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WEIGHT NO MORE - March 2019



  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    8.8 more to go.
  • Shirin_K
    Shirin_K Posts: 258 Member
    Daily Check in for: Tuesday
    Food: Logged, under
    Water: 40 oz
    Exercise and steps: 1 hour walk and 18,300 steps

    I stayed under calories but made it more difficult than I needed to. My food was logged in advance, but I kept eating it before I should! Like having my morning snack at breakfast and then lunch super early! So, I was pretty hungry by dinner when I couldn’t move that earlier. I’m going to try to stick to my food plan better today. I took an enjoyable hour walk outside since it was such a nice, sunny afternoon. Weather is supposed to get to the upper 60s today, so planning to get out there again! Meals and snacks are planned and logged for today, too.

    @ljdanny I’m so impressed with how early you get up and over 20,000 steps is awesome!!

    @sleepymom5 Those are such great NSVs! So exciting the shirt fit! You are doing really well and I’m inspired by all the changes you’ve made and successes you’ve had recently. I’m actually not sure if I need smaller clothes yet - I haven’t bought anything smaller since I started losing weight! Maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised like you! In any case, I need some nicer workout clothes for taking walks in public lol! And I just want some new spring/summer clothes 😊

    @cyndiesstuff Thinking of you! Hoping everything goes well and it’s a smooth recovery. Sorry your last days at work have to be so stressful! I’m sure you’re right that new clothes would be motivating!

    @twyla77 Nice job doing the best you can in Vegas!

    @NuggetBrain, @phoebe112476, @Mrsbell8well and @Gingerpwr Great progress this week!

    Hope you all enjoy your Wednesday!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    I've had a devil of a time getting to this page. MFP keeps telling me I don't have permission. Nevertheless I'm in the wings rooting you all on!! Been a pretty good week so far... we'll see what the scale says tomorrow. Yesterday I made the 1 hr drive to where the nearest big box stores are... haven't been there since before Christmas because of all the snow, ice and flooding. I had quite a long list but its boring shopping... paper products, detergent, what not. Spent more than half the day which usually includes lunch or a coffee treat but I refrained because I was craving a burger and couldn't talk myself into anything healthier so returned home hungry and tired. Also didn't exercise. Back to my regular schedule today!

    Have a great Wednesday everyone!
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @sleepymom5 that is so funny we are both writing responses at the same time! lol great minds.

    @Mrsbell8well ohhh girl. that is a really nice loss. happy dance in the office.

    @pacsnc6 omgosh at least you got it unclogged. the kitchen sink at my rental was clogged and we had to rent an auger to get it unclogged. your break is coming. come on april 15th!!

    @Shirin_K at least you still stuck to the plan. sometimes your just hungry. I can't wait for it to get nice enough here to go for a walk. it will be for sure by time the doc tells me I can after my surgery.

    @carlsoda I am glad you slept well. it really does make for a much better day. ahhh the 60's yes. great walking weather.

    @nstephenson01 yeah mfp was having some glitches. hopefully they have them all worked out now. ohhh nancy. you hade a great nsv. you did not eat garbage when you were shopping. you are changing habits. ok... you didn't exercise but you did a lot of walking around the store. you day was a big win!!
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,114 Member
    Day 3 of getting up at 4am and I'm at 15,000 steps, not bad. I was a little tired today. I was thinking of sleeping til 5 tomorrow and working out after work but then I remembered I have an appointment and then if I sleep in one day it turns into two days. But we will see. I am very tired today, my body may need the rest and I am very hungry. Not holding my breath for weigh in tomorrow. I do have an appointment with an ent coming soon so hopefully I can get some answers, tomorrow is only the eye Dr.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    edited March 2019
    @Mrsbell8well Nice loss! And looking good in your new photo!
    @pacsnc6 Ugh! What a pain! At least you got subway out of it! Vacation sounds nice! Where are you going?
    @Shirin_K Sometimes you just have days like that. I am glad you stuck to your plan! And thank you! I feel like I finally am getting it together!
    @carlsoda I hope you got to get out and walk! Must be a beautiful place to take a walk. I can't wait to be able to exercise outside more!
    @nstephenson01 You really are out there! I guess before the winter weather you had to really stock up! Good job on resisting the burger. I hope you were able to have something good when you got back. I have been hearing a lot of complaints with MFP lately, hope it is fixed soon!
    @ljdanny You have been doing fantastic! It is hard to get up so early but isn't it nice to have it over with when you get home from work? Listen to your body though, if you need sleep, switch it around. Good luck at the eye doctor tomorrow. I am sure you will be happy after you see the ENT and hopefully see what is going on.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Daily check in Wednesday

