WEIGHT NO MORE - April 2019



  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Check in for Monday
    Logged: yes, under
    Water: 10 cups
    Exercise: 1 hr walk, 30 minutes strength, 13 minutes plank challenge (103 minutes total)
    Steps: 11,232
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    I have been awake since 3:30. Waiting for daylight so I can run. Yesterday was challenging and put me in a bad mood. I think last night was my first real emotional eating in 280 days. I had a bowl of pinto beans for dinner, 1/4 avocado, minced serrano chilies and a whole grain tortilla with vegan butter. After dinner I kept thinking about those leftover beans. And there was a lot of activity in the home. Robin was cleaning the fish tank, Skylynn practicing the violin, Molly and I just wanted a peaceful night to watch game of thrones. I heated a second bowl of beans with a handful of blue organic corn chips, a small lemon coconut ball and a 100 calorie bag of smart popcorn. My belly was pretty happy but I felt mentally unstable. Plus I was at 150 2 days in a row. Very excited about that but now I question if I was sabotaging my success. Desperately want to see the 140’s. I’m so close. It reminds me how human I am. So for yesterday I overate at dinner, I didn’t get my run in and I only slept 5 1/2 hours. My sacred 3 all out of wack. Today’s a new day but I’m still feeling out of sorts. Getting up to do yoga, then run with first sign of daylight and I will plan to breathe today. I may skip dinner but eat a nice breakfast and lunch. Weigh in tomorrow.
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    Happy Tuesday

    Hit a single yesterday with almost 9,000 steps. End of grading period means more sitting, apparently. Next week is spring break so I'll hopefully be moving a lot more.
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    Username amsandos
    Week 3
    P.w 137
    Cw 142
  • gottagetthisdown
    gottagetthisdown Posts: 122 Member
    User ID: gottagetthisdown
    Week Number: Week 3
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous weight: 164
    Current weight: 164
  • gottagetthisdown
    gottagetthisdown Posts: 122 Member
    Good morning everyone, sorry for the late weigh in. I went to see the nutritionist yesterday we went over my inconsistency and things I can work on to get better at it. Her gym is having a fitness challenge starting April 22nd, 30 days of logging, meet with a nutritionist (at least once in the 30 days) and lose 8 pounds, she signed me up for the challenge I can't say I'm prepared for it 8 pounds in 30 days...sheesh. I haven't lost any weight since around November or so. She told me to incorporate more moving on the weekend, get back to trying to meet my step goal everyday, compete with someone on Fitbit to help me get motivated to move, when the movement alarm goes off get up and move. These things are all things I can do so I will work on them. Have a good week everyone.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,449 Member
    Check in for Monday
    Logged: yes, under
    Water: 64 0z
    Exercise: 45 min walking video
    Steps: 10,024

    Another good day. I am still in a lazy mood when it comes to cleaning Lol! I HAVE to do it today, no choice! Not really sure when I am heading to shore since my niece will be here. If she wasn't coming, I would go tomorrow but I want her to get settled in so we will see. I don't like not having a plan. Today I am also going to work on a plan at the shore. I am going to have over a full house from Thursday until Sunday so I am going to have a lot of food I don't usually have around. I really like being under 200lbs and I want to have a loss for April so I don't have room to fool around with junk. The weather is also going to be crappy so I need to figure out what I am going to do for exercise. So as you can see, I really need a plan. Oh well, hope everyone has a great day!

    @bmaison2014 Thanks for checking in! Nice job logging and staying under. I know you usually get way more steps than that but I know when I don't work out my steps are way down too.
    @Julie8468 Sounds like you are doing well during your trip! It is amazing you can stay on the elliptical for 90 min! That is awesome!
    @hope002 Awesome day! You are doing awesome!
    @Mrsbell8well We all have days like that. You also overate on all healthy things, you didn't go back to the way you were eating. New day, clean slate and you have a plan for the day. I am sure what you ate won't make too much of an impact on the scale tomorrow. Remember the closer you get, the slower it comes off. I read somewhere that it isn't really coming off slower. If you think of it in percentages it makes more sense. You lose a percentage of what you weigh so as you get lower in weight, you may lose at the same rate percentage wise but now that you are lighter that percentage equals a lower amount of weight. I forget what exactly you weighed but at 200lbs, 10% of your body weight is 20lbs, at 150lbs 10% of your body weight is 15lbs. Hope that makes sense, I am not good at explaining Lol! Hope you have a better day today. Hugs!
    @GingerPwr Nice stepping! I am sure you are looking forward to spring break!
    @amsandos How's it going? I know that you weren't looking to lose this month. Maintaining is harder than it looks. Don't beat yourself up, look over what you did and think of what you can do differently. You seem to have a good idea what is going on usually. Hope all is well!
    @gottagetthisdown That nutritionist is worth the money! I know you can do it. I am pretty sure you have done it before too last fall. I think once you get into the swing of things you are going to take off! You got this!
    @phoebe112476 Nice loss! Looks like you are doing well with everything you have going on!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,449 Member
    Let me give this a try...

