WEIGHT NO MORE -- February 2019



  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Daily check in
    Food good
    Water not so good
    Exercise yoga day 2
    Steps 10317

    Spent the morning working. Had a hellish work day. That rarely happens. But I survived. Shopped w mom. Came home ate dinner. Went back out to two more grocery stores came home did yoga at 8:30 pm. It was a good session. I needed it. All set for a fun day of cooking.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Check in for: Friday
    Logged food: No but on track
    Water: 42 oz
    Steps or exercise: 15340 steps

    it was a crazy busy day yesterday. after i got my morning stuff done and took my son home, it was about 1:30. so i came home and ate lunch and then went to the farm to help the ole boy with some work. Since it was relatively warm out, 38 degrees, We tore down the old chicken coop. we are another step closer to shutting down the farm for good. ughhh. am i sore today.

    @lenka1 yay! nice loss this week. love the new profile pic. are those your plants? i am a plant a holic! it is my favorite passtime.

    @Zumba_Luvah nahhh thats a maintain. you get better! and then worry about the weight.

    @pacsnc6 i am glad to see you are measuring. it is a very useful tool. nice check in.

    @nstephenson01 good job on getting 7 days of exercise in a row! We are not going to watch the super bowl either. and Bond..... James Bond is my fav too! thanks for the artichoke tip. im gonna try that!

    @kirsten11872 thats ok kirsten. keep working on it. you will get there. it's time to change your mindset. maybe work on some positive affirmations.

    @carlsoda you are lucky you love your job. it sure does make life sweeter. how's that grandbaby?

    @Mrsbell8well great job on those measurements. wow. 8 inch difference in your waist. thats nice. my hips and waist are way closer. like only a 2 inch difference. totally agree on the size thing. why can't there just be a standard? that way you could now what to buy instead of having to try everything on. i hate shopping. have fun doing you prep work for the week today. soon as i am done here, i am going to get ready to go grocery shopping.

    @Shirin_K you are doing wonderful. good job at preplanning you attitude about the gathering.

    @sleepymom5 ohhhh you look very smart! love your choice of first day dress. I think your new job sounds interesting. and that is a lovely jacket!! it is the same podcast that @phoebe112476 was talking about. phit n phat.

    @eyesopennow yes. shut up ED. I punched Ed in the face yesterday. I told him is he couldn't be nice that he would have to go. have you ever tried to work more on the psychology of weight loss? until you lose the fat person mind set, losing weight and keeping it off is going to be very tough. this is exactly where i am at. I am working on my thinking. it really needs to change and i am going to do it. either ED is going to get on board or he can take a hike!! Bye Bye ED.

    @ljdanny How is your son feeling? Recovery from a major car accident like the one he was in can be emotionally draining. i was in a major car accident when i was 18. was in the hospital for 3 months that i don't remember most of. i went to counciling for a while afterwards to get my mind healed. i will be very interest to find our about this arbonne stuff too. keep us informed.

    @ihp2015 february is going to be your month. it is full of possibilities. a great time to recommit to your weight loss. and really irene today is the first day of the feb challenge. we just all moved here when the calendar changed. so no worries.

    @GingerPwr ohhhh i did the kitchen clean out a month ago. it is so wonderful when it is done!

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,450 Member
    Daily log in for: Saturday
    Logged: Yes, under
    Water: 80 oz
    Steps and Exercise: 10,010 steps and good exercise day-30 min walking video and 30 min on exercise bike. I also did my PT (arms, shoulders and upper back) .

    Sorry with the confusion with the threads, I think we are all here now. I jumped the gun when they posted the new thread, I thought we were going by the month and didn't wait until we were done with week 5. I will be careful next time.

    Yesterday was a good day. Very lazy but I did force myself to get into the basement and workout. I also had chipotle on my mind after @eyesopennow 's post Lol! and we ordered it for dinner. I have my food planned for the day and dinners planned for the week. Two of my daughters are helping to plan meals for the week. My oldest Nicole's husband is working 2-10 shift so she has been joining us for dinner too. It gets a little crazy because if the weather is bad, her husband joins us, and so does her new puppy who isn't house trained but so cute! My husband isn't enjoying it as much as I am Lol! We have been doing really well with trying a new recipe each week. I have a pinterest board of recipes to try and recipes we tried and liked. So far, we have liked everything! Maybe I am a better cook than I give myself credit for ;) Hope everyone has a great day!

