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WEIGHT NO MORE - March 2019



  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    @gottagetthisdown Looks like you made a lot of good choices and set yourself up for a good week. It also sounds like things are going well with the nutritionist too!
    @Shirin_K I hope you can check in with us more. Sounds like you are doing great and you are off to a strong start for the week! I am with you, I am ready for the warmer weather.
    @Carlsoda I love that you are already seeing a difference in how you feel! That is awesome! I am sure you are more than ready to add some more foods in after this week
    @jedaschultz Great attitude! Not much of a gain! Hope all is going well.
    @Mrsbell8well Glad the fiesta went well! Have a great week!
    @NuggetBrain Awesome Loss!
    @bmaison2014 Maintaining is good! Hope all is well!
    @nstephenson01 I am sure you and the dogs are happy to get back out hiking! Is there still a lot of snow around? Looks like you are starting to get back into a routine.
    @ljdanny Sounds like you are off to a great start to the week! Keep it going! It is so annoying that you are still having trouble getting on. It has been going on for too long!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    Tuesday's weigh in
    Wednesday's Weigh Ins
  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member

    Saw this guy today in my travels! So cute!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    Daily log in for: Monday
    Logged: yes and under
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise and Steps: walking video and 11,260 steps

    I had a weird day yesterday. I was super busy but had a nagging hungry/tired feeling. I was able to talk myself out of it a few times and I gave in a few times because I did really feel hungry and my stomach was rumbling. Not sure how I feel about that. I think I should have talked myself out of eating but I didn't overeat and I had something healthy. Oh well, new day right? Not quite as busy, actually not close so hoping to get a few things done around the house after work. Light work day today. Have a great day everyone!

    @twyla77 Wow! Great job!! You must be so happy with your choices! I love that you fit a hotdog in your day and felt good about it. And look at those steps! Amazing!! Have fun!!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Daily check in Monday
    Food-good IF 20 hours
    Exercise-1st day of 5-10K training 20 minute run 10 minute walk

    I really enjoyed eating healthy fiesta food but time to get serious. I decided to IF 3 days until weigh in. Basically skipping dinner 3 nights in a row. Breakfast, lunch no snacks.
    It’s been fairly easy and freeing not to think about food.
    I came home from work and did my run. Afterwards Molly and I watched an episode of the Closer. Then Molly put on classical music and I worked on my jigsaw puzzle for 30 minutes. Then a hot bath and finally settled into bed with a good book. It’s shocking how much you can fit in with no food and no dishes.
    I don’t really get hungry. I program myself not to think about food.
    Today might be lighter work schedule. Going to try to jump back on later to comment.
  • Shirin_K
    Shirin_K Posts: 258 Member
    Daily Check in for: Monday
    Food: Logged, under
    Water: 32 oz
    Exercise and steps: 20 minutes Adriene yoga and 13,948 steps

    Yesterday went well! Eating and exercise was good. Meals and snacks are planned and logged again for today. I’m heading out this morning to do some clothes shopping for the kids. I need to think about some new clothes for myself too, but that will be another day. For exercise, I'm planning to take a walk if the weather is nice or else a strength video.
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Daily Check in: Monday
    Food: logged, under
    Water: good
    Exercise & steps: walk, 9493 steps
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Check in for: Monday
    Ate: to plan
    Water: 60
    Steps: 14263 steps

    Will check in later, tried to get on all morning. Was unsuccessful. Really busy getting things wrapped up here at work.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,427 Member
    Monday Check in

    Food: Good
    Water: Good
    Steps: Good (no yoga)

    Tonight, I am doing yoga...no excuses. It does a body good!

    Yesterday was a weird day. I was SO tired driving home. I wasn't sure if my blood sugar got too low or if I was fighting something (everyone around me has colds). Today I watched what foods had sugar in them: sweet potato, carrots and kept them in check and didn't have a Lara Bar this afternoon which has dates for sweetness. Maybe it was just a fluke? Anyhow, barely had enough energy to finish off my steps let alone do yoga!

    It's crazy how each day can be so different!

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    I had a pretty good day today. I am so happy with how well I have been doing. I had some Kohl's cash so I decided to go and pick up a few tops for a trip I am going on in a few weeks. I didn't have a lot of time so I didn't try anything on. I decided to get L instead of XL as I am confident that I am going to continue to lose weight so I will be able to use them even if they don't fit now. 1st NSV-to actually believe that this is going to continue. and NSV #2-the larges fit perfect! I am actually going to go back and get one of them in a different color. Hope everyone is doing well. Have a great night everyone!

