WEIGHT NO MORE -- February 2019



  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    amsandos wrote: »
    Hello all I am amsandos, a Brit from the Midlands UK. Any other Brits in the house? I am 41 I have a 5 year old daughter and a 41 year old man child (just kidding the hubs is ace). I am really active but also eat a lot of junk at work. I have just completed a month junk food challenge by threatening myself with a fine to a heinous cause if I cheat. I am pleased to report it has worked. I will be continuing this although it will be a work place only ban. I am asking my work colleagues to choose a cause and putting them in charge of my free passes so that I am not a party pooper when it comes to special occasions but the point is to stop me from crazing on biscuits and left overs.

    daily log thrusday
    food a little over (hubby made delicious chicken curry which was rather calorific and served it with Naan Bread and rice.
    water I have no idea
    exercise 20 mins run, weight
    @cyndiesstuff I have a message for your inner sabateur "Oi Ed Shut it" was it you asking about the spin swim? alas it is not an underwater spin session but two sessions poorly punctuated though that would be fun

    I’m a “brit”, sorta, all my grandparents are from England but moved to Canada in the early 1900’s. Both sides of the fam are from Kent and I just found out one multiple great-grandpa was Lord Mayor of London! I’ve never been there but one day I want to. I really really want to just buy something from the Palace gift shop! Silly right? 😂
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @nstephen01 that’s how I make my artichokes too. Sometimes mixed w minced garlic in the dip.
    @cyndiesstuff very proud of you captain.
  • Shirin_K
    Shirin_K Posts: 258 Member
    edited February 2019
    Daily log in for: Friday
    Logged: Yes, under
    Water 48 oz
    Steps and Exercise: 10,381 steps, 10 minutes yoga, 30 min cardio

    It was a good day, continuing to stick to the plan. We are now on our way to a family get together...my mom is ordering Indian takeout and my sister bought cake. I’m going to be very mindful and do my best to log it accurately!

    @sleepymom5 Happy to hear your first day went well!

    @Mrsbell8well Hoping this “Care” month of yoga is as good as the original 30 days!

    @cyndiesstuff Yes! So glad to hear you’re doing great!!

    @nstephenson01 Thanks, I’ll look for those other Jessica Smith videos!

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,450 Member
    Check in for: Friday
    Logged food:yes and on track
    Water: 96 oz at least
    Steps or exercise: PT and Leslie Sansone 30 min and 10,006 steps

    My first day of work went well. It is going to be tedious work, I will be auditing medical charts.
    At least it looks like I pretty much make my own schedule. Training was more about what we are doing and nothing about how much we work and when Lol! I actually think I am going to get a huge stack of work, told I have until March to get it done and then I am on my own. I just set up appointments to go to different facilities and get information for insurance companies off the patient charts. My first day "business casual" outfit


    I always look confused when taking selfies! Lol! @mrsbell8well $8 Talbots consignment jacket, it was on clearance, not sure why! I wouldn't have thought to go to the consignment stores if it wasn't for you!

    This weekend I am going to concentrate on working out and keeping to my plan. Didn't have the best night last night but still wasn't too bad on my calories. I am off to such a slow start today, it is almost over Lol! No plans for the superbowl or anything else. I think my son is going to come over but that may be it.

    @DananaNanas Nice loss! Hope all is going well!
    @FieryVixsin Nice loss! Hope things are going well for you too!
    @GingerPwr Sounds like a busy day! Enjoy the soccer game, glad you planned ahead!
    @mrsbell8well I love how your family is joining in with you! Sending the pics of your meals will certainly erase any doubts they have Lol! And Skylynns pancakes tomorrow-she will be happy! Although it seems like she is certainly enjoying your healthy meals too!
    @cyndiesstuff I am glad you have had two good days under your belt. What podcasts are you listening to? I need to work in that area too. It is funny how we can all be our own worst enemy. My son's friend decided after he graduated college that he wanted to act so this was his first play in a community theater. It was actually a great play. It is called the boys next door. It is about 4 special needs adults living in a group home. My son played their social worker who checked in on them. It was really good. I was proud of him! I even made him sign my program. Lol! It is funny seeing all these kids you have known grow up.
    @lenka1 Nice loss! And beautiful new profile pic!! How are you feeling? All healed?
    @zumbah_luvah Don't let that weight get you down. You basically maintained. Sounds like you had a great week so keep it going! Hope you are feeling better!
    @pacsnc6 You had an awesome week! Keep it going!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,450 Member
    I really don't understand how I miss all these posts! I refresh the page too...

