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WEIGHT NO MORE - March 2019



  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    Daily Check in: Thursday
    Food: logged and under
    Water: 80 oz
    Exercise & steps: Walking video and 10,070 steps

    I was hoping I would be down a little more but I have been bouncing a little above and a little below this weight as I always do. I think it is bothering me since I am at the 200 lb mark. I also had a good week so I am not worried.Still a loss for the week at least. This is going to be my hardest day so far for work and then it is all downhill. Got to get moving!

    @Mrsbell8well @phoebe112476 Your meals look delicious!
    @GingerPwr Nice day! You are doing fantastic!
    @cyndiesstuff Isn't it nice to have a fun night, eat and drink what you enjoy and still be successful?! Much better than eating more than you need and beating yourself up the next day! Great job! I am glad you had a fun night out!
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    edited March 2019
    Yay! Welcome to onderland!
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    Week 3
    PW: 165.5
    CW: 165.5
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Hello & TGIF! I hope you are all doing well!

    I'm definitely going to have a gain tomorrow at my weigh-in. I have been struggling, a good day, then a bad day. I keep trying to get myself back on track. I got home from work yesterday, the weather is dreary, it has been raining for the last 2 days, and I just snacked and had pizza for dinner. I definitely overdid it. I did not feel great after I finished eating. I am trying to eat lightly today. I have my yogurt, some fruit and green tea and I am going to eat a protein bar for lunch. I am going to try to go to the gym after work, but we sometimes go out to eat with my in laws on Friday night, then I do not have enough time to do both.

    @sleepymom5 nice loss! Welcome to onder-land! :smiley:

    @cyndiesstuff sounds like you had a nice evening with Jim! You can never go wrong with pizza! :smile:

    @Mrsbell8well and @phoebe112476 your food looks delicious!

    Have a great weekend! :smile:
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    thursday daily check in

    food on target
    water on target
    exercise 50 mins run

    Everyone's lunch pics look fantastic. I have had such a busy couple of days at work.

    @cyndiesstuff fantastic work using the hunger scale and controlling your joy eating. I am so impressed that you just stopped. I am managing to stop but with the bribe that I get to eat it again later. Today I have a joy eat planned so I am choosing to do all my joy eating at that meal. Fish n Chips and mushy peas, a Great British treat. Nom nom. I will eat until satisfied and stop when done. I have ask the husband to buy small portions and I am sharing this with my daughter.

    Just listening to the PNP podacast about passive and massive action. I have to say I am big on massive action. In general people around me say I try to do too much and then get frustrated. Yesterday I went for a run at lunch time it was great. Today I did a quick yoga after teaching as I notice I have been feeling tired and eating after teaching which makes me have a mid afternoon snack. I still had a mid afternoon snack but I had it because I was hungry. When I counted up my calories I was a bit under.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @ljdanny that is so funny about your MIL. with time your hubby will come around. you know men, think they have to be tough. and don't worry about that little gain. you get right back on track right now.

    @nstephenson01 I think you are beautiful either way! your smile can warm up a room girl!! and I love the barn pic. how cool. I especially like the second floor. it will be so cool when it is done.

    @sleepymom5 you are doing awesome. I so appreciate all you do! you are a great partner. it is now official. you are in onederland. you are amazing. and you are right. if I would have overate I would have felt really bad today. but no way. when I was exercising this morning I felt like a rock star. sorry I havn't been doing more. work has gone crazy. that and trying to get ready for leave. I only have 4 days left of work. and this one is half gone.

    @phoebe112476 ohhh girl! that looks really good. I love it. I love avocado!!

    @Mrsbell8well mmmmmm. don't mind if I pretend to have a bite do you?

    @GingerPwr thanks for checking in!!

    @carlsoda omgosh cyndie is doing the happy dance. that is a great loss. good job.

    @lennoncpa I keep saying it too. maintains are good. how can you tweek your plan? how to do up your game so the scale starts to move?

    @pacsnc6 maintains are good. keep working at it. you got this.

    @Cafelelia are you kidding me? you were gone on a week vacation and you only gained 1.2 lbs? that if amazing. you keep that up! you are killing it! it is snowing here in Michigan too. mother nature says na na!!

    @kirsten11872 have you started listening to those podcasts? it really helps with the mental part of losing weight. I really think you would benefit from it.