    @Mrsbell8well I wish I can program myself to not think about food. That is one of my struggles but I am making progress.
    @Shirin_K you have been having a great week! Planning makes things so much easier. I am sure you do need new clothes, I bet the stuff you had from last year is falling off!
    @hope002 Sounds like a good day! Keep it going!!
    @cyndiesstuff This thread has been quieter than usual so I wonder if that is the problem. I have been hearing people are having problems. Hope you got everything squared away at work, is tomorrow your last day? I have been thinking about you. This is probably a tough week emotionally for you. Hang in there girl. Hugs!
    @carlsoda That is how I felt yesterday! Lol! It hit me in the afternoon though. I was a little nervous it was from my early mornings but today I have been fine so it must have been a fluky day for both of us! Lol! Hope today was better.
    @ljdanny Look at you girl! You are doing awesome! Amazing steps today-I am struggling getting to 10,000K. lol! Planning makes things easier, it may seem like a pain but it really helps.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    Checking in before passing out.
    Food- good on calories, but could've made better choices.
    Water- good
    Exercise- didn't. I ran errands and finished a crochet project for a friend.

    Hopefully getting up early tomorrow to get a little extra work done so night night!
  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    Daily log in for: Tuesday March 26
    Logged: not everything.
    Water: 6 or 7?
    Exercise: walked around a bunch, but was mostly sitting in different courses all day! Learned a lot though!
    Steps: 20,757

    I was definitely under in Calories today, but in the bad way because i didn’t eat enough throughout the day, then grabbed a slice of pizza by the hotel because i was too tired to go looking for anything else. not the best choice, but i just want to go to sleep lol.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Check in for: Tueday
    Ate: to plan
    Water: 60
    Steps: 11339 steps

    Yesterday blew up in my face. First couldn't get on here so my timing was off all day. Then I had two clients that decided it was the day to roll over the rest of their accounts that we had been talking to them about for month. Now I am left scrambling trying to get all the paperwork in order before the end of my day today. There is no way for it to be done so i will have to make really good notes on what the rest of the steps are to make this happen. UGGGHHH.... and of course the boss left at 2 oclock yesterday.

    @Shirin_K Thanks for checking in. we miss your input. Sounds like your set up for success. and you should spend some time and shop for you. new clothes that fit make you feel so much more motivated.

    @carlsoda good job at sticking to your plan even at a gathering. yoga sure is nice your right. and you know some times your just tired. and thats ok too. you don't always need a reason.

    @jedaschultz thats just a small gain. no worries. just start from here and move on.

    @NuggetBrain omgosh girl. you are doing awesome. what a nice loss again this week. keep working it.

    @bmaison2014 maintains are good. you got this.

    @nstephenson01 thanks for the thoughts. tomorrow starts the prep for the surgery and then friday is the surgery. i won't be on much at first i don't think. good job at making a plan. look at the new nancy go!!

    @ljdanny Yeah it took me a while to get on yesterday. that vanilla person was doing something again. keep saying something about vanilla. and it does count. dreams are the best in the morning when you snooze after the alarm. you are creating the new you. I always say, "Act as if". you are doing great. holy toledo over 20k that is amazing. yes. a plan. they are a wonderful tool.

    @twyla77 great job at making a plan on the spot! now that is talent. wow you first drink in 31 days. i am just in awh with how you stuck to your plan and still indulged and stayed on track. gooood job. have fun on vacation!! and lol, that cat is so cute. hahahaha

    @sleepymom5 were you tired? that will make you feel weird. lets your mind go crazy a little. it is harder to be mindful when your tired. you keep working it girl. it is all a process. practice practice practice. omgosh and 2 nsv's in one day. look at the new pam go. yes!! keep it up, it looks good on you. and today is my last day. tomorrow is prep day and friday is the surgery! It is a hard time for me. i have had my last period. bitter sweet

    @Mrsbell8well You be careful no eating. I know you will take care but remember it is a slippery slope. take a pic of the puzzle you are working on. i would love to see.

    @phoebe112476 wooo whooo girl and the scale goes down. that is another new marker. the 170's are here!!

    @hope002 thanks for checking in.

    @GingerPwr Thanks for checking in. nice loss this morning. good job, you are officially in the 140's!

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    Daily log in for: Tuesday
    Logged: yes and under
    Water: 80 oz
    Exercise and Steps: walking video and 10,140 steps

    Not too much to report. Getting my exercise in early, had to cut it short yesterday because I forgot how early I needed to leave. I leave a different time every day depending on how far I have to go and what time they want me to come in. Still reading a chapter a day in my book and listening to my PNP podcasts. Have a wonderful day everyone!

    @twla77 It is hard when you are away and aren't on your own schedule. I am sure it will balance out, you were probably under or broke even in calories plus you are getting a ton of walking in! How is the weather in Vegas? I bet it is beautiful this time of year!
    @GingerPwr Out of the 150s! Whoo Hoo! Great job! Hard work pays off!
    @Mrsbell8well I have been thinking about you. I hope you are eating enough to fuel your body, especially with those runs. I am sure you are as you always do the research before you start anything but I just needed to say something to be sure.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    @cyndiesstuff I keep missing you when I post! Lol! Yes, I think I was just tired, I felt much better yesterday. Good luck wrapping up the loose ends at work, do the best you can and don't give it another thought. He is going to have to pick it up where you left off. Hugs my friend. This is a tough time but you are going to get through it. Hopefully you will make a quick recovery and can enjoy a little spring before you have to go back.
This discussion has been closed.