    4/15 Monday
    @GingerPwr 9,000 steps Single
    @hope002 103 min exercise, 11,232 steps Triple and Double
    @Julie8468 90 min elliptical, 16,867 steps Triple and Triple
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Check in for Monday
    Ate: ok
    Water: 56 oz
    Exercise: totally took back the kids room
    Steps: 10446 steps

    Yesterday was a very good day. i decided to repurpose my step-sons room. now my step son is 27 years old and married and hasn't lived here in YEARS. i packed up all his stuff in boxes and reclaimed that room. it felt soooo good. jim hauled all the boxes and bags downstairs and put them in storage. yes, the room is now mine!! i worked on that room till about 1:30 then meditated. i made meatloaf, potatoes, and asparagus for dinner. not sure what i will do doday. maybe work on my seedlings now.

    @carlsoda ohh i love fresh peas from the garden! i snack on them while i do weeding!! i can't wait to get going on my plants outside. some kind of critter ate my hens and chicks. i was pissed. i had them for 2 years. they were just starting to get nice. oh well, when things like that happen, i decided a long time ago that it was just meant to be.

    @nstephenson01 yup your right. need to stop it now. start tracking and weighing everything. and make your 24 hour plan in the morning. you can do this. but remember to be nice to yourself. it is hard changing old habits!

    @sleepymom5 wow, nice day for you yesterday. see? you just needed a little readjustment time from your little vacation. so are you excited about your niece coming to live with you? you and i are posting at the same time again! lol. and you do need a plan for the coming holiday. get out your journal and get writing. you can do this. ohhh i i like that baseball girl. she is really cute!

    @hope002 thanks for checking in. good job with meeting your goals for the day. small daily goals will give you big results. and ohhh my... you did a plank for 13 minutes? that is awesome!!

    @pacsnc6 thanks for checking in. glad you are still working your plan! happy vacation.

    @Julie8468 great steps. now have fun and be mindful on your trip. one day down on your trip and i call it success.
    you can do this. make a plan, write it down and remember, nobody really cares what you eat and drink besides you. your body, your business. and just so you know, both your steps and you exercise minutes count for baseball.

    @jedaschultz yay! good job getting that scale to move in the right direction. i am rooting for you! look out onederland!

    @bmaison2014 thanks for checking in. you got this

    @Mrsbell8well you really need to be gentle with yourself sometimes. you are after all a human being with addictive tenancies. while you meditate, tell yourself, "Angelina, I love you. I got this, I will take care of you. You are ok." the things we say to ourselves really matter.

    @GingerPwr end of grading and 9000 steps. you rock girl!!

    @amsandos holy macaroni. what happened? girl get right back on track, you can do this. i know it can be tough but you know what to do, now just do it.

    @gottagetthisdown maintains are good. do something extra thing week. one thing you can add to your routine. you got this. and your nutritionist is right. it is all the about the movement. activity is your friend. ok, 30 days. lets get this done.

    @phoebe112476 ohhh girl. that is a nice loss. cyndie is doing the happy dance. how have you been doing? we miss you checking in.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member

    4/15 Monday
    @GingerPwr 9,000 steps Single
    @hope002 103 min exercise, 11,232 steps Triple and Double
    @carlsoda 30 minutes and 13116 steps - single and double
    @Julie8468 90 min elliptical, 16,867 steps Triple and Triple
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    It is time at last for the BASEBALL Most Valuable Player Awards

    At last the decisions are in - and each team has one player who has racked up the highest number of bases, who was there every day making sure the team succeeds, and who clearly showed the spirit and commitment that gets everyone standing up and cheering.

