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  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,730 Member
    Can you look at replacements sooner rather than later? So you don't lose more muscle than necessary????
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,981 Member
    Can you look at replacements sooner rather than later? So you don't lose more muscle than necessary????

    Nope - my muscles are fine. It’s the arthritic bones that are wearing out. Not much to be done for that outside of major invasive surgery which I hope to postpone. It’s a great incentive to finally move those last twenty pounds. Less weight on the old skeleton.
  • scoutmom1981
    scoutmom1981 Posts: 302 Member
    Preparing to go camping this weekend. We have had 4 days of cooler (80-90) weather but of course today starts the 100+ days. Sigh. I am quartermaster so hopefully this will make it easier to track what I am eating through the weekend. I have to do a 2 mile hike tomorrow for a challenge that I am a part of. Hopefully I can do it in a shaded area.
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,981 Member
    Goodness Scout! You are one brave woman. What we won’t do for our children!
    I hope all goes well and you have a successful weekend. And a nice rest and cool down afterward.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,927 Member
    Glad to hear the muscles are good! :wink:
  • scoutmom1981
    scoutmom1981 Posts: 302 Member
    Back from our weekend camping trip. The scouts had a great time. We took a 2 mile hike and played a lot games. It was a blast. It was a bit hot especially last night getting into bed. I was super sweaty but I had a rechargeable fan that I put in my tent and that really helped a lot. I stayed under my calories which was awesome.

    Now to wash the 300 loads of laundry a camping trip makes. All the blanket have to be washed due to the sweat. Overall it was a great weekend.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,730 Member
    Sounds amazing Scout Mom … I have very fond memories camping trips with my sons and their friends. I’m guessing you had more young people with you. Think I’m maxed out at about seven… and it was mind-boggling how much they could eat!
  • scoutmom1981
    scoutmom1981 Posts: 302 Member
    Sounds amazing Scout Mom … I have very fond memories camping trips with my sons and their friends. I’m guessing you had more young people with you. Think I’m maxed out at about seven… and it was mind-boggling how much they could eat!

    We had 9 boys and 6 girls so it was a lot. We try to do at least one camp out a month. What’s nice is that since they are scouts (and troops are kid led) they plan their own menus and then cook their own food. The adults are only responsible for ourselves. I choose to plan and cook so that I can manage my intake better!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,730 Member
    That sounds pretty exciting… do they handle the planning and cooking well?
  • scoutmom1981
    scoutmom1981 Posts: 302 Member
    edited August 2023
    That sounds pretty exciting… do they handle the planning and cooking well?

    They do it all. Each patrol does their own. They have a budget per scout and they meal plan. One of them shops. They have a grub master that cooks all the meals. The quartermaster makes sure all the needed gear is brought. Other chores are assigned out; dishes, fire, Chaplin ect.

    They also sometimes plan the activities if it isn’t a bigger event. September’s camp out is sponsored by the Dark Night organization. They are all getting their astronomy merit badge. The organization is bringing in speakers from NASA and giant telescopes. It’s going to be awesome.
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,981 Member
    edited August 2023
    Oooh Scout - I don’t know if I could handle 15 teens over a weekend. Brings back memories of the several years I taught middle school. I enjoyed it but don’t think I’m up for that anymore. Lots of energy trapped in those young bodies.
    I am happy there are parents like you willing to take on these challenges. Those kids need you.

    We had some excitement this afternoon. It RAINED. Okay, it only lasted about ten minutes but it’s been months! We got a stray band of rain from the tropical storm in the Gulf of Mexico.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,927 Member
    Wow to the both of you! Scott for the efficient and effective multi-puppy handling! :wink: And Yooly for enjoying the sprinkling!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,927 Member
    edited August 2023
    airtag or tile or ???

    -- for puppies?
    -- for luggage and valuables?
    -- for precariously independent entities who are OLDER and definitely NOT WISER than Yooly!!!!!! ?
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,981 Member
    Wouldn’t know. No air tags or tiles here. So far I’ve been good about not misplacing valuables. I don’t put valuables in my check in luggage. If it doesn’t fit in the carry on, it stays home.
    Now hubby is another story. Loses something important at least once a day. And then we have to go hunting and searching. Of course, he refuses to consider air tags.
    I may have to microchip him soon in case he misplaces himself.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,927 Member
    Any good microchip options (I think an airtag collar would work too!!!!!)🫣
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,927 Member
    Since Google's Grogu (airtag alternative) is not here yet, I guess we're going to go with pieces of paper in the wallet and in the phone case!!!! :wink:
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,730 Member
    Airtag? Is that like when you give some one a high five on the fly???? :)
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,730 Member
    A friend is moving into my "dirty mansion" for two months - the human that belongs to my God Dog, Reese. I have the official "Dirty Mansion" carving hanging here now - the name of a previous album that refers to the somewhat rundown older homes in Winnipeg that now house artists and musicians and writers. I'm feeling inspired.

    He is between his last place four blocks away from me and a year on the road - so spent his money on a nice new vehicle with lots of room rather than paying rent on a space he wouldn't be in.

    Should be lots of chaos and fun and I'm crossing my fingers that I will be active and moving well quickly. If that isn't my inclination - all the excitement in the house should serve to get me going.

    Laine will be tickled that her best friend will be staying with us full time for awhile :) But then he will be gone for many many months :(
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,981 Member
    edited August 2023
    PAV - perhaps a tattoo? Definitely ID papers on his person. When my mom traveled I got a sheet of those self stick labels. Printed her name, address and contact phone and slapped them all over her possessions. There’s iron-on labels for clothes too. Medical ID bracelet or pendant? Some are USB type sold at pharmacies/ Amazon. This one is $45 US and waterproof. xnhlr6piiot5.jpeg

    Low tech you can always print business-type cards to tuck into pockets with emergency contact info.

    It’s great you’ll have company as you recover Laurie. Some doggy and human distraction is always helpful. Enjoy Newfoundland. I’ll be jealous of the cool weather.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,927 Member
    All good ideas @Yoolypr
    I knew you would know!

    I like the Laine Companion Plan! Sounds like a GOOD one! :smile: