for my creamer :) thinking ahead!!

    Hope everyone has a very good and successful day!!!
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @carlsoda yay! nice loss. you made it out of the 160's! sweet. what are nutpods? good job with the preplanning. it is so VERY important.

    @bmaison2014 woooo whooo look out onederland! and it's not a miracle. its you putting in the work! give yourself praise. you are still showing up.
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Hallelujah SUNSHINE!!

  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Phew... snow shoveling done for the moment and back inside to warm up. Over the weekend besides not watching the Super Bowl, we took a break from news and social media (well, I did... hubby's not a fan of social media). What bliss to shut off the noise even just for 48 hours!

    After finishing strong at the end of January, I feel like I'm struggling to stay on track. I chose to enjoy Hubby's Chinese food feast because he put so much effort into it but I'm trying to not let the one day derail me. With this crazy weather its not practical or safe to dash to town just for some fruit/veggies. I have plenty of food in the house. I just wish I was better about pulling together a healthy meal on a whim. Need to focus and put together the week's meals based on what I already have.

    @lenka1 I love houseplants but because of my husband's crazy work schedule, I downsized to just 2. @cyndiesstuff may remember I drove cross country to spend 6 months in Pennsylvania with my husband last winter when he was working on a project there. I brought my two plants with me in the car and drove them to PA and back home LOL Gardening is a passion of mine but since moving to Montana I can only enjoy it for about 3.5 months/year.

    Wonderful loss @bmaison2014. All your hard work is paying off!

    @sleepymom5 I can't imagine the emotions you're feeling with your son moving to Houston. Hugs Momma! I'm a chocoholic and transitioned to dark chocolate... I firmly believe in its health benefits!

    Whoo hoo Celebrate @jedaschultz!! Congratulations!! What an accomplishment!!

    @ihp2015 I'm not sure which was harder for me.... quitting smoking or giving up soda. Both were challenges. Great job!!

    @mrsbell8well I'd like to follow you on Pinterest also to get some inspiration from your recipe boards. Skylynn's cake looks delish!

  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @nstephenson01 The snow pic is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!
    @jedaschultz I am sooooo very happy for you! What a great way to start the new year!
    @amsandos look at you go. Great job! I am pretty sure all that weight training is going to help you with your hills as well.
    @cyndiesstuff what a great weekend you had! That's really going to pay off this week!
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    edited February 2019
    @hope002 oh yes, soft pretzels. i am a comfirmed bread a holic!
    That's exactly me, I never new the name :smiley:
    Hi, my name is Ella, I am a bread-a-holic LOL
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @carlsoda wow is that the 140's you just dropped into??? Congrats very exciting. I am now eyeballing all of you in the 140's...I will be there soon too.
    @nstephenson01 I know a lot of you are really struggling with weather...but wifey and I LOVE the snow. Please keep posting pics. I am living vicariously through your posts. Although I know it is a lot of hard work.
    I would love to be Pinterest friends. Anyone interested can send me a friend request to moonflower09. my profile has a picture of a chocolate cake with flowers. That was from my old days for a wedding cake that I was asked to bake when I had my own baking business. It was definitely not vegan not sugarfree lol. But that was then this is now.
    I cook from Pinterest frequently. I do screen shots of everything that looks enticing then Saturday I decide what I am going to make before I go shopping. It is also a great source to find like minded bloggers. My official start date has finally been announced. February 19th. I will also be going to North Carolina for 1 week of training. Not sure on that date yet.
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,085 Member
    Steps for 2/3- 11,927
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,085 Member
    Tried gluten free bread, it was gross. But I will eat it again. My package of goodies was here when I got home from work. I tried the fizzie sticks which is supposed to replace soda, doesn't taste to bad. Tried a digestive drink, tasted nasty. Tomorrow I will have a shake for breakfast. The detox teas didn't come they are on backorder, hopefully they come soon. Had a healthy dinner and I'm still a little hungry so I am going to go to bed. A nsv I didn't eat the cookies that we're at work today and they looked good. Tomorrow should be an interesting day.
  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member

    Sat Feb 2 - 5870
    Sun Feb 3 - 4494

    Hi, sorry for these late step counts, and even sorrier for how low they are! it’s supposed to warm up later this week so i’ll be able to walk to the gym and get on the treadmill! It was record-breaking cold this weekend (and almost today) and the gym is a 20 minute walk from my house - i couldn’t muster up the courage to go out lol.
  • gottagetthisdown
    gottagetthisdown Posts: 122 Member
    User ID: gottagetthisdown
    Previous weight:163.8
    Current weight: 163.8
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,418 Member
    2/04. 10,314 steps
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,450 Member
    @jedaschultz Awesome loss! Congrats on getting into Onderland!
    @nstephenson01 Wow! The snow looks beautiful! It is an emotional time. His two older siblings bought homes in our town so he is the first to venture away, very far away :( I was going to follow you on pinterest but you weren't easy to find. Is one of your dogs your profile pic? I was going to send you a message but thought I should be sure first Lol!
    @NuggetBrain Hope everything is going well
    @Mrsbell8well I hope that your start date is soon so you can just do one job! Hang in there! I am so happy your Mom is well and by you. It is amazing what a year can bring! Hugs!
    @pncsnc6 No one seemed to excited over the super bowl this year. Sounds like you did well with just having some popcorn.
    @amsandos . Nice loss! Good luck with your training, I know you are going to do well!
    @carlsoda Nice loss! And in the 150s!! You must be thrilled! Your hard work is paying off!
    @eyesopennow I got out for a walk too. The weather was so nice. I am glad you got a good walk in. Guess the weekdays are a little easier than the weekend with your wife being away. Remember to straighten up before she gets home ;) Jk, I just wish before I got home this crew would straighten up the house! Lol!
    @eminater The Hospital?! I hope you are ok! Feel better soon!
    @ljdanny Good job going to bed when you were hungry, I blew my good day in the evening. Good luck tomorrow with your "goodies" . Hope you like them.
    @twyla77 The cold has been crazy! No worries stay warm! If you feel like getting some exercise, I highly recommend those Leslie Sansone Walking videos.
    @gottagetthisdown Hope all is well!
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