    @amsandos and that is how I do it too. I remind myself that I can have it again. I am not going to restrict myself but I am gonna honor my body and feed it till it is satisfied!! if that's pizza and beer or spinach salad with chicken. either way I eat when I am hungry and stop when I am satisfied. one thing I do is ball up my fist, like I was gonna punch someone. then put it right next to my stomach. it really helps you remember how small your stomach actually is. it really brings you focus to what your stomach feels like.

  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    today's lunch is gorton's beer battered fish and tortilla chips with salsa and sour cream
  • DananaNanas
    DananaNanas Posts: 665 Member
    Week 3
    Pw: 140.2
    Cw: 140.2

    I'm ok with this. We ate and drank our way through Chicago and I never really recovered this week. Ate like crap yesterday even though I did ok the rest of the week. TOM upcoming... blah
    on the bright side I don't have a ton going on this weekend or next so I'm hoping to get some rest and get caught up on some stuff at home so I'm able to get to the gym and be productive next week.

    Hubby and I are going to a comedy show by the creators of my favorite podcast tonight. I have NO idea what to expect! Saturday I have rehearsal and Sunday I think we're going to venture out and run some errands. I'm happy to not be traveling for the next 3 weeks.
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    @GingerPwr .
    Some of those prepackaged foods are really skimpy on the good stuff. As much as I like the pot pies some are very slim on filling. And then you HAVE to add something or just stay hungry.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    I am so happy today is behind me. To start things off, it was pouring, my hands were full with all my stuff, I had my hood on and I somehow wiped out and fell in the mud. Ugh! All I had were tissues to clean myself up too. I think it was my worst and busiest day of all but I got it done! I am in the home stretch now. I actually can't imagine there is any reason for me to be working late anymore. I just don't have as much to do. Tomorrow I am going up to North Jersey (Hi Kirsten!) to Morristown to see friends. There is a psychic we always like to go to(for fun), one friend wants to go shopping and another friend want to do reflexology so I guess I will decide when we get there. This is going to be a test for mindfully eating. I am going to order the healthiest thing I can and eat until I am satisfied. Drinking isn't going to be a problem as I have over a 2 hour drive. I plan to get my exercise in early so steps won't be an issue. Should be a fun day!

    @carlsoda Nice loss!! You really are doing great!
    @lennoncpa Maintaining isn't bad, better than gaining. This is your busy time of year so just maintaining is probably a plus!
    @pacsnc6 Better to maintain than gain. Sounds like you have another yummy lunch! I haven't had those in years either!
    @cafeleia That isn't bad for after a girls trip! Sounds like an awesome time! How cool that you got to meet Nancy Pelosi, I always wondered if she looked as good in person as she does on TV
    @kirsten11872 Hang in there, pretty soon you will be having more good days then bad days. In fact, I think this week there may have already been more good day than your recent past. You can do this!
    @amsandos I think I am a little behind you with the PNP podcasts. I just did the sleep one a few days ago. I feel like you really are working a lot of you are learning in the podcasts into your life. You have been doing great!
    @cyndiesstuff Your salad looks great! Hope you got everything in order at work. If you didn't, he will have to figure it out. You are an awesome partner too. I will take care of things over here while you are recouping, just like you have done for me more times then I can count! xoxo
    @DananaNanas Maintaining after a trip like that is good! I hope you had a good time in Chicago! Catching up with rest and getting stuff done around the house will put you on track for a great week! Enjoy your comedy show tonight. Sounds like fun!
    @gingerpwr I can relate, my lunch sucked too! Lol! It was shrimp scampi from Atkins. I guess maybe I just don't like shrimp scampi? It was pretty spicy for me. I am super impressed that you are almost finished that ab challenge! Wtg!!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member

    Friday's Weigh Ins still due

    Saturday's Weigh Ins

    Sunday's Weigh Ins
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    edited March 2019
    Check in for: Friday
    Ate: to plan
    Water: 76 oz
    Steps: 14944 steps

    My boss is a turd. I would feel so much more at ease if i knew he was going to take care of things while i was gone. I love my clients. he better step up and take care of them while i am gone. I have a few more house keeping things to take care of before wednesday, my last day, next week. i have tried to make what needs to be done idiot proof. now the rest is up to him. ughhh. my pain is up. almost every joint in my body hurt yesterday, stress really aggravates my chronic pain. it is my TOM for the last time in my life. I am not sure how i feel about that. i thought it would make me happy but i am having mixed emotions about it. they said i might. i have so much to do this weekend. we shall see how much i get done. there are alot of must dos with a dose of fun thrown in. we have a comedy night tonight. it was my birthday present. then tomorrow we have an event food and music at a downtown establishment given for the Warming Shelter. Well make this the best Saturday ever Team.

    @pacsnc6 i love beer battered fish. the local restaurant in town makes the best all you can eat perch or cod every friday.

    @DananaNanas hey maintains are good. keep that up. a trip to chicago and no gain? AWESOME!! i will call that a win. how did the comedy show turn out?

    @GingerPwr i agree some times those dinners look nothing like what their container proclaims. yay spinach salad. ohhh tater tots. but really either one is fine. your doing great.

    @sleepymom5 ohhhh nooo, you wiped out. are you ok? i have always wanted to go see a psychic. let me know whats in it for you!! if you have too, at your meal out with friends, half way thru your meal, excuse yourself to the ladies room. while your there, really examine how you feel. this gives you some quite you time to really get in touch with yourself. good luck. and remember. you are a work in progress. practice practice practice.

    @lenka1 lets talk thru this first. i will let you move but i really don't want you to. see this is all part of weight loss. i read you post this morning and i have really been pondering where you are at. this journey is hard and the scale is hard to look at sometimes. but you can't shy away from it. your saying your not going to look, but do you even have to look? you know what it will say. it is only a tool. it doesn't hold your self worth or your value. it is just one of the many measures we use. the scale goes up and down. it is all part of the process. and you say you will come back when you go back to normal. well sister this is NORMAL. i was at goal and it one month put back on 10 lbs.
    if you give up, you will cement in your mind, that you can't do it. and thats just not true. old habits are hard to break, you just can't fix them over night. don't you give up on you. stop your bulls*** thinking and start from here. Evaluate your back step, learn from it, put it away, and move on. This doesnt mean you quit. look how much you have learned in the very short time you have been here. do not let the over eating continue. start from where you are right now. dig in. what can you do today. start with a 24 hour plan. what are willing to commit to for the next 24 hours. please really think about what i am saying and if you want to talk more you can come here or you can private message me. And after careful consideration about how this will impact your future attempts at weight loss and your mental health right now, if you still want to quit. I will move you.

  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @lenka1 I completely agree with @cyndiestuff this is our normal. I think about the beautiful before and after pics. We all know this is by far more mental than physical. You hang in there. Your an awesome member of our team. Options are good but I do hope you think about sticking it out with us. The good, the bad, the ugly.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Checking in...it’s been an interesting week with my plan. I “blew” it. Following logging worked great for about 3 days. I had prelogged navy bean soup for dinner on Thursday. I got home too late to finish making it so switched to pinto beans with salsa, avocado, and organic blue chips. It unexpectedly snowed that whole day so never got in my run. So everyone that “liked” my exercise...it never happened. I ran on Sunday and Tuesday but need to run again today.
    I didn’t even try to log yesterday. Had to shop after work and ate navy bean soup at 8:30 pm. It was worth waiting for.
    I am still .02 from 50 pound goal. I must hit That mark on Wednesday. And I will!
    We have a big Mexican fiesta planned for both my teams this afternoon at our home. 11 peeps coming. There will be lots of good stuff for me to eat.
    I am still working on my thoughts regarding logging vs intuitive. I’m again leaning to intuitive but I love the logging as a good check in to assess calories, macros etc. and it’s great to prelog so I know what I’m eating. But it definitely feels more like a diet. So I think intuitive 90% of the time and 10% to log mainly to give myself a self-check with good information.
    When I follow intuitive I’m more likely to include fun healthy snacks like lemon or chocolate balls, I skip more meals, I always eat when hungry, I never feel deprived and I seem to lose more weight.
    With logging I love the preplanning, the protein macro info, the feeling of self love since everything is so beautifully prepped and planned. But it was strange to feel hungry and not eat.
    This week I’m thinking about logging again but my biggest focus is doing what I need to do to get to my goal for Wednesday. Thats still a pound away but I’m confident.
    Have a great weekend everyone. Got to clean and get ready for a fiesta.
    Fantastic progress and weight loss ladies. Love hearing everyone’s stories!
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