    @nstephenson01 You have had a great week! I think a lot of people aren't watching the superbowl this year. I love that you guys are thinking of doing a James Bond marathon instead. What a fun idea! Hope you survive the snow-the groundhog says early spring so maybe you will be lucky!
    @kirsten11872 That is basically a maintain. You did so well last week so keep it going. I think you have been going strong for about 2 weeks now!
    @carlsoda Some of my family went to Canada too. I think my Grandfather might have been a brat and went off on his own. Lol! Thanks again about the advice with the outfit. I asked if I could wear boots with the pants tucked in and they said yes. They seem a little laid back. You are my cooking and fashion guru! Lol! I bought a mandolin the other day- I always thought that was just a musical instrument! Lol!
    @mrsbell8well . that is so crazy about the sizes. I wish they were more consistent. I love how you are so excited with your clothes and closet! It is nice to be able to put together cute outfits! Send a pic of when you wear those raspberry pants, I am still holding back on my plum ones lol!
    @shirin_K Sounds like a fun day. I like your plan to be mindful when eating. You can do this!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,450 Member
    Last call for this weeks weigh ins

    Saturdays Weigh Ins still due

    Late Weigh In

    Sunday's Weigh Ins

    Monday's Weigh Ins
  • eyesopennow
    eyesopennow Posts: 352 Member
    Today's daily post, and it must be positive. MUST. So I will not post anything about the boss, but suffice it to say he is on the national news today and yesterday, and not in a good way.

    His problems are his and mine are mine. Today my challenge has been solitude. Wyfe has taken the opportunity to go see her dad for the first time in four years. Issues with her mom have made this impossible for a long time and as he is in his 80s she really needs to carpe diem. So I woke up alone at 5 (rolled over and was jolted cos there was no warm body to snuggle, and thus the night was over) and ever since then thoughts have been rolling over and over.... ooooh I could go to breakfast at x, wings or jersey mike's would be great for lunch, I could have pizza for dinner, or I can finally slip out and have chipotle...etc SHUT UP ED.

    So the positive part. My daughter called this afternoon and said she was coming over to hang out. With everything going on in paragraph one, my phone and email are going nuts, so I didn't want any company. But I begrudgingly said come over anyway, even though my childish self said STAY ALONE GET FOOD YOU DESERVE IT. So she came. And I am reluctantly not alone and not ordering pizza (we actually discussed it, she voted against it.) She is making stuffed peppers, which I despise, but hey she's my kid why be rude.

    So, yay. The goddess or chance or whatever intervened and I will not be eating so badly today. And tomorrow, I will be working from just after church until about 9 PM so no real alone time there either. Wyfe back Wednesday 11 PM. tic toc.

    Being alone sucks! LOL
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,450 Member
    edited February 2019
    @eyesopenednow You sound like me! I have all those thoughts go through my head when I am on my own for meals. I am glad your daughter came over to distract you and spend time with you. Try to hang in there until Wed. you don't want to get off track. Maybe make a plan for the rest of the time she is away. That was you don't have to think when you are hungry. I actually think if you want chipotle it is a good option if you get it in a bowl and no rice or sour cream. I actually use plain greek yogurt, it tastes the same as sour cream. Hang in there! She will be home soon! xoxo . I hope my husband misses me as much when I am not there! Lol!

    @twyla77 Saw your post on January thread. I hope we have those bars in the US. I saw them on amazon but want to give them a try before I buy in bulk. I am glad you had a good time at the party. I think if you make a decision to have something, like the pizza it is good. When you just mindlessly eat and feel guilty the next day, thats when it gets bad. You did great! Hope you found us over here. I did leave a link on the January thread.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,450 Member


    *Remember this month we are posting the steps on this thread and @cyndiesstuff and I will put them on the spread sheet*

    Stepper list for Feb

    We did great in January! Let's continue it in February!
  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    oops! i posted in January yesterday by accident! thanks for the heads up, @sleepymom5!

