WEIGHT NO MORE - April 2019



  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,421 Member
    @cyndiesstuff Wednesday 12,252 steps
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member
    edited April 2019
    Daily check in for Tuesday-Did well with everything. Water, exercise, steps and logging.
    Wednesday-took a 2 mile walk, 52oz water, didn't log but on track and under 10k steps. Weird day, first day my niece was here so I didn't want to be on the computer. Hopefully we get into a routine. We are leaving for the shore tomorrow. Hopefully by noon. I haven't packed, I have a lot to do in the am.

    @julie8468 I hope you enjoyed the shrimp a little bit but that would definitely slow you down and help you get in the water! You have been doing well.
    @amsandos It is all a learning curve. You will figure out what works for you.
    @GingerPwr Maintaining is good! Hope things are getting better.
    @Mrsbell8well Whoo hoo! Goodbye 150s! It is exciting seeing all your progress!
    @Cyndiesstuff I am sure you needed the rest. Hope you had a good day today. I do need to have some ground rules.
    @carlsoda with symptoms like that I guess it is pretty obvious that you can't have dairy, hope you are feeling better. Your easter menu sounds so yummy!
    @phoebe112476 You are in such a good routine and have been so successful. Thanks for always sharing with us. I learned a lot from you
  • Julie8468
    Julie8468 Posts: 151 Member
    Wednesday log in April 17
    Logged: yes, over and guessing at the calories for salad dressings, chicken, etc..
    Water: 3L , I did get “the look” at dinner with colleagues = what are you drinking? Is that water? Yup, I must be where fun goes to die.. and owned it. “I’m just not “cool” like you guys I guess”. Still, I’m having a hard time controlling my frustration with feeling badly as a result of being judged. They want me to be someone else, but I think I’m fun when sober, plus won’t throw up on you? Isn’t that ok? One lady literally told me she wanted the guy we sent last year to be here, he was fun. But then she got sick as we were walking back to the hotel...
    Exercise: 60 minutes elliptical in the morning
    Steps: 14,784
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    Yesterday, a single 7700 steps

    It's our last day before spring break. I've never needed the time off more.
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    Check ing in
    Yesterday was a rest day for me. Went to a funeral and luncheon that followed. I knew about the funeral when I packed for the trip but decided to buy something new. I tried on a size 12 that was too big! Bought a size 10 and I love the way it fits and feels.
    Today plans are not set yet but may go visit my brother an hour away.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    30 minute walk at arboretum with Molly and Lula Mae. Gorgeous!
    35 yoga
    Steps 7669
    Double and single?
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @amsandos great job doing so well with your 1/2 marathon. Very inspiring!
    @sleepymom5 very nice of you to help your niece. You will get back into a routine.
    @pacsnc6 size 10! Your getting little! Post a pic
    @gingerpwr I’m so glad you get a break soon. Your doing so well maintaining your weight loss. Are you still exercising? Eating well? Sleeping? Hang in there.
    @julie8468 good for you for staying strong. I think your plenty fun!!!
    @phoebe112476 your an inspiration. It’s a marvel what your able to accomplish. That’s exciting that your getting closer to your goal, dating someone and keeping up with a 4 year old. You go girl! How much more do you have to lose?
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @hope002 I’m not surprised at all that your MVP. I have always admired all your activities. Great job and thanks!
    @carlsoda thanks! My recent makeover and shopping spree are my celebration. I also had an amazing tempeh sandwich for lunch. My health has really improved without dairy as well. They say it can take up to 3 months to get it out of your system. My headaches have disappeared. Your Easter menu sounds yummy. Still not sure what we’re planning yet.
    @cyndiesstuff enjoy your days at home while you can. Nice to hear about your garden again.
    @nstephen01 how are you adjusting with your new routine? Good job on your luncheon. Glad your able to get out and socialize a bit. You and doggies will be running around again soon. Hang in there. I just finished a book about Montana from Norah Roberts. Sundown. Thought of you.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Reward sandwich
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    That sandwich is so yummy. They make their own sourdough bread. Marinated tempeh, secret sauce, carrots, pickled apples. There were 2 halves. I ate the whole thing. Yum
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Check in for Wednesday
    Ate: i have to stop this
    Water: not enough oz
    Exercise: layed around all day
    Steps: 3287 steps

    well the scale is going the wrong way and i am not suprised. i know what i am doing. i just haven't been able to stop it. it is a disordered way of thinking. i know. i am trying to be nice to myself but good grief, get a grip. when i get back to work it will be easier. but i really need to figure out how to control myself when i am at home. i knew it was going to be a problem. and it has been.

    @carlsoda ohhh no did you jump in a bowl of icecream? lol. i am glad you enjoyed your baseball game. and the holiday is approaching fast. good job on starting to plan now.

    @NuggetBrain maintains are good. how are you doing?