    @carlsoda Thank you! It should be interesting (or boring).
    @ihp2015 I am tired of marching in place too. Let's make February our month!
    @GingerPwr Enjoy the game, you will be surprised looking back how quickly they grow up. I had 5 and I still can't believe they are grown. Your movie snack looks yummy!
    @Mrsbell8well Do you get all your foods at the grocery store or do you have to go to specialty stores? I wish I lived closer to witness one of your cooking/prepping Sundays. Maybe it wouldn't be so daunting to me.
    @cyndiesstuff You're going to close the farm down? Is that a good thing that you are looking forward to? I can't imagine how much work a farm is but I don't want to assume it is a good thing. Enjoy your "warm" weather, I have to stop complaining when it is cold, we don't get anything as cold as you do! Lol!
    @mrsbell8well I am so glad that you are happy with this new lifestyle. I am sure all the prepping will be second nature to you before you know it! I think what you have is what I am striving for!
    @shirin_K Great job! It is hard to resist with so many tempting snacks are around. Isn't it a nice feeling to know you enjoyed yourself with out going off track? It is much better than beating yourself up the next day. Sounds like you have a busy Sunday . Hope you get everything accomplished that you need to.
  • phoebe112476
    phoebe112476 Posts: 269 Member
    First Curves workout went fine on Thursday. Simple but definitely still challenging for me. I think it will fit what I am looking for. It took 2 minutes for me to drive there from my house, which is a major plus in being able to fit it into my schedule. I went back on Friday and Saturday. Overall, I plan to go on on Tuesday / Thursday and the weekends that I don't have to work, but this crazy weather had me home from work a few extra days this week - so I took advantage.

    My youngest daughter celebrated her 13th birthday party yesterday. I had a cupcake. My stomach was upset the rest of the day. I had been eating low on calories during the day to make sure I had some room in my calories for party food. I ended the day under calories because my stomach was upset from that cupcake. Makes me so glad I don't eat like that everyday anymore. I do eat a fair amount of "treats" in my diet but lower volume and less pure sugar, I guess.

    @Mrsbell8well - Love your updates about your closet/wardrobe. I had one outfit left in my closet from the Kon Mari a few weeks ago that did not fit me (too small). Your post prompted me to try it on yesterday and the pants/ top both fit great. A new outfit to wear to my daughter's birthday party - so exciting. Thanks for the prompting.

    @sleepymom5 - You look awesome in your outfit. I love the waistline of the pants in combination with the length of that jacket. Looking sharp! I am going to need to but a few new clothes for work soon. Getting down to very few that fit without looking sloppy. Might take your lead and look at a consignment shop to try to save money on clothing I hope not to fit into for much longer if I continue towards my goal weight.

    @ihp2015 - So glad you are on the other side of that major work project. I have to be very careful not to let my work schedule get in the way of me having enough time for me and it is such a hard balance. I just cut back in one of my jobs. Hate to disappoint the scheduler, but can't work so much I don't have time to enjoy my life, my kids, and my health.

    @ljdanny - Glad your son continues on the road to recovery.

    @CassieGetsFit2013 - How are you doing? Hope you are feeling better, but happy for updates even if you aren't. Let us know how you are doing. Have your tried any more yoga? It isn't for everyone, but I am still enjoying it.

    I am going to try to visualize / plan what in my current eating routines I can continue on my "diet" break and vacation starting in 8 days. I find that routine is the key to my success in making healthy choices and I am going to need to think about how to apply some of these. Then maybe go thru a few closets or bathroom counters Kon Mari style. I find I have to be in the right mood for that project and not sure I am feeling the mood today. We will see.

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,450 Member
    @phoebe112476 I am glad curves is working out for you. It is so convenient too. You really have a great exercise plan now! It is funny how our body seems to reject some of the junk we used to eat regularly. I have a weird thing with fat. Some things (not all) with a lot of fat, especially donuts, I get a film of fat on the roof of my mouth. I also can't really eat fast food either as it leaves me fast too. Lol! I totally recommend going to consignment shops. I got brand new things and I still can't get over how cheap that jacket was! The first one I went to I had no luck and then I started finding things. They can be hit or miss.

