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WEIGHT NO MORE - March 2019



  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    One last thing...last night we bought some bubly drinks and lecroix for the party and mom suggested lemonade. After dinner I was fixated on those bottles of Minute Maid lemonade. I really wanted one. Molly encouraged me to drink it and she would finish what I didn’t want. NO WAY!!! In 2 seconds I had a flash of what that would look like. My mom’s making carnitas. I love pork!!! I would so easily have pork, with a tortilla a little butter, mom’s salsa, how about some sour cream? Oh and that yummy flan she is making? I saw the box of cheap pancake mix and fake maple syrup on the end cap while shopping. I told Molly I want that. Just like when I was a kid. A big plate full of fluffy fake pancakes. But NO WAY!I bought fresh baked bagels and cream cheese for my staff for an early morning meeting yesterday. I know how extremely yummy those bagels are. So...everyday I am aware how making one tiny decision will domino and all 50 pounds will come right back to me...just like before. NOPE not this time. So I say no to Minute Maid lemonade.
    My biggest success tip is to never feel deprived. I make sure I am surrounded my healthy delicious options at all times! I eat daily with gusto and enjoyment. And get this...everything I eat is a food or drink source that nourishes by body!!! My joy food is free of sugar, preservatives, animal products and anything harmful to my body. I overindulged last night by having a second helping of navy bean soup packed with kale. Yum!
    This is about me and the healthiest body I can create. I love my body. I am my body’s best friend and as such it is my duty to protect my body from harmful substances.
    I will not go back to the days of I’ll health. That is behind me. I am a walking/running beacon advertisement of joyous healthy living. As I have said the cute little clothes and skinny body are just wonderful perks.
    The beautiful joys of good health is what it’s all about!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,426 Member
    @Mrsbell8well - sorry about the week but we will all have weeks like this, it’s called learning experiences! 😁 And good job thinking through the lemonade and pancakes while shopping. My husband and I often talk about what we loved as kids and will never eat again, unless I can make a low carb version with almond flour! Have a fun afternoon with your teams!

    @lenka1 I wholeheartedly agree with Cyndie and @Mrsbell8well. This is a normal process for us, we will have our ups and downs but with the help of the group, you can begin to dig yourself out of the hole. Sometimes it is just days or even months, but it is important to stay connected with likeminded friends. Giving up should never be an option!

    @cyndiesstuff - sorry about the stress before surgery with your boss. Like you need this on top of everything else. Sending you hugs!

    @sleepymom5 - oh no sorry you fell! Everything feeling ok today?

    2 day check in, Friday was crazy

    Food, water and steps were great both days! No yoga, I really need to get back at it more consistently as my body feels better. I am definitely feeling more energy, less craving from Whole30! My only complaint is food boredom but...I am on the home stretch! I am going to try and mix things up next week for lunch: organic turkey slices on sweet potato toast, veggies, cashew dip from Trader Joe’s and avocado. Yum!

    Have a wonderful weekend!
  • Zumba_Luvah
    Zumba_Luvah Posts: 431 Member
    Week 3
    Pw- 196.6
    Cw- 198

    TOM is here and I always gain during that time, so no surprise there lol. But I stayed under my calorie goal all week and I did zumba twice, walk away the pounds video once. I'm looking forward to next Saturday's weigh in!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    edited March 2019
    Check in for: Friday
    Ate: logged and under
    Water: at least 64oz
    Exercise and steps: Walking video and 10,008 steps

    Lazy morning but time to work out. These walking videos have been awesome but I am ready to move outside soon. I am going to keep in this routine until work is over and then take it up a notch. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