    Steps for Feb 1 were 17,105
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,085 Member
    I have been busy these last few days and next week doesn't look any better. I am taking a college class for work, ugh!!! It's online but it's keeping me busy and stressing me out. I feel like I'm going to miss something. My son has physical therapy a couple days a week plus Dr appointments. He is finally having what is hopefully is final surgery from his car accident on Friday so add that to my stress. I was very unmotivated today until noon time then I finally decided to throw in a Leslie sansone video, clean the house and do some laundry. I did order pizza for dinner because my Arbonne products arrive Tuesday and I don't know if I can eat anything other than grass for the next month, lol. I really have to read up on this new challenge. Should be an interesting month.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @sleepymom5 I love your outfit and your glasses. You look very professional and lovely
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,450 Member
    @twyla77 Glad you found us! I didn't want to lose you Lol!
    @ljdanny It is hard to stay motivated when there is so much going on. I find if I take some time to actually write my schedule out for when I am busy I do much better. It makes it a little easier to find some time. Don't give up with your super busy schedule. You did well through your son's accident and the holidays. You can do this!! Keep me posted on the Arbonne. I am keeping you in my thoughts with your son's surgery.
    @Mrsbell8well . Thank you! Shannon talked me into the glasses. My other ones weren't as big or dark Lol!
  • eminater
    eminater Posts: 2,477 Member

    February 1: 13,827
    February 2: 9,333
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    sleepymom5 wrote: »
    Check in for: Friday
    Logged food:yes and on track
    Water: 96 oz at least
    Steps or exercise: PT and Leslie Sansone 30 min and 10,006 steps

    My first day of work went well. It is going to be tedious work, I will be auditing medical charts.
    At least it looks like I pretty much make my own schedule. Training was more about what we are doing and nothing about how much we work and when Lol! I actually think I am going to get a huge stack of work, told I have until March to get it done and then I am on my own. I just set up appointments to go to different facilities and get information for insurance companies off the patient charts. My first day "business casual" outfit


    I always look confused when taking selfies! Lol! @mrsbell8well $8 Talbots consignment jacket, it was on clearance, not sure why! I wouldn't have thought to go to the consignment stores if it wasn't for you!

    This weekend I am going to concentrate on working out and keeping to my plan. Didn't have the best night last night but still wasn't too bad on my calories. I am off to such a slow start today, it is almost over Lol! No plans for the superbowl or anything else. I think my son is going to come over but that may be it.

    @DananaNanas Nice loss! Hope all is going well!
    @FieryVixsin Nice loss! Hope things are going well for you too!
    @GingerPwr Sounds like a busy day! Enjoy the soccer game, glad you planned ahead!
    @mrsbell8well I love how your family is joining in with you! Sending the pics of your meals will certainly erase any doubts they have Lol! And Skylynns pancakes tomorrow-she will be happy! Although it seems like she is certainly enjoying your healthy meals too!
    @cyndiesstuff I am glad you have had two good days under your belt. What podcasts are you listening to? I need to work in that area too. It is funny how we can all be our own worst enemy. My son's friend decided after he graduated college that he wanted to act so this was his first play in a community theater. It was actually a great play. It is called the boys next door. It is about 4 special needs adults living in a group home. My son played their social worker who checked in on them. It was really good. I was proud of him! I even made him sign my program. Lol! It is funny seeing all these kids you have known grow up.
    @lenka1 Nice loss! And beautiful new profile pic!! How are you feeling? All healed?
    @zumbah_luvah Don't let that weight get you down. You basically maintained. Sounds like you had a great week so keep it going! Hope you are feeling better!
    @pacsnc6 You had an awesome week! Keep it going!

    Perfect outfit! And your job sounds really interesting! I love consignment shops - you just never know what you will find and at a fraction of the price...and they don’t smell weird like goodwill! 😂
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