    I am so absorbed in work. I have 10 employees. When I’m not in training class I’m busy like a mother hen coaching, praising and watching over them. I’m working really hard to lay a foundation that gives everyone the support and tools they need. I’m a big one for contests. I have everyone set up for our April challenge. I’m feeling really great about my teams. There is something odd about all 10 of them...and something extra special about all 10 as well! A real privilege to be the new “boss”.
    I am 8.8 pounds from goal. That’s pretty exciting. February and especially March have been some tough months but I’m making it.
    I went 3 nights without dinner to finally get past that 50 pound mark. Last night I enjoyed a burrito with leftovers from the fiesta. That was the best burrito of my life lol. It’s really fun eating dinner again.
    Ever since the 5k I have been lazy about my yoga and 10K steps. I’m still running but I miss both of the other activities. I keep thinking I will start back up in April. That’s old thinking. I will start back today!
    Went to chriropractor yesterday for adjustment and quarterly acupuncture. I used to go for monthly chiro adjustments. But with yoga my back has really gotten healthy!
    I too have had log in issues.
    I’m really proud of our team. Spring is here.
    Time for a reboot and fresh new commitments!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @sleepymom5 really impressive how you tackled this new job and now your already in home stretch! I can tell your set up for a really fun successful summer.
    @cyndiesstuff good luck with all your preparations and surgery tomorrow. We will be praying for you.
    @nstephenson01 your new barn is so impressive and beautiful. I’m glad you were able to get out and about. Great job avoiding burger temptation. I make sure to bring food with me at all times. I like cuties, nuts, hummus, crackers and veg. And water. Your doing great! I’m glad your still with us. Especially as team motivator. We need all the motivation we can get!
    @amsandos glad you were able to regroup and get back on course. You have been working so hard on your goals. Our food issues are sometimes more mental than physical. That’s what those space is for. A place to figure it all out. You might want to check in before your kitten starts meowing.
    @pacsnc6 great job moving to plan B. This new lifestyle forces us to keep being flexible and creative in order to stay successful!
    @carlsoda we’re supposed to be in the 60’s and 70’s this week too. Looking forward to outdoor enjoyments.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @carlsoda I too am finding great benefits from being dairy free. Have you tried oat milk? I tried it last night. I loved it. Soy is my favorite but I try to limit soy products. Almond is our go to milk. Congrats on whole 30 success! Great job.
    @CassieGetsFit2013 I know your out there girl. I’m glad your still weighing in with us. Your still a welcome part of our team. You keep hanging in there.
    @gingerpwr I’m so proud of you being in the 40’s. I will be joining you in April! You’ve really done a great job with your balanced program.
    @ljdanny your morning commitment is dazzling. I tried it for a few weeks and loved it. Your doing great!
    @Shirin_K the clothes are a funny thing. It seems one day they fit and all of a sudden they are too big. What size were you when you started? What size are you now?
    I started wearing sizes 3x. I’m now a size 8 and that’s getting loose.
    My reward this week is thrift store shopping. I’m going to be looking at size 6. Wow...really??? I’m so amazed.
    @bmaison2014 you are the first person on this team that I became friends with. Where are you at on your journey? Are you ready to change your life? If I can do it you can too!
    @NuggetBrain wow impressive loss!!! How did you do it?
    @jedaschultz I appreciate your self acceptance. This is certainly a journey. It’s time to say goodbye to Winter and start our new Spring goals.
    @gottagetthisdown your right. Meal prepping is such an amazing tool for our success. It takes constant readjusting to find what works for us. And then even that takes tweaking. I’m glad you keep checking in!
    @phoebe112476 I feel a lot like that meme you posted. It feels so amazing to be so thin AND healthy!!! I love watching your progress and hearing your stories. Have you met anyone on your dating site? I met my wife on match.com.
    @twyla77 are you surviving Vegas???

  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @hope002 with Spring here I’m curious what your new outdoor activities will include. I loved hearing about all your winter adventures.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    User ID: Cyndiesstuff
    Week Number: Week 4
    Previous weight: 146
    Current weight: 147
    up one pound.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Check in for: Wednesday
    Ate: waaaay tooo much
    Water: 35
    Steps: 11336 steps

    I ate yesterday like it was my last supper. Not really funny but i am choosing to laugh. Today is no food, just clear liquids. And you know what starts at noon. I have left work behind me. He is going to have to figure it out. I did as much as i could to set him up for success. He doesn't seem to be worried. He left at 1.

    @ljdanny phew 4 am is tough to get settled into but once you do, it is just like any other time you get up. It is what it is. good job getting up and getting things done. i find morning is the best time for me to do that. and when you get tired, you brain instinctively goes to food. feed it something healthy.

    @amsandos you are doing great. good job at not letting one day of eating off plan run you off the tracks. ohh and yay to hubby. it is so nice when the one you love notices your hard work. keep working it girl it looks good on you.

    @Mrsbell8well well good morning!! i am so glad you are finding your new job so pleasurable. just look at the angelina you are building. she is truly inspiring. and i am with you on the new commitments. i am not going back to the old cyndie with this surgery. i can't let that happen. i won't let that happen.

  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    I am going to visit Mom in MA. My daughter planned this trip to stop in New York City for one night (something I've always wanted to do) then on to MA. We will be gone for 6 days so a short visit with family then head back to NC
    @cyndiesstuff good luck with your recovery. how long will you stay in the hospital after?
    @Mrsbell8well I always wonder how you manage to skip dinner and not eat until the next day. I have days when I'm not very hungry but when I skip meals I get headaches.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @pacsnc6 I will be spending the night in the hospital Friday night and coming home Saturday. As long as everything goes as planned.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    Daily check in Wednesday
    Food logged and under
    Water 80 oz
    Exercise 45 walking video and 10,227 steps

    I am running late today so quickly, doing well, working this am and hopefully done early this afternoon so Daisy and I can head to the shore for a long weekend! I will check in tonight!

    @amsandos you crack me up!! I am glad you didn't let your binge set the tone for the next day. That is awesome!! It is so easy to start spiraling out of control and letting a bad day turn into a few days, week, month....good job picking yourself up and getting back on track!
    @Mrsbell8well I am glad that even though work is super busy you are enjoying it and laying a foundation for everyone to work as a team and be team players. That is awesome! They are lucky to have you. Maybe you could alternate your 5K with yoga since you have been so busy. Then you can still get the benefits of both!
    @cyndiesstuff Good luck today with your clear liquids. I am glad work is at least behind you.
    Sending prayers and hugs!
    @pacsnc6 That sounds like fun! Enjoy!
This discussion has been closed.