    @lenka1 First of all-what a cute pic of you and the hubs! That is frame worthy! You are so pretty. Now to business! As you have already heard-Don't go! This is exactly when you need to be here. You have been away (are you even home yet?) for 3 weeks! That is a long time of being out of your routine. I know once you set your mind to it you will kick that extra weight to the curb. The scale may even show you once everything levels out that you didn't do as bad as you thought. We are here to help with your struggles and to cheer you on! Don't beat yourself up. You need to just take some time to think. You gained weight, hopefully you enjoyed your trip, decide it isn't such a bad tradeoff and then get to work. Your home gym awaits as does the hopefully warmer weather so you can get outside and run. We can move you to the cheer squad if that is what you really want but I hope you decide to stay. You are really an asset to our team.
    @cyndiesstuff The first thing I saw when I opened this page was "my boss is a turd" lol! I have to agree! I hope you can leave feeling satisfied with how you left things. I know that you will have everything how it needs to be but don't feel like you need to do more than you should because of him. They are his clients too so hopefully he realizes how important it is for him to step up. If he doesn't, I feel like your clients know you and will patiently wait for your return. Of course your TOM had to come now. Ugh! I can see why it would be an emotional thing for you. This whole ordeal must be. Maybe this is another thing to be mindful of and feel your emotions. It is going to be a rough few weeks for you. I am glad that you are going to have a fun weekend at least. I hope you start feeling better so you can enjoy it. Hugs my friend. xoxo
    @Mrsbell8well I think logging isn't for everyone. You seem to do well intuitively eating so why don't you stick with that and use logging just when you feel you need a kick in the butt? I am not even close to eating intuitively but I am starting to make progress with it that I actually think I will be able to do that in the future. It takes a while for things to sink into my thick skull lol! (Ask @cyndiesstuff who was telling since the summer to do all the things I am doing now lol!) I have to figure out how far you are from me, maybe I could sneak into that Mexican Fiesta! I do really want to have your Mom's mexican food and your Dad's pinto beans! Lol! Well, I wrote all that before I saw your next post Lol! You are absolutely right how quickly the 50lbs will come back. You really have gotten this down! I still want a little taste of all of that though...and your Dads pinto beans are healthy right? ;)
    @carlsoda If anyone could find recipes to make healthy versions of your childhood memories it would be you! I also think the same for what you are doing now. You seem to really know your way around the kitchen. Glad you are in the home stretch and can add some other foods in after this. (if I understand correctly). Have a great weekend! Oh and I am fine after the fall, just muddy and embarrassed! Lol!
    @Zumba_Luvah I love your attitude! You are absolutely right-it is the TOM and that explains the gain. You are doing great and the scale will show it next week!
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Weigh-in day: Saturday
    Previous weight:167.0
    Current weight:169.0
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    edited March 2019
    Happy Saturday! I’m at my WW meeting right now. Got up, worked out, weighed-in, and I’m ok with it! I’m up 2, thought it would be more.

    A new week, a new attitude! I’m ready to be successful!

    Have a great weekend!🤗
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    The house is clean, food is cooked, house smells amazing...I’m vegan but can appreciate the smell of roasted pork, mom’s spicy salsa scents the air and dads pinto beans are creamy and delicious as always. Were bathed dressed and relaxing. Guests will be here in 30 minutes. If you leave now you can make it in time for leftovers Pam.
    Thanks for all the support. I feel very blessed to be a part of this team. The support here is what convinces me that this time I have changed my life for good! Thank you everyone.
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily Check in for: Friday
    Food: Didn't log everything but ate according to plan
    Water: Good
    Exercise and steps: Strength training + dog walk; 13,524 steps

    Managed to get some form of exercise every day this week and have kept on track with my food. Been busy helping hubby with projects. He's beginning to get organized and pack things which always makes me melancholy. I should be used to it by now and I know I'm better than I used to be adjusting to him leaving but its still hard. This weekend will be a challenge food wise as Sunday is our 18th wedding anniversary. Going out to dinner tonight at our favorite little sushi restaurant and tomorrow I'm making steak & brussels sprouts for dinner. I plan to have a little bubbly to celebrate also! Will try to practice @cyndiesstuff mindful eating technique so come Monday I haven't undone all my good progress from the week.

    @sleepymom5 Glad you didn't hurt anything (besides your pride). Be careful!!
    @lenka1 I hope you take to heart all the good advice written here and decide to stay! You're an important member of this team!!

    Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!!
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Week 3
    PW: 211.9
    CW: 211.6
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Check in for: Saturday
    Ate: to plan
    Water: 36 oz
    Steps: 14275 steps

    Last night was a fun night. Myself Jim and his best friend Dave. All started out with dinner at Chaps! To watch Jim and his friend laugh and chuckle made my heart warm. They have been friends since high school. Dave use to be skinny as a rail. Hard work and hard play of farm life agreed with him as a young man. But then life happened. Some how he gain so much weight. This all happened before i was in the picture. He probably weighs 400 lbs. His feet are shot, he smokes like a freight train, and drinks regular soda like it was water. He barely fit in my car. We watched the comedy show. It was fantastic. We laughed. It was great. The seats were movie theater seats and Dave spilled over the edges of the arm rests in discomfort. you could tell it bothered him but he said nothing. we all said nothing. The show was over and it was time to leave. Dave was hesitating and i didn't know why. He got up, which was a struggle. and looked at the exit. It was probably a 30 degree angle up to get out of the theater. He struggled mightelly and made it to the top. he was now shot. he couldn't breath. jim went and got the car and as dave and i waited he wheezed and tried to breate comfortably. He said that was really hard. and i just hugged him and leaned on his big chest. i asked if he was ready. he said for what. i said it seems like you have two choices dave. your either gonna die and your gonna lose weight. silence. Jim pulled up and we loaded in the car and dave and jim laughed and joked on the way home. I sure hope he makes the right choice.

    @Mrsbell8well You need to remember that sometimes life just happens and you need to make the next best choice and realize that unexpected things are part of the plan. How did you mexican fiesta go? i love authentic mexican food. wow and you at how you have changed. you realized that sugar in that drink would have sent you reeling and you didn't allow it. i am loving the angelina you are becoming. and you hit the nail on the head. never feel deprived. exactly. that is the one of the main answer to lasting weight loss.

    @carlsoda your food sounds great. when is the whole 30 over? will you go back to the way you ate before or mix the old in with the new?

    @Zumba_Luvah you are right. most of us do gain weight during TOM. its not fat tho it is just water and hormones!!

    @sleepymom5 I can't wait to get outside as well. the temp here yesterday morning was 25. but it got up to 46!! the sun was warm. it felt really good on my face. we got the sump pump project completed at the rental. so i am glad it was a nice day.

    @kirsten11872 no big deal kirsten. that is just a small gain. i have faith you will find your rhythm. and good job getting to your meeting. being with like minded people is important.

    @nstephenson01 wooo hooo nancy had a good week. hugzzz to you as you do the transition to hubby leaving. don't eat the upcoming emotion. when does he leave? that has to be so hard letting him go.

    @hope002 any movement down is great. we will take it! how are you doing? miss you sharing.

  • Navydaddjtc
    Navydaddjtc Posts: 4,166 Member
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    Happy Sunday!

    So... in addition to my regular teaching load, I'm having my planning period bought out to cover a coworker who is going on maternity leave. I'm also going to be editing a book for a friend. Plus I have to finish some online work.

    I'm a little worried about how upping stress levels will affect weight loss, but I'm starting to work on even stricter time management strategies for myself. It's going to be an interesting haul to the end of the school year.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    edited March 2019
    Check in for: Saturday
    Ate: didn't log but was on track
    Water: at least 64oz
    Exercise and steps: Walking video and 10,682 steps

    I had a really fun day yesterday. My reading wasn't that great but my daughter and friend had a good one. My friend is really into that stuff, she is worried about her aura now Lol! Then we went to dinner. I am so proud of myself! I was all set to have a burger or something really good to test my eating until satisfied and I just couldn't take my mind off a salad with tuna. That is so unlike me. Lol! So I let my friend order the appetizers she wanted, I did have some appetizers, shared my salad with her and then the three of us shared a dessert that actually wasn't that great so I only had two bites. The second bite was just to be sure it really wasn't that great Lol! I just kept paying attention through the whole meal and thinking I seem to be eating a lot, I have to be over eating. By the end, I stopped when I was satisfied. I really was satisfied, I was not stuffed, I didn't feel stuffed later and I am down on the scale this am. Wow! I just need to pay attention. Lot's to do today so I am going to get moving! Hope everyone has a great day and is planning the week ahead. This is my last full week of work. You all know I am so happy about that! Lol!

    @kirsten11872 Great attitude! You seem to have already had a great weekend so I know you can carry it into the new week! You got this!
    @Mrsbell8well I bet the fiesta was a success! What an awesome way to get to know everyone outside of the office. I can't wait to hear about it.
    @nstephenson01 Happy Anniversary! I am sure it makes it harder that when he's home he is there 24/7. I can certainly see how that is very hard for you. Sounds like you have a good plan to stay on track with the celebrations. Hugs!
    @hope002 Nice loss! Hope you are doing well .
    @cyndiesstuff I hope what you said made him think. You didn't have nearly as much to lose as he does but I was hoping he was going to ask you how you were able to do it. I hope he makes the right choice too. The way you waited with him reminded me of my friend who had the stroke, she is so little, Idk if she is actually 5 feet and she has to be over 300lbs. We have had to drop her off with a friend to help her before we park and pick up after. This has been since we have been in our late 30s. I was not surprised she had the stroke at all, I actually was surprised she has made it this long without having one or worse. I hope maybe he will mull over what you said and make the right choice. Look at our little Cyndie, always in the helper mode! xoxo Do you remember the time you texted me and told me to get up and walk Lol! We were in a fitbit challenge and you could see that I wasn't moving! I just love you!
    @GingerPwr Planning is key. Try to think of how it would normally go for you when it gets too stressful or overwhelming and make a plan to avoid that. Good luck! You have been doing amazing so I am sure that you will get through this! Hugs!
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,114 Member
    i have been having the worse time with mfp these last few days. First I couldn't log into the site at all now I have not been able to log into this page and when i could i couldn't like anyones post or say anything. I came on the computer and its finally letting me in, very frustrating. With that being said. I have been logging my food when i could log in and i have got my *kitten* back to exercising. It feels good. I am getting ready to go food shopping soon and grab some things then get my food ready for tomorrow. I also plan on dragging myself out of bed tomorrow for my exercise. My son left for Florida bright and early this morning he should be back Friday, even though he's 21 i am still worried, ugh!! Yesterday I was cleaning the house and started going through all my drawers and closets and getting rid of things. I have 1 bag to donate and 1 bag of trash so far. I still need to do the office/future nursery, garage and basement. The basement is a big one, that consists of storage, laundry, man town and all the stuff i brought home when my mom died and we had moved my dad in with us 5 years ago. He passed 4 years ago so not to sound to insensitive but i think some of it can probably go now they won't miss it. i will keep some of it because i will miss it. Well the weather is beautiful here today so i need to go enjoy it. Have a great day.
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    Happy anniversary
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Check in for: Saturday
    Food: Didn't log, way over
    Water: Lots
    Exercise and steps: 30 minute dog walk; 12,462 steps

    Well my intention of an evening of mindful eating was a big fat fail. When the waitress brought out our food, 2 sushi rolls were missing. It was actually pretty funny because we always get our favorite waitress and we pretty much order the same thing so we're pretty easy customers. She was so embarrassed of her goof up. At any rate the restaurant got quite busy and much time went by as well as another glass of wine before the last two sushi rolls arrived. I wasn't even hungry at that point but ate what hubby didn't anyway. Oh well, it is what it is. Today's a new day. I'm punishing myself today by already taking the dogs for a walk and then a short hike in the snow and am over 10,000 steps before 11 am. Life happens.

    Wishing everyone a lovely Sunday.
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    pacsnc6 wrote: »
    Happy anniversary

    Thanks @pacsnc6!!
  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    Week 4
    Weigh in day: Sunday March 24
    Previous Weight: 124.4
    Todays Weight: 126

    a little gain, but i’m ready for the week ahead in Vegas!
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