    @CassieGetsFit2013 I miss your posts too. Hope all is well . Check in with us even if it is quick. xoxo
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    I have been thinking a lot lately about how hard dieting is. The weighing, measuring, logging, restrictions, frustrations, discipline and the sheer battle with our bodies and mind.
    Last night I asked my wife on a scale of 1-10 how “hard” she thinks my “diet” has been with 10 being the hardest. She gave it a 2-4. So in other words... not hard at all. I have to agree with her. If I’m hungry I eat an orange or an apple or a small hand full of almonds. Or a delicious plate or bowl of something super yummy. If I’m not hungry, I don’t eat. Even if it’s meal time. Easy as can be. I feel great. The weight flys off. Easy.
    Gagging on food, seeing my weight increase each month, buying my first clothing in size 3X, measuring, weighing, logging, obsessing with ways to force myself to eat large quantities of animal protein and dairy products because they are good for me...now that was hard. Really hard.
    So I guess my point is...this journey doesn’t have to be hard. There is a vast difference between being on a diet and making a lifestyle change.
    Everything has changed. I am more lighthearted, more confident, and I have found my groove. This way of life is very sustainable for me. It’s a joy. I was writing in my new planner some pages for my February set up. I wrote on one note page “I love my life”. I just sat and stared at that page.
    I recognize the wonderful freedom to find our own individual path to love, joy, health and success.
    Hoping this month of love we all take time to find our groove.

    You are definitely on the right path and your body is healing! I am so happy for you!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @Shirin_K great job finding balance! Your setting yourself up for success.
    @sleepymom5 I buy all organic products as much as possible. But I don’t stress too much if I have to use a mainstream zucchini etc. I try to be extra careful though with the dirty dozen. I do order a few extra things on line sometimes. My local small neighborhood Walmart carries a good assortment of organics. I also visit the local co-op after my major shopping to pick up a few extra items like raw local honey and dried elderberries. But for the most part I eat a pretty simple plan. Lots of fresh fruits and vegetables cooked and raw. Lots of raw nuts. Beans, lentils and legumes. Grains...oats, brown rice, quinoa. Almond milk, Miyoko vegan butter for my homemade tortillas. Dads pintos are a staple. We can be friends on Pinterest if you like. I’m an addict. I pin all the time and cook from there often.
    My lifestyle allows me to prep as much or as little as I want.
    Ok...I have a small secret confession. I buy a freezer full of frozen meals for Molly. And Skylynn. If I skip dinner there is always something they can quickly grab. Healthy choice, Amy’s, lean cuisine organics. I’m not proud of this but it really helps alleviate mealtime worries if I’m too tired or just not hungry.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    @sleepymom5 - how about dark chocolate? It takes a LONG time to get used t me (I am a Cadbury milk chocolate lover) but it does get better. I buy Green & Blacks 85% dark chocolate and only have 3 little squares.

    Yesterday was a pretty good day, got in my steps and yoga and lots of water! We went out grocery shopping and church last night and ate at Culver’s - I did not have any frozen custard albeit I LOVE it! Hubs and I did share some fries 😁

    Today we will finish our grocery shopping in the cities (Costco) and maybe hit half priced books or a consignment shop - who knows!

    Have a a great day everyone!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    Ok...I have a small secret confession. I buy a freezer full of frozen meals for Molly. And Skylynn. If I skip dinner there is always something they can quickly grab. Healthy choice, Amy’s, lean cuisine organics. I’m not proud of this but it really helps alleviate mealtime worries if I’m too tired or just not hungry.

    Walmart has their own line of Whole30 frozen meals! I had one and it was darn good and prices were great. Maybe an ideal for Molly and Skylynne
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @phoebe112476 that’s great about your outfit fitting! Sure is fun isn’t it?
    @sleepymom5 and yes you are doing so great! I do remember Amsterdam!
    @cyndiesstuff love your thoughts for this month! For today everything is possible one day at a time.
  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    Week 1
    Weigh in day: Sunday Feb 3
    Previous Weight: 125.2
    Todays Weight: 124.8

    there’s a cold snap going on right now, and i’m spending the weekend hibernating. Yesterday i did literally nothing, watched Netflix and snuggled with my bunny all day. Today i’ll do meal prep and get ready for the cold week ahead! Happy to have a lazy weekend every now & then!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @twyla77 ahhhh didn’t you just hit your goal??? 🎉
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