    The Team WaitNoMore MVP for the first week of baseball is @hope002
    WAY TO GO! You have been amazing and the whole team thanks you.


  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,417 Member
    Monday Check in
    Food - great
    Water - great
    Exercise - really good and I even did 30 minutes of yoga

    Tonight I'm going to a Twins/Jays game (Go Jays!!!) I was too lazy to go searching for my Jays shirt and my husband wanted me to wears a twins shirt so I'll just wear a Canada shirt :) Food will be interesting as we'll be in a suite with dinner provided. Who knows what will be there!

    And...another busy day at work today! Hope everyone has a successful day!!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily Check In: Monday
    Food: Didn't log, ate to satisfied
    Water: OK
    Exercise & steps: 4 mile dog hike; 14,514 steps

    Tried taking the furry munchkins for a hike but hit too much snow so turned back. Yesterday's ladies luncheon went well. I mentioned to my fellow hiking ladies how short of a hike I did and it turned out I made it farther than they have so that made me feel pretty good but boy am I out of shape when it comes to hiking uphill! I ordered a spinach salad... they automatically put the dressing on the side! I did have a beer... I don't drink much beer but I do enjoy a seasonal craft microbrew. It was citrusy and super tasty! I made a point of not finishing my salad. The next two days of food is planned but I need to plan for the weekend ahead.

    Its snowing again this morning (#$%@!!) so not sure I'll get the dogs out. For all of you in the path of the storm on the east coast, be safe out there.
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    4\15 steps 13,820
    Loved walking all over NYC yesterday
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    @hope002 thanks for checking in. good job with meeting your goals for the day. small daily goals will give you big results. and ohhh my... you did a plank for 13 minutes? that is awesome!!
    that was not 1 plank :), many different little planks. I can't hold longer than 1 minute
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @cyndiesstuff stuff do you still need my baseball stats? 30 yoga and 6560 steps for 4/15. I think that is a single?

    It helped to vent this morning. I reassessed and stayed in bed to rack up another hour of sleep. I can definitely function on 6 1/2 hours. I brought my running clothes to work and had a strong beautiful long run at lunch. Tonight I will skip dinner and do my yoga for the day. I will take a nice long bath, breathe and relax. I packed myself a nice substantial breakfast and lunch to take with me today. Going to eat lunch about 2ish to keep me filled longer.
    @sleepymom5 your right it was all healthy food that I ate. And I weighed 150 again this morning. I am determined to see 149 on that scale tomorrow. At least I will do my part now I need the scale to do it's part. Thanks for the support team captains!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,449 Member
    4/15 Monday-complete! Thank you ladies!
    @GingerPwr 9,000 steps Single
    @Mrsbell8well 30 yoga and 6560 steps Single
    @pacsnc6 steps 13,820 Double
    @hope002 103 min exercise, 11,232 steps Triple and Double
    @carlsoda 30 minutes and 13116 steps - single and double
    @Julie8468 90 min elliptical, 16,867 steps Triple and Triple
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,449 Member
    edited April 2019
    @cyndiesstuff What a productive day yesterday! What do you plan to use that room for? I am actually not excited about my niece coming. I really don't know her that well and not really sure how long she is going to stay. She hasn't given me or her parents much information. Hopefully she will be more forthcoming in person. Hopefully it won't be too bad. I posted Monday's Baseball Stats on the Mod. thread
    @hope002 Congrats on MVP! Great job!
    @carlsoda You are really stringing your great days together! Have fun at the game!
    @nstephenson01 I just can't get over that weather! You will be back to your old hiking self, with the same endurance you left off with in no time. You just need it to stop snowing! Great job yesterday at lunch too! Hope the snow stops and you get some spring weather soon. Now I need to go look at the weather report, I didn't know a storm was heading our way. Maybe I am south...
    @pacsnc6 I am happy you are having fun in NYC! Maybe you will see @twyla77! She is out there somewhere too Lol! I have two friends who actually work in the same building in Rockefeller Center but run into each other maybe once a year unless they plan something.
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    I hope not but @twyla77 may have seen me do a face plant right in front of the library! I was trying to keep up with my daughter and trying to weave through the crowd so not watching my steps and I tripped!! I arrived in Mass about 1:45 AM and have been awake today since 5:00. Went to a wake today , otherwise just rested and visited with mom. Tomorrow is the funeral and visiting my sister in law. Are at Applebees for supper today - brought half home
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