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WEIGHT NO MORE - March 2019



  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    @ljdanny mfp seems to have had issues on and off last week so lets hope that it is straightened out now. It sounds like you had a good week AND have a plan for a good week next week too. It is hard to get back on track sometimes but you have made progress so give your self credit for that. I have been looking around at all the stuff I have to do too. The basement is good but the attic is another story Lol! Good luck with the cleaning and organizing! Hope your son has fun on his trip, I know we still worry even though they are grown. Once you have kids,21 doesn't sound too old anymore does it? Hugs to you Mama!
    @CassieGetsFit2013 How is everything going? Are you staying on track? A gain can be a number of things so keep that in mind. Hope everything is well. Miss you checking in.
    @nstephenson01 Sounds like it was a nice night even with the dinner mistake. Don't feel too bad about it, looks like you got right back on track today. 10K steps before 11 is pretty amazing!
    @twyla77 Enjoy Vegas twyla!!
  • phoebe112476
    phoebe112476 Posts: 269 Member
    Busy weekend of working. Eating and yoga on track. Love all the posts. I was having trouble with mfp logging me out when I tried to post last week, but seems better right now. I came upon this meme and it resonated with me - so I thought I would share with the team. Have a great week team!

  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    user id amsandos
    week 4
    weigh in day monday
    pw 137
    cw 139

    I am a bit baffled. so I need to break this down because I am not going to make excuses for my gain. that is not going to get me to where I want to go. So starting friday. I had my fish and chips, it was nice but I can honestly say I did not eat for 2. Also there is a lot of fat in that food and I think I have been neglecting my fruit and veg. Secondly Saturday was a bit of a disaster zone for storm eating. I had to go into work and there was stuff going on and it did my head it so I had treats from the kitchen. I chose to deal with my annoyance in this way. I told myself I an running a lot it will balance out. It did not balance out. What have I learnt from it well I can't have treats in this way. They need to be planned and control. People are annoying and I can't let them sabotage my weight loss. I had breakfast and lunch yesterday. Then I got to 7pm and i realised that i was not hungry. this is not like me. i must have been fog eating while i was doing food prep. i could make excuses like mfp wasn't working propely but i am just going to own this gain and take it as a learning experience.

    Anyway onwards and downwards (on the scales). I am going to turn that frown upside down because this is a new week.
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    things I am going to do this week:-

    Eat for two on the hunger scale stop at comfortably satisfied. Need some tips on how to stop.
    Log everything
    eat more vegetables
    make sure i only eat mindfully
  • gottagetthisdown
    gottagetthisdown Posts: 125 Member
    User ID: gottagetthisdown
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Week Number: Week 4
    Previous weight: 164
    Current weight: 164
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Check in for: Sunday
    Ate: to plan
    Water: not remotely enough
    Steps: 7184 steps

    The benefit for the warming shelter was ok. It was a good cause. Money well spent. But BORING. So i got the prep done for the week. I am set up for success. Lets roll into this monday with momentum.

    @GingerPwr start planning out your projects now. One at a time. you can do this. Stress is an emotion. What thoughts are causing you stress? Then change those thoughts. Spring is going to to be busy for you. wooooo hooo on the abs girl! look at that!!! YES

    @sleepymom5 you did it! great job. i am so proud of you. what a revelation. you can go out with your friends, have fun, enjoy food, and not over eat. wow. you are awesome!! and you know. all i kept thinking was that i need to help him. i wanted to help. but untill someone is ready help does not help. i am afraid he won't but pray that he will.

    @ljdanny mfp has been glitchey these last few weeks. sometimes i have to back out and log back in three times before it works correctly. and you never stop worrying about your children. i pray for my children every nite. and they are 28 and 34. and alway keep the belongings that bring happy feelings. it if don't feel good.... pitch it!!

    @CassieGetsFit2013 how are you doing cassie? you don't write much these days.

    @nstephenson01 you need to not beat yourself up. over compensating the next day cements in your mind you were bad. you weren't bad. you were human. people make mistakes. that is how they learn. spend some time now being mindful about where it went south. figure out a plan for next time and write it down. i will bet that the second glass of wine was probably a trigger. and then it lowered you inhibitions. this will happen again. get prepared now. and then practice. be happy this happened. now you can really look at how to fix it. '

    @twyla77 have you made your plan for vegas? don't let this be a free for all. eat when you hungry and stop when your satisfied. you can do this. and that little gain. nothing to worry about. the scale moves like that.

    @phoebe112476 that is a great meme. glad you are on track. you are a rock star!!

    @amsandos love your attitude and the way you analyzed your situation. Good job at putting it all in perspective. and thank you for walking us thru your thought process. it is important to write it down. this little blip on the scale is nothing. and it will come right back off. tips to help you stop. make it a ritual. something you will do all the time that signals your brain that you have had enough. i have two. first, i put my fist to my stomach and hold it firmly against it. you stomach is about the size of your fist. does your stomach feel slightly full? if so, then the second thing i do is push my plate away. these two things signal my brain that i am done. but you need to find what works for you.

    @gottagetthisdown maintains are good. you keep working it. when do you go back to the nutritionist?
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    Check in for: Sunday
    Ate: logged and under
    Water: at least 64oz
    Exercise and steps: Walking outside and 10,050 steps

    I had a nice weekend. I had some fun and also got some stuff done around the house. I am ready for a new week. Let's have a great week everyone!

    @phoebe112476 MFP was acting up last week. I am hoping that they figured it out. Sounds like you had a good weekend! I love that meme too . Something I need to keep in mind.
    @amsandos Great attitude! I am glad you aren't beating yourself up over it and you are learning from it. I think the mindful eating and hunger scale isn't easy. I am sure it will be at some point but I still feel like I don't have it down. I am so much better than I was though. I feel like I get it now, I just how to keep practicing so I am more familiar with the feeling of satisfied. You are really doing so well. You're killing it with the exercise, you are really sorting out your eating and why, you have come so far, you should be proud!!
    @GingerPwr Wow! Amazing progress! You can see a difference at each stage! And what a great feeling that you have completed the entire challenge.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    @cyndiesstuff I was writing when you were posting I guess Lol! It sounds like you had a nice weekend and you are set up for a good week. I agree, he has to be ready. Have a great day.
  • gottagetthisdown
    gottagetthisdown Posts: 125 Member
    Good morning everyone! I hope you all are doing well. This weekend I did not plan my meals as I planned I knew I was going to a birthday party so I anticipated being off on my calories. Before I went to the party I was concious of what I ate I stuck to the snacks that my nutritionist advised. On Sunday I slept late so I skipped breakfast and didn't have lunch until around 2pm I didn't overeat as expected. I did my meal prepping for the week when I came home from lunch. So Monday has started off good.

    @cyndiesstuff I meet with her again April 1st, she emails me every week to tell me what she thinks of my meals I have tracked so far so good. I don't know if she has seen my weekend meals yet :).
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member


    As a whole we lost 63.1 lbs or 0.23% !!!


    1st - WaistAways- 0.52%
    2nd - Mission Slimpossibles- 0.37%
    3rd - Weight No More - 0.31%


    1st - Waist Aways - 20.7
    2nd - Mission Slimpossibles- 15.3
    3rd - Weight No More - 14.0


    1st - @Fattleass - 3.88%
    2nd - @sue01 - 2.67%
    3rd - @akfleming - 2.12%


    1st - @Fattleass - 9.2
    2nd - @Sue01 - 5.2
    2nd - @NuggetBrain - 5.2
    3rd - @akfleming - 4.0
    3rd - @blackbeautysue -4.0


  • Shirin_K
    Shirin_K Posts: 258 Member
    Daily Check in for: Sunday
    Food: Logged, over
    Water: Under, didn’t track
    Exercise and steps: Walk outside with family and 11,274 steps

    It’s been a long time since I’ve done a daily check in! After a crazy few weeks, it’s time to get back on here and spend more time thinking about eating and exercise. Things are going okay, but I know I could be doing a lot better. Thank you to everyone who continues to share successes and struggles, meals, advice and just being here for the team!

    I love that the weather has warmed up - we were able to get outside and enjoy walks both days this weekend. And as I watched the kids ride their bikes yesterday, I couldn’t help but think how all the effort to lose weight (even if slow at times) has been worth it. I’m glad I’ll have more energy to keep up with them and play with them all summer and feel more comfortable. It’s also great motivation to keep working at my goals!

    Today my meals and snacks are already planned and logged - it’s so nice to have one less thing to worry about! And I’m looking forward to yoga this afternoon.

    Have a great Monday everyone!
  • jedaschultz
    jedaschultz Posts: 1,019 Member
    User ID: Jedaschultz
    Week Number: Week 4
    Weigh Day: Monday
    Previous weight: 199.4
    Current weight: 200

    Up this week but not going to worry over it.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @gingerpwr impressive pics! I think I’m going to do it for April.
    Fiesta was a huge success! Spent the day mentally and physically recuperating. Sorry back into heavy training. I’m thinking of all of you! Have a great week!
  • beckm2022
    beckm2022 Posts: 298 Member
    March Week 4
    Previous weight: 204
    Current weight: 204

  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily Check in: Sunday
    Food: ate as planned but over on calories
    Water: OK, could be better
    Exercise & steps: dog walk + short hike; 14,185 steps

    OK... anniversary celebration officially over. Back to reality. Workouts are "penciled" in this week's calendar and dinners are planned out. Ready for a good week!

    @GingerPwr What a transformation!
    @shirin_k Oh hey girl... HI! :smiley: I've missed your check-ins. Happy to see you back today!
    @carlsoda Isn't it great when a healthier option is available and people actually eat and enjoy it! I've had that experience myself and its quite rewarding. We can make a difference even if its just one dish at a time LOL
    @cyndiesstuff Thinking of you this week! You have the support of the entire Team Weight No More Nation behind ya! Hugs!!
    @sleepymom5 Have a great last week of work! Phew... you did it!

    Wishing everyone a great start to the week!
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,114 Member
    Well it took me all day to log into here today. I was just headed to bed and thought I should try one more time. I did get my food logged and I even measured everything I ate today. I actually got up at 415 this morning. It would have been earlier but I fell back to sleep when my alarm went off but I did dream that I was awake so not sure if that counts. But I did 2 videos, and all my food was prepped for today so I just hopped in the shower and it was a quick to get ready. Hopefully same thing for tomorrow. Well I'm off to bed 4am comes quick.
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