    @Mrsbell8well i love your story. you have come so far from where i first met you. and some of that extra skin may not go away but use it as a reminder of where you have been and what it did to you body. i need to channel my inner angelina.

    @phoebe112476 thanks for checking in. we have missed your input. glad the baby is doing well. how long have you been dating the new guy? when does he go from new guy to just my guy?

    @sleepymom5 i know your heading to the shore but have you made your easter plan yet? how are you going to handle it.

    @Julie8468 ehwww see? people just don't understand and thats ok. they have chosen how they want to live and you have chosen how you want to live. they can have their opinions about it the same way you can have yours. i am glad you made the choice that fits your life. and i am glad someone besides you threw up! it will get easier. trust me you will get to the point that it won't matter. but today, just remember, it is your choice and they make their choice. good job on your time away.

    @GingerPwr yeah spring break! you made it!!

    @pacsnc6 ohhhh yes! size 10 and looking hot! take a picture of that feeling and commit it to memory. you are doing fantastic.

    @Shirin_K ooohhhh. don't let that derail you. this is not a downhill journey. there are peeks and valleys. learn to enjoy them all. we well get there. in our own time.

  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member

    4/17 Team weight no more

    @GingerPwr 7700 steps - single
    @Mrsbell8well 65 minutes and 7669 steps - triple and single
    @pacsnc6 rest day - bunt
    @carlsoda 12252 steps - double
    @Julie8468 60 minutes and 14784 steps - Triple and double
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member

    Easter Weight Loss Tips

    1. Bring healthy alternatives to holiday parties and events and challenge yourself to try new, healthier recipes.
    Remember that the holidays are not just about eating. Work on finding non-food related ways to celebrate the holidays.

    2. Send guests home with the leftovers and get rid of anything else that’s really tempting (or make a plan for exactly when and how much you’ll have).

    3. Write out plans for how you’ll handle holiday meals and events. If things don’t go according to plan, take time after to figure out why it happened and what you can do to stay on track the next time.

    4. Don’t skip meals during the holidays to “save” calories. Doing so means you’ll likely go into holiday meals very hungry and also with the thought, “It’s okay to eat extra because I skipped lunch.” When dieters have that thought, they often eat way more calories than they would have if they had a healthy lunch and a reasonable dinner.

    5. The holidays are a busy time for most people, but also a stressful time. When dieters get busy, they sometimes drop their stress-relieving activities (like exercise, meditation, talking to friends, etc.) and so they’re much more likely to turn to food to alleviate stress. This holiday season, make sure you have built-in stress relievers!

    6. Portion control, portion control, portion control. Put forth the time and effort to really savor everything you’re eating and you’ll get so much more enjoyment from less food.

    7. If you’re feeling deprived, remind yourself that it’s likely because you’re focusing on what you’re not getting – extra food, not on what you are getting – all the benefits of staying on track. If you feel deprived, change your focus.

    8. Don’t stop weighing yourself, even if you’re afraid you’ve gained weight. Avoiding the scale will allow you to continue to avoid doing what you know you should do. Taking accountability will make it easier and more likely that you’ll be able to get back and stay on track.

    Team Challenge:

    What are your tips? How will you handle the holiday? Make a plan and share it with us.

  • hkfleming
    hkfleming Posts: 146 Member
    Having a super busy month (it's garden season!) but that hasn't affected my lifting schedule or my meal planning - though it has affected my time on the MFP forums. The scale just dithered for most of the last month, but I did a full week at just-below-maintenance (last week) and the scale has started to move down again. Today's weigh in was the first of 3 mini-goals on my happy scale app!

    Hope everyone is doing well - lots of great stuff in April's posts!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    User ID: nstephenson01
    Week: 3
    Weigh in Day: Thursday
    Previous Weight: 173.6
    Current Weight: 173

    Not a big loss but considering the week I had and being over 175 at one point, I'll take it. I'm a girl that does better when I plan and stick to a routine. That will be my focus going forward.
    Since hubby left for Pennsylvania I just can't seem to get my *kitten* together. I have a flight booked to visit him in a month. I'm heavier than I started April at so I have a lot of work to do.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,421 Member
    Wednesday check in

    Food - Great
    Water - Great
    Exercise - Great - lots of steps and 20 minutes yoga

    Now the busy time starts tonight...we have church every evening (Thursday, Friday and Sunday) and our choice of 4 services on Sunday. Not sure about the Saturday service yet, but we'll definitely hit the others. It's also Lucy's 2nd birthday on Sunday. I need to go cat treat and toy shopping. Luckily there is a petsmart 1 mile from work! She won't have a very happy birthday but the "little people" will be at our house and she doesn't like them very much. She's actually scared of the "little people" aka grandkids!! :)

    Love reading everyone's posts - I am so proud of all of you. Even if you gain or lose weight, you're still here and still working it. That is an accomplishment in itself!

    Have a wonderful